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U.N. rights inquiry says Israel must remove settlers

Wrong. The jews have a right to live there to. They just can't do it in the areas designated for the Palestinian's. The jews have their land and the Pals have a right to theirs as well.

Why do you have to fly from one extreme to the other? This isn't an either/or situation. Either it's the jews land, or it's the arabs land. Those are not the choices. Both cultures can live side by side, if you fuckin' zionists start showing a little respect for others.

All the hostility started when zionists migrated in showing absolutely no respect for the rights of the indigenous people already living there. When it became clear to the arabs that their rights were being systematically taken from them, they got violent. Anyone in that situation would do the same. You try to take my rights away from me, I'm gonna kick your ass! But since you respect my rights, we don't have to go there. You do respect them, do you? I respect yours.

But what do I know? I'm not jewish and I'm not muslim. But a fellow zionist, on the other hand, can sum up my point this way...

You get what you give.
Both cultures can live side by side, if you <second stage Freudian ad hominem omitted> zionists start showing a little respect for others.

That's a bit oxymoronic, even for you, loinboy.

No person who posts here could have an impact on the kind of shelling for Syria and Iran hamas and hezbollah are doing by proxy from too near the Palestinian front porches in lands occupied by people descended from indigenous people of over 3500 years in the land of Israel. The Israeli government, to protect children of these people have been forced to move them away from where terrorists are shelling the main body of Israel from. They shell there to draw fire that kills, but they leave before the return fire starts, saving themselves and letting the common people and their children take the fire. That's wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, any way you slice the pie.

Hamas -

Hezbollah -
also spelled Hizballah, means "party of God." It is a Shiite Muslim organization headquartered in Lebanon whose goal is a fundamentalist Islamic state there and beyond and the obliteration of Israel. It was created in 1982 after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and last May forced the Israeli withdrawal from that country. Hezbollah is also on the State Department's foreign terrorist organization list, and its head, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, received his own title as a Specially Designated Terrorist, meaning he has supported violent means to threaten the Middle East peace process. Enlarging its role in the current turmoil, Hezbollah just kidnapped three Israeli sergeants and a lieutenant colonel in the air force reserve and says in exchange for information on the soldiers it wants release of all Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. It trains Hamas militants and is seeking to further arm Fatah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. For those Palestinians without guns, Hezbollah encourages them to stab Israelis to death. The group is believed responsible for the 1983 suicide bombing of an American Marine barracks in Lebanon that killed 241 American military personnel, as well as the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992. Hezbollah has extremely close ties with Iran, from which it gets everything from diplomatic aid to weapons to an estimated $100 million a year; Syria is a substantial supporter as well. Hezbollah also runs social service organizations and has its own satellite television station, which broadcasts training of suicide bombers. Slate: What are Hamas and Hezbollah?

These definitions (and there are more at the links provided) come from information gleaned from the Obama State Department. It couldn't be clearer: Israel's demise is the mutual goal of these two insidious terrorism-through-murder organizations. Period.

lol...yanno, when i click a link and it says "FORBIDDEN"...

i feel a haiku about hate coming on.
I got "forbidden," also, rehab. Try Jroc's link for quotes. His works, thank goodness. I binged it, thought I was transferring the link, but it just didn't happen. You want haiku? I'll do it! ;

helping each other
should be what life is about
terrorism ain't​
Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000
Israel has managed a fair bit of mass murder.


Over 60,000 muslims killed in Syria in the past year. Millions of muslims killed by other muslims worldwide. North Africa, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan, Yemen..On and on. Not to mention the 100s of thousands of Christians killed by muslims. muslim society is a dysfunctional society, there are moderate muslims, but the radicals are winning the struggle between the two. It's a sad situation worry about what you can do to help this situation. Blaming Jews or anyone else for your sad state isn't going to help.
Thank you for providing a link that works, Jroc. ;)

The Syrian government killed 60,000 muslims last year? I think I'm gonna be sick. And muslims mass-murdered Christians more than that? :(
Last edited:
Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000
Israel has managed a fair bit of mass murder.


Over 60,000 muslims killed in Syria in the past year. Millions of muslims killed by other muslims worldwide. North Africa, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan, Yemen..On and on. Not to mention the 100s of thousands of Christians killed by muslims. muslim society is a dysfunctional society, there are moderate muslims, but the radicals are winning the struggle between the two. It's a sad situation worry about what you can do to help this situation. Blaming Jews or anyone else for your sad state isn't going to help.
Thank you for providing a link that works, Jroc. ;)

The Syrian government killed 60,000 muslims last year? I think I'm gonna be sick. :(

Kinda funny these Israel haters dont care about such things don't you think? It just shows they are frauds, selective outrage. Most are just Jew haters plain and simple:cuckoo:
Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000
Israel has managed a fair bit of mass murder.


Over 60,000 muslims killed in Syria in the past year. Millions of muslims killed by other muslims worldwide. North Africa, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan, Yemen..On and on. Not to mention the 100s of thousands of Christians killed by muslims. muslim society is a dysfunctional society, there are moderate muslims, but the radicals are winning the struggle between the two. It's a sad situation worry about what you can do to help this situation. Blaming Jews or anyone else for your sad state isn't going to help.
Thank you for providing a link that works, Jroc. ;)

The Syrian government killed 60,000 muslims last year? I think I'm gonna be sick. And muslims mass-murdered Christians more than that? :(

Are you as sick about the deaths of 1 million human beings in Iraq
the US caused? You make me want to throw up!
Over 60,000 muslims killed in Syria in the past year. Millions of muslims killed by other muslims worldwide. North Africa, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan, Yemen..On and on. Not to mention the 100s of thousands of Christians killed by muslims. muslim society is a dysfunctional society, there are moderate muslims, but the radicals are winning the struggle between the two. It's a sad situation worry about what you can do to help this situation. Blaming Jews or anyone else for your sad state isn't going to help.
Thank you for providing a link that works, Jroc. ;)

The Syrian government killed 60,000 muslims last year? I think I'm gonna be sick. And muslims mass-murdered Christians more than that? :(

Are you as sick about the deaths of 1 million human beings in Iraq
the US caused? You make me want to throw up!

How many of those 1 million human beings were murdered by fellow muslims?
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Sorry for the delay, I had a VA Appointment.

But the British had no sovereignty rights to give to Jewish colonizers in Europe or anywhere else, they held the land as trustees for the indigenous Palestinian people.

That is 100% correct. Neither the British or the LoN granted sovereignty or ceded territory to the Israelis. The Israelis accepted the recommendation of the General Assembly on the territory and Declared Independence under the right of self-determination. That is how the process works.

It is not a one-way process; just for the Palestinian. Under the Mandate, this action was not prohibited and fulfilled part of the mandate to establish a Jewish Homeland.

More and more, I believe Israel will be a short lived nation and become an illustration of one more failed attempt by outsiders to occupy lands in the Middle East.

Yes, well --- it is commonly said that anything is possible. As long as the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians specifically, focus on actions outside international law and organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts, they will not be able to build a nation for themselves. The unlawful threat will force the continuation of the "Occupation."

Ironically, I see Israel's attempts to make her conflict falsely a part of this so called war on terror as a move that is going to more decisively seal her fate than she realuzes and not the way she visualizes it all as playing out at all. We do reap what we sow and I am going to so enjoy watching Israel fall. I just see the images of all the children she has killed and the justice of all of it is so right. I just cannot wait to see it happen! Sherri

They don't need to make it part of the WoT. The Palestinians do that themselves. Yu pointed out the citation yourself in the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation:

Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts, when the acts referred to in the present paragraph involve a threat or use of force.

The territory of a State shall not be the object of military occupation resulting from the use of force in contravention of the provisions of the Charter. The territory of a State shall not be the object of acquisition by another State resulting from the threat or use of force. No territorial acquisition resulting from the threat or use of force shall be recognized as legal. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as affecting:

(a) Provisions of the Charter or any international agreement prior to the Charter regime and valid under international law; or

(b) The powers of the Security Council under the Charter.​

Page 17 said:
In relation to the firing of rockets and mortars into southern Israel by Palestinian armed groups operating in the Gaza Strip, the Mission finds that the Palestinian armed groups fail to distinguish between military targets and the civilian population and civilian objects in southern Israel. The launching of rockets and mortars which cannot be aimed with sufficient precisions at military targets breaches the fundamental principle of distinction. Where there is no intended military target and the rockets and mortars are launched into civilian areas, they constitute a deliberate attack against the civilian population. These actions would constitute war crimes and may amount to crimes against humanity.

The Mission concludes that the rocket and mortars attacks, launched by Palestinian
armed groups operating from Gaza, have caused terror in the affected communities of
southern Israel. The attacks have caused loss of life and physical and mental injury to
civilians as well as damaging private houses, religious buildings and property, and eroded
the economic and cultural life of the affected communities and severely affected economic
and social rights of the population.
SOURCE: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/12session/A-HRC-12-48_ADVANCE2.pdf

Whatever else you may accuse the Israelis of, this stands recognized, Palestinians engage in terror operations - and this is but one example.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you for providing a link that works, Jroc. ;)

The Syrian government killed 60,000 muslims last year? I think I'm gonna be sick. And muslims mass-murdered Christians more than that? :(

Are you as sick about the deaths of 1 million human beings in Iraq
the US caused? You make me want to throw up!

How many of those 1 million human beings were murdered by fellow muslims?

95% they would be included with those millions I noted
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Sorry for the delay, I had a VA Appointment.

But the British had no sovereignty rights to give to Jewish colonizers in Europe or anywhere else, they held the land as trustees for the indigenous Palestinian people.

That is 100% correct. Neither the British or the LoN granted sovereignty or ceded territory to the Israelis. The Israelis accepted the recommendation of the General Assembly on the territory and Declared Independence under the right of self-determination. That is how the process works.

It is not a one-way process; just for the Palestinian. Under the Mandate, this action was not prohibited and fulfilled part of the mandate to establish a Jewish Homeland.

More and more, I believe Israel will be a short lived nation and become an illustration of one more failed attempt by outsiders to occupy lands in the Middle East.

Yes, well --- it is commonly said that anything is possible. As long as the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians specifically, focus on actions outside international law and organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts, they will not be able to build a nation for themselves. The unlawful threat will force the continuation of the "Occupation."


They don't need to make it part of the WoT. The Palestinians do that themselves. Yu pointed out the citation yourself in the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation:

Page 17 said:
In relation to the firing of rockets and mortars into southern Israel by Palestinian armed groups operating in the Gaza Strip, the Mission finds that the Palestinian armed groups fail to distinguish between military targets and the civilian population and civilian objects in southern Israel. The launching of rockets and mortars which cannot be aimed with sufficient precisions at military targets breaches the fundamental principle of distinction. Where there is no intended military target and the rockets and mortars are launched into civilian areas, they constitute a deliberate attack against the civilian population. These actions would constitute war crimes and may amount to crimes against humanity.

The Mission concludes that the rocket and mortars attacks, launched by Palestinian
armed groups operating from Gaza, have caused terror in the affected communities of
southern Israel. The attacks have caused loss of life and physical and mental injury to
civilians as well as damaging private houses, religious buildings and property, and eroded
the economic and cultural life of the affected communities and severely affected economic
and social rights of the population.
SOURCE: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/12session/A-HRC-12-48_ADVANCE2.pdf

Whatever else you may accuse the Israelis of, this stands recognized, Palestinians engage in terror operations - and this is but one example.

Most Respectfully,

The Indigenous people of Palestine are the Palestinians, not outside colonizers with no right of self determination in the land of Palestine, the right of self determination belongs to the Palestinian Indigenous people of Palestine. Outside colonizers have no right to come and occupy land and steal if from the indigenous people in the land, which is all Israel is, an outside colonizer and occupier in Palestine who the people living under Occupation need to kick out of their lands.

Whatever else you may accuse the Palestinians of, this stands recognized, Israel engages in terror operations, and this is but one example, and it took the lives of over one thousand Palestinians compared to rockets during Cast Lead, they took the lives of under 10.

"Much of the destruction was wanton and resulted from direct attacks on civilian objects as well as indiscriminate attacks that failed to distinguish between legitimate military targets and civilian objects. Such attacks violated fundamental provisions of international humanitarian law, notably the prohibition on direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects (the principle of distinction), the prohibition on indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks, and the prohibition on collective punishment.

Hundreds of civilians were killed in attacks carried out using high-precision weapons &#8211; air delivered bombs and missiles, and tank shells. Others, including women and children, were shot at short range when posing no threat to the lives of the Israeli soldiers. Aerial bombardments launched from Israeli F-16 combat aircraft targeted and destroyed civilian homes without warning, killing and injuring scores of their inhabitants, often while they slept. Children playing on the roofs of their homes or in the street and other civilians going about their daily business, as well as medical staff attending the wounded were killed in broad daylight by Hellfire and other highly accurate missiles launched from helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, and by precision projectiles fired from tanks."

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International

SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Sorry for the delay, I had a VA Appointment.

But the British had no sovereignty rights to give to Jewish colonizers in Europe or anywhere else, they held the land as trustees for the indigenous Palestinian people.

That is 100% correct. Neither the British or the LoN granted sovereignty or ceded territory to the Israelis. The Israelis accepted the recommendation of the General Assembly on the territory and Declared Independence under the right of self-determination. That is how the process works.

It is not a one-way process; just for the Palestinian. Under the Mandate, this action was not prohibited and fulfilled part of the mandate to establish a Jewish Homeland.


Yes, well --- it is commonly said that anything is possible. As long as the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians specifically, focus on actions outside international law and organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts, they will not be able to build a nation for themselves. The unlawful threat will force the continuation of the "Occupation."


They don't need to make it part of the WoT. The Palestinians do that themselves. Yu pointed out the citation yourself in the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation:

Whatever else you may accuse the Israelis of, this stands recognized, Palestinians engage in terror operations - and this is but one example.

Most Respectfully,

Whatever else you may accuse the Palestinians of, this stands recognized, Israel engages in terror operations, and this is but one example, and it took the lives of over one thousand Palestinians compared to rockets during Cast Lead, they took the lives of under 10.

"Much of the destruction was wanton and resulted from direct attacks on civilian objects as well as indiscriminate attacks that failed to distinguish between legitimate military targets and civilian objects. Such attacks violated fundamental provisions of international
humanitarian law, notably the prohibition on direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects
(the principle of distinction), the prohibition on indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks,
and the prohibition on collective punishment.

Hundreds of civilians were killed in attacks carried out using high-precision weapons – air delivered bombs and missiles, and tank shells. Others, including women and children, were
shot at short range when posing no threat to the lives of the Israeli soldiers. Aerial
bombardments launched from Israeli F-16 combat aircraft targeted and destroyed civilian
homes without warning, killing and injuring scores of their inhabitants, often while they slept. Children playing on the roofs of their homes or in the street and other civilians going about their daily business, as well as medical staff attending the wounded were killed in broad daylight by Hellfire and other highly accurate missiles launched from helicopters and
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, and by precision projectiles fired from tanks."

Israel/Gaza: Operation "Cast Lead": 22 days of death and destruction | Amnesty International


Willing pawns like you are used by the muslims terrorist as they attack from civilian areas, use ambulances to transport terrorists, and dead children to spread their propaganda. Of course it takes a weak mind, and a lot of Jew hatred to fall for it, you qualify congratulations:clap2:
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
"More and more, I believe Israel will be a short lived nation and become
an illustration of one more failed attempt by outsiders to occupy lands
in the Middle East."

Fellow posters read CAREFULLY the above fart from the whore.
It represents a VITAL bit of shit in the ethos of the people who,
today, call themselves "palestinians" The founding myth of
the "palestinians" includes the idea they are "palestinians"
since the beginning of time ----a stable population that
has successfully REPELLED all others THE ORIGINALS
in "palestine" since creation with a kind of METAPHYSICALLY
guaranteed CONTROL of the area. In order to understand
how a people can buy into this crap----keep in mind--in the
islamic model of the UNIVERSE------genesis happened 1400
years ago and prior to that THE WORLD WAS IN CHAOS---
something like IN THE BEGINNING----in the hebrew bible.
Islamic history STARTS with a MUSLIM ARABIA which
very quickly segues into the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC
CONQUEST during which time large parts of the world
were "RE INCORPORATED" into their true function as allah
had determined their real function to be------ie MUSLIM LAND

for those who do not know----ALL PEOPLE ARE BORN muslim----
it is the EVIL in the world that DE MUSLIMIZES them ---thus
one does not "convert" to islam----one "reverts" ie goes
back to his original status. Same is true of LAND---
since all the people were ORGINALLY muslims----all
land is ORIGINALLY MUSLIM It is all a matter of
REVERTING with a little help from scimitars at

In support of this idea---muslims do tell themselves
---that since the beginning of time-----they have managed
to RID THEIR LANDS OF KAFFIRIN It is the model of
the universe by which they live----all very logical. Keep
in mind----Muhummad played out this scenario during
his lifetime-----in his world ---arabia For muslims it is

for the record----the very least accurate way to describe
the population of "palestine" aka Israe/l judea----is
STABLE it has been in constant flux for thousands of
years----the only people who keep coming back to it are
jews Not a word of arabic was spoken in palestine
until----about 1300 years ago To the muslim mind--
all of the INDIAN SUBCONTINENT is "muslim land"
as is the Iberian penninsula it is just a matter of time.

be not dismayed----the mormons have a similar concept
P F Tinmore, et al,

I apologize for the delay.

"Control" does not mean that territory is part of your country. There was territory that was controlled by Jordan but was still part of Palestine. The West Bank was Palestinian land that was occupied by Jordan. The West Bank is still Palestinian land but it is now occupied by Israel.

The Negev has been "controlled by Israel since 1948 but is it Israel?

Yes, this is the point for which we will never agree. But it is most clear to the UN what the boundaries were.

I take the position that the 1967 Green Line is the border.

This agreement calls it Palestine.
This agreement calls it Palestine. I cannot find an agreement anywhere where that land was transferred to Israel.

Land is not transferred by or thru the mandate. It is acquired through the declaration of independence with it being vetted by the (in this case) Special Committee on Palestine; with a recommendation forwarded to the General Assembly for a vote. GA Res 181 was approved by the General Assembly (what you call a Partition Plan). That set the initial boundaries. (Which I realize you don't recognize.) At the establishment of the 1948 War Armistice the GA admitted Israel to the UN. UNSC S/RES/242 (1967) 22 November 1967, reinforces that.

The key that most of us (I realize you do not) is the following:

STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES (Signed by Ami Ayalon {former member of the Knesset for the Labor Party} & Sari Nusseibeh {former Representative of the Palestinian National Authority} on July 27 said:
1. Two states for two peoples: Both sides will declare that Palestine is the only state of the Palestinian people and Israel is the only state of the Jewish people.

2. Borders: Permanent borders between the two states will be agreed upon on the basis of the June 4, 1967 lines, UN resolutions, and the Arab peace initiative (known as the Saudi initiative).

Border modifications will be based on an equitable and agreed-upon territorial exchange (1:1) in accordance with the vital needs of both sides, including security, territorial contiguity, and demographic considerations.
· The Palestinian State will have a connection between its two geographic areas, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

· After establishment of the agreed borders, no settlers will remain in the Palestinian State.

3. Jerusalem: Jerusalem will be an open city, the capital of two states. Freedom of religion and full access to holy sites will be guaranteed to all.
· Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem will come under Palestinian sovereignty, Jewish neighborhoods under Israeli sovereignty.
· Neither side will exercise sovereignty over the holy places. The State of Palestine will be designated Guardian of al-Haram al-Sharif for the benefit of Muslims. Israel will be the Guardian of the Western Wall for the benefit of the Jewish people. The status quo on Christian holy site will be maintained. No excavation will take place in or underneath the holy sites without mutual consent.

4. Right of return: Recognizing the suffering and the plight of the Palestinian refugees, the international community, Israel, and the Palestinian State will initiate and contribute to an international fund to compensate them.
· Palestinian refugees will return only to the State of Palestine; Jews will return only to the State of Israel.
· The international community will offer to compensate toward bettering the lot of those refugees willing to remain in their present country of residence, or who wish to immigrate to third-party countries.

5. The Palestinian State will be demilitarized and the international community will guarantee its security and independence.
6. End of conflict: Upon the full implementation of these principles, all claims on both sides and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will end.

This is a variant of the 2 State Solution still floating around.

It does not say that. It says "self governing institutions" there was not to be a Jewish state.

HA! You score big points here. However, the 1947 General Assembly did not see it that way. Israel went ahead with the plan, the Arabs and Palestinians went to war.

I say again, that the UK did not violate any International Laws in their part.

Most Respectfully,
I've read the whole thread since my comment about the total lack of defence against the charges by the human rights council.
Not one pro Israeli poster has managed a singe word in defence of Israel, just a load of stuff about how bad other people are.

Can any Zionist bastard out there actually defend Israel's human rights record and say why Israel is the only country to ever give the UN the finger and refuse to talk to it?
I've read the whole thread since my comment about the total lack of defence against the charges by the human rights council.
Not one pro Israeli poster has managed a singe word in defence of Israel, just a load of stuff about how bad other people are.

Can any Zionist bastard out there actually defend Israel's human rights record and say why Israel is the only country to ever give the UN the finger and refuse to talk to it?

your comment makes no sense Israel has an excellent record regarding human
rights. Comments regarding the actions of OTHER countries are germane---
without comparison there is no science. ask Heisenberg. Do you have any idea
how "NORMAL" blood levels of ---sodium or potassium or glucose are determined?
Do you have any idea how "normal" body weights for infants are determined?
I've read the whole thread since my comment about the total lack of defence against the charges by the human rights council.
Not one pro Israeli poster has managed a singe word in defence of Israel, just a load of stuff about how bad other people are.

Can any Zionist bastard out there actually defend Israel's human rights record and say why Israel is the only country to ever give the UN the finger and refuse to talk to it?

your comment makes no sense Israel has an excellent record regarding human

Tell me, how many countries have refused to work with the UN on human rights?
I'll give you a clue, less than two.
Want any clues as to the county concerned?

Now, how is an excellent record on human rights compatible with giving the UN the finger and smashing international law (Illegal settlers in occupied Palestine)?
Let's have a look at Israeli's excellent record.

Anti-Israel Resolutions at the HRC - UN Watch

There you have a bunch of resolutions against Israel for a wide variety of human rights abuses.
We have 30+ resolutions in just a few years, a lot more than Iraq managed and it's way out of date as there have been several more since.

Tell me, how is,
Deeply concerned also at the Israeli policy of closures and the severe restrictions, including curfews and the permit regime, that continue to be imposed on the movement of Palestinians and their free access to their holy sites, including Al Aqsa Mosque...&#8221;
"Expresses grave concern at the repeated Israeli military attacks carried out in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, which have resulted in loss of life and injuries among Palestinian civilians, including women and children..."
, an excellent record?

irosie91 lied.
I've read the whole thread since my comment about the total lack of defence against the charges by the human rights council.
Not one pro Israeli poster has managed a singe word in defence of Israel, just a load of stuff about how bad other people are.

Can any Zionist bastard out there actually defend Israel's human rights record and say why Israel is the only country to ever give the UN the finger and refuse to talk to it?

your comment makes no sense Israel has an excellent record regarding human

Tell me, how many countries have refused to work with the UN on human rights?
I'll give you a clue, less than two.
Want any clues as to the county concerned?

Now, how is an excellent record on human rights compatible with giving the UN the finger and smashing international law (Illegal settlers in occupied Palestine)?

you asked about HUMAN RIGHTS-----and I answered a country "giving the finger"
to the UN has nothing to do with "HUMAN RIGHTS" People in Israel have freedoms which exceed the freedoms that MOST people in the rest of the world enjoy The
Standard of living for the people of the west bank and gaza has IMPROVED over
what it was pre 1967---MARKEDLY Were Israel to suddenly leave---dismantle its
improvements and pull utility lines and end job opportunities -----the people of
the west bank and gaza would be very unhappy. They have been propagandized to believe that they have a RIGHT to own the improvements Israel made and a RIGHT
to the job opportunities Israel afforded them and a RIGHT to medical care in Israel
all sorts of RIGHTS You may have forgotten----during the early part of the INTIFADA Israel stopped giving jobs to gazans for security reasons -----there was a huge outcry of indignation. If Israel were to decide to discharge all "palestinian" patients from Israeli
hospitals----there would be HAVOC. Somehow they were taught to believe that they
have a RIGHT to medical care in Israel. The "palestinians" are not fighting for
"autonomy" -----they think they are "ENTITLED" to a high standard of living as
your comment makes no sense Israel has an excellent record regarding human

Tell me, how many countries have refused to work with the UN on human rights?
I'll give you a clue, less than two.
Want any clues as to the county concerned?

Now, how is an excellent record on human rights compatible with giving the UN the finger and smashing international law (Illegal settlers in occupied Palestine)?

you asked about HUMAN RIGHTS-----and I answered a country "giving the finger"
to the UN has nothing to do with "HUMAN RIGHTS"

So, let me get this right.
A country refusing to work with the UN on human rights issues is not doing anything wrong, even though it refuses to work with the UN because the UN exposes that country's terrible record. Correct?

Perhaps you can comment on the excellent human rights record of killing civilians with fire bombs.
I've read the whole thread since my comment about the total lack of defence against the charges by the human rights council.
Not one pro Israeli poster has managed a singe word in defence of Israel, just a load of stuff about how bad other people are.

Can any Zionist bastard out there actually defend Israel's human rights record and say why Israel is the only country to ever give the UN the finger and refuse to talk to it?

your comment makes no sense Israel has an excellent record regarding human
rights. Comments regarding the actions of OTHER countries are germane---
without comparison there is no science. ask Heisenberg. Do you have any idea
how "NORMAL" blood levels of ---sodium or potassium or glucose are determined?
Do you have any idea how "normal" body weights for infants are determined?

Screw the U.N. They are a joke...

Genocidal Muslim Sudan Elected VP of Top UN Human Rights Body


The bad news is that you can be wanted for genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court and your flunky can still receive a top human rights position at the United Nations.

The good news? This is the UN. There is no good news.

Genocidal Muslim Sudan Elected VP of Top UN Human Rights Body

UN Giving Syrian Government $519 Million for Humanitarian Assistance


Does it really make sense to transfer more than $519,000,000 worth of international aid to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, when nearly every major world leader has predicted the imminent dismemberment of the Assad regime, if not the man himself?

If your only point of reference is the January 19 UN document explaining the rationale for the transfer to Syria of more than $500,000,000, you would be hard pressed to understand exactly what is happening in that country that has caused the huge increase in need for humanitarian aid. The deaths of more than 60,000 in less than two years, which most people call the Syrian Civil War, are instead referred to in UN-speak as “the events in Syria since March, 2011,” or, sometimes, as “the current events.”

According to the United Nation’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), the Humanitarian Assistance Response Plan for Syria contemplates the transfer of $519,627,047 to cover the period of January 1, 2013 to the end of June, 2013.

UN Giving Syrian Government $519 Million for Humanitarian Assistance

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