Typical Neo-Democrat Attacks 15 Year Old Trump Supporter Outside High School

It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.
Trump used words, Born in Kenya Barack SPIED ON REPORTERS

See the difference
The Left feels they are above ALL morality and thus above the law. The basis of our common law tradition is grounded in the Biblical scriptures and philosophy. But in the end...it's morality that carried the day for our Founders.
Look at this leftist loser.


He combs his hair with a balloon too, like Bernie

He does look like the type of mental patient that would be a Bernie supporter, the unwashed masses.

Also a parole violator.. But -- I guess it wasn't a felony because he can vote... OR it's legal in New Hampshire.

It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.

Sorry man.. Does not fly.. You're wrapping around the axle to excuse the inexcusable here.. FOR THAT TIME AND PLACE -- it was "not a school"... It was a public POLLING place where even felons and child molesters can vote....
He combs his hair with a balloon too, like Bernie

He does look like the type of mental patient that would be a Bernie supporter, the unwashed masses.

Also a parole violator.. But -- I guess it wasn't a felony because he can vote... OR it's legal in New Hampshire.

It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).

I'm sorry.. In this case they deserve it.. In fact, ridiculing and demeaning the jerk offs that passed off unverified, anonomously sourced SHIT for 3 years, is a proper 1st Amendment response to their abdication of principles and profession....

He's not "curtailing" ANY freedom when he points out what all of us KNOW....
He does look like the type of mental patient that would be a Bernie supporter, the unwashed masses.

Also a parole violator.. But -- I guess it wasn't a felony because he can vote... OR it's legal in New Hampshire.

It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).

I'm sorry.. In this case they deserve it.. In fact, ridiculing and demeaning the jerk offs that passed off unverified, anonomously sourced SHIT for 3 years, is a proper 1st Amendment response to their abdication of principles and profession....

He's not "curtailing" ANY freedom when he points out what all of us KNOW....
Take your meds. You just said child molesters should smack children in the face when they go to vote. Too much meth for you.
How did I know it would be a NAMBLA loving hobbit shitpile that could never even make eye contact with a full grown man.

Guess I'm a genius.
Also a parole violator.. But -- I guess it wasn't a felony because he can vote... OR it's legal in New Hampshire.

It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).

I'm sorry.. In this case they deserve it.. In fact, ridiculing and demeaning the jerk offs that passed off unverified, anonomously sourced SHIT for 3 years, is a proper 1st Amendment response to their abdication of principles and profession....

He's not "curtailing" ANY freedom when he points out what all of us KNOW....
Take your meds. You just said child molesters should smack children in the face when they go to vote. Too much meth for you.

Must be passed your bedtime.. I said no such thing.. You have a reading comp issue here... Sheez...
Look at this leftist loser.


He combs his hair with a balloon too, like Bernie

He does look like the type of mental patient that would be a Bernie supporter, the unwashed masses.

Also a parole violator.. But -- I guess it wasn't a felony because he can vote... OR it's legal in New Hampshire.

It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.

Sorry man.. Does not fly.. You're wrapping around the axle to excuse the inexcusable here.. FOR THAT TIME AND PLACE -- it was "not a school"... It was a public POLLING place where even felons and child molesters can vote....

I didn't excuse the attackers actions. By Law (you know that funny thing) he was wrong and has a price to pay. But Civil Disobedience has costs. In his mind he was doing Civil Disobedience. And the LAW says he has a price to pay. But it WAS on School Property and both students knew the rules. NO Political clothing shall be displayed, period. The Attacker took the law into his own hands and broke the law in the process. It ceased to be about some stupid red hat with four letters and became a criminal act. I am not condoning the Attackers actions but I can understand them. Let the law deal with it. That's what it's there for.
He does look like the type of mental patient that would be a Bernie supporter, the unwashed masses.

Also a parole violator.. But -- I guess it wasn't a felony because he can vote... OR it's legal in New Hampshire.

It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).

I'm sorry.. In this case they deserve it.. In fact, ridiculing and demeaning the jerk offs that passed off unverified, anonomously sourced SHIT for 3 years, is a proper 1st Amendment response to their abdication of principles and profession....

He's not "curtailing" ANY freedom when he points out what all of us KNOW....

Have you used the same yardstick that you use for MSNBC for FoxNews? If you look at the history of both, both were created for exactly the same reason except from opposite ends of the spectrum. More on that later if you want, News at 11.

But to condemn agencies like ABCnews and CBSnews that try very hard to background check every story before reporting as fake news shows that maybe, just maybe, that your Orange Deity is more than a little unhinged with those two report his real actions factually. Or how about the local news and local papers? We have a right wing leaning NP here but sometimes they report something the RTwingers don't like and it all becomes fake news. Our local Fox Station does not usually agree with FoxNews and doesn't repeat all that horsepucky unless they background check it first anymore than our local NBC news repeats the same trash that MSNbcnews does. It's not all false news. Only a few give out fake news.

But the cites used in here by the right. Danged. Most of them come right off the Conspiracy Sites. And if ONE makes it up, the others go off like it was true and it gets spread all over the Internet including in here. And in a few days, you may even hear is coming from Hannity's mouth and then the next day, Rump starts saying it. Some of it can go that route and even FoxNews won't touch it. I'll say it again, stick with your local news.
Also a parole violator.. But -- I guess it wasn't a felony because he can vote... OR it's legal in New Hampshire.

It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?
It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

Trump did not coin the phrase "fake news", this is something that had been in the national consciousness for some time before he came along. And calling something "fake news" is expressing an opinion, nothing more. Get back to me when and if Trump actually infringes on 1st Amendment rights.
There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

Trump did not coin the phrase "fake news", this is something that had been in the national consciousness for some time before he came along. And calling something "fake news" is expressing an opinion, nothing more. Get back to me when and if Trump actually infringes on 1st Amendment rights.

He does almost every time he misuses the Bully Pulpit.
How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.
What a needlessly long winded, turgid and rambling way to say you don't like it when a light is put on the anti free speech left and their bullying is there for all to see.
How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.
What a needlessly long winded, turgid and rambling way to say you don't like it when a light is put on the anti free speech left and their bullying is there for all to see.

Your lack of intelligence is showing. You still don't understand how the Bully Pulpit is used. I thought that FDR was the best there was at using it until Rump came along and he didn't just raise the bar, he broke the system. And it's working. Do you know how I can tell? You.
Your lack of intelligence is showing. You still don't understand how the Bully Pulpit is used. I thought that FDR was the best there was at using it until Rump came along and he didn't just raise the bar, he broke the system. And it's working. Do you know how I can tell? You.
Ah, the deflection skills are high in this one. Only someone as talented as you could turn a story about a fifteen year old
being assaulted by leftist punks into an anti Trump screed.

And then you double down when I point this out for more of the same. Brilliant! Brilliantly gutless, I mean.
He should've slapped Trump Jr.
Typical closed minded, violent, Trump deranged syndrome voter. Anti-American nuts attack me...I will counterattack with a vulgar display of power.

Highly unlikely, tough guy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"Billyantifaboom." Leftist nut jobber.

You felt like you had to respond twice?
Well, it didn’t intimidate me either time.
You’re a punk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

Trump did not coin the phrase "fake news", this is something that had been in the national consciousness for some time before he came along. And calling something "fake news" is expressing an opinion, nothing more. Get back to me when and if Trump actually infringes on 1st Amendment rights.

He does almost every time he misuses the Bully Pulpit.

You're going to have to do better than that. Give me an actual example of Trump infringing on someone's 1st Amendment rights to the point where they were not allowed to say or publish a story or opinion.
There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).
Calling it Fake News is pro First Amendment, taking away someone's ability to express themselves is pure Fascism

When it's done by the President of the United States using all his power of his office to do it then it's censorship which is against the 1st Amendment.

If I, an average middle class citizen, can opine that a particular article, story or news outlet is fake news, how does Trump's being president an enabling factor when he opines the same thing?

How to I gently put this. Okay, it can't be gently put.

The Power of the Presidents Podium is priceless. Using it, he can make many others follow his lead. It's been that way from the first time FDR started his Fireside Chats, Kennedy used the TV and now Rump uses Foxnews and Tweets. This is an avenue that the Congress nor the US Federal Courts don't have.

When you are talking abut the "Average" Citizen. The Average Citizen is actually very ill informed to begin with. Rump knows this and uses it to his best advantage just like every other President has before him. Except, Rump isn't like every other President before him. He's a Carnie Huckster making you want to go into a certain big tent with the Fat Lady, Jackass and the Disappearing Midget married to the Fat Lady (use your own imagination on that act). Rump is using the Bully Pulpit like no other President before him has. And I hope no other does again. The particular story, or article has already been programmed in to the average citizen to come up with a predicted reaction using this method. And it's not your opinion first and then Trump agrees with you, it's the other way around. You honestly believe that the Fat Lady can make the Midget disappear like that without some form of trickery? If she can, please don't tell me how, I am headed for Breakfast after this.

Trump did not coin the phrase "fake news", this is something that had been in the national consciousness for some time before he came along. And calling something "fake news" is expressing an opinion, nothing more. Get back to me when and if Trump actually infringes on 1st Amendment rights.
Hillary Clinton said it first, as i recall.
It was at a public school. I don't condone the attack but there should have been ZERO Political clothing on school grounds. The kid that attacked because the other kid was wearing that hat is guilty of Assault and Battery while the kid wearing the hat is guilty of being extremely stupid. There is a reason why political clothing has been banned from almost all schools.
No First Amendment in Bernie's Amerikkka

There a lot of ways to curtail the first amendment. But one of the most effective ways is for a President to call it all "Fake News" and his "Black Shirts" (meaning you) to repeat it over and over. In case you aren't aware, Fascist Enforcers wore Black Uniforms and were called Black Shirts (Mussolini).

I'm sorry.. In this case they deserve it.. In fact, ridiculing and demeaning the jerk offs that passed off unverified, anonomously sourced SHIT for 3 years, is a proper 1st Amendment response to their abdication of principles and profession....

He's not "curtailing" ANY freedom when he points out what all of us KNOW....
Take your meds. You just said child molesters should smack children in the face when they go to vote. Too much meth for you.

Must be passed your bedtime.. I said no such thing.. You have a reading comp issue here... Sheez...

I'm thinking that was actually meant for Daryl...

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