Tyrant Obama Admin: Files lawsuit to force Boeing to use union labor!!! WOW!!

united we bargain divided we beg .

the repigs want two class here the rich and the working poor .
if unions wont wake up then workers better

The idea that unions help the poor is too absurd for words. Unions keep the poor from getting good paying jobs. They even boast about it.
The suit is utter horseshit. Building a plant in another location has never been considered "retaliation." If it is, then government will be in the business of deciding where corporations build their plants. We're only a couple steps removed from the kind of fascism practiced in Nazi Germany as it is. This is one more step in that direction.

Have you read the National Labor Relations Act?

Please quote the text where it says the government can tell a corporation where to build a new plant.

"The government" doesn't get involved at all.

National Labor Relations Board - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with conducting elections for labor union representation and with investigating and remedying unfair labor practices. Unfair labor practices may involve union-related situations or instances of protected concerted activity. The NLRB is governed by a five-person board and a General Counsel, all of whom are appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate. Board members are appointed to five-year terms and the General Counsel is appointed to a four-year term. The General Counsel acts as a prosecutor and the Board acts as an appellate judicial body from decisions of administrative law judges.
The Taft–Hartley Act also created a formal administrative distinction between the Board and the General Counsel of the NLRB. In broad terms, the General Counsel is responsible for investigating and prosecuting unfair labor practice claims; the Board, on the other hand, is the adjudicative body that decides the unfair labor practice cases brought to it. While the General Counsel has limited independence to argue for a change in the law in presenting cases to the Board, once the Board has decided the issue it is the General Counsel's responsibility to uphold the Board's decision, even if it is contrary to the position he advocated when presenting the case to the Board. The Board is also responsible for the administration of the Act's provisions governing the holding of elections and resolution of jurisdictional disputes.
It's not going to delay production, and the union doesn't want to shut down the NC plant. It wants a second plant in Washington to do other parts of production. Read some facts, would ya?

Who cares what the union wants? They were given an offer, and they turned it down.

Tough shit for them.

That's what happens to thugs who grasp for things they can't reach.
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No, the jobs won't be "gone". They'll just be in Seattle. The suit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that plant to Seattle. The massive factory that was just built in North Charleston would just be a big ass vacant building. Read me upcoming thread regarding Boeing, SC, and green energy. It's gonna be epic.

The factory in SC is already built. Boeing spent $2 billion on it. Forcing them to move it back to Seattle would mean $2 billion flushed down the toilet. Plus it would mean delaying production of the 787 Dreamliner. I can't imagine a better way to destroy a great company. That's how Democrats create jobs.

It's not going to delay production, and the union doesn't want to shut down the NC plant. It wants a second plant in Washington to do other parts of production. Read some facts, would ya?

the union cannot shut them down, they don't have a footprint in the SC plant, as they were de-certified by a 199-68 vote.

They also wanted a seat on the Boeing Board and a contract commitment NOT to build plants anywhere else.......so? They can ask for a plant and Boeing can say no. That's life.
"The government" doesn't get involved at all.

National Labor Relations Board - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with conducting elections for labor union representation and with investigating and remedying unfair labor practices.

It takes a special kind of stupid to claim that the NLRB is not part of the government, especially when it says so in the cite being used to support that very claim.
Maybe it just goes to that conservative nonsense about how the government can't create jobs.

You think this is an example of the government creating jobs?

Every time the Pentagon awards a contract to Boeing, it creates jobs. In fact, more recently, Arizona will undertake the jet refueling contract that might have gone across the pond. That project will CREATE over 600 jobs immediately in Arizona alone.
Every time the Pentagon awards a contract to Boeing, it creates jobs. In fact, more recently, Arizona will undertake the jet refueling contract that might have gone across the pond. That project will CREATE over 600 jobs immediately in Arizona alone.

Actually, it doesn't create any net jobs. Any tally of the jobs "created" doesn't take into account all the job destroyed when the money used is siphoned away from the private sector.

Even if government contracts did create jobs, what does that have to do with this situation? No government contracts are involved. This is about union extortion, not government contracts.
Maybe the contract should just be awarded back to the Airbus consortium, who won the bidding process in the first place.

Yup, screw the economy HERE; let's prop up the economy in Europe instead if it means keeping American union workers at arms length.
Anybody want to argue the merits of this case? I'd really like to know what they are.

So far all I've seen is variations of 'corporations are evil' yadda yadda yadda.
I linked the entire quote you moron.

Now, though, why are you not posting what Fitz said about PUBLIC SECTOR unions???

Why are you mangling the quote??

I see you cannot help yourself, and this is a well worn tactic you use, moron? tsk tsk. I will not respond in kind. Words and comprehension of such speaks for itself.

you claimed 2 things and have been proven false. I never said what you said and I said and showed you mangled any context as you lopped off fitzs quote to make it fit your your claim, which is kind of ridiculous since anyone can read the entire quote of they go back to his original post which you did NOT quote, but stole the first several words from.

and public sector unions are not the topic, you made this an issue and it has nothing to do with this, as I said, its just another strawman.

I linked to the entire quote you moron.

Stop lying.

You claimed you didn't remember ever seeing anyone say that private unions were ok but public unions weren't,

and yet you were carrying on a conversation with someone who said just that a couple months ago.

Not to mention the fact that MANY were saying that, trying to pretend they weren't simply anti-union, period.
Maybe the contract should just be awarded back to the Airbus consortium, who won the bidding process in the first place.

hey but dems jobs be here broz! and dey gots to B hear in den union hallz...

its a sick joke. Boeing expanded union jobs by 2000 in wash. st. over the last 3-4 years in any event, this is just another example of the adversarial relationship and scorched earth which will, mark my words drive Boeing to Mexico et al......then what?

Well I guess I finally know where your head is at. Thanks for confirming my suspicions. No reply necessary to you from here on.
Anybody want to argue the merits of this case? I'd really like to know what they are.

So far all I've seen is variations of 'corporations are evil' yadda yadda yadda.

The rightwingers here refuse to look at the case. It's an easy lookup, they refuse to. Why?

Because they aren't interested in the case. They are interested in anti-union trolling.
The NLRB is an independent agency.

Yeah, it's so independent that the president chooses the people who run it. How stupid do you have to be to believe that the NLRB is not an arm of the federal government?

Do liberals actually believe the manure they spew?
can you link to the applicable restrictions please?

Why has Walmart been kept out of New York City for decades, if they have the right to locate ANYWHERE THEY WANT??

Some critical thinking is called for here; the city denial to allow Wal-mart to open stores there has nothing to do with the situation we are discussing here.

You are claiming that NYC keeping Walmart out has nothing to do with the claim that was made here, that:


Which of those words don't you understand?

Anywhere? Are you under the impression that the word 'anywhere' excludes New York City??

I know it boggles the mind doesn't it. The more efficient way would be to do like Reagan did with the air traffic controlers.

Your rotted liberal brain missed a few key differences:

1- The air traffic employees are GOVERNMENT employees, thus, under Reagan's charge. And those employees refused to come to work. So he fired them.

2- Boeing is a PRIVATE company. So long they follow laws, they can operate their business anywhere they please, and hire anyone they want. They chose South Carolina over Seattle. Now, Tyrant Obama is punishing them for that move.

Is that more clear now?

Thank you. You saved saved me from having to take the time to educate young Spectrum.

And did I actually read on the first page of this thread that Reagan firing the air traffic controllers led to 9/11?!?!?!?!?! Really?


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