Tyrant Obama Admin: Files lawsuit to force Boeing to use union labor!!! WOW!!

You fucking morons!

Low wages do nothing but fatten the coffers of corporations while dragging down the living standards of all working people.
And lead the way in the race to the bottom.

When has this "race to the bottom" ever occurred in the entire history of the Earth?

Only companies who commit to union labor will end up on the bottom, and bankrupt (See GM).

Thats why companies who want to profit and survive are fleeing to non-union parts of America.

Don't know about the rest of ya'll.....but if I apply for a job, I want to work for a company that profits and survives....not one that is losing money. Funny concept isn't it. The more a company succeeds...the more secure it's employees are in their jobs.

And companies as GM get bailed out which gives rise to "Pay Czars". One the FED gets involved? They dictate terms...
And lead the way in the race to the bottom.

The race to the bottom? Well, lets see: 8,000 people in Charleston are gonna be working, earning 50K+ salaries, living in Charleston....rated among the best 5 cities in the world to visit, with days in the winter that are warm enough to go to the beach. Meanwhile, 8,000 people in rainy shitty Seattle will not be working those jobs that moved.

Also to note.....Amazon, Google, BMW, Southwest Air are just a few more of the major companies that have fled to the sunny coast of South Carolina to operate.

If earning a good salary and living at a sunny beach resort town is "the bottom"....well, weigh me down sir!!!!!:lol:

Being unemployed in a shit hole like Detroit is the liberal conception of Utopia.

:lol:Exactly right.

It's been in the 80's here on the SC coast for a month or so now. While it's snowing and raining in crap-holes like Seattle and Detroit.

And I see all these people in non-union coastal SC working at places like BMW, Boeing, Google, Amazon, Southwest Air, and other major companies that have moved here. And they are so much friendlier than the rest of the country, and in a gorgeous beach town, with warm weather, hot women, great food.

And now I see why all the unemployed miserable union people are so pissed off. We're living in paradise down here and they are stuck begging Obama to help them hahahaha!!
Tyrant ? what are you 15 ?
what freedoms have been taken away from you ? not speech that you throw around words like a pissed off woman .

Here's one: the freedom not to buy health insurance I don't want.

Here's another: the freedom to locate my business where I want.

The list is virtually endless.
You fucking morons!

Low wages do nothing but fatten the coffers of corporations while dragging down the living standards of all working people.

Wages are set up the laws of supply and demand. Espousing the idea that corporations can arbitrarily set wages wherever they like is the ultimate proof that you're an economic moron.
Tyrant ? what are you 15 ?
what freedoms have been taken away from you ? not speech that you throw around words like a pissed off woman .

Here's one: the freedom not to buy health insurance I don't want.

Here's another: the freedom to locate my business where I want.

The list is virtually endless.

Economic freedom...on our terms. Gubmint has already botched it.
You fucking morons!

Low wages do nothing but fatten the coffers of corporations while dragging down the living standards of all working people.

But....the Charleston Boeing workers aren't getting low wages. They're gonna be earning around 50K or more. And in South Carolina, the cost of living is lower than the Northeast or Northwest. And this city is gorgeous, warm, hot women, great food, the beach. Whats not to love? I see why Boeing wanted to come here.

The ONLY people pissed about this deal are people outside of Charleston. Stop hatin'!!! BTW, to all you pissed off union folks, Boeing is still taking applications down here. BUT.....you'll have to "suffer" by earning 50K+ in a city deemed in the top 5 resort towns to visit in the world, January days with 75 degree weather and a beach, low traffic, low pollution, hot women, good food. But, if you can deal with that horror, they're hiring.
See ya boys. It's 85 degrees and sunny at the Charleston beach. A friend who was hired by Boeing is having a cookout at his newly purchased home. I'd invite you Seattle guys who Boeing didn't hire....but you probably can't afford the gas to get here. Sorry man, keep asking Obama to help, I'm sure it'll work out!!!! Later!!
See ya boys. It's 85 degrees and sunny at the Charleston beach. A friend who was hired by Boeing is having a cookout at his newly purchased home. I'd invite you Seattle guys who Boeing didn't hire....but you probably can't afford the gas to get here. Sorry man, keep asking Obama to help, I'm sure it'll work out!!!! Later!!

Have fun. It's 85 here too not too far South of ya!
I'd take your opinions more seriously if you didn't spout these ridiculous analogies. I was reading your first three sentences, nodding my head in agreement, then I almost gagged on my tea when I read your fourth and fifth.

Fascism is where government makes all the business decisions for supposed "private" corporations. Explain how this affair doesn't qualify.

Are you joking? First, let's take your statement at face value. The government is not making "all the business decisions" for Boeing. Suing them in court for allegedly violating a NLRB ruling is not "making all the business decisions."

And without a trace of irony you say

Everything liberals "know" about our economy, government and history is wrong.

After you've said

We're only a couple steps removed from the kind of fascism practiced in Nazi Germany as it is. This is one more step in that direction.


this is ftizs comment from the post number you provided-

you left out what was behind YOUR snip above, considering he want on to say- except when they kill their own industry

you completely left out his qualifying explanation and context.
what you have posted is is a wholly dishonest rendering of his opinion/post. You should be ashamed, seriously.

this was my following comment in that thread-

My view on private vs. public sector unions was summed up many times, as I must have posted this at least 4-5 times in different threads-

Reason TV

private sector unions and private companies negotiate over dividing private profits, it is an adversarial relationship. Public sector unions negotiate with politicians who want their votes over how to divide money that belongs to the taxpayer. It's party1 and party2 agreeing on how to divide money from party3. Ask Milton Freidman how that works out.

BWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So your OWN opinion, which you admit you've stated repeatedly,

is exactly the opinion I was referencing.

Fuckinay man, you're a bigger liar than even I had you pegged.


I was wondering how you would attempt to take your foot out of your mouth, having made several wild assumptions and constructed strawmen that you had lost track of what, if any germane points you had.

I never thought you had the intellectual honesty to apologize; to me, or now fitz for willfully and pathologically misrepresenting what he said.

tsk tsk, vanity on the internet is in the end childish and unproductive.

You can deny that Fitz made a clear unequivocal distinction between the acceptability and unacceptability of private vs. public unions, respectively, but that's not going to change the fact he said it,

it won't change the fact you knew he said it,

and it won't change the fact that you lied about having ever heard such a thing.
The outright denial you and lefties have is astounding. You people would support Obama under ANY circumstance, wouldn't you?

This thread wasn't about the Boeing private union, or a public union. That's BOEING's business. They are a private company.

This thread was about the dictatorship in Washington, DC, filing alawsuit against Boeing, for the simple act of Boeing building a plant in South Carolina. A punishment from the Obama Admin basically, against Boeing, for daring hire non-union labor in SC rather than union labor in WA.

THAT is what this thread is about. If Boeing wants to use union labor, or non-union labor, thats their business. Their CEO, their board, their shareholders. Their business. NOT Obamas. Yet, Dictator Obama is filing a lawsuit to bully them.

Thats tyranny. We truly are creeping towards true fascism. Not a catchy t-shirt label fascism of Bush/Obama with a mustache. But true, operational fascism.

You should read the law and the precedents and you might possibly look a bit less stupid in this thread.

Lets analyze:

Me: "Free people and companies should be able to hire who they want, and locate where they want."

You: "The government should and can force companies to locate where the gov't deems fit, and hire who the gov't deems worthy."

And you say I look stupid? You woulda made one helluva slave. Who knows. At Obama's pace, you might get your chance.

It is against the law in the U.S. for companies to move jobs or otherwise penalize workers as retaliation for the workers having struck.

That is a fact simple enough for even you to grasp. You might not like the law, but that is the law.
Tyrant ? what are you 15 ?
what freedoms have been taken away from you ? not speech that you throw around words like a pissed off woman .

Here's one: the freedom not to buy health insurance I don't want.

Here's another: the freedom to locate my business where I want.

The list is virtually endless.

There is no right to locate a business anywhere you want. That's preposterous.
And lead the way in the race to the bottom.

When has this "race to the bottom" ever occurred in the entire history of the Earth?

It's happening right now in America thanks to your beloved corporations shipping jobs overseas and setting the bar for worker compensation ever lower.

Enjoy your life of struggle as you compete for the few scraps that are left.

how mentally ill do you have to be to want to use scabs instead of union labor.

what barn did you grow up in?


Look you dumb ****, Boeing can use whatever labor they desire and you have absofuckinglutely NOTHING to say about.. nor do the Feds.

Who the hell would want to get hooked up with a bunch of parasitic union drones?
NYC, lets just set the line real quick.

Law or not, do you believe the government should be able to sue and force Boeing to locate in Seattle, and force Boeing to hire union labor? OR do you believe that a private company should be able to hire and locate as they desire? I think that must be clear first.

The government has the right to enforce federal law, and to take action whenever there is reason to believe the law may have been violated. That is what this case is about.

OBVIOUSLY companies can move jobs, eliminate jobs, replace union labor with non-union labor, outsource, go overseas.

But they cannot do that outside the laws of the land. That is what this case is about, that is the ISSUE in this case. That is why we have courts, arbitrators, etc., to settle these kinds of issues.
NYC, lets just set the line real quick.

Law or not, do you believe the government should be able to sue and force Boeing to locate in Seattle, and force Boeing to hire union labor? OR do you believe that a private company should be able to hire and locate as they desire? I think that must be clear first.

The government has the right to enforce federal law, and to take action whenever there is reason to believe the law may have been violated. That is what this case is about.

OBVIOUSLY companies can move jobs, eliminate jobs, replace union labor with non-union labor, outsource, go overseas.

But they cannot do that outside the laws of the land. That is what this case is about, that is the ISSUE in this case. That is why we have courts, arbitrators, etc., to settle these kinds of issues.

You have to watch those goobers.

Last time they got their panties in a wad about their rights to cheap labor they seceded from the union and started a fucking war over it.
Tyrant ? what are you 15 ?
what freedoms have been taken away from you ? not speech that you throw around words like a pissed off woman .

Here's one: the freedom not to buy health insurance I don't want.

Here's another: the freedom to locate my business where I want.

The list is virtually endless.
one day ass hole you'll have to use a hospital you'll see your bill and its hug . why ? because assholes like you don't get insurance , they use ambulances like taxi cabs , and emergency rooms like a free clinic .

and we pay for that .

the republicans party was in charge when car insurance on federal high ways came in , now states across the country are requiring car insurance ,

wheres you whining on that ?

as fare as taking you crappy business off shore ? you un-American greedy dick , you can , in fact the feds will give you tax breaks to do it .

no one said you can't , its the unemployed that will spit on you not the feds . you make up lie after lie on board here .

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