U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

The USA has done nothing but cut taxes for the past 40 years. Time for a change.

I have never seen someone on this board so blatantly and openly advocate for raising taxes on the middle class in my life.
Oh really? The Middle Class makes $400,000 a year?

Uh yeah? That's called "upper middle class" you dolt.
Really? I wish I made that much....to pay taxes under the Biden plan.

Well, quit making stupid remarks at me and go chase your dreams!
What Is a Middle-Class Income?
Income groupIncome
Poor or near-poor$32,048 or less
Lower-middle class$32,048 - $53,413
Middle class$53,413 - $106,827
Upper-middle class$106,827 - $373,894
The USA has done nothing but cut taxes for the past 40 years. Time for a change.

I have never seen someone on this board so blatantly and openly advocate for raising taxes on the middle class in my life.
Oh really? The Middle Class makes $400,000 a year?

Uh yeah? That's called "upper middle class" you dolt.

What Is a Middle-Class Income?
Income groupIncome
Poor or near-poor$32,048 or less
Lower-middle class$32,048 - $53,413
Middle class$53,413 - $106,827
Upper-middle class$106,827 - $373,894

So, close to $400k.

Or are we mincing words here?
Close to $400K isn't $400K. Fact.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
You're a tool, and not a particularly effective one, kind of like a dull knife.

I am not a Democrat. I've never registered with any political party. Consequently, I don't worship Biden. I've voted for Democrats AND Republicans in the past.

Having said that, I saw Trump as lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and nothing short of a compulsive unapologetic liar who didn't care about anything other than the aggrandizement of his fragile ego which seemed to crave constant affirmation.

On the other hand, I saw Biden as a man with decades of experience in gov't who, unlike Trump, understood public policy, and how to work within the system to accomplish things instead of tearing things down around him like Trump did.

For a person like me who's not motivated by all things partisan first, it was a no brainer who to support. However, I have to admit that I am concerned about Biden's massive spending priorities because I think it could very well be too much spending in too short a period of time. But it's not like Trump was much better since his signature legislative accomplishment was a massive tax cut for himself and his wealthy friends which McConnell described at first as revenue neutral only to later claim that it would increase revenues, and of course neither claim was true since deficit spending increased as a result of Trump's increased spending combined with lower tax revenues.

Yeah, Kaz. He's not a Democrat; he's a Democrat fluffer.
I'm not a fluffer, but I was a flufernutter a few decades ago.

. . . Naaahh, too easy. I'd feel cheap.
I can understand your confusion (and your temptation). But just for YOUR edification, a fluffernutter was a childhood sandwich made of peanut butter and marshmallow spread...on white bread, for God's sake.

Hell, I don't even think they make marshmallow spread anymore. But if they did, I have little doubt that fluffers would use it.
I think they still make it. Ugh....never liked it or marshmallows period.
it was probably little more than a sweet tooth fad. However, I still do the PBJ thing, with jam or preserves (both seedless and sugarless) taking the place of jelly. Hey, I consider that progress like whole wheat bread taking the place of bleached white bread Wonder Bread.

By the way, I eat the crusts...
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
You're a tool, and not a particularly effective one, kind of like a dull knife.

I am not a Democrat. I've never registered with any political party. Consequently, I don't worship Biden. I've voted for Democrats AND Republicans in the past.

Having said that, I saw Trump as lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and nothing short of a compulsive unapologetic liar who didn't care about anything other than the aggrandizement of his fragile ego which seemed to crave constant affirmation.

On the other hand, I saw Biden as a man with decades of experience in gov't who, unlike Trump, understood public policy, and how to work within the system to accomplish things instead of tearing things down around him like Trump did.

For a person like me who's not motivated by all things partisan first, it was a no brainer who to support. However, I have to admit that I am concerned about Biden's massive spending priorities because I think it could very well be too much spending in too short a period of time. But it's not like Trump was much better since his signature legislative accomplishment was a massive tax cut for himself and his wealthy friends which McConnell described at first as revenue neutral only to later claim that it would increase revenues, and of course neither claim was true since deficit spending increased as a result of Trump's increased spending combined with lower tax revenues.

Yeah, Kaz. He's not a Democrat; he's a Democrat fluffer.
I'm not a fluffer, but I was a flufernutter a few decades ago.

. . . Naaahh, too easy. I'd feel cheap.
I can understand your confusion (and your temptation). But just for YOUR edification, a fluffernutter was a childhood sandwich made of peanut butter and marshmallow spread...on white bread, for God's sake.

Hell, I don't even think they make marshmallow spread anymore. But if they did, I have little doubt that fluffers would use it.
I think they still make it. Ugh....never liked it or marshmallows period.
it was probably little more than a sweet tooth fad. However, I still do the PBJ thing, with jam or preserves (both seedless and sugarless) taking the place of jelly. Hey, I consider that progress like whole wheat bread taking the place of bleached white bread Wonder Bread.

By the way, I eat the crusts...
Yeah, it was WAY sweet. My sister liked it...and I remember the jar had a recipe for brownies on it....Mom made it once. I couldn't eat one, it was so sweet.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
You're a tool, and not a particularly effective one, kind of like a dull knife.

I am not a Democrat. I've never registered with any political party. Consequently, I don't worship Biden. I've voted for Democrats AND Republicans in the past.

Having said that, I saw Trump as lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and nothing short of a compulsive unapologetic liar who didn't care about anything other than the aggrandizement of his fragile ego which seemed to crave constant affirmation.

On the other hand, I saw Biden as a man with decades of experience in gov't who, unlike Trump, understood public policy, and how to work within the system to accomplish things instead of tearing things down around him like Trump did.

For a person like me who's not motivated by all things partisan first, it was a no brainer who to support. However, I have to admit that I am concerned about Biden's massive spending priorities because I think it could very well be too much spending in too short a period of time. But it's not like Trump was much better since his signature legislative accomplishment was a massive tax cut for himself and his wealthy friends which McConnell described at first as revenue neutral only to later claim that it would increase revenues, and of course neither claim was true since deficit spending increased as a result of Trump's increased spending combined with lower tax revenues.

Yeah, Kaz. He's not a Democrat; he's a Democrat fluffer.
I'm not a fluffer, but I was a flufernutter a few decades ago.

. . . Naaahh, too easy. I'd feel cheap.
I can understand your confusion (and your temptation). But just for YOUR edification, a fluffernutter was a childhood sandwich made of peanut butter and marshmallow spread...on white bread, for God's sake.

Hell, I don't even think they make marshmallow spread anymore. But if they did, I have little doubt that fluffers would use it.
I think they still make it. Ugh....never liked it or marshmallows period.
it was probably little more than a sweet tooth fad. However, I still do the PBJ thing, with jam or preserves (both seedless and sugarless) taking the place of jelly. Hey, I consider that progress like whole wheat bread taking the place of bleached white bread Wonder Bread.

By the way, I eat the crusts...
Ah, Wonder bread. Or rather, Wonder bread wrappers.....on my feet under my boots when playing in the snow as a kid.
And the Capitol Police will win the lawsuit.

she was trespassing on Capital ignoring police orders to stand down busting open a window to crawl through when she was shot, taking part in the attack on the US Capitol building during which other members of the group shoe is whiskey made threats against the lives of police and members of Congress as well as the vice president.

They had every reason to believe she was armed and no way to know she wasn't and gave her numerous warnings to stand down before shooting.

Tresspassing does not justify lethal force.
There is nothing in the video as to the shooting cop ordering anything or saying any warning.
She did NOT bust out the window. Others did that.
No one made threats that I heard.

They had NO reason to believe she was armed.
No one inside was armed but the police.
They can't shoot UNLESS they first see an actual weapon.
Again, there were NO warnings by the police.
It does when you're taking part in a violent attack on the Capitol building, during which threats were made against the lives of members of Congress and the vice president as well as direct attacks on police officers.

The police have no way of knowing that she was unarmed or that she did not directly take play a part in the violence. they are going to treat every single person who took part in that attack as if they are armed and dangerous and that is the proper way of treating groups like this.

She knew that the group was violent and she willingly went with them her death is on her hands and no one else's.
It's been said before on this venue......and we wish to bring no further pain to Ms. Babbit's family; however, the old folk wisdom applies here:

Play stupid games, Ashley........and you will win a stupid prize.

The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it. Guess Floyd, the punk in Chicago, and a bunch of other criminals played stupid games and got their stupid prizes.

The family should be suing Donald Trump for the Big Lie, and inciting the insurrectionists. That suit would have a reasonable chance of succeeding. This one will be tossed.
It's been said before on this venue......and we wish to bring no further pain to Ms. Babbit's family; however, the old folk wisdom applies here:

Play stupid games, Ashley........and you will win a stupid prize.

The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it. Guess Floyd, the punk in Chicago, and a bunch of other criminals played stupid games and got their stupid prizes.

The family should be suing Donald Trump for the Big Lie, and inciting the insurrectionists. That suit would have a reasonable chance of succeeding. This one will be tossed.
No it’s won’t. Medical examiner ruled homicide. Opens the door wide for a civil suit against this murdering cop.
"She knew that the group was violent and she willingly went with them her death is on her hands and no one else's."

Also notable, poster Leviticus, Ms. Babbitt, with her sworn oath to protect America against foreign and domestic enemies did zero....nada.....to discourage the boys to her immediate left from destroying government property ---in the Capitol of the United States of America, no less.

She witnessed it...saw it and heard it. Yet did absolutely nothing to prevent it or mitigate it. In fact, with her shouted statements at the police behind the barricade she was encouraging the destruction to continue.

She was confused, clearly....on what her oath required her to do.

And that, like her decision to jump into the opening.....is on her.
No one else.
It's been said before on this venue......and we wish to bring no further pain to Ms. Babbit's family; however, the old folk wisdom applies here:

Play stupid games, Ashley........and you will win a stupid prize.

The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it. Guess Floyd, the punk in Chicago, and a bunch of other criminals played stupid games and got their stupid prizes.

The family should be suing Donald Trump for the Big Lie, and inciting the insurrectionists. That suit would have a reasonable chance of succeeding. This one will be tossed.
No it’s won’t. Medical examiner ruled homicide. Opens the door wide for a civil suit against this murdering cop.
The Capitol cop was a hero....he deserves a medal. I understand Rush Limpballs doesn't need his anymore.
The police have no way of knowing that she was unarmed or that she did not directly take play a part in the violence. they are going to treat every single person who took part in that attack as if they are armed and dangerous and that is the proper way of treating groups like this.
that exist for every call a cop goes out on. and you dismiss it. shameful.
It's been said before on this venue......and we wish to bring no further pain to Ms. Babbit's family; however, the old folk wisdom applies here:

Play stupid games, Ashley........and you will win a stupid prize.

The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it. Guess Floyd, the punk in Chicago, and a bunch of other criminals played stupid games and got their stupid prizes.

The family should be suing Donald Trump for the Big Lie, and inciting the insurrectionists. That suit would have a reasonable chance of succeeding. This one will be tossed.
No it’s won’t. Medical examiner ruled homicide. Opens the door wide for a civil suit against this murdering cop.
The Capitol cop was a hero....he deserves a medal. I understand Rush Limpballs doesn't need his anymore.
Chauven did his job as well.
The USA has done nothing but cut taxes for the past 40 years. Time for a change.

I have never seen someone on this board so blatantly and openly advocate for raising taxes on the middle class in my life.
Oh really? The Middle Class makes $400,000 a year?

Uh yeah? That's called "upper middle class" you dolt.
Really? I wish I made that much....to pay taxes under the Biden plan.

Well, quit making stupid remarks at me and go chase your dreams!
What Is a Middle-Class Income?
Income groupIncome
Poor or near-poor$32,048 or less
Lower-middle class$32,048 - $53,413
Middle class$53,413 - $106,827
Upper-middle class$106,827 - $373,894
is it still middle class?
It's been said before on this venue......and we wish to bring no further pain to Ms. Babbit's family; however, the old folk wisdom applies here:

Play stupid games, Ashley........and you will win a stupid prize.

The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it. Guess Floyd, the punk in Chicago, and a bunch of other criminals played stupid games and got their stupid prizes.

The family should be suing Donald Trump for the Big Lie, and inciting the insurrectionists. That suit would have a reasonable chance of succeeding. This one will be tossed.
No it’s won’t. Medical examiner ruled homicide. Opens the door wide for a civil suit against this murdering cop.
The Capitol cop was a hero....he deserves a medal. I understand Rush Limpballs doesn't need his anymore.
Chauven did his job as well.

His superiors didn't thinks so. His trainers didn't think so. The police manual said to stop use of force when the suspect stops resisting, and Chauvin continued to keep his knee on Floyd's neck for three minutes AFTER he had no pulse, in contravention of policy policy which required him to render first aid when the medical staff were called.

Last but not least, a judge and jury found him guilty on the evidence. This fucking asshole murdered a man in broad daylight, in front of children, because he thought he could.
It's been said before on this venue......and we wish to bring no further pain to Ms. Babbit's family; however, the old folk wisdom applies here:

Play stupid games, Ashley........and you will win a stupid prize.

The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it. Guess Floyd, the punk in Chicago, and a bunch of other criminals played stupid games and got their stupid prizes.

The family should be suing Donald Trump for the Big Lie, and inciting the insurrectionists. That suit would have a reasonable chance of succeeding. This one will be tossed.
No it’s won’t. Medical examiner ruled homicide. Opens the door wide for a civil suit against this murdering cop.
The Capitol cop was a hero....he deserves a medal. I understand Rush Limpballs doesn't need his anymore.
Chauven did his job as well.
In your eyes, of course he did. Have you canonized him yet?
It's been said before on this venue......and we wish to bring no further pain to Ms. Babbit's family; however, the old folk wisdom applies here:

Play stupid games, Ashley........and you will win a stupid prize.

The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it. Guess Floyd, the punk in Chicago, and a bunch of other criminals played stupid games and got their stupid prizes.

The family should be suing Donald Trump for the Big Lie, and inciting the insurrectionists. That suit would have a reasonable chance of succeeding. This one will be tossed.
No it’s won’t. Medical examiner ruled homicide. Opens the door wide for a civil suit against this murdering cop.
The Capitol cop was a hero....he deserves a medal. I understand Rush Limpballs doesn't need his anymore.
Chauven did his job as well.

His superiors didn't thinks so. His trainers didn't think so. The police manual said to stop use of force when the suspect stops resisting, and Chauvin continued to keep his knee on Floyd's neck for three minutes AFTER he had no pulse, in contravention of policy policy which required him to render first aid when the medical staff were called.

Last but not least, a judge and jury found him guilty on the evidence. This fucking asshole murdered a man in broad daylight, in front of children, because he thought he could.
And that poster admires Chauvin to no end for that.
And the Capitol Police will win the lawsuit.

she was trespassing on Capital ignoring police orders to stand down busting open a window to crawl through when she was shot, taking part in the attack on the US Capitol building during which other members of the group shoe is whiskey made threats against the lives of police and members of Congress as well as the vice president.

They had every reason to believe she was armed and no way to know she wasn't and gave her numerous warnings to stand down before shooting.

Tresspassing does not justify lethal force.
There is nothing in the video as to the shooting cop ordering anything or saying any warning.
She did NOT bust out the window. Others did that.
No one made threats that I heard.

They had NO reason to believe she was armed.
No one inside was armed but the police.
They can't shoot UNLESS they first see an actual weapon.
Again, there were NO warnings by the police.
It does when you're taking part in a violent attack on the Capitol building, during which threats were made against the lives of members of Congress and the vice president as well as direct attacks on police officers.

The police have no way of knowing that she was unarmed or that she did not directly take play a part in the violence. they are going to treat every single person who took part in that attack as if they are armed and dangerous and that is the proper way of treating groups like this.

She knew that the group was violent and she willingly went with them her death is on her hands and no one else's.

I don't believe any violent intent was at all implied at any time.
Just like in the days of the founders, politicians would frequently be hung in effigy.

The police do not have to know for sure she is unarmed.
You legally can not shoot until you do see a weapon.
Considering anyone armed and dangerous is totally and completely illegal.
She knew the group was totally and completely NONVIOLENT.
If an unarmed woman can be shot just incase, then all police can be deliberately and instantly shot because they really ARE armed and dangerous.
The easy way to prove an assumption like yours is wrong is just to apply it universally or in reverse.
So you clearly are wrong.
The capital occupiers were wrong about the election, but had absolute right to demonstrate by occupying the capital, in order to gain the media attention they thought they deserved.
It is only if they had stayed over night that there would have been a problem.
It's been said before on this venue......and we wish to bring no further pain to Ms. Babbit's family; however, the old folk wisdom applies here:

Play stupid games, Ashley........and you will win a stupid prize.

The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it. Guess Floyd, the punk in Chicago, and a bunch of other criminals played stupid games and got their stupid prizes.

The family should be suing Donald Trump for the Big Lie, and inciting the insurrectionists. That suit would have a reasonable chance of succeeding. This one will be tossed.
No it’s won’t. Medical examiner ruled homicide. Opens the door wide for a civil suit against this murdering cop.
The Capitol cop was a hero....he deserves a medal. I understand Rush Limpballs doesn't need his anymore.

There was no legal basis for shooting, and he just missed accidentally harming the 2 cops right next to Ashli.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that

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