Tyrannical Democrats continue to build Alliances with Draconian Islam

Trump just agreed to a prisoner swap with Iran. He noted that perhaps it was a first step to the two countries getting along.

I suppose some of you would have preferred to see him dropping bombs.
We don't have to drop bombs on Iran. In the book of Ezekial, Chapter 38 there is a prophecy about a coalition of Islamic Nations and Russia along with Turkey and Iran who attacks Israel with a massive army, and God destroys them with hell fire and brimstone, and their tongues and eyes melt out of their skulls.

Their bodies are so contaminated that there has to be teams of people searching the deserts and plains for them, placing markers next to the bodies, so they can be removed and buried in a valley that will be named The Valley of Harmon Gog. There are so many dead that it takes 7 months to bury them all. They lose 90% of their entire military force crippling those nations and making them irrelevant between then and judgment day.

So imagine if you had a 2 million man army.... 1.8 Million would be wiped out in a single day. There would be nothing left. The survivors would probably die just trying to make it back home, or be killed by Israel in mop up work. And then there is also the prophecy against Damascus which The Bible says will be utterly destroyed and that no person will ever live there again, and it will be turned to smoking rubble. So Islam, and Russia are Kaput in The End Times. God unleashes his wrath on both of them simultaneously.

But back to the topic, We should have a 100% ban on refugees from Islamic Nations given what is going on in The ME. But this is a step in the right direction.

North Dakota county to vote on whether to stop accepting refugees
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BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!

Hate to tell you this, but hating a Political Party that is primarily Christian and Pro-Israel is going to make you an ENEMY OF GOD.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!

Hate to tell you this, but hating a Political Party that is primarily Christian and Pro-Israel is going to make you an ENEMY OF GOD.

Muslims actually believe Jesus is a prophet, the same can't be said about Israel.
Trump just agreed to a prisoner swap with Iran. He noted that perhaps it was a first step to the two countries getting along.

I suppose some of you would have preferred to see him dropping bombs.
We don't have to drop bombs on Iran. In the book of Ezekial, Chapter 38 there is a prophecy about a coalition of Islamic Nations and Russia along with Turkey and Iran who attacks Israel with a massive army, and God destroys them with hell fire and brimstone, and their tongues and eyes melt out of their skulls.

Their bodies are so contaminated that there has to be teams of people searching the deserts and plains for them, placing markers next to the bodies, so they can be removed and buried in a valley that will be named The Valley of Harmon Gog. There are so many dead that it takes 7 months to bury them all. They lose 90% of their entire military force crippling those nations and making them irrelevant between then and judgment day.

So imagine if you had a 2 million man army.... 1.8 Million would be wiped out in a single day. There would be nothing left. The survivors would probably die just trying to make it back home, or be killed by Israel in mop up work. And then there is also the prophecy against Damascus which The Bible says will be utterly destroyed and that no person will ever live there again, and it will be turned to smoking rubble. So Islam, and Russia are Kaput in The End Times. God unleashes his wrath on both of them simultaneously.

But back to the topic, We should have a 100% ban on refugees from Islamic Nations given what is going on in The ME. But this is a step in the right direction.

North Dakota county to vote on whether to stop accepting refugees

Lol, prophecy possibility, sure.
Reality doesn't dictate it.
Trump just agreed to a prisoner swap with Iran. He noted that perhaps it was a first step to the two countries getting along.

I suppose some of you would have preferred to see him dropping bombs.
We don't have to drop bombs on Iran. In the book of Ezekial, Chapter 38 there is a prophecy about a coalition of Islamic Nations and Russia along with Turkey and Iran who attacks Israel with a massive army, and God destroys them with hell fire and brimstone, and their tongues and eyes melt out of their skulls.

Their bodies are so contaminated that there has to be teams of people searching the deserts and plains for them, placing markers next to the bodies, so they can be removed and buried in a valley that will be named The Valley of Harmon Gog. There are so many dead that it takes 7 months to bury them all. They lose 90% of their entire military force crippling those nations and making them irrelevant between then and judgment day.

So imagine if you had a 2 million man army.... 1.8 Million would be wiped out in a single day. There would be nothing left. The survivors would probably die just trying to make it back home, or be killed by Israel in mop up work. And then there is also the prophecy against Damascus which The Bible says will be utterly destroyed and that no person will ever live there again, and it will be turned to smoking rubble. So Islam, and Russia are Kaput in The End Times. God unleashes his wrath on both of them simultaneously.

But back to the topic, We should have a 100% ban on refugees from Islamic Nations given what is going on in The ME. But this is a step in the right direction.

North Dakota county to vote on whether to stop accepting refugees

As long as we are a major reason for the displacement of people around the globe, I am going to support them coming here. I will support a ban as soon as we stop our bombing of their lands.
Islamic Law states that Refugees should seek Asylum only in Islamic Nations.

So why are they invading Europe and America?

Trump just agreed to a prisoner swap with Iran. He noted that perhaps it was a first step to the two countries getting along.

I suppose some of you would have preferred to see him dropping bombs.
We don't have to drop bombs on Iran. In the book of Ezekial, Chapter 38 there is a prophecy about a coalition of Islamic Nations and Russia along with Turkey and Iran who attacks Israel with a massive army, and God destroys them with hell fire and brimstone, and their tongues and eyes melt out of their skulls.

Their bodies are so contaminated that there has to be teams of people searching the deserts and plains for them, placing markers next to the bodies, so they can be removed and buried in a valley that will be named The Valley of Harmon Gog. There are so many dead that it takes 7 months to bury them all. They lose 90% of their entire military force crippling those nations and making them irrelevant between then and judgment day.

So imagine if you had a 2 million man army.... 1.8 Million would be wiped out in a single day. There would be nothing left. The survivors would probably die just trying to make it back home, or be killed by Israel in mop up work. And then there is also the prophecy against Damascus which The Bible says will be utterly destroyed and that no person will ever live there again, and it will be turned to smoking rubble. So Islam, and Russia are Kaput in The End Times. God unleashes his wrath on both of them simultaneously.

But back to the topic, We should have a 100% ban on refugees from Islamic Nations given what is going on in The ME. But this is a step in the right direction.

North Dakota county to vote on whether to stop accepting refugees

As long as we are a major reason for the displacement of people around the globe, I am going to support them coming here. I will support a ban as soon as we stop our bombing of their lands.
Islamic Law states that Refugees should seek Asylum only in Islamic Nations.

So why are they invading Europe and America?

Trump just agreed to a prisoner swap with Iran. He noted that perhaps it was a first step to the two countries getting along.

I suppose some of you would have preferred to see him dropping bombs.
We don't have to drop bombs on Iran. In the book of Ezekial, Chapter 38 there is a prophecy about a coalition of Islamic Nations and Russia along with Turkey and Iran who attacks Israel with a massive army, and God destroys them with hell fire and brimstone, and their tongues and eyes melt out of their skulls.

Their bodies are so contaminated that there has to be teams of people searching the deserts and plains for them, placing markers next to the bodies, so they can be removed and buried in a valley that will be named The Valley of Harmon Gog. There are so many dead that it takes 7 months to bury them all. They lose 90% of their entire military force crippling those nations and making them irrelevant between then and judgment day.

So imagine if you had a 2 million man army.... 1.8 Million would be wiped out in a single day. There would be nothing left. The survivors would probably die just trying to make it back home, or be killed by Israel in mop up work. And then there is also the prophecy against Damascus which The Bible says will be utterly destroyed and that no person will ever live there again, and it will be turned to smoking rubble. So Islam, and Russia are Kaput in The End Times. God unleashes his wrath on both of them simultaneously.

But back to the topic, We should have a 100% ban on refugees from Islamic Nations given what is going on in The ME. But this is a step in the right direction.

North Dakota county to vote on whether to stop accepting refugees

As long as we are a major reason for the displacement of people around the globe, I am going to support them coming here. I will support a ban as soon as we stop our bombing of their lands.

I guess like us, they don't pay much attention to laws that are not enforced.
How's fat donnie's BFF relationship with Saudi Arabia working out? Asking for NAS Pensacola.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |

Throw in Corbin and company in the UK.

I would venture to say, all Left wingers are anti-Semitic

Yep, go home Jewish bankers!

Sounds about right from the National Socialists.
How's fat donnie's BFF relationship with Saudi Arabia working out? Asking for NAS Pensacola.
Since you dim tards won’t let us profile certain groups of people I guess that is actually on you!

Hell, you completely opposed Travel Restrictions on several dangerous countries in The ME, so it shows your complicity in undermining our security.

Now go lick some more Ayatollah Assahola!

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