Tyreek Hill admits he contributed to the problem during his arrest.

Move faster boy, its hot out here. When we say, not when you feel like it. He was chirping non-stop, stalling, on the phone, screaming and now all you Board maggots rush to lie for it. Sodd off wankers.

You didn't watch the video I posted, did you?

There were SEVEN SECONDS between when the cop told him to put his window back down (after starting to walk back to his bike, and then turning BACK AROUND) and when he yanked him out of his car and threw him on the pavement. SEVEN FUCKING SECONDS. Three of those seconds the cop went from telling him to lower his window, saying "Fuck it, get out of the car." FOUR seconds later, he was getting yanked out and on the ground in cuffs.

Remember, the ONLY THING he was accused of doing was speeding. This should have been treated like any other speeding stop. Check license, registration, POI, and either give a ticket or warning and cut them loose. NOTHING else should have happened. This fucking cop was WAY out of line. There is NO statute in Florida stating that the cops can make you put your window down during a traffic stop. So the cop was out of line demanding that. They only have to put the window down far enough to hear each other speak and to exchange documents. THAT IS IT. Once the cop walks away to go back to his cruiser (or in this case, motorcycle) you can put your window back up.
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not sure that Ive heard how fast he was going,,

Considering he wasn't clocked on radar, who knows?

I don't even think anyone here realizes that while the video shows him cruising by pretty good, the cop bike had no radar. The cop decided he was going too fast and stopped him. That's the ONLY thing this ENTIRE INCIDENT was hanging on.
Move faster boy, its hot out here. When we say, not when you feel like it. He was chirping non-stop, stalling, on the phone, screaming and now all you Board maggots rush to lie for it. Sodd off wankers.

Hill still has his high paying job. We'll see what happens to Torres' job.
The cop who first approached him, didn't know who he was. On the body cam, you hear another cop approach him and ask, you know who that is? to which he replied, "no." Tne other cop onformef him, he's a star on the Dolphins. My guess is that was the moment that cop realized he fucked up.
I did not hear that. Can you cite the time on the vid?
DeEscalation is cuffs, back seat of Police car and a tow truck. The Police did nothing wrong. Big mouth punk did it all.
Sorry, kleetus, they did. Throwing someone to the cement for being a wise ass is not professional behavior.

If that cop can't handle it, then he needs to find a new profession. Oh wait....he CAN'T. Being a cop has such low standards, that's the only decent money he can make.
You didn't watch the video I posted, did you?

There were SEVEN SECONDS between when the cop told him to put his window back down (after starting to walk back to his bike, and then turning BACK AROUND) and when he yanked him out of his car and threw him on the pavement. SEVEN FUCKING SECONDS. Three of those seconds the cop went from telling him to lower his window, saying "Fuck it, get out of the car." FOUR seconds later, he was getting yanked out and on the ground in cuffs.

Remember, the ONLY THING he was accused of doing was speeding. This should have been treated like any other speeding stop. Check license, registration, POI, and either give a ticket or warning and cut them loose. NOTHING else should have happened. This fucking cop was WAY out of line. There is NO statute in Florida stating that the cops can make you put your window down during a traffic stop. So the cop was out of line demanding that. They only have to put the window down far enough to hear each other speak and to exchange documents. THAT IS IT. Once the cop walks away to go back to his cruiser (or in this case, motorcycle) you can put your window back up.
Takes about two seconds to respond to a directive . 7-10 is not compliant
Takes about two seconds to respond to a directive . 7-10 is not compliant

Hitler would be proud of you. And he didn't even have 7 seconds, if you would have watched the video, you'd see 3 of those was the cop giving him instructions and then changing his mind.

Also makes a difference that the instructions were not legal. SCOTUS says he can be asked to step out of his vehicle only, does NOT have to leave his window down. The cop cannot make him do something he's not required to comply with. As TCRL stated, SCOTUS has ruled that cops can ONLY give you directives DIRECTLY related to the reason you were stopped. ANYTHING ELSE is illegal. Remember the law states you only must comply with a LEGAL order. Not "anything the cop comes up with."

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Hitler would be proud of you. And he didn't even have 7 seconds, if you would have watched the video, you'd see 3 of those was the cop giving him instructions and then changing his mind.

Also makes a difference that the instructions were not legal. SCOTUS says he can be asked to step out of his vehicle only, does NOT have to leave his window down. The cop cannot make him do something he's not required to comply with. As TCRL stated, SCOTUS has ruled that cops can ONLY give you directives DIRECTLY related to the reason you were stopped. ANYTHING ELSE is illegal. Remember the law states you only must comply with a LEGAL order. Not "anything the cop comes up with."

The guy admitted he had responsibility and you wack jobs are still carrying the fake water that it was All On The Police

Hill-I was not beaten up.
Lib loons-Yes you were yes you were. You were emotionally wounded and will carry that scar forever. Police brutality, defund them!
The guy admitted he had responsibility and you wack jobs are still carrying the fake water that it was All On The Police

Hill-I was not beaten up.
Lib loons-Yes you were yes you were. You were emotionally wounded and will carry that scar forever. Police brutality, defund them!
why do you leftist always lie about what people say??
The guy admitted he had responsibility and you wack jobs are still carrying the fake water that it was All On The Police

Hill-I was not beaten up.
Lib loons-Yes you were yes you were. You were emotionally wounded and will carry that scar forever. Police brutality, defund them!

He said all that because he was trying to save face with the public who loves the cops. A lot of his fans are republicans which love cops. The cop involved had a HISTORY of violent behavior.

Because an actual LAWYER viewed the video and pointed out how bad the cops were in this video. Are you actually going to act like you know more than someone who has a law degree and specializes in cases JUST like this and sues police departments for a living for behavior like this?

Nobody ever said he was beaten up, the video shows he was thrown on the ground. They even had to blur that moment on youtube because youtube would delete the video for violence.

And WHY would he need to be yanked out of the car and put his window down for SPEEDING after the cop had all his documentation? Go back to your little motorcycle, write the ticket or the warning, and give it back to him. EVERYTHING ELSE is bullshit. Quit supporting these tyrannical cops or quit calling yourself a republican. I don't share ANY views with someone who supports cops with this type of behavior.
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