U.S. cities 'secretly selected' for importing Muslims


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
U.S. cities 'secretly selected' for importing Muslims
WND ^ | 04/09/15 | Leo Hohmann
U.S. cities secretly selected for importing Muslims

Requests for information often ignored, stymied
With Muslim immigrants streaming into the United States at a rate of 100,000 per year, some of the communities targeted for new arrivals are seeking information on their new neighbors, only to be frustrated by federal bureaucrats and their hired contractors.
How does a city get on the U.S. State Department’s list of 190 communities selected for refugee resettlement? How can cities find out who will be coming and when? What services will they use, and what will be the cost to taxpayers?
And, the granddaddy of all questions: Can the communities be assured that foreign nationals with ties to ISIS, al-Shabab and other Islamic terrorist groups won’t slip through the government’s porous screening process posing as “refugees”?
The answers to these questions are simple. Very little information is available. And there are no guarantees that some very bad apples won’t arrive in your town, says a leading expert on the refugee resettlement program.
One community that is trying to get information right now is Spartanburg, South Carolina.
On March 16, Ann Corcoran, author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog, spoke at a national security summit in Columbia, South Carolina, hosted by former Defense Department analyst Frank Gaffney. A few days before that conference, on March 9, a story broke in the local Spartanburg newspaper that World Relief, one of the nine resettlement agencies that works under contract with the federal government, was planning to open an office in Spartanburg

This sucks!
Aid group urges US to resettle 65,000 Syrians by end of 2016
Aid group urges US to resettle 65 000 Syrians by end of 2016 - San Jose Mercury News

BEIRUT (AP) — An international aid group on Thursday called on the United States to resettle 65,000 Syrians before the end of 2016, highlighting Washington's slow response to the massive refugee crisis generated by the civil war.

David Miliband, the President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, told The Associated Press in Beirut that the whole international community shares responsibility for the consequences of the Syrian civil war
U.S. cities 'secretly selected' for importing Muslims
WND ^ | 04/09/15 | Leo Hohmann
U.S. cities secretly selected for importing Muslims

Requests for information often ignored, stymied
With Muslim immigrants streaming into the United States at a rate of 100,000 per year, some of the communities targeted for new arrivals are seeking information on their new neighbors, only to be frustrated by federal bureaucrats and their hired contractors.
How does a city get on the U.S. State Department’s list of 190 communities selected for refugee resettlement? How can cities find out who will be coming and when? What services will they use, and what will be the cost to taxpayers?
And, the granddaddy of all questions: Can the communities be assured that foreign nationals with ties to ISIS, al-Shabab and other Islamic terrorist groups won’t slip through the government’s porous screening process posing as “refugees”?
The answers to these questions are simple. Very little information is available. And there are no guarantees that some very bad apples won’t arrive in your town, says a leading expert on the refugee resettlement program.
One community that is trying to get information right now is Spartanburg, South Carolina.
On March 16, Ann Corcoran, author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog, spoke at a national security summit in Columbia, South Carolina, hosted by former Defense Department analyst Frank Gaffney. A few days before that conference, on March 9, a story broke in the local Spartanburg newspaper that World Relief, one of the nine resettlement agencies that works under contract with the federal government, was planning to open an office in Spartanburg

This sucks!
They better think twice about sending them to South Cackalacky. Lotsa Good Ol' Boys roamin' around in pickup trucks with gunracks.
I didn't click on the link but the thread title made me think of one community near where I live. A few years ago it was all dairy farms, then most of the land was bought up and the ones who wouldn't sell were confiscated through the eminent domain tactic. Houses went up within months and now it's a sizable community (even got their own name). Almost every family living in that area are Middle Eastern. Why would an empty neighborhood just being built attract only muslims? This area was horse country, cowboys and cattle. They disappeared and the muslims showed up, almost like it was planned. :eusa_think:
Our Gov't is granting asylum under Obama.............bringing in refugees from War torn areas of the world................With them comes the culture and possibly undesirables with them...........possible terrorist................

We should not allow immigration from these areas due to the possibility of terrorist coming in with them.

To be fair Bush has done the same.............as has Clinton and etc................It is still a dangerous deal should the wrong ones come here.
Why do we have this problem? The 1951 UN convention on human rights mandates it. A treaty set up nearly 65 years ago in the aftermath of ww2 holds us to ransom.

Can you get out of such a treaty? No, not unless you also allow countries to leave other treaties (for instance the nuclear anti-proliferation treaty.)

Personally I think both should be scrapped. The former is being widely abused, the second widely ignored. Or maybe I got that the wrong way round ;)

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