U.S. bars flight from landing with Americans, green card holders from Kabul, organizers say


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Meanwhile, the dipshit Biden [mal]adminsitration is waving thousands of illegals across our border every day. Not to mention unvetted Afghanis.

The shit show continues, now in month nine.

NB to Mods this is not the same story as is in another thread:

—The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday denied U.S. landing rights for a charter plane carrying more than 100 Americans and U.S. green card holders evacuated from Afghanistan, organizers of the flight said.

"They will not allow a charter on an international flight into a U.S. port of entry," Bryan Stern, a founder of non-profit group Project Dynamo, said of the department's Customs and Border Protection agency.

Stern spoke to Reuters from aboard a plane his group chartered from Kam Air, a private Afghan airline, that he said had been sitting for 14 hours at Abu Dhabi airport after arriving from Kabul with 117 people, including 59 children.

His group is one of several that emerged from ad hoc networks of U.S. military veterans, current and former U.S. officials and others that formed to bolster last month's U.S. evacuation operation, which they saw as chaotic and badly organized.

DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


They should have been born as Haitians. All they have to do is get past the guy on the horse and they are home free! Should be much easier to do that now that they arent using horses anymore.
A "green card" holder isn't a citizen.

But they may have a right to work in America.

Can't vote, can't get drafted, etc.
Why is the Taliban so accommodating and how long will it last?
The Viet Cong would have started re-educating traitors by now.
Not a single one got out after the North took over.
And Biden gets 124,000 out and counting?? What's wrong with this picture?
It must have been Trump's plan?
Unbelievable! :mad-61:

It is as if this Administration relish the idea of Americans being killed by the Taliban!

This right here tells you all you have to know about these criminals who stole the election. They give a fuck!
Pressure works.


In emails to National Review on Wednesday, the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security said they were verifying the flight manifest and ensuring that all passengers were properly screened and vetted before flying to the U.S. Bunner said the commercial flight that the group flew in on Thursday was paid for and provided by the U.S. government.

“It was a pretty significant change of heart,” he said. “You can’t ask for more than that.”



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