U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

Chillicoath says, no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't
Speaking for that poor avatar of mine, what he is attempting to convey to the poster 'Kaz' is that.......you haven't offered proof of your assertion that the elections was stolen.

If you have, well, we haven't seen it.
If you have.....may we ask you to link us to it so we can read the quality of your proofs and, either side with you, or state that you are wrongheaded.

Be our sherpa here, poster 'kaz'........are we wrong on your lack of substance on 'the Steal', or do you have substance, after all?

Batter up, mein freund.

"Had I pulled my weapon and shot an unarmed suspect, I would have gone to prison."

Well, that may be. You know your prior record and reputation better than this forum.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.

May her family be comforted.
If only she'd complied...

Something you never say when it's a black shot by the cops.

You support her death because of your politics, just like you are against the cops every other time because of your politics.

Own your actions and stop lying
You know so much about me!

Well, it's not like you post your racist Democrat Nazi shit all over the site every day. Oh wait, you do ...
N-word again....cha-ching!

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

And Smokin' lies again. It's actually incredibly rare. It's your exploitation that isn't rare because you're a racist
You're FOS.

Cops have no more legal authority to shoot than anyone does.
Can you shoot someone unarmed over a deliberate trespass protest?
No, you can't.
So then police legally can't either.
Whether or not police do it all the times is a good reason for more protests and lawsuits, not less.

Actually, there are hundreds of millions of interactions between police and people of all races every year and virtually all of them are uneventful. Cops rarely shoot anyone. Our media is just Pravda reporting that they do
So, cops shooting people are cool because there's only a few.....well, that makes sense....from the same orange cult that gave us "Covid is ok because only a few die....and it will soon just disappear."
I've been condemning violence, rioting, looting and burning from both sides for quite a while, hun. You just choose to ignore it. That's on you in your ignorance. :)
then say it, I condemn violence on both sides. I do. why can't you?

Because violence, rioting, looting, etc. can not only be excused under some circumstances, but justified and even encouraged.
Face facts about how elections and the democratic system of government have failed.
The government is correct, corrupt, and does numerous illegal things, like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, illegal wars, asset forfeiture, 3 strikes, etc.
The ONLK way then to actually get political reform is to directly threaten the wealthy elite who control us.
And since they run by profits, the only way to get political reform is to harm their profits.
And the only way to do that is with riots and looting.

The reality is that full rebellion likely is warranted, when police shoot unarmed juveniles, people running away, etc.
So looting and rioting is not only warranted, but better than a full rebellion.
It is mostly just material damage, and does not last long.
And if it makes police change and reduce murders by police, then it is great.
It works better than elections.
We get the reform we deserve.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

And Smokin' lies again. It's actually incredibly rare. It's your exploitation that isn't rare because you're a racist
You're FOS.

Math is racist, huh racist jackass?

There are hundreds of millions of police, citizen interactions every year and virtually every one between every race is uneventful.

You are a LIAR
"Math is racist"? :heehee: Well, orange cultists can't seem to count.

Request #4. Actually condemn leftist including Antifa and BLM looting and stop spinning.

You refuse to do it. Obviously you never did.

And it's leftists saying math is racist. Yet again you're a liar saying the right said that. It's your side, Holmes. You know that, you're a liar

Again, the looting, rioting, etc., is more than justified when police deliberately kill people who should not even have been arrested.
Police can not legally shoot more than anyone, and yet they consistently do and get away with it.
That condemns not only ALL the police, but ALL the prosecutors, courts, judges, etc.
So rioting and looting, in order to threaten the wealthy elite, is vastly justified and far better than an armed rebellion that would mean millions of deaths and starting all over.
We need to identify the cause of current corruption, the wealthy elite, and intimidate them even more, so that they stop the police from murdering innocent people.
Chillicoath says, no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't
Speaking for that poor avatar of mine, what he is attempting to convey to the poster 'Kaz' is that.......you haven't offered proof of your assertion that the elections was stolen.

If you have, well, we haven't seen it.
If you have.....may we ask you to link us to it so we can read the quality of your proofs and, either side with you, or state that you are wrongheaded.

Be our sherpa here, poster 'kaz'........are we wrong on your lack of substance on 'the Steal', or do you have substance, after all?

Batter up, mein freund.

"Had I pulled my weapon and shot an unarmed suspect, I would have gone to prison."

Well, that may be. You know your prior record and reputation better than this forum.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.

May her family be comforted.
If only she'd complied...

Something you never say when it's a black shot by the cops.

You support her death because of your politics, just like you are against the cops every other time because of your politics.

Own your actions and stop lying
You know so much about me!

Well, it's not like you post your racist Democrat Nazi shit all over the site every day. Oh wait, you do ...
N-word again....cha-ching!

You're a Nazi and Nazi does start with N! Bravo, you're right, Nazi does start with N! Nicely done!

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

And Smokin' lies again. It's actually incredibly rare. It's your exploitation that isn't rare because you're a racist
You're FOS.

Cops have no more legal authority to shoot than anyone does.
Can you shoot someone unarmed over a deliberate trespass protest?
No, you can't.
So then police legally can't either.
Whether or not police do it all the times is a good reason for more protests and lawsuits, not less.

Actually, there are hundreds of millions of interactions between police and people of all races every year and virtually all of them are uneventful. Cops rarely shoot anyone. Our media is just Pravda reporting that they do
So, cops shooting people are cool because there's only a few.....well, that makes sense....from the same orange cult that gave us "Covid is ok because only a few die....and it will soon just disappear."

No one said that, liar. Leftists just lie, lie, lie and lie.

BTW, lie starts with "L"

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

And Smokin' lies again. It's actually incredibly rare. It's your exploitation that isn't rare because you're a racist
You're FOS.

Cops have no more legal authority to shoot than anyone does.
Can you shoot someone unarmed over a deliberate trespass protest?
No, you can't.
So then police legally can't either.
Whether or not police do it all the times is a good reason for more protests and lawsuits, not less.

Actually, there are hundreds of millions of interactions between police and people of all races every year and virtually all of them are uneventful. Cops rarely shoot anyone. Our media is just Pravda reporting that they do

Police are almost always on the wrong side to some degree.
They support all the illegal laws, like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, illegal wars, unfair tax laws, gun control, etc.
They deliberately generate billions in tickets, citations, etc., that are mostly wrong.
They illegally search vehicles, homes, etc., or illegal no-knock warrants.
They shoot people illegally just because they feel some imaginary risk, when in reality it is the police themselves who constitute a real, clear and present danger to us all.
And police rarely have to illegally murder people in order to preserve the fact they can and do deliberately murder people and get away with it whenever they want.
The point is their illegal intimidation, not the actual body count.
Chillicoath says, no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't
Speaking for that poor avatar of mine, what he is attempting to convey to the poster 'Kaz' is that.......you haven't offered proof of your assertion that the elections was stolen.

If you have, well, we haven't seen it.
If you have.....may we ask you to link us to it so we can read the quality of your proofs and, either side with you, or state that you are wrongheaded.

Be our sherpa here, poster 'kaz'........are we wrong on your lack of substance on 'the Steal', or do you have substance, after all?

Batter up, mein freund.

"Had I pulled my weapon and shot an unarmed suspect, I would have gone to prison."

Well, that may be. You know your prior record and reputation better than this forum.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.

May her family be comforted.
If only she'd complied...

Something you never say when it's a black shot by the cops.

You support her death because of your politics, just like you are against the cops every other time because of your politics.

Own your actions and stop lying
You know so much about me!

Well, it's not like you post your racist Democrat Nazi shit all over the site every day. Oh wait, you do ...
N-word again....cha-ching!

You're a Nazi and Nazi does start with N! Bravo, you're right, Nazi does start with N! Nicely done!
There's the N-word thrice! You got $ + $ + $ that time. Helps pay for your "habit".

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

And Smokin' lies again. It's actually incredibly rare. It's your exploitation that isn't rare because you're a racist
You're FOS.

Math is racist, huh racist jackass?

There are hundreds of millions of police, citizen interactions every year and virtually every one between every race is uneventful.

You are a LIAR
"Math is racist"? :heehee: Well, orange cultists can't seem to count.

Request #4. Actually condemn leftist including Antifa and BLM looting and stop spinning.

You refuse to do it. Obviously you never did.

And it's leftists saying math is racist. Yet again you're a liar saying the right said that. It's your side, Holmes. You know that, you're a liar

Again, the looting, rioting, etc., is more than justified when police deliberately kill people who should not even have been arrested.
Police can not legally shoot more than anyone, and yet they consistently do and get away with it.
That condemns not only ALL the police, but ALL the prosecutors, courts, judges, etc.
So rioting and looting, in order to threaten the wealthy elite, is vastly justified and far better than an armed rebellion that would mean millions of deaths and starting all over.
We need to identify the cause of current corruption, the wealthy elite, and intimidate them even more, so that they stop the police from murdering innocent people.

It's justified to loot black business owners and burn down their businesses because one cop kills one black. It's not fair to do that to white business owners who had nothing to do with it either. And it's not fair to all the cops who didn't do that.

That's just stupid

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

And Smokin' lies again. It's actually incredibly rare. It's your exploitation that isn't rare because you're a racist
You're FOS.

Cops have no more legal authority to shoot than anyone does.
Can you shoot someone unarmed over a deliberate trespass protest?
No, you can't.
So then police legally can't either.
Whether or not police do it all the times is a good reason for more protests and lawsuits, not less.

Actually, there are hundreds of millions of interactions between police and people of all races every year and virtually all of them are uneventful. Cops rarely shoot anyone. Our media is just Pravda reporting that they do
So, cops shooting people are cool because there's only a few.....well, that makes sense....from the same orange cult that gave us "Covid is ok because only a few die....and it will soon just disappear."

I agree with you about the police, but disagree about covid-19.
As much as I dislike Trump, he was right about covid-19 in that the best strategy would have been to get rid of it as quickly as possible, and that means trying to instead accelerate the original spike instead of trying to "flatten the curve".
The reason "flattening the curve" is so very, very wrong, is that prevents herd immunity. It makes it last longer. It stretches it out. Potentially is can make any epidemic last forever. It prevents it from ending. No epidemiologist has ever supported it as a strategy. It is not one of the 2 options that are quick. You either do full quarantine with contact tracing for something too deadly, or you deliberately try to accelerate it with variolation if the healthy volunteers are likely to survive. Those are your only 2 options. And "flattening the curve" is not one of them. It does not and NEVER can work. Instead it maximizes the death total over time. Time is the last thing any epidemic should be given.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

And Smokin' lies again. It's actually incredibly rare. It's your exploitation that isn't rare because you're a racist
You're FOS.

Cops have no more legal authority to shoot than anyone does.
Can you shoot someone unarmed over a deliberate trespass protest?
No, you can't.
So then police legally can't either.
Whether or not police do it all the times is a good reason for more protests and lawsuits, not less.

Actually, there are hundreds of millions of interactions between police and people of all races every year and virtually all of them are uneventful. Cops rarely shoot anyone. Our media is just Pravda reporting that they do

Police are almost always on the wrong side to some degree.
They support all the illegal laws, like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, illegal wars, unfair tax laws, gun control, etc.
They deliberately generate billions in tickets, citations, etc., that are mostly wrong.
They illegally search vehicles, homes, etc., or illegal no-knock warrants.
They shoot people illegally just because they feel some imaginary risk, when in reality it is the police themselves who constitute a real, clear and present danger to us all.
And police rarely have to illegally murder people in order to preserve the fact they can and do deliberately murder people and get away with it whenever they want.
The point is their illegal intimidation, not the actual body count.

You're a fucking retard and a race baiter. Go to hell, fascist
Chillicoath says, no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't
Speaking for that poor avatar of mine, what he is attempting to convey to the poster 'Kaz' is that.......you haven't offered proof of your assertion that the elections was stolen.

If you have, well, we haven't seen it.
If you have.....may we ask you to link us to it so we can read the quality of your proofs and, either side with you, or state that you are wrongheaded.

Be our sherpa here, poster 'kaz'........are we wrong on your lack of substance on 'the Steal', or do you have substance, after all?

Batter up, mein freund.

"Had I pulled my weapon and shot an unarmed suspect, I would have gone to prison."

Well, that may be. You know your prior record and reputation better than this forum.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.

May her family be comforted.
If only she'd complied...

Something you never say when it's a black shot by the cops.

You support her death because of your politics, just like you are against the cops every other time because of your politics.

Own your actions and stop lying
You know so much about me!

Well, it's not like you post your racist Democrat Nazi shit all over the site every day. Oh wait, you do ...
N-word again....cha-ching!

You're a Nazi and Nazi does start with N! Bravo, you're right, Nazi does start with N! Nicely done!
There's the N-word thrice! You got $ + $ + $ that time. Helps pay for your "habit".

What does "habit" start with? Do you now, Nazi?

Sorry for making you cry before with the crick question what "W" starts with. It's just "W"

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

And Smokin' lies again. It's actually incredibly rare. It's your exploitation that isn't rare because you're a racist
You're FOS.

Math is racist, huh racist jackass?

There are hundreds of millions of police, citizen interactions every year and virtually every one between every race is uneventful.

You are a LIAR
"Math is racist"? :heehee: Well, orange cultists can't seem to count.

Request #4. Actually condemn leftist including Antifa and BLM looting and stop spinning.

You refuse to do it. Obviously you never did.

And it's leftists saying math is racist. Yet again you're a liar saying the right said that. It's your side, Holmes. You know that, you're a liar

Again, the looting, rioting, etc., is more than justified when police deliberately kill people who should not even have been arrested.
Police can not legally shoot more than anyone, and yet they consistently do and get away with it.
That condemns not only ALL the police, but ALL the prosecutors, courts, judges, etc.
So rioting and looting, in order to threaten the wealthy elite, is vastly justified and far better than an armed rebellion that would mean millions of deaths and starting all over.
We need to identify the cause of current corruption, the wealthy elite, and intimidate them even more, so that they stop the police from murdering innocent people.

It's justified to loot black business owners and burn down their businesses because one cop kills one black. It's not fair to do that to white business owners who had nothing to do with it either. And it's not fair to all the cops who didn't do that.

That's just stupid

Everyone know the cops have been carelessly shooting people way back to Prohibition.
There are no innocent businessmen, police, judges, lawyers, politicians, etc.

While shooting people is an extreme that can not be allowed, it is necessary to break windows and loot.
That is the only way to get those who can easily change things if they want, to actually make those changes.
Chillicoath says, no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't
Speaking for that poor avatar of mine, what he is attempting to convey to the poster 'Kaz' is that.......you haven't offered proof of your assertion that the elections was stolen.

If you have, well, we haven't seen it.
If you have.....may we ask you to link us to it so we can read the quality of your proofs and, either side with you, or state that you are wrongheaded.

Be our sherpa here, poster 'kaz'........are we wrong on your lack of substance on 'the Steal', or do you have substance, after all?

Batter up, mein freund.

"Had I pulled my weapon and shot an unarmed suspect, I would have gone to prison."

Well, that may be. You know your prior record and reputation better than this forum.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.

May her family be comforted.
If only she'd complied...

Something you never say when it's a black shot by the cops.

You support her death because of your politics, just like you are against the cops every other time because of your politics.

Own your actions and stop lying
You know so much about me!

Well, it's not like you post your racist Democrat Nazi shit all over the site every day. Oh wait, you do ...
N-word again....cha-ching!

You're a Nazi and Nazi does start with N! Bravo, you're right, Nazi does start with N! Nicely done!
There's the N-word thrice! You got $ + $ + $ that time. Helps pay for your "habit".

What does "habit" start with? Do you now, Nazi?

Sorry for making you cry before with the crick question what "W" starts with. It's just "W"
N-word again...more $ for your "habit". ;)

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

And Smokin' lies again. It's actually incredibly rare. It's your exploitation that isn't rare because you're a racist
You're FOS.

Cops have no more legal authority to shoot than anyone does.
Can you shoot someone unarmed over a deliberate trespass protest?
No, you can't.
So then police legally can't either.
Whether or not police do it all the times is a good reason for more protests and lawsuits, not less.

Actually, there are hundreds of millions of interactions between police and people of all races every year and virtually all of them are uneventful. Cops rarely shoot anyone. Our media is just Pravda reporting that they do

Police are almost always on the wrong side to some degree.
They support all the illegal laws, like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, illegal wars, unfair tax laws, gun control, etc.
They deliberately generate billions in tickets, citations, etc., that are mostly wrong.
They illegally search vehicles, homes, etc., or illegal no-knock warrants.
They shoot people illegally just because they feel some imaginary risk, when in reality it is the police themselves who constitute a real, clear and present danger to us all.
And police rarely have to illegally murder people in order to preserve the fact they can and do deliberately murder people and get away with it whenever they want.
The point is their illegal intimidation, not the actual body count.

You're a fucking retard and a race baiter. Go to hell, fascist

Race is not the main factor.
Police also illegally shoot whites, like the Italians they murdered over Prohibition, the Latinos they murder in the illegal War on Drugs, the Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Egyptians, Libyans, etc. murdered.
The illegal Military Industrial Complex does not just murder Blacks.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.

Anyone - ESPECIALLY a police officer, if they feel there is an immediate DEADLY threat to themself or the general public have the duty to discharge their weapon in order to eliminate the threat.

Someone tell me - where was the "threat"? This lady was not armed, was outside the immediate perimeter. Today, had she been black, there would be MORE riots. However, she was a white lady so - "Too bad, so sad".

Stupid Americans........

For leftists it's only about racism and greed
Who is suing for 10 million dollars?

Curious, who gave Floyd's family 26 million dollars?

Oh yes, that's right, Minneapolis did.

Floyd's family didn't care about Floyd, they happily accepted the money and stopped speaking out against police brutality.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

They should be.

It was also illegal murder to shoot Ashli.
Now you are starting to get the picture.
The police have been deliberately shielded from consequences to their illegal murders for over a century.
Go back to Prohibition and think about how illegal that was.
Think about the illegal drafts for illegal wars like WWI, the Spanish American War, Vietnam, the Civil War, etc.
We have been living in an illegal police state for a very long time.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.


Its the other way around.
You can't legally shoot unless you know for sure she WAS armed.
And no, Ashli had no part in battering doors or windows.
We hear no warning from the cop who shot, but the gun was pointed for a long time and people were pointing out the gun.
But a warning is where you shoot into the floor or something.
Never happened.
So then legally its murder.
Police do not have the authority to shoot unless they for sure see a deadly weapon.
You're FOS, police all around the country do it all the time.

Never been an officer having to make a split-second decision, have you?

The camera footage clearly showed her to be unarmed. It was reckless of the officer to shoot through the window without first assessing the threat. He was acting to his fear, not his training.

(Yes, I know what Ashli did was also reckless, but she didn't deserve to die for it, nor is it the point of my response)

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