U.K. Government Considers Blocking Twitter, BlackBerry in Wake of Riots


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Following discussion on whether or not social media was "responsible" for the recent riots and looting in the United Kingdom, the British Government is looking at ways to reduce the likelihood of social media being used to organize riots or violent protest again.

Officials are considering both banning specific users from sites like Twitter or Facebook if they're being believed to be plotting criminal activity or, much more extremely, empowering the police to essentially close social media access in the U.K. during times of emergency.

U.K. Government Considers Blocking Twitter, BlackBerry in Wake of Riots - Techland - TIME.com

Doesn't this mean that the UK government has lost the legitimacy to lead? Shouldn't Obama be asking David Cameron to step down?
Disabling the Blackberry network as a even a precautionary measure against further looting will impede upon law-abiding users, but more importantly (in the negative sense of the word) set a future precedent. Blanket, preventitive measures of this nature echoes those of which High_Gravity has already noted - brutal, totalitarian regimes, such as Iran.

This is not a direction the British government should be taking, as anyone intent on causing further disruption will just go further underground. By all means, seize Blackberry's BM messaging records for examination prior to a trial. But target the rioters instead of punishing everyone for the actions of a criminal few.

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