U.S.: China Drift Toward More State Control 'Troubling'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Anyone else see the irony and hypocrisy in this criticism of China? Our Government is taking us in the same direction,so do we really have the right to preach to anyone on this?

The United States on Wednesday criticized China for backing away from free market reforms and moving toward more state control of its economy as Beijing approaches the tenth anniversary of its entry into the World Trade Organization.

"China seems to be embracing state capitalism more strongly each year, rather than continuing to move toward the economic reform goals that originally drove its pursuit of WTO membership," U.S. Ambassador to the WTO Michael Punke said in remarks delivered in Geneva and made available in Washington.

"This is a troubling development, and the United States urges the Chinese government to reconsider the path it is on," Punke said.

His comments were part of a tenth and final review of how well China has honored commitments it made to join the WTO, which became official on December 11, 2001.

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And what are they gonna to do? Kick China out of the WTO? lol! Not gonna happen.
We really should watch that high horse preachy stuff. We're in no position for that.
I have a vision of a bunch of chinamen laughing their ass off watching a video clip of this.
I have a vision of a bunch of chinamen laughing their ass off watching a video clip of this.

Yea this Administration preaching to them about more State control really is shocking and bizarre. That's all they've pushed here since getting into power. The Chinese are no fools. They will laugh this one off as being very pathetic.

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