Tyrant Obama Admin: Files lawsuit to force Boeing to use union labor!!! WOW!!

a race to the bottom !and you blame Obama ? really ?

our kids are the 8th dumbest kids on earth , our gifted kids are 4th , {I know with my grammar I make it just as bad }

we vote in jack ass's that damn near sink the entire global history , we pay business to move out of country ,

get into a war that should not have happened .

we let industry wipe-out an entire cost industry [fishing industry ] and demand they drill more .

funniest thing to me is your worried about a deficit you'll leave your kids {who probably don't know what that is ] but say screw them the climates fine .

teabaggers attacked teachers , cut education , and don't give a damn about if the planet will still be habitable .

hay tho your kids will die out but not owe anything . cool
Fascism is where government makes all the business decisions for supposed "private" corporations. Explain how this affair doesn't qualify.

Are you joking? First, let's take your statement at face value. The government is not making "all the business decisions" for Boeing. Suing them in court for allegedly violating a NLRB ruling is not "making all the business decisions."

And without a trace of irony you say

It's definitely making a decision for them. Under Democrat rule, the government makes more and more business decisions. It determines how much they can pay their employees. What days they can take off. What benefits they must provide. It determines what products business can produce. What materials can be used. Yada, yada, yada. There are 165,000 pages of regulations that make decisions for business. Anyone who claims government doesn't make business decisions is either a liar or an ignoramus. The question isn't whether our government is fascist. The only question is how fascist is our government. and the answer is that it's a lot closer to Nazi Germany than 19th century laizzes faire capitalism.

Everything liberals "know" about our economy, government and history is wrong.

After you've said

We're only a couple steps removed from the kind of fascism practiced in Nazi Germany as it is. This is one more step in that direction.



Yes, it's a totally accurate statement.

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You have to watch those goobers.

Last time they got their panties in a wad about their rights to cheap labor they seceded from the union and started a fucking war over it.

So the desire to run a business without unions interfering is the equivalent of endorsing slavery?

Libtards are such a hoot!
You have to watch those goobers.

Last time they got their panties in a wad about their rights to cheap labor they seceded from the union and started a fucking war over it.

So the desire to run a business without unions interfering is the equivalent of endorsing slavery?

Libtards are such a hoot!

And CHOSEN slavery at that! :lol:
This thread is just more evidence of the Conservative obsession with making the gap between rich and poor as big as possible.

You mean it's evidence of the libtard obsession with giving unions charte blanche to rape and pillage to their hearts content.

Unions don't improve the welfare of the poor. In fact, they keep poor people from getting better paying jobs. Restricting the supply of labor is what unions are all about. Their brand of extortion wouldn't work if an employer could hire any poor person who walked in off the street.
Tyrant ? what are you 15 ?
what freedoms have been taken away from you ? not speech that you throw around words like a pissed off woman .

Here's one: the freedom not to buy health insurance I don't want.

Here's another: the freedom to locate my business where I want.

The list is virtually endless.
one day ass hole you'll have to use a hospital you'll see your bill and its hug . why ? because assholes like you don't get insurance , they use ambulances like taxi cabs , and emergency rooms like a free clinic .

and we pay for that .

the republicans party was in charge when car insurance on federal high ways came in , now states across the country are requiring car insurance ,

wheres you whining on that ?

as fare as taking you crappy business off shore ? you un-American greedy dick , you can , in fact the feds will give you tax breaks to do it .

no one said you can't , its the unemployed that will spit on you not the feds . you make up lie after lie on board here .

Do you really know that or are you merely projecting??
When has this "race to the bottom" ever occurred in the entire history of the Earth?

It's happening right now in America thanks to your beloved corporations shipping jobs overseas and setting the bar for worker compensation ever lower.

Enjoy your life of struggle as you compete for the few scraps that are left.


No it's not.

In short, there is absolutely no empirical evidence to support the libtard "race to the bottom" theory of wages.

Thanks for playing!
This thread is just more evidence of the Conservative obsession with making the gap between rich and poor as big as possible.

You mean it's evidence of the libtard obsession with giving unions charte blanche to rape and pillage to their hearts content.

Unions don't improve the welfare of the poor. In fact, they keep poor people from getting better paying jobs. Restricting the supply of labor is what unions are all about. Their brand of extortion wouldn't work if an employer could hire any poor person who walked in off the street.

Not only extortion, but money laundering for the DNC.
This thread is just more evidence of the Conservative obsession with making the gap between rich and poor as big as possible.

You mean it's evidence of the libtard obsession with giving unions charte blanche to rape and pillage to their hearts content.

Unions don't improve the welfare of the poor. In fact, they keep poor people from getting better paying jobs. Restricting the supply of labor is what unions are all about. Their brand of extortion wouldn't work if an employer could hire any poor person who walked in off the street.

Where do you hear all this nonsense?
There is no right to locate a business anywhere you want. That's preposterous.

True, you can't locate an oil refinery next to a residential area. But you have a right to locate a business in any area that is zoned for it. The federal government has absolutely no say in the matter.


Unions also have no say in the matter. Boeing certainly didn't agree to any contract with the union giving them a say in where their business is located. That's one thing the union wanted in their contract that Boeing refused to sign.

Everyone defending this maneuver is nothing less than a bootlicking fascist.
You mean it's evidence of the libtard obsession with giving unions charte blanche to rape and pillage to their hearts content.

Unions don't improve the welfare of the poor. In fact, they keep poor people from getting better paying jobs. Restricting the supply of labor is what unions are all about. Their brand of extortion wouldn't work if an employer could hire any poor person who walked in off the street.

Where do you hear all this nonsense?

I read books on economics. Where do you get your Marxist horseshit?

If you think it's wrong, then prove it. Do you dispute the fact that unions restrict the access of non unions to employment with a unionized employer?
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When has this "race to the bottom" ever occurred in the entire history of the Earth?

It's happening right now in America thanks to your beloved corporations shipping jobs overseas and setting the bar for worker compensation ever lower.

Enjoy your life of struggle as you compete for the few scraps that are left.


No it's not.

In short, there is absolutely no empirical evidence to support the libtard "race to the bottom" theory of wages.

Thanks for playing!

Prove that American wages have kept up with inflation for the last 50 years,

if that's what you believe.
You mean it's evidence of the libtard obsession with giving unions charte blanche to rape and pillage to their hearts content.

Unions don't improve the welfare of the poor. In fact, they keep poor people from getting better paying jobs. Restricting the supply of labor is what unions are all about. Their brand of extortion wouldn't work if an employer could hire any poor person who walked in off the street.

Where do you hear all this nonsense?

I read books on economics. Where do you get your Marxist horseshit?

If you think it's wrong, then prove it. Do you dispute the fact that unions restrict the access of non unions to employment with a unionized employer?

Only if the employer agrees to that condition.
Prove that American wages have kept up with inflation for the last 50 years,

if that's what you believe.

Even if they haven't, that doesn't equate to "the race to the bottom."

Colossal fail, once again. For that to be true, wages would have to be decreasing steadily while corporate profits increased steadily. That simply hasn't happened. However, taxation has made large inroads on everyone's take-home pay. Now every family needs two incomes just so they second one can pay all the taxes they owe.
Where do you hear all this nonsense?

I read books on economics. Where do you get your Marxist horseshit?

If you think it's wrong, then prove it. Do you dispute the fact that unions restrict the access of non unions to employment with a unionized employer?

Only if the employer agrees to that condition.

Wrong. The federal government forces corporations to "agree" to it. What do you think an organizing election is about?
BWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So your OWN opinion, which you admit you've stated repeatedly,

is exactly the opinion I was referencing.

Fuckinay man, you're a bigger liar than even I had you pegged.


I was wondering how you would attempt to take your foot out of your mouth, having made several wild assumptions and constructed strawmen that you had lost track of what, if any germane points you had.

I never thought you had the intellectual honesty to apologize; to me, or now fitz for willfully and pathologically misrepresenting what he said.

tsk tsk, vanity on the internet is in the end childish and unproductive.

You can deny that Fitz made a clear unequivocal distinction between the acceptability and unacceptability of private vs. public unions, respectively, but that's not going to change the fact he said it,

he never said what you said he did, you cut off his post, purposefully removing what he said after that;

I've no real problem with private sector unions

and the rest of his words you left out-

except when they kill their own industry (see the steel industry for a damn fine example). I can always choose to not support a business. I can't choose to not support my government.

So, either you have reading comprehension skills commensurate with an elementary school student, or you are so desperate to make yourself right you've back tracked and in effect putting your hands over your ears yelling loudly so you don’t have to hear the truth.

in addition, you accused me of saying it- right here;

because you posted 4 posts after Fitz said:

...I've no real problem with private sector unions...etc.

I never said it, Fitz did, and you lifted it from the quote you willfully mangled.

I was wondering how you would attempt to take your foot out of your mouth, having made several wild assumptions and constructed strawmen that you had lost track of what, if any germane points you had.

I never thought you had the intellectual honesty to apologize; to me, or now fitz for willfully and pathologically misrepresenting what he said.

tsk tsk, vanity on the internet is in the end childish and unproductive.

he never said what you said he did, you cut off his post, purposefully removing what he said after that;

I've no real problem with private sector unions

and the rest of his words you left out-

except when they kill their own industry (see the steel industry for a damn fine example). I can always choose to not support a business. I can't choose to not support my government.

So, either you have reading comprehension skills commensurate with an elementary school student, or you are so desperate to make yourself right you've back tracked and in effect putting your hands over your ears yelling loudly so you don’t have to hear the truth.

in addition, you accused me of saying it- right here;

because you posted 4 posts after Fitz said:

...I've no real problem with private sector unions...etc.

I never said it, Fitz did, and you lifted it from the quote you willfully mangled.

I linked the entire quote you moron.

Now, though, why are you not posting what Fitz said about PUBLIC SECTOR unions???

Why are you mangling the quote??
I read books on economics. Where do you get your Marxist horseshit?

If you think it's wrong, then prove it. Do you dispute the fact that unions restrict the access of non unions to employment with a unionized employer?

Only if the employer agrees to that condition.

Wrong. The federal government forces corporations to "agree" to it. What do you think an organizing election is about?

So corporations have to obey laws??

:lol::lol::lol: Eureka, it's a breakthrough. It's a Helen Keller moment!!!!!!!
You should read the law and the precedents and you might possibly look a bit less stupid in this thread.

Lets analyze:

Me: "Free people and companies should be able to hire who they want, and locate where they want."

You: "The government should and can force companies to locate where the gov't deems fit, and hire who the gov't deems worthy."

And you say I look stupid? You woulda made one helluva slave. Who knows. At Obama's pace, you might get your chance.

It is against the law in the U.S. for companies to move jobs or otherwise penalize workers as retaliation for the workers having struck.

That is a fact simple enough for even you to grasp. You might not like the law, but that is the law.

they are not penalizing them, they are not moving any jobs, the jobs don't exist yet and they, Boeing has expanded its operations in Wash. st. in the preceding few years by the way..

Boeing tried negotiating with the union ( they didn't have to either, proving no good deed goes unpunished) , the unions wanted a seat on the Boeing broad and a promise to never build aircraft anywhere else but Washington state factories.Boeing refused.

You might want to acquaint yourself with the facts before rendering judgments.

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