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U.N. rights inquiry says Israel must remove settlers

People need to beware of wolves like Sherri. Jesus told us about them.

So funny, it reminds me of a conversation I had with a man in a McDonalds a few days ago. He was saying to two friends he approached at a table, if he saw an Arab on fire he would not pour water on him to put the fire out. He repeated that about three times and went on to say Arabs were lower than the black man. At that point I had had enough and turned around in my seat and called that man a racist to his face. And I asked him what was wrong with him. He then went on to continue his statements defending his words and tell me Arabs were like wolves. I let him know if he knew anything about Christianity he would not be saying any of what he was saying, he would know every person was created in the image of God and loved by that God. And that includes Arabs. Now, this comment seemed to get through to him on some level other words had not. And he started backing off of his statements and he said I do not hate them, I just do not like them. There truly is something wrong with people who cannot see others as human beings, but see them as wolves, n my opinion. Such words you just said to me say a lot about you and nothing about me. Just like that man I confronted in McDonalds and what his words said about him. Sherri

Sherri your comment to asheed is IDIOTIC.... He evaluated you based on
the filth you write-----not on your race... Did you ever discuss with any Iranian
you happen to know what HE thinks of subsaharans aka "blacks" or
for that matter what he thinks of "arabs" During my lifetime I had
lots of interactions with lots of people -----fresh from the airport and worked
around those newbies... The first weird interaction I noticed was the hatred
muslims from the Indian subcontinent evinced for HINDUS. The second
was the UNMITIGATED hatred Iranians bore arabs -----and their disdain for
blacks. ---consistent over decades .. There are historic reasons
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Saigon, et al,

I think you are confusing conventional tactics with motivation and objectives.

Connery -

Information on the use of terror tactics by Israel isn't particularly difficult to find. Virtually any book covering the Israeli seige of Beirut in the early 1980's will likely talk about the use of cluster bombs against civilians targets, and about using artillery to target a single sniper in an apartment block.

One could go on and on about this sutff, but in general I think it's best you find sources you trust, and read accordingly.

I found the two books by Robert David Gilmour extremely good. They are biased, certainly, but also extremely well researched.

Lebanon: The Fractured Country: David Robert Gilmour: 9780312477387: Amazon.com: Books

btw. There is no question that Palestinian groups regularly utilize terror tactics. I've been on the receiving end of more than one of them myself.

Terrorism is a separate and tied to a political objective. Israeli conventional responses are not taken to organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in order to coerce a political objective to the dispute. It is an armed response against an armed response.

All the Arab countries, each pro-Palestinian composite, and the Iranians knows that they are "to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State" [(Rule of Law) (http://www.unrol.org/files/3dda1f104.pdf)]. Likewise, each knows they are to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues. (supra) But the Arab countries, each pro-Palestinian composite, and the Iranians are above the law.

Most Respectfully,
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Mr R--
thanks for your cogent discussion on a kind of definition of "terrorism"
but I doubt that it will stop many of the posters here from defining
every action Israel uses in battle as "terrorism". The accusation is
a kind of return fire---------as in "same to you.........

I do not expect it to end
People need to beware of wolves like Sherri. Jesus told us about them.

So funny, it reminds me of a conversation I had with a man in a McDonalds a few days ago. He was saying to two friends he approached at a table, if he saw an Arab on fire he would not pour water on him to put the fire out. He repeated that about three times and went on to say Arabs were lower than the black man. At that point I had had enough and turned around in my seat and called that man a racist to his face. And I asked him what was wrong with him. He then went on to continue his statements defending his words and tell me Arabs were like wolves. I let him know if he knew anything about Christianity he would not be saying any of what he was saying, he would know every person was created in the image of God and loved by that God. And that includes Arabs. Now, this comment seemed to get through to him on some level other words had not. And he started backing off of his statements and he said I do not hate them, I just do not like them. There truly is something wrong with people who cannot see others as human beings, but see them as wolves, n my opinion. Such words you just said to me say a lot about you and nothing about me. Just like that man I confronted in McDonalds and what his words said about him. Sherri

Blah, blah, blah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Every blowhard in the neighborhood is Captain America on the internet. Blow it out your lyin' ass.
People need to beware of wolves like Sherri. Jesus told us about them.

So funny, it reminds me of a conversation I had with a man in a McDonalds a few days ago. He was saying to two friends he approached at a table, if he saw an Arab on fire he would not pour water on him to put the fire out. He repeated that about three times and went on to say Arabs were lower than the black man. At that point I had had enough and turned around in my seat and called that man a racist to his face. And I asked him what was wrong with him. He then went on to continue his statements defending his words and tell me Arabs were like wolves. I let him know if he knew anything about Christianity he would not be saying any of what he was saying, he would know every person was created in the image of God and loved by that God. And that includes Arabs. Now, this comment seemed to get through to him on some level other words had not. And he started backing off of his statements and he said I do not hate them, I just do not like them. There truly is something wrong with people who cannot see others as human beings, but see them as wolves, n my opinion. Such words you just said to me say a lot about you and nothing about me. Just like that man I confronted in McDonalds and what his words said about him. Sherri

Blah, blah, blah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Every blowhard in the neighborhood is Captain America on the internet. Blow it out your lyin' ass.

this may not have occurred to you, it may have escaped your notice because you are so intent on telling someone to "blow it out your lyin' ass", but the medium at your disposal is the internet.
So funny, it reminds me of a conversation I had with a man in a McDonalds a few days ago. He was saying to two friends he approached at a table, if he saw an Arab on fire he would not pour water on him to put the fire out. He repeated that about three times and went on to say Arabs were lower than the black man. At that point I had had enough and turned around in my seat and called that man a racist to his face. And I asked him what was wrong with him. He then went on to continue his statements defending his words and tell me Arabs were like wolves. I let him know if he knew anything about Christianity he would not be saying any of what he was saying, he would know every person was created in the image of God and loved by that God. And that includes Arabs. Now, this comment seemed to get through to him on some level other words had not. And he started backing off of his statements and he said I do not hate them, I just do not like them. There truly is something wrong with people who cannot see others as human beings, but see them as wolves, n my opinion. Such words you just said to me say a lot about you and nothing about me. Just like that man I confronted in McDonalds and what his words said about him. Sherri

Blah, blah, blah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Every blowhard in the neighborhood is Captain America on the internet. Blow it out your lyin' ass.

this may not have occurred to you, it may have escaped your notice because you are so intent on telling someone to "blow it out your lyin' ass", but the medium at your disposal is the internet.

Really? Gee, you're right. I guess it never did occur to me. You're very very smart. Now what?
Mr R--
thanks for your cogent discussion on a kind of definition of "terrorism"
but I doubt that it will stop many of the posters here from defining
every action Israel uses in battle as "terrorism". The accusation is
a kind of return fire---------as in "same to you.........

I do not expect it to end

Irose it would be helpful if you were to give some examples of your assertions, I have been reading the board for a good while now and rarely if ever do I see the pro-Palestinian posters accuse the Israeli Gov. of terrorism. As a matter of fact the word is almost never used by them. Seal is a good example of this as he has to my knowkedge probably the most accurate knowledge of the usage of the word and he almost never uses it.
Mr R--
thanks for your cogent discussion on a kind of definition of "terrorism"
but I doubt that it will stop many of the posters here from defining
every action Israel uses in battle as "terrorism". The accusation is
a kind of return fire---------as in "same to you.........

I do not expect it to end

Irose it would be helpful if you were to give some examples of your assertions, I have been reading the board for a good while now and rarely if ever do I see the pro-Palestinian posters accuse the Israeli Gov. of terrorism. As a matter of fact the word is almost never used by them. Seal is a good example of this as he has to my knowkedge probably the most accurate knowledge of the usage of the word and he almost never uses it.

I'll use it, and prove it, they are fucking terrorists. But they terrorize their own goddamn people. They infiltrate the Arab organizations to do it. This they do, so they can continue on with their blood letting, expansionist, and apartheid policies. If they didn't use terrorism as state policy, those settlers wouldn't be where they are today.

As Lenin said, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Report: Hezbollah nabs 3 'Mossad spies'

Shiite terror group claims to have exposed spy ring in Beirut; says operatives were on Israel, CIA's payroll


There is a solid record of evidence pointing toward a longtime role by Israel's intelligence service, the Mossad, in providing financing and tactical support for the very Muslim extremists presumed to be Israel's worst enemies. The truth is that Muslim extremists have proven useful (if often unwitting) tools in advancing Israel's own geopolitical agenda.

Although many Americans are now aware that Osama bin Laden's early efforts against the Soviets in Afghanistan were sponsored by the CIA, the media has been reticent to point out that this arms pipeline described by Covert Action Information Bulletin (Sept ember 1987) as the second largest covert operation in the CIA's history was also, according to former Mossad operative Victor Ostrovsky (writing in The Other Side of Deception), under the direct supervision of the Mossad.

Information on Covert Action Information Bulletin

But then, if you aren't obtuse, you already know that Israel has agents in every government in the Middle East, Asia, Europe, the U.S., in our intelligence agency, in our high tech sector, owns our security sector, etc. Of course they have already infiltrated Muslim terrorist groups. No terrorist act goes on or is in the planning stages with out them knowing about it, and half of them they helped plan.

The Israelis aren't terrorists? A country that small needs to make terrorism part of their policy to be so successful economically and politically on the world stage. You don't think they get all the political clout and funding by being nice to you?
the screw is turning, the racist rants from the zionists fall on deef ears, not even the global banking ellite can help you, too many people see the truth.

INTERNATIONAL LAW is clear on the issue that the settlements are unlawful. I do not know how we get beyond this, Israel has no real legitimacy as long as the Occupation continues and the illegal settlements remain. Forces will always be joining together to oppose these Injustices, violent and nonviolent. That is only to be expected, and it is no response at all to simply label all this resistance to the continuing illegal exisfence of Israel terrorism. We cannot expect 6 million Palestinians to live forever in a state of what I can only call modern day slavery and expect them to not resist that condition of existence. Freedom from Occupation is a natural human desire and noone can stop the Palestinian people from seeking that freedom.
Mr R--
thanks for your cogent discussion on a kind of definition of "terrorism"
but I doubt that it will stop many of the posters here from defining
every action Israel uses in battle as "terrorism". The accusation is
a kind of return fire---------as in "same to you.........

I do not expect it to end

Irose it would be helpful if you were to give some examples of your assertions, I have been reading the board for a good while now and rarely if ever do I see the pro-Palestinian posters accuse the Israeli Gov. of terrorism. As a matter of fact the word is almost never used by them. Seal is a good example of this as he has to my knowkedge probably the most accurate knowledge of the usage of the word and he almost never uses it.

The obvious problem with the use of the word terrorism is we do not have an internationally agreed upon definition of that term. Some want to exclude state action altogether, but I cannot agree with that position. I think we each have our own definitions, I define terrorism as attacks on civilians that violate intl law, essentially acts that constitute war crimes. US drone attacks on civilians, targeted killings by groups or individuals or states, targeted attacks on civilians and civilian objects, indiscriminate attacks, disproportionate attacks, I call all of these acts terrorism. And I point out in operations like Cast Lead human rights groups and commissions have specifically made findings Israeli attacks were made to spread terror among the civilian population in Gaza. How much closer can you get to a finding of terrorism by a State than that? I am referring to reports of Amnesty and HRW and the Goldstone Commission on Cast Lead. We do not have to speak of the human rights violations as simply terrorism, though, they are war crimes under The Fourth Geneva Convention that cry out for intl authorities and courts to intervene in, to stop these practices, these atrocities.

Irose it would be helpful if you were to give some examples of your assertions, I have been reading the board for a good while now and rarely if ever do I see the pro-Palestinian posters accuse the Israeli Gov. of terrorism. As a matter of fact the word is almost never used by them. Seal is a good example of this as he has to my knowkedge probably the most accurate knowledge of the usage of the word and he almost never uses it.

The obvious problem with the use of the word terrorism is we do not have an internationally agreed upon definition of that term. Some want to exclude state action altogether, but I cannot agree with that position. I think we each have our own definitions, I define terrorism as attacks on civilians that violate intl law, essentially acts that constitute war crimes. US drone attacks on civilians, targeted killings by groups or individuals or states, targeted attacks on civilians and civilian objects, indiscriminate attacks, disproportionate attacks, I call all of these acts terrorism. And I point out in operations like Cast Lead human rights groups and commissions have specifically made findings Israeli attacks were made to spread terror among the civilian population in Gaza. How much closer can you get to a finding of terrorism by a State than that? I am referring to reports of Amnesty and HRW and the Goldstone Commission on Cast Lead. We do not have to speak of the human rights violations as simply terrorism, though, they are war crimes under The Fourth Geneva Convention that cry out for intl authorities and courts to intervene in, to stop these practices, these atrocities.

The obvious problem with the use of the word terrorism is we do not have an internationally agreed upon definition of that term.

That is true. "Terrorism" is basically a political name calling thing.

To Israel terrorism is a propaganda campaign.
Irose it would be helpful if you were to give some examples of your assertions, I have been reading the board for a good while now and rarely if ever do I see the pro-Palestinian posters accuse the Israeli Gov. of terrorism. As a matter of fact the word is almost never used by them. Seal is a good example of this as he has to my knowkedge probably the most accurate knowledge of the usage of the word and he almost never uses it.

The obvious problem with the use of the word terrorism is we do not have an internationally agreed upon definition of that term. Some want to exclude state action altogether, but I cannot agree with that position. I think we each have our own definitions, I define terrorism as attacks on civilians that violate intl law, essentially acts that constitute war crimes. US drone attacks on civilians, targeted killings by groups or individuals or states, targeted attacks on civilians and civilian objects, indiscriminate attacks, disproportionate attacks, I call all of these acts terrorism. And I point out in operations like Cast Lead human rights groups and commissions have specifically made findings Israeli attacks were made to spread terror among the civilian population in Gaza. How much closer can you get to a finding of terrorism by a State than that? I am referring to reports of Amnesty and HRW and the Goldstone Commission on Cast Lead. We do not have to speak of the human rights violations as simply terrorism, though, they are war crimes under The Fourth Geneva Convention that cry out for intl authorities and courts to intervene in, to stop these practices, these atrocities.

The obvious problem with the use of the word terrorism is we do not have an internationally agreed upon definition of that term.

That is true. "Terrorism" is basically a political name calling thing.

To Israel terrorism is a propaganda campaign.
Only to Jew hating assholes like you is this even remotely true.
This opinion from the UN is already producing positive developments in the BDS Movement, businesses moving out of the West Bank. And once businesses are out of the settlements there, the pressure will be applied for them to move out of Israel until Israel removes the settlements and ends her illegal Occupation and its human rights abuses. BDS is the international response of people of conscience to Occupation.
This opinion from the UN is already producing positive developments in the BDS Movement, businesses moving out of the West Bank. And once businesses are out of the settlements there, the pressure will be applied for them to move out of Israel until Israel removes the settlements and ends her illegal Occupation and its human rights abuses. BDS is the international response of people of conscience to Occupation.
Settlements ain't goin' nowhere.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is true, there is no agreed upon definition on the international level.

The obvious problem with the use of the word terrorism is we do not have an internationally agreed upon definition of that term.

That is true. "Terrorism" is basically a political name calling thing.

To Israel terrorism is a propaganda campaign.

But, you know it when you see it.

Para 1951 said:
The Mission concludes that the rocket and mortars attacks, launched by Palestinian armed groups operating from Gaza, have caused terror in the affected communities of southern Israel.
SOURCE: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/12session/A-HRC-12-48_ADVANCE2.pdf

Of course, when the Palestinians did the Munich Olympics, that wasn't defined as terrorism, when they killed the American in the wheel chair on the Achille Lauro and dumped his body overboard, that wasn't defined terrorism either. OR, when the Palestinians killed a Navy Seabee on TWA Flight 847, and threw his body on the tarmac, that wasn't definable terrorism.

OR when:

  • Bus bombing in Haifa. U.S. citizens killed: Abigail Leitel, 14,from, New Hampshire.
  • Rabbi Eli Horowitz, 52, Shooting in the victims’ home. U.S. citizens killed, from Chicago; Dina Horowitz, 50, who grew up in Florida
  • Jack Baxter, 50, of New York City died in a Bombing of a Tel Aviv Night Club
  • Alan Beer, 47, who grew up in Cleveland.
  • Sarri Singer, 27, daughter of New Jersey State Senator Robert Singer.
  • Tzvi Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, fromf Long Island, New York; Lorraine Goldstein, Tzvi’s Yitzhak Reinitz, 9. Tehilla Nathanson, 3, Mendel Reinitz, 11.
  • David Applebaum, 51, and his daughter Nava, 20, originally of Cleveland were killed.
  • John Branchizio, 37, Mark Parson, 31, and John Martin Linde, 30,

No, according to Palestinian logic and moral fiber, none of this was terrorism. Just plain "name calling" in order to maintain and strengthen international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights and of developing friendly relations among nations.

Yes, you are right --- you and Sherry and patrickcaturday are all right --- it is exactly "name calling." Palestinians don't engage in terrorism at all; at least definable by international standards. But don't think for a moment that America doesn't recognize the attempt to organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or engage in subversive or armed activities directed towards a UN member nation. Or how they openly kill Americans in the pursuit of their lawful activities.

No! Not terrorism at all. This is merely "name calling" without any justification at all.

Most Respectfully,
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P F Tinmore, et al,

This is true, there is no agreed upon definition on the international level.

The obvious problem with the use of the word terrorism is we do not have an internationally agreed upon definition of that term.

That is true. "Terrorism" is basically a political name calling thing.

To Israel terrorism is a propaganda campaign.

But, you know it when you see it.

Para 1951 said:
The Mission concludes that the rocket and mortars attacks, launched by Palestinian armed groups operating from Gaza, have caused terror in the affected communities of southern Israel.
SOURCE: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/12session/A-HRC-12-48_ADVANCE2.pdf

Of course, when the Palestinians did the Munich Olympics, that wasn't defined as terrorism, when they killed the American in the wheel chair on the Achille Lauro and dumped his body overboard, that wasn't defined terrorism either. OR, when the Palestinians killed a Navy Seabee on TWA Flight 847, and threw his body on the tarmac, that wasn't definable terrorism.

OR when:

  • Bus bombing in Haifa. U.S. citizens killed: Abigail Leitel, 14,from, New Hampshire.
  • Rabbi Eli Horowitz, 52, Shooting in the victims’ home. U.S. citizens killed, from Chicago; Dina Horowitz, 50, who grew up in Florida
  • Jack Baxter, 50, of New York City died in a Bombing of a Tel Aviv Night Club
  • Alan Beer, 47, who grew up in Cleveland.
  • Sarri Singer, 27, daughter of New Jersey State Senator Robert Singer.
  • Tzvi Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, fromf Long Island, New York; Lorraine Goldstein, Tzvi’s Yitzhak Reinitz, 9. Tehilla Nathanson, 3, Mendel Reinitz, 11.
  • David Applebaum, 51, and his daughter Nava, 20, originally of Cleveland were killed.
  • John Branchizio, 37, Mark Parson, 31, and John Martin Linde, 30,

No, according to Palestinian logic and moral fiber, none of this was terrorism. Just plain "name calling" in order to maintain and strengthen international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights and of developing friendly relations among nations.

Yes, you are right --- you and Sherry and patrickcaturday are all right --- it is exactly "name calling." Palestinians don't engage in terrorism at all; at least definable by international standards. But don't think for a moment that America doesn't recognize the attempt to organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or engage in subversive or armed activities directed towards a UN member nation. Or how they openly kill Americans in the pursuit of their lawful activities.

No! Not terrorism at all. This is merely "name calling" without any justification at all.

Most Respectfully,

Rocco, I sympathize…I have supported the plight of the Palestinians for many years,
because it was Western Colonial Powers that forced the creation of Israel amongst them by force…But when either side commits atrocities like lobbing rockets at civilians or shooting children throwing stones, then an eye for an eye is fair and both have been blinded from Justice.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is true, there is no agreed upon definition on the international level.

The obvious problem with the use of the word terrorism is we do not have an internationally agreed upon definition of that term.

That is true. "Terrorism" is basically a political name calling thing.

To Israel terrorism is a propaganda campaign.

But, you know it when you see it.

Para 1951 said:
The Mission concludes that the rocket and mortars attacks, launched by Palestinian armed groups operating from Gaza, have caused terror in the affected communities of southern Israel.
SOURCE: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/12session/A-HRC-12-48_ADVANCE2.pdf

Of course, when the Palestinians did the Munich Olympics, that wasn't defined as terrorism, when they killed the American in the wheel chair on the Achille Lauro and dumped his body overboard, that wasn't defined terrorism either. OR, when the Palestinians killed a Navy Seabee on TWA Flight 847, and threw his body on the tarmac, that wasn't definable terrorism.

OR when:

  • Bus bombing in Haifa. U.S. citizens killed: Abigail Leitel, 14,from, New Hampshire.
  • Rabbi Eli Horowitz, 52, Shooting in the victims’ home. U.S. citizens killed, from Chicago; Dina Horowitz, 50, who grew up in Florida
  • Jack Baxter, 50, of New York City died in a Bombing of a Tel Aviv Night Club
  • Alan Beer, 47, who grew up in Cleveland.
  • Sarri Singer, 27, daughter of New Jersey State Senator Robert Singer.
  • Tzvi Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, fromf Long Island, New York; Lorraine Goldstein, Tzvi’s Yitzhak Reinitz, 9. Tehilla Nathanson, 3, Mendel Reinitz, 11.
  • David Applebaum, 51, and his daughter Nava, 20, originally of Cleveland were killed.
  • John Branchizio, 37, Mark Parson, 31, and John Martin Linde, 30,

No, according to Palestinian logic and moral fiber, none of this was terrorism. Just plain "name calling" in order to maintain and strengthen international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights and of developing friendly relations among nations.

Yes, you are right --- you and Sherry and patrickcaturday are all right --- it is exactly "name calling." Palestinians don't engage in terrorism at all; at least definable by international standards. But don't think for a moment that America doesn't recognize the attempt to organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or engage in subversive or armed activities directed towards a UN member nation. Or how they openly kill Americans in the pursuit of their lawful activities.

No! Not terrorism at all. This is merely "name calling" without any justification at all.

Most Respectfully,

Indeed, but what the Palestinians do is a drop in the bucket compared to what Israel does. And don't forget that it was Israel who attacked and occupied Palestine. The Palestinians are merely defending their country.

Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.

This reminds me of 2006 when Netenyahu was making the winger radio circuit in the US. He was on the Bill Bennet show. In an 8 minute interview, while Israel was bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon, he played the terrorist card 17 times like he was trying to sell something. It was radio but I could just see Bennet nodding like a bobble head doll.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Two Wrongs Make a Right is a fallacy in which a Palestinian "justifies" an action against a Israel by asserting that the Israelis would do the same thing to Palestinian.

That may be true, or it may not.

This is true, there is no agreed upon definition on the international level.

That is true. "Terrorism" is basically a political name calling thing.

To Israel terrorism is a propaganda campaign.

But, you know it when you see it.

Para 1951 said:
The Mission concludes that the rocket and mortars attacks, launched by Palestinian armed groups operating from Gaza, have caused terror in the affected communities of southern Israel.
SOURCE: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/12session/A-HRC-12-48_ADVANCE2.pdf

Of course, when the Palestinians did the Munich Olympics, that wasn't defined as terrorism, when they killed the American in the wheel chair on the Achille Lauro and dumped his body overboard, that wasn't defined terrorism either. OR, when the Palestinians killed a Navy Seabee on TWA Flight 847, and threw his body on the tarmac, that wasn't definable terrorism.

OR when:

  • Bus bombing in Haifa. U.S. citizens killed: Abigail Leitel, 14,from, New Hampshire.
  • Rabbi Eli Horowitz, 52, Shooting in the victims’ home. U.S. citizens killed, from Chicago; Dina Horowitz, 50, who grew up in Florida
  • Jack Baxter, 50, of New York City died in a Bombing of a Tel Aviv Night Club
  • Alan Beer, 47, who grew up in Cleveland.
  • Sarri Singer, 27, daughter of New Jersey State Senator Robert Singer.
  • Tzvi Goldstein, Eugene Goldstein, fromf Long Island, New York; Lorraine Goldstein, Tzvi’s Yitzhak Reinitz, 9. Tehilla Nathanson, 3, Mendel Reinitz, 11.
  • David Applebaum, 51, and his daughter Nava, 20, originally of Cleveland were killed.
  • John Branchizio, 37, Mark Parson, 31, and John Martin Linde, 30,

No, according to Palestinian logic and moral fiber, none of this was terrorism. Just plain "name calling" in order to maintain and strengthen international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights and of developing friendly relations among nations.

Yes, you are right --- you and Sherry and patrickcaturday are all right --- it is exactly "name calling." Palestinians don't engage in terrorism at all; at least definable by international standards. But don't think for a moment that America doesn't recognize the attempt to organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or engage in subversive or armed activities directed towards a UN member nation. Or how they openly kill Americans in the pursuit of their lawful activities.

No! Not terrorism at all. This is merely "name calling" without any justification at all.

Most Respectfully,

Indeed, but what the Palestinians do is a drop in the bucket compared to what Israel does. And don't forget that it was Israel who attacked and occupied Palestine. The Palestinians are merely defending their country.

Israel was defending itself IAW Article 51 of the UN Charter. The Arabs and the Palestinians didn't like the Independence of the Jewish State so they just jump-in and attack. You can't re-write history. And everyone knows that the basic Principle is to pursue peaceful means to resolve territorial disputes. The Palestinians decided to take the law into their own hands and did not get the outcome they desired.

Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.

I don't care what the Israelis call you, but I know that every incident I mentioned, a US Citizen was killed. And that was me making the comparison. The Palestinians committed murder to achieve political ends and to coerce outcomes for political gain. That is "terrorism in my book, targeted against citizens of the United States of America. The Palestinian is know to associate with a number of organizations that have harmed Americans. They are not lilly white in this at all. The Palestinian and the Arabs started the conflict in 1948. It is time they assume the role and change their methods, or are ended.

This reminds me of 2006 when Netenyahu was making the winger radio circuit in the US. He was on the Bill Bennet show. In an 8 minute interview, while Israel was bombing the crap out of civilians in Lebanon, he played the terrorist card 17 times like he was trying to sell something. It was radio but I could just see Bennet nodding like a bobble head doll.

In 2006, a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated in the Rosh Ha'ir Restaurant in Tel Aviv. That demonstration of how much integrity the Palestinians have kill Daniel Wultz, 16 years old. He was from Weston, Florida. Palestinians are cold blooded killers. And when someone strikes back, the first thing they scream is they are justified in these heinous acts.

Well I'm here to tell you that --- your justification is not true, either by American Law or by international law. There is no international law or principle that supports your insurgency in you claim for territorial gains and the penetration of Israeli sovereign territorial integrity. And your pursuit of some territorial claim in no way can justify killing United States citizens.

Don't go there! You are wrong. You have no leg to stand on in the pursuit of violence to accomplish any political objective.

Most Respectfully,
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pbel, et al,

Anytime you have confrontations designed to instigate a propaganda outcome, their will be unecessary deaths or injuries.

Rocco, I sympathize…I have supported the plight of the Palestinians for many years, because it was Western Colonial Powers that forced the creation of Israel amongst them by force…But when either side commits atrocities like lobbing rockets at civilians or shooting children throwing stones, then an eye for an eye is fair and both have been blinded from Justice.

I don't support atrocities committed by either side. I understand that there would be a means to support a more equitable legal system for such incidents if there were a less lethal environment to start with.

But the "eye for an eye" concept is (in a civilized society) done a bit differently then organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in the way the Palestinians have for the last 60 years. Every time you get in a car, you take a risk of an accident; and, every time you throw rocks at soldiers you accept the risk of escalation. The Palestinians need to accept responsibility for their actions.

Yes, shooting rock throwers is a little overboard; until you are hit with a rock. It tends to invoke emotion. Which is the purpose of the rock throwing, to create an incident.

I don't justify the reaction, but I understand it. Confrontations are what they are. After 60 years of generation upon generation of barbaric Palestinian confrontations, I am surprised it isn't worse.

The pursuit of grievances is done another way.

Most Respectfully,

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