Tyrant Obama Admin: Files lawsuit to force Boeing to use union labor!!! WOW!!

And what about the other side of the coin?

Is Governor Nikki Haley a Fascist??

COLUMBIA (WACH, AP) -- South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is facing her first big lawsuit after saying the state would try to keep unions out of Boeing Inc. plant in North Charleston.

Union files lawsuit against Haley for Boeing remarks : News : MidlandsConnect.com

Watch out for flying flip flops and yeah buts!!!!!


so? of course theres a suit? And?

and no where in that article did I see the fact that the shop had a legal and binding membership vote- the shop voted to de-certify any International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) membership 199-68.

Oh and thats a FOX 'news' vehicle by the way...:lol:

Just the kind of flip flop answer I expected.
united we bargain divided we beg .

the repigs want two class here the rich and the working poor .
if unions wont wake up then workers better

The idea that unions help the poor is too absurd for words. Unions keep the poor from getting good paying jobs. They even boast about it.

if it was not for unions , you would work for the pay they offered you , no 40 hour work week no holidays , no OSA , they brought poor up to middle class . they made this country better . help the poor ? how many companies in the pre-union days helped the poor ?

you are the absurd ? your ass could go to collage because of unions , child labor laws were pasted because of unions .

you really haven't an idea of facts do you ?
instead of a minimum wage you'd get what they get in china and india .

now tell me the unions don't help the poor . not to mention all the charities unions support .
what did W do when katrina hit ? nothing ! not for a long time , what has the teabaging repigs done fore the poor other then try to make more !
Maybe the contract should just be awarded back to the Airbus consortium, who won the bidding process in the first place.

Yup, screw the economy HERE; let's prop up the economy in Europe instead if it means keeping American union workers at arms length.

if the better product was not the Boeing version put forward, what on earth does the union have to do with it?
Why has Walmart been kept out of New York City for decades, if they have the right to locate ANYWHERE THEY WANT??

Frankly, that's blatantly unconstitutional. However, that's the action of the city or state government, not the federal government.

Cite the case that declared it unconstitutional,

or are you just doing the guy-on-internet-thinks-it's-unconstitutional thing?
And what about the other side of the coin?

Is Governor Nikki Haley a Fascist??

COLUMBIA (WACH, AP) -- South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is facing her first big lawsuit after saying the state would try to keep unions out of Boeing Inc. plant in North Charleston.

Union files lawsuit against Haley for Boeing remarks : News : MidlandsConnect.com

Watch out for flying flip flops and yeah buts!!!!!


so? of course theres a suit? And?

and no where in that article did I see the fact that the shop had a legal and binding membership vote- the shop voted to de-certify any International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) membership 199-68.

Oh and thats a FOX 'news' vehicle by the way...:lol:

Just the kind of flip flop answer I expected.

there was no flip or flop offered, it was information you don't have and they chose not to add......just digest it and move on.
Why has Walmart been kept out of New York City for decades, if they have the right to locate ANYWHERE THEY WANT??

Frankly, that's blatantly unconstitutional. However, that's the action of the city or state government, not the federal government.

Cite the case that declared it unconstitutional,

or are you just doing the guy-on-internet-thinks-it's-unconstitutional thing?

you are very good about asking others for their 'proof' yet don't provide much in return but be that as it may, wal-mart, whats the connection again?
Prove that American wages have kept up with inflation for the last 50 years,

if that's what you believe.

Even if they haven't, that doesn't equate to "the race to the bottom."

Colossal fail, once again. For that to be true, wages would have to be decreasing steadily while corporate profits increased steadily. That simply hasn't happened. However, taxation has made large inroads on everyone's take-home pay. Now every family needs two incomes just so they second one can pay all the taxes they owe.

What do you mean, it hasn't happened?

CEO pay soars while workers' pay stalls - USATODAY.com
median CEO pay jumped 27% in 2010 as the executives’ compensation started working its way back to prerecession levels, a USA TODAY analysis of data from GovernanceMetrics International found. Workers in private industry, meanwhile, saw their compensation grow just 2.1% in the 12 months ended December 2010, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Wages on the whole have been stagnant since the 1990's.

Economy’s Gains Fail to Reach Most Workers’ Paychecks
So the NLRB never acted on behalf of labor when Bush was president?

How would that prove it's not a government agency?

No one's trying to prove it's not a government agency. You're trying to prove that Obama is micro-managing it.

Again, if you bothered to actually read the facts of the case PERHAPS you might learn that there is nothing unreasonable about pursuing this case.
I'm definitely pro-union but I'm struggling mightily to find any merit whatsoever in the lawsuit. And believe me, I'm looking high and low for it. As best as I can tell, the entire complaint is that Boeing is building the plant in SC just to spite the union. While I'm sure it had more to do with fundamental business and economics than pure spite, I don't see that it matters. Since when is spite against the law?

I also don't see any merit in this particular action, but I'll be damned if I'll let the clowns who just hate unions period get away with their nonsense, especially since they appear to be clueless about even THIS matter concerning the union action (i.e., "8000 JOBS LOST," and "OBAMA SUES BOEING," THE COMMIES ARE COMING!!! blah blah blah.
The factory in SC is already built. Boeing spent $2 billion on it. Forcing them to move it back to Seattle would mean $2 billion flushed down the toilet. Plus it would mean delaying production of the 787 Dreamliner. I can't imagine a better way to destroy a great company. That's how Democrats create jobs.

It's not going to delay production, and the union doesn't want to shut down the NC plant. It wants a second plant in Washington to do other parts of production. Read some facts, would ya?

the union cannot shut them down, they don't have a footprint in the SC plant, as they were de-certified by a 199-68 vote.

They also wanted a seat on the Boeing Board and a contract commitment NOT to build plants anywhere else.......so? They can ask for a plant and Boeing can say no. That's life.

I was arguing against Bripat's ridiculous points, not the merits of the case.
Frankly, that's blatantly unconstitutional. However, that's the action of the city or state government, not the federal government.

Cite the case that declared it unconstitutional,

or are you just doing the guy-on-internet-thinks-it's-unconstitutional thing?

you are very good about asking others for their 'proof' yet don't provide much in return but be that as it may, wal-mart, whats the connection again?

You want proof that Walmart has been kept out of New York City for decades?
"The government" doesn't get involved at all.

National Labor Relations Board - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with conducting elections for labor union representation and with investigating and remedying unfair labor practices.

It takes a special kind of stupid to claim that the NLRB is not part of the government, especially when it says so in the cite being used to support that very claim.

It's proceedings and decisions are fucking independent from any other government agency or legislation, stupid.
Frankly, that's blatantly unconstitutional. However, that's the action of the city or state government, not the federal government.

Cite the case that declared it unconstitutional,

or are you just doing the guy-on-internet-thinks-it's-unconstitutional thing?

you are very good about asking others for their 'proof' yet don't provide much in return but be that as it may, wal-mart, whats the connection again?

You want proof that Walmart has been kept out of New York City for decades?

so? of course theres a suit? And?

and no where in that article did I see the fact that the shop had a legal and binding membership vote- the shop voted to de-certify any International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) membership 199-68.

Oh and thats a FOX 'news' vehicle by the way...:lol:

Just the kind of flip flop answer I expected.

there was no flip or flop offered, it was information you don't have and they chose not to add......just digest it and move on.

That you won't read links is not my problem.
Anybody want to argue the merits of this case? I'd really like to know what they are.

So far all I've seen is variations of 'corporations are evil' yadda yadda yadda.

The rightwingers here refuse to look at the case. It's an easy lookup, they refuse to. Why?

Because they aren't interested in the case. They are interested in anti-union trolling.

And blaming Obama, of course, as though he's directing the whole thing. And people continue to wonder why he still gets so much support. It's because of morons who try to tie Obama, personally, to every little event that happens, or has happened, since January 2009. He caused the economy to go into free fall; he caused all the unemployment as a result; he bailed out the banks and GM. But wait! Banks good, now. Wall Street not Main Street more important now. He caused the BP oil spill, remember? Oh wait, no he didn't, he just didn't give a shit. But wait. Then he did give a shit but was told to just shut up and drill baby drill, and pay victims out of his own pocket, not force BP to pay up. He tried to close the gap in health care for Americans, to which the Stupid Brigade said "Over our dead bodies..." (Um, that was the point, folks.)

See how it goes?

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