Tyrant Obama Admin: Files lawsuit to force Boeing to use union labor!!! WOW!!

Tyrant ? what are you 15 ?
what freedoms have been taken away from you ? not speech that you throw around words like a pissed off woman .

Here's one: the freedom not to buy health insurance I don't want.

Here's another: the freedom to locate my business where I want.

The list is virtually endless.

There is no right to locate a business anywhere you want. That's preposterous.

can you link to the applicable restrictions please?
Fascism is where government makes all the business decisions for supposed "private" corporations. Explain how this affair doesn't qualify.

It's definitely making a decision for them. Under Democrat rule, the government makes more and more business decisions. It determines how much they can pay their employees. What days they can take off. What benefits they must provide. It determines what products business can produce. What materials can be used. Yada, yada, yada. There are 165,000 pages of regulations that make decisions for business. Anyone who claims government doesn't make business decisions is either a liar or an ignoramus. The question isn't whether our government is fascist. The only question is how fascist is our government. and the answer is that it's a lot closer to Nazi Germany than 19th century laizzes faire capitalism.

After you've said

We're only a couple steps removed from the kind of fascism practiced in Nazi Germany as it is. This is one more step in that direction.



Yes, it's a totally accurate statement.


fascist communist US government, just steps away from Nazi Germany


Yeah, totally accurate dude!
Tyrant ? what are you 15 ?
what freedoms have been taken away from you ? not speech that you throw around words like a pissed off woman .

Here's one: the freedom not to buy health insurance I don't want.

Here's another: the freedom to locate my business where I want.

The list is virtually endless.

There is no right to locate a business anywhere you want. That's preposterous.

So do you look good in that funny ball cap?

Do you wear it with a red star, or a red, white and blue one?
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fascist communist US government, just steps away from Nazi Germany


Yeah, totally accurate dude!

It is accurate. Our economy is fascist to the bone. All you're proving is that you don't know what fascism is.

BTW, you haven't even bothered to try proving me wrong.

Don't think no one noticed.
Here's one: the freedom not to buy health insurance I don't want.

Here's another: the freedom to locate my business where I want.

The list is virtually endless.

There is no right to locate a business anywhere you want. That's preposterous.

So do you look good in that funny ball cap?

Do you wear it with a red star, or a red, white and blue one?

Do you see businesses in areas that are zoned residential?
Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

My God, are we now the USSA?? (For stupid libs, thats akin to USSR, which to also add, is bad).

The Obama Admin has now filed a lawsuit against Boeing. Why? Boeing was tired of dealing with unions in Seattle. So, they took their new Dreamliner production planet, and built it in non-union North Charleston, South Caroline, bringing 5,000-8,000 good paying jobs to the area. The planet in SC is almost finished, with work about to start.

Now Tyrant Obama has filed a federal lawsuit claiming, get this, DISCRIMINATION!!!! They say Boeing is discriminating against union workers.....by daring build a plant in non-union South Carolina. Our federal government is trying to force a private company to use their preferred labor pool. The lawsuit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that new plant in SC back to Seattle.

Never in my wildest imagination could I have thought the United States government would begin filing lawsuits to force a private company to locate it's operations in the politicially preferred choice of the US government. It's basically a political assault on right wing South Carolina. Tyrant tactics, no doubt about it. Chicago thuggery in plain sight.

So now, even if Boeing wins that lawsuit, which they will, Boeing is gonna have to shell out millions of dollars to defend this suit.

Is this how Obama's Admin is gonna do business? SUE companies that provide jobs....for daring not use union labor? Punish states that voted against him with lawsuits against any non-union company within it's borders?

How anyone can continue to support Tyrant Obama baffles me.

This lawsuit is simply fed showboating for the base prior to the 2012 elections. It will never go anywhere serious.

That said from a pure $$$$$$$ viewpoint when the bottomline is calculated say 5 - 7 years from now it will be obvious that the SC plant is sooooo very much less productive than the WA facility in producing the 787 that those union wages will be seen as a bargain. If the company execs were not taking the union boss vs ceo headbutting so personal & just looked at business they would already recognise that the current non-union parts plant they have near the new site is a huge white-elephant and a major drain on profits. The assemby plant will fare no better.
Here's one: the freedom not to buy health insurance I don't want.

Here's another: the freedom to locate my business where I want.

The list is virtually endless.

There is no right to locate a business anywhere you want. That's preposterous.

can you link to the applicable restrictions please?

Why has Walmart been kept out of New York City for decades, if they have the right to locate ANYWHERE THEY WANT??
There is no right to locate a business anywhere you want. That's preposterous.

can you link to the applicable restrictions please?

Why has Walmart been kept out of New York City for decades, if they have the right to locate ANYWHERE THEY WANT??

Some critical thinking is called for here; the city denial to allow Wal-mart to open stores there has nothing to do with the situation we are discussing here.
Lets analyze:

Me: "Free people and companies should be able to hire who they want, and locate where they want."

You: "The government should and can force companies to locate where the gov't deems fit, and hire who the gov't deems worthy."

And you say I look stupid? You woulda made one helluva slave. Who knows. At Obama's pace, you might get your chance.

It is against the law in the U.S. for companies to move jobs or otherwise penalize workers as retaliation for the workers having struck.

That is a fact simple enough for even you to grasp. You might not like the law, but that is the law.

they are not penalizing them, they are not moving any jobs, the jobs don't exist yet and they, Boeing has expanded its operations in Wash. st. in the preceding few years by the way..

Boeing tried negotiating with the union ( they didn't have to either, proving no good deed goes unpunished) , the unions wanted a seat on the Boeing broad and a promise to never build aircraft anywhere else but Washington state factories.Boeing refused.

You might want to acquaint yourself with the facts before rendering judgments.

What type of logical thinking do you expect from people who buy into the Jobs Saved or Created spin?
can you link to the applicable restrictions please?

Why has Walmart been kept out of New York City for decades, if they have the right to locate ANYWHERE THEY WANT??

Some critical thinking is called for here; the city denial to allow Wal-mart to open stores there has nothing to do with the situation we are discussing here.

Indeed. South Carolina is wants Boeing to build a plant - that isn't even a remotely similar situation to local zoning laws denying permits to Boeing.

But if you wish to use that scenario: why should DC interfere with the local decision of South Carolina to allow business development?
And what about the other side of the coin?

Is Governor Nikki Haley a Fascist??

COLUMBIA (WACH, AP) -- South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is facing her first big lawsuit after saying the state would try to keep unions out of Boeing Inc. plant in North Charleston.

Union files lawsuit against Haley for Boeing remarks : News : MidlandsConnect.com

Watch out for flying flip flops and yeah buts!!!!!


so? of course theres a suit? And?

and no where in that article did I see the fact that the shop had a legal and binding membership vote- the shop voted to de-certify any International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) membership 199-68.

Oh and thats a FOX 'news' vehicle by the way...:lol:
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he never said what you said he did, you cut off his post, purposefully removing what he said after that;

I've no real problem with private sector unions

and the rest of his words you left out-

except when they kill their own industry (see the steel industry for a damn fine example). I can always choose to not support a business. I can't choose to not support my government.

So, either you have reading comprehension skills commensurate with an elementary school student, or you are so desperate to make yourself right you've back tracked and in effect putting your hands over your ears yelling loudly so you don’t have to hear the truth.

in addition, you accused me of saying it- right here;

I never said it, Fitz did, and you lifted it from the quote you willfully mangled.

I linked the entire quote you moron.

Now, though, why are you not posting what Fitz said about PUBLIC SECTOR unions???

Why are you mangling the quote??

I see you cannot help yourself, and this is a well worn tactic you use, moron? tsk tsk. I will not respond in kind. Words and comprehension of such speaks for itself.

you claimed 2 things and have been proven false. I never said what you said and I said and showed you mangled any context as you lopped off fitzs quote to make it fit your your claim, which is kind of ridiculous since anyone can read the entire quote of they go back to his original post which you did NOT quote, but stole the first several words from.

and public sector unions are not the topic, you made this an issue and it has nothing to do with this, as I said, its just another strawman.
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This lawsuit is simply fed showboating for the base prior to the 2012 elections. It will never go anywhere serious.

That said from a pure $$$$$$$ viewpoint when the bottomline is calculated say 5 - 7 years from now it will be obvious that the SC plant is sooooo very much less productive than the WA facility in producing the 787 that those union wages will be seen as a bargain. If the company execs were not taking the union boss vs ceo headbutting so personal & just looked at business they would already recognise that the current non-union parts plant they have near the new site is a huge white-elephant and a major drain on profits. The assemby plant will fare no better.

Says who?
Why has Walmart been kept out of New York City for decades, if they have the right to locate ANYWHERE THEY WANT??

Frankly, that's blatantly unconstitutional. However, that's the action of the city or state government, not the federal government.
Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

My God, are we now the USSA?? (For stupid libs, thats akin to USSR, which to also add, is bad).

The Obama Admin has now filed a lawsuit against Boeing. Why? Boeing was tired of dealing with unions in Seattle. So, they took their new Dreamliner production planet, and built it in non-union North Charleston, South Caroline, bringing 5,000-8,000 good paying jobs to the area. The planet in SC is almost finished, with work about to start.

Now Tyrant Obama has filed a federal lawsuit claiming, get this, DISCRIMINATION!!!! They say Boeing is discriminating against union workers.....by daring build a plant in non-union South Carolina. Our federal government is trying to force a private company to use their preferred labor pool. The lawsuit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that new plant in SC back to Seattle.

Never in my wildest imagination could I have thought the United States government would begin filing lawsuits to force a private company to locate it's operations in the politicially preferred choice of the US government. It's basically a political assault on right wing South Carolina. Tyrant tactics, no doubt about it. Chicago thuggery in plain sight.

So now, even if Boeing wins that lawsuit, which they will, Boeing is gonna have to shell out millions of dollars to defend this suit.

Is this how Obama's Admin is gonna do business? SUE companies that provide jobs....for daring not use union labor? Punish states that voted against him with lawsuits against any non-union company within it's borders?

How anyone can continue to support Tyrant Obama baffles me.

This lawsuit is simply fed showboating for the base prior to the 2012 elections. It will never go anywhere serious.

That said from a pure $$$$$$$ viewpoint when the bottomline is calculated say 5 - 7 years from now it will be obvious that the SC plant is sooooo very much less productive than the WA facility in producing the 787 that those union wages will be seen as a bargain. If the company execs were not taking the union boss vs ceo headbutting so personal & just looked at business they would already recognise that the current non-union parts plant they have near the new site is a huge white-elephant and a major drain on profits. The assemby plant will fare no better.

You'll probably see the opposite of what you suggest. Unions take away the incentive from the workers, no matter how hard you work, your going to get paid the same as the lazy ass who is protected under the union. Probably will end up with a better product and less rework for the same reason as mentioned before.
Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

My God, are we now the USSA?? (For stupid libs, thats akin to USSR, which to also add, is bad).

The Obama Admin has now filed a lawsuit against Boeing. Why? Boeing was tired of dealing with unions in Seattle. So, they took their new Dreamliner production planet, and built it in non-union North Charleston, South Caroline, bringing 5,000-8,000 good paying jobs to the area. The planet in SC is almost finished, with work about to start.

Now Tyrant Obama has filed a federal lawsuit claiming, get this, DISCRIMINATION!!!! They say Boeing is discriminating against union workers.....by daring build a plant in non-union South Carolina. Our federal government is trying to force a private company to use their preferred labor pool. The lawsuit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that new plant in SC back to Seattle.

Never in my wildest imagination could I have thought the United States government would begin filing lawsuits to force a private company to locate it's operations in the politicially preferred choice of the US government. It's basically a political assault on right wing South Carolina. Tyrant tactics, no doubt about it. Chicago thuggery in plain sight.

So now, even if Boeing wins that lawsuit, which they will, Boeing is gonna have to shell out millions of dollars to defend this suit.

Is this how Obama's Admin is gonna do business? SUE companies that provide jobs....for daring not use union labor? Punish states that voted against him with lawsuits against any non-union company within it's borders?

How anyone can continue to support Tyrant Obama baffles me.

I wish I could say I'm surprised.
The beginning of the end of union labor was also the beginning of the end of the middle class.

Why is it ok for the capitalists to keep a such a disproportionate amount of the profits? Why is it ok for the wealthy to possess such a disproportionate amount or our nations wealth? What did they do to earn it?

Unions are just one way to help ensure the working class is not reduced into serfdom.

Oh brother. :rolleyes:

Labor unions in the past have kept management from offering poor wages by forcing them to level the playing field. But since union membership has been in decline over the past ten years, ironically, that's also the period we've seen wages either stagnate or get reduced and jobs shipped overseas due to cheap labor. So which is the better alternative? Keep the jobs here and pay more money? Or pay cheap labor and expect cheap products in return?

And before people start yelling, I'm fully aware that there are exceptions as well as other factors that enter into the job security area.

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