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U.N. rights inquiry says Israel must remove settlers

:clap2:Muslim Student Defends Israel at the Jew-hating U.N.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZgtpuwFVYs&feature]Amran Hussain EUJS speech at the UN 21st of March 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
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SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Sorry for the delay, I had a VA Appointment.


That is 100% correct. Neither the British or the LoN granted sovereignty or ceded territory to the Israelis. The Israelis accepted the recommendation of the General Assembly on the territory and Declared Independence under the right of self-determination. That is how the process works.

It is not a one-way process; just for the Palestinian. Under the Mandate, this action was not prohibited and fulfilled part of the mandate to establish a Jewish Homeland.


Yes, well --- it is commonly said that anything is possible. As long as the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians specifically, focus on actions outside international law and organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts, they will not be able to build a nation for themselves. The unlawful threat will force the continuation of the "Occupation."


They don't need to make it part of the WoT. The Palestinians do that themselves. Yu pointed out the citation yourself in the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation:

Whatever else you may accuse the Israelis of, this stands recognized, Palestinians engage in terror operations - and this is but one example.

Most Respectfully,

Whatever else you may accuse the Palestinians of, this stands recognized, Israel engages in terror operations, and this is but one example, and it took the lives of over one thousand Palestinians compared to rockets during Cast Lead, they took the lives of under 10.

"Much of the destruction was wanton and resulted from direct attacks on civilian objects as well as indiscriminate attacks that failed to distinguish between legitimate military targets and civilian objects. Such attacks violated fundamental provisions of international
humanitarian law, notably the prohibition on direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects
(the principle of distinction), the prohibition on indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks,
and the prohibition on collective punishment.

Hundreds of civilians were killed in attacks carried out using high-precision weapons – air delivered bombs and missiles, and tank shells. Others, including women and children, were
shot at short range when posing no threat to the lives of the Israeli soldiers. Aerial
bombardments launched from Israeli F-16 combat aircraft targeted and destroyed civilian
homes without warning, killing and injuring scores of their inhabitants, often while they slept. Children playing on the roofs of their homes or in the street and other civilians going about their daily business, as well as medical staff attending the wounded were killed in broad daylight by Hellfire and other highly accurate missiles launched from helicopters and
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, and by precision projectiles fired from tanks."

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International


Willing pawns like you are used by the muslims terrorist as they attack from civilian areas, use ambulances to transport terrorists, and dead children to spread their propaganda. Of course it takes a weak mind, and a lot of Jew hatred to fall for it, you qualify congratulations:clap2:


Hey, proud Zionist, defender of baby killers, it is Israel's soldiers who killed over 1400 human beings in Gaza in Cast Lead, over 344 children, and over 70% of the 1400 killed were innocent civilians unlawfully killed, the killings were war crimes.

And the only perpetrators of these specific war crimes that took the lives of these approximately 1000 victims of war crimes, primarily unlawful targetings of civilians and civilain objects, was Israel!

And human rights groups document Israel's war crimes carried out in these killing acts!

I do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Germany for their own deaths, and I also do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Gaza for their own deaths, either.

Your father, Adolph Hitler, must be so proud of all of his Zionist children right now, the ones killing children and civilians in Palestine and their proud supporters, like you!

Whatever else you may accuse the Palestinians of, this stands recognized, Israel engages in terror operations, and this is but one example, and it took the lives of over one thousand Palestinians compared to rockets during Cast Lead, they took the lives of under 10.

"Much of the destruction was wanton and resulted from direct attacks on civilian objects as well as indiscriminate attacks that failed to distinguish between legitimate military targets and civilian objects. Such attacks violated fundamental provisions of international
humanitarian law, notably the prohibition on direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects
(the principle of distinction), the prohibition on indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks,
and the prohibition on collective punishment.

Hundreds of civilians were killed in attacks carried out using high-precision weapons – air delivered bombs and missiles, and tank shells. Others, including women and children, were
shot at short range when posing no threat to the lives of the Israeli soldiers. Aerial
bombardments launched from Israeli F-16 combat aircraft targeted and destroyed civilian
homes without warning, killing and injuring scores of their inhabitants, often while they slept. Children playing on the roofs of their homes or in the street and other civilians going about their daily business, as well as medical staff attending the wounded were killed in broad daylight by Hellfire and other highly accurate missiles launched from helicopters and
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, and by precision projectiles fired from tanks."

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International


Willing pawns like you are used by the muslims terrorist as they attack from civilian areas, use ambulances to transport terrorists, and dead children to spread their propaganda. Of course it takes a weak mind, and a lot of Jew hatred to fall for it, you qualify congratulations:clap2:


Hey, proud Zionist, defender of baby killers, it is Israel's soldiers who killed over 1400 human beings in Gaza in Cast Lead, over 344 children, and over 70% of the 1400 killed were innocent civilians unlawfully killed, the killings were war crimes.

And the only perpetrators of these specific war crimes that took the lives of these approximately 1000 victims of war crimes, primarily unlawful targetings of civilians and civilain objects, was Israel!

And human rights groups document Israel's war crimes carried out in these killing acts!

I do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Germany for their own deaths, and I also do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Gaza for their own deaths, either.

Your father, Adolph Hitler, must be so proud of all of his Zionist children right now, the ones killing children and civilians in Palestione and their proud supporters, like you!


What is your purpose here? Why do you only post on the anti-Israel Jew hating threads? Are you paid to do so? Are you really a "Christian"? Something fishy about you, either you're a person with serious mental issues, a paid slanderer, a fraud or just a hater maybe all of those things
I've read the whole thread since my comment about the total lack of defence against the charges by the human rights council.
Not one pro Israeli poster has managed a singe word in defence of Israel, just a load of stuff about how bad other people are.

Can any Zionist bastard out there actually defend Israel's human rights record and say why Israel is the only country to ever give the UN the finger and refuse to talk to it?

your comment makes no sense Israel has an excellent record regarding human
rights. Comments regarding the actions of OTHER countries are germane---
without comparison there is no science. ask Heisenberg. Do you have any idea
how "NORMAL" blood levels of ---sodium or potassium or glucose are determined?
Do you have any idea how "normal" body weights for infants are determined?

Screw the U.N. They are a joke...

Genocidal Muslim Sudan Elected VP of Top UN Human Rights Body


The bad news is that you can be wanted for genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court and your flunky can still receive a top human rights position at the United Nations.

The good news? This is the UN. There is no good news.

Genocidal Muslim Sudan Elected VP of Top UN Human Rights Body

UN Giving Syrian Government $519 Million for Humanitarian Assistance


Does it really make sense to transfer more than $519,000,000 worth of international aid to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, when nearly every major world leader has predicted the imminent dismemberment of the Assad regime, if not the man himself?

If your only point of reference is the January 19 UN document explaining the rationale for the transfer to Syria of more than $500,000,000, you would be hard pressed to understand exactly what is happening in that country that has caused the huge increase in need for humanitarian aid. The deaths of more than 60,000 in less than two years, which most people call the Syrian Civil War, are instead referred to in UN-speak as “the events in Syria since March, 2011,” or, sometimes, as “the current events.”

According to the United Nation’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), the Humanitarian Assistance Response Plan for Syria contemplates the transfer of $519,627,047 to cover the period of January 1, 2013 to the end of June, 2013.

UN Giving Syrian Government $519 Million for Humanitarian Assistance

US Special Operations have been working inside Syria for years, to destabilize the Syrian government. There is no doubt but that the US has substantially contributed to the mess in Syria right now, that is causing a huge need for humanitarian assistance to civilians there, so I can only support humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of people there, especially in light of the fact Americans have substantially contributed to that suffering.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhWgZu6tcZU]Banned Speech: Hillel Neuer Takes on U.N. Human Rights Council - YouTube[/ame]
Willing pawns like you are used by the muslims terrorist as they attack from civilian areas, use ambulances to transport terrorists, and dead children to spread their propaganda. Of course it takes a weak mind, and a lot of Jew hatred to fall for it, you qualify congratulations:clap2:


Hey, proud Zionist, defender of baby killers, it is Israel's soldiers who killed over 1400 human beings in Gaza in Cast Lead, over 344 children, and over 70% of the 1400 killed were innocent civilians unlawfully killed, the killings were war crimes.

And the only perpetrators of these specific war crimes that took the lives of these approximately 1000 victims of war crimes, primarily unlawful targetings of civilians and civilain objects, was Israel!

And human rights groups document Israel's war crimes carried out in these killing acts!

I do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Germany for their own deaths, and I also do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Gaza for their own deaths, either.

Your father, Adolph Hitler, must be so proud of all of his Zionist children right now, the ones killing children and civilians in Palestione and their proud supporters, like you!


What is your purpose here? Why do you only post on the anti-Israel Jew hating threads? Are you paid to do so? Are you really a "Christian"? Something fishy about you, either you're a person with serious mental issues, a paid slanderer, a fraud or just a hater maybe all of those things


The Occupation of Palestine is a crime against humanity that subjects close to 6 million human brings, Palestinians who live in Palestine, to daily human rights abuses. People of conscience will speak out against this Injustice against Humanity as long as it continues, like MLK spoke against Segregation, like Ghandhi spoke against British Colonialism in India, like Mandela spoke against Apartheid in South Africa, and like people once spoke against a Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Never again always happens again, but people of conscience still live to speak against such crimes against humanity like Occupation, Holocaust, Colonialism, Segregation, Apartheid!

Willing pawns like you are used by the muslims terrorist as they attack from civilian areas, use ambulances to transport terrorists, and dead children to spread their propaganda. Of course it takes a weak mind, and a lot of Jew hatred to fall for it, you qualify congratulations:clap2:


Hey, proud Zionist, defender of baby killers, it is Israel's soldiers who killed over 1400 human beings in Gaza in Cast Lead, over 344 children, and over 70% of the 1400 killed were innocent civilians unlawfully killed, the killings were war crimes.

And the only perpetrators of these specific war crimes that took the lives of these approximately 1000 victims of war crimes, primarily unlawful targetings of civilians and civilain objects, was Israel!

And human rights groups document Israel's war crimes carried out in these killing acts!

I do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Germany for their own deaths, and I also do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Gaza for their own deaths, either.

Your father, Adolph Hitler, must be so proud of all of his Zionist children right now, the ones killing children and civilians in Palestione and their proud supporters, like you!


What is your purpose here? Why do you only post on the anti-Israel Jew hating threads? Are you paid to do so? Are you really a "Christian"? Something fishy about you, either you're a person with serious mental issues, a paid slanderer, a fraud or just a hater maybe all of those things

Sherri is nothing new She does all the classical stuff. She PROUDLY
divulged a lineage ---a kind of ROYAL LINE plus ---an AFFILIATION
that places her in league with the people responsible for the OVER-
WHELMING MAJORITY of deaths by genocide, pogrom and massacre
in the history of the world and then using the ego defense known as
"PROJECTION" accuses a group victimized by her filth. I am not
all that surprised Nazi war criminals who escaped the nuremburg
trials---to egypt and syria used the same technique. ----and get this ---
muslim children are taught that muslims "NEVER ATTACK" every move
they ever made militarily was one of defense ----which miraculously led
them to conquest of half the planet (the will of 'allah') over the dead
bodies of hundreds of millions.

Sherri is a true daughter of CONSTANTINE ----as was adolf abu ali ---who
LIKE HER affiliated with the children of GENGHIS KHAN

the history of filth like sherri fascinating now for my good friend
PS for those who have no idea what the MIDRASH IS-----
it includes legends about the man who said
"there is nothing new under the sun"

remember "MIDRASH" sherri-----the thing you claim
poor innocent Jesus SPAT UPON?

Hey, proud Zionist, defender of baby killers, it is Israel's soldiers who killed over 1400 human beings in Gaza in Cast Lead, over 344 children, and over 70% of the 1400 killed were innocent civilians unlawfully killed, the killings were war crimes.

And the only perpetrators of these specific war crimes that took the lives of these approximately 1000 victims of war crimes, primarily unlawful targetings of civilians and civilain objects, was Israel!

And human rights groups document Israel's war crimes carried out in these killing acts!

I do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Germany for their own deaths, and I also do not blame the victims of the Holocaust in Gaza for their own deaths, either.

Your father, Adolph Hitler, must be so proud of all of his Zionist children right now, the ones killing children and civilians in Palestione and their proud supporters, like you!


What is your purpose here? Why do you only post on the anti-Israel Jew hating threads? Are you paid to do so? Are you really a "Christian"? Something fishy about you, either you're a person with serious mental issues, a paid slanderer, a fraud or just a hater maybe all of those things


The Occupation of Palestine is a crime against humanity that subjects close to 6 million human brings, Palestinians who live in Palestine, to daily human rights abuses. People of conscience will speak out against this Injustice against Humanity as long as it continues, like MLK spoke against Segregation, like Ghandhi spoke against British Colonialism in India, like Mandela spoke against Apartheid in South Africa, and like people once spoke against a Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Never again always happens again, but people of conscience still live to speak against such crimes against humanity like Occupation, Holocaust, Colonialism, Segregation, Apartheid!


Your a Jew hater plain and simple, you don't only speak against Israel you just hate Jews like Irosie said "THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN"? with you people
but people of conscience still live to speak against such crimes against humanity like Occupation, Holocaust, Colonialism, Segregation, Apartheid!


What a joke is sherri She has confessed that SHE hails from the authors
of all of the above-----a true daughter of constantine and genghis khan
and first cousin to isabella and cortez
but people of conscience still live to speak against such crimes against humanity like Occupation, Holocaust, Colonialism, Segregation, Apartheid!


What a joke is sherri She has confessed that SHE hails from the authors
of all of the above-----a true daughter of constantine and genghis khan
and first cousin to isabella and cortez

Once they get into the "Jews Killed Jesus" stuff you know where they're coming from:cuckoo:
What is your purpose here? Why do you only post on the anti-Israel Jew hating threads? Are you paid to do so? Are you really a "Christian"? Something fishy about you, either you're a person with serious mental issues, a paid slanderer, a fraud or just a hater maybe all of those things


The Occupation of Palestine is a crime against humanity that subjects close to 6 million human brings, Palestinians who live in Palestine, to daily human rights abuses. People of conscience will speak out against this Injustice against Humanity as long as it continues, like MLK spoke against Segregation, like Ghandhi spoke against British Colonialism in India, like Mandela spoke against Apartheid in South Africa, and like people once spoke against a Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Never again always happens again, but people of conscience still live to speak against such crimes against humanity like Occupation, Holocaust, Colonialism, Segregation, Apartheid!


Your a Jew hater plain and simple, you don't only speak against Israel you just hate Jews like Irosie said "THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN"? with you people

Caring about social justice issues does not make me a Jew hater, I find myself thinking about Martin Luther King, something he wrote about his struggle for social justice for people in America, and he was a Baptist preacher and a human rights activist, he wrote that there is salvation, not only for individuals, but for societies, too.

That is something to spend some time thinking about, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it can save individuals and nations, too. With a Nation, turning to God iencompasses recognizing the human rights of all peoples in the land. recognizing the intrinsic value of every person in the land. That is something Israel today egregiously violates, with her treatment of 6 million Palestinians whose lands she occupies.


The Occupation of Palestine is a crime against humanity that subjects close to 6 million human brings, Palestinians who live in Palestine, to daily human rights abuses. People of conscience will speak out against this Injustice against Humanity as long as it continues, like MLK spoke against Segregation, like Ghandhi spoke against British Colonialism in India, like Mandela spoke against Apartheid in South Africa, and like people once spoke against a Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Never again always happens again, but people of conscience still live to speak against such crimes against humanity like Occupation, Holocaust, Colonialism, Segregation, Apartheid!


Your a Jew hater plain and simple, you don't only speak against Israel you just hate Jews like Irosie said "THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN"? with you people

Caring about social justice issues does not make me a Jew hater, I find myself thinking about Martin Luther King, something he wrote about his struggle for social justice for people in America, and he was a Baptist preacher and a human rights activist, he wrote that there is salvation, not only for individuals, but for societies, too.

That is something to spend some time thinking about, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it can save individuals and nations, too. With a Nation, turning to God iencompasses recognizing the human rights of all peoples in the land. recognizing the intrinsic value of every person in the land. That is something Israel today egregiously violates, with her treatment of 6 million Palestinians whose lands she occupies.

You're a terrorist loving Jew hater....

The Occupation of Palestine is a crime against humanity that subjects close to 6 million human brings, Palestinians who live in Palestine, to daily human rights abuses. People of conscience will speak out against this Injustice against Humanity as long as it continues, like MLK spoke against Segregation, like Ghandhi spoke against British Colonialism in India, like Mandela spoke against Apartheid in South Africa, and like people once spoke against a Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Never again always happens again, but people of conscience still live to speak against such crimes against humanity like Occupation, Holocaust, Colonialism, Segregation, Apartheid!


Your a Jew hater plain and simple, you don't only speak against Israel you just hate Jews like Irosie said "THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN"? with you people

Caring about social justice issues does not make me a Jew hater, I find myself thinking about Martin Luther King, something he wrote about his struggle for social justice for people in America, and he was a Baptist preacher and a human rights activist, he wrote that there is salvation, not only for individuals, but for societies, too.

That is something to spend some time thinking about, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it can save individuals and nations, too. With a Nation, turning to God iencompasses recognizing the human rights of all peoples in the land. recognizing the intrinsic value of every person in the land. That is something Israel today egregiously violates, with her treatment of 6 million Palestinians whose lands she occupies.


What other "Social justice" issues do you Champion?

The Occupation of Palestine is a crime against humanity that subjects close to 6 million human brings, Palestinians who live in Palestine, to daily human rights abuses. People of conscience will speak out against this Injustice against Humanity as long as it continues, like MLK spoke against Segregation, like Ghandhi spoke against British Colonialism in India, like Mandela spoke against Apartheid in South Africa, and like people once spoke against a Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Never again always happens again, but people of conscience still live to speak against such crimes against humanity like Occupation, Holocaust, Colonialism, Segregation, Apartheid!


Your a Jew hater plain and simple, you don't only speak against Israel you just hate Jews like Irosie said "THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN"? with you people

Caring about social justice issues does not make me a Jew hater, I find myself thinking about Martin Luther King, something he wrote about his struggle for social justice for people in America, and he was a Baptist preacher and a human rights activist, he wrote that there is salvation, not only for individuals, but for societies, too.

That is something to spend some time thinking about, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it can save individuals and nations, too. With a Nation, turning to God iencompasses recognizing the human rights of all peoples in the land. recognizing the intrinsic value of every person in the land. That is something Israel today egregiously violates, with her treatment of 6 million Palestinians whose lands she occupies.


Are you a Christian?
"The only way to resolve all pending issues between Israel and the Palestinians, including the settlements issue, is through direct negotiations without pre-conditions," This sounds about right. Once then leave there is no going back and there is will be another armed struggle.

Pre-conditions are all the Palestinians know...for example, "Palestinians: No talks unless Israel accepts preconditions". Same old, same old...Palestinians: No talks unless Israel accepts preconditions - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
cut the crap sherri--- people like you murdered
MILLIONS of people like jesus -----happily. In fact
people of your ilk murdered millions of people like
Martin Luther King..... How are persons of sub-
saharan origin doing in IRAN? try not to lie
The arab/muslim OCCUPIERS of sudan are still
murdering people like Martin Luther King....

For those who do not know---SUDAN is a colony
of arabia ----which was created as an arab
commercial zone for the business of slave trade ----
A still thriving enterprise to the delight of sherri.
In fact ---historically---- slaves destined for Iran
were stored there... I have no idea if that business
is still ongoing----probably not----but I do know the
IRANIAN attitude toward sub-saharans. They
are CERTAINLY not going to leave Israel to seek
EQUALITY in Iran ---or egypt, or syria, or......
well you can fill in a few dozen blanks
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but people of conscience still live to speak against such crimes against humanity like Occupation, Holocaust, Colonialism, Segregation, Apartheid!


What a joke is sherri She has confessed that SHE hails from the authors
of all of the above-----a true daughter of constantine and genghis khan
and first cousin to isabella and cortez

Once they get into the "Jews Killed Jesus" stuff you know where they're coming from:cuckoo:

A person cannot be a Christian and not believe Jews killed Jesus.

The Christian Bible states Jews killed Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

"14For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you also endured the same sufferings at the hands of your own countrymen, even as they did from the Jews,15who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out. They are not pleasing to God, but hostile to all men,16hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved; with the result that they always fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them to the utmost."

"The only way to resolve all pending issues between Israel and the Palestinians, including the settlements issue, is through direct negotiations without pre-conditions," This sounds about right. Once then leave there is no going back and there is will be another armed struggle.

Pre-conditions are all the Palestinians know...for example, "Palestinians: No talks unless Israel accepts preconditions". Same old, same old...Palestinians: No talks unless Israel accepts preconditions - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

The "Palestinian" Arabs control their own destiny, which is the reason they are where they are today
The "Palestinian" Arabs control their own destiny, which is the reason they are where they are today

Possibly they do, but assuming you mean that they should rise up and attack Israel, I can't agree.

Palestinians need to work with international agencies to pressure Israel into respecting international law, not go it alone and continue to utilise violence.

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