U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Yes, they have the right to stop someone, and check if they are illegal. I was stopped even without specking Spanish! They held me there for 2 hours!

How come I as a white American citizens, who isn't speaking Spanish, can understand that the police have the right to stop me, and you people don't?

What gives them that right? What was their probable cause for doing so?

Or do you believe the police need no reason at all.

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I have no idea. Whether they need a reason, is for someone else to figure out.

I am not under the belief that even if they had a reason, that they needed to tell me what that reason was.

I'm not so arrogant that if an officer stops me, he has to give me every thought running through his head. Stuff happens. Get over it.

And you and those like you are the reason we are losing rights and freedoms.

For the record, they do have to give you the reason and it is your right to ask the reason.

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Is that a joke? It isn't the right wing, that has actively tried to destroy the careers of other people, because they made a comment we didn't like. It isn't the right-wing that is trying to stop people from practicing their faith. It isn't the right-wing that is protesting speakers on college campuses, because they hold a different view than us.

Trust me... if there is any loss of freedom, it is almost entirely due to the left.

Nope, not a joke at all. It is the sheep like you on the right and the left that just let those in power take out rights and freedoms as long as they keep you safe from the boggieman.

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Oh you stupid whiny brat. Just shut up. "It's sheep like you...."/... and it's whiny pathetic b!tchy people like you that stop the police from doing their job, which is why we have so much violence and criminality in this country.

If we could just ditch you scummy whiny blame shifting snots out of this country, we'd all be better off.

You want to start the insults? Ok, let's go.
Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
That’s not the point, dipshit. Two US citizens were racially profiled and detained for speaking Spanish after providing proof af citizenship. And this happened in the United States at a store in Montana.

Do you rinse after licking boots, or do you enjoy the taste?

Yet you decide to highlight the whole 35 minutes spent in the parking lot...dumbass.
Yet you decide to excuse two US citizens being detained for speaking Spanish. Even after providing proof of citizenship. You stupid, boot-licking piece of shit
There is nothing wrong with checking. There are literally MILLIONS of illegals in our country. We have to be vigilant if we want to get rid of them.
Too many white mass shooters when are we gonna start profiling and harassing whites ?
What gives them that right? What was their probable cause for doing so?

Or do you believe the police need no reason at all.

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I have no idea. Whether they need a reason, is for someone else to figure out.

I am not under the belief that even if they had a reason, that they needed to tell me what that reason was.

I'm not so arrogant that if an officer stops me, he has to give me every thought running through his head. Stuff happens. Get over it.

And you and those like you are the reason we are losing rights and freedoms.

For the record, they do have to give you the reason and it is your right to ask the reason.

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Is that a joke? It isn't the right wing, that has actively tried to destroy the careers of other people, because they made a comment we didn't like. It isn't the right-wing that is trying to stop people from practicing their faith. It isn't the right-wing that is protesting speakers on college campuses, because they hold a different view than us.

Trust me... if there is any loss of freedom, it is almost entirely due to the left.

Nope, not a joke at all. It is the sheep like you on the right and the left that just let those in power take out rights and freedoms as long as they keep you safe from the boggieman.

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Oh you stupid whiny brat. Just shut up. "It's sheep like you...."/... and it's whiny pathetic b!tchy people like you that stop the police from doing their job, which is why we have so much violence and criminality in this country.

If we could just ditch you scummy whiny blame shifting snots out of this country, we'd all be better off.

You want to start the insults? Ok, let's go.

Ahhh...I hurt the little sheeps feelings...i hate it when I do that to you partisan sheep.

It was not the “left” that gave us the Patriot Act, NSA spying, or indefinite detention of anyone, to include citizens, without trial or recourse.

It was both the left and the right that did that, and they did so because there are too many sheep like you and not enough of us who still care about liberty.

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I'm pretty sure if I didn't speak Spanish, the Mexican authorities, just based on my skin color, would check my citizen status if I were wandering around Mexico. . . .

I'm not really sure why folks are acting all insane over this. . .
Because, in #MAGA land, you give up your rights to move about freely with both hands.

I'm Hispanic (50%) and I have no issues here. None what so ever. Now I do get delayed at our borders more than most. The last time the border agent actually apologized and just said due to my name they have to do some checks. I had no issue with it because I understand the importance of border security, and I understand why my name and appearance would drawl attention. But you're free to leave the country anytime you want.
50% Hispanic? And what's the other 50% trumpanzee? And you defend being profiled? Lol
Yes, they have the right to stop someone, and check if they are illegal. I was stopped even without specking Spanish! They held me there for 2 hours!

How come I as a white American citizens, who isn't speaking Spanish, can understand that the police have the right to stop me, and you people don't?

What gives them that right? What was their probable cause for doing so?

Or do you believe the police need no reason at all.

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I have no idea. Whether they need a reason, is for someone else to figure out.

I am not under the belief that even if they had a reason, that they needed to tell me what that reason was.

I'm not so arrogant that if an officer stops me, he has to give me every thought running through his head. Stuff happens. Get over it.

And you and those like you are the reason we are losing rights and freedoms.

For the record, they do have to give you the reason and it is your right to ask the reason.

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Is that a joke? It isn't the right wing, that has actively tried to destroy the careers of other people, because they made a comment we didn't like. It isn't the right-wing that is trying to stop people from practicing their faith. It isn't the right-wing that is protesting speakers on college campuses, because they hold a different view than us.

Trust me... if there is any loss of freedom, it is almost entirely due to the left.

Nope, not a joke at all. It is the sheep like you on the right and the left that just let those in power take out rights and freedoms as long as they keep you safe from the boggieman.

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Oh please spare us the drama. No one has lost any rights. Reasonable people understand a country needs security. Sometimes it's citizens are stopped and asked questions. There's no way for these agents to know who's who. My advice, just cooperate and be pleasant. No harm will come to you. You're always free to leave.
I guess we'll find out if speaking Spanish is probable cause to be detained and questioned.

I'm pretty sure if I didn't speak Spanish, the Mexican authorities, just based on my skin color, would check my citizen status if I were wandering around Mexico. . . .

I'm not really sure why folks are acting all insane over this. . .
Because, in #MAGA land, you give up your rights to move about freely with both hands.

I'm Hispanic (50%) and I have no issues here. None what so ever. Now I do get delayed at our borders more than most. The last time the border agent actually apologized and just said due to my name they have to do some checks. I had no issue with it because I understand the importance of border security, and I understand why my name and appearance would drawl attention. But you're free to leave the country anytime you want.
50% Hispanic? And what's the other 50% trumpanzee? And you defend being profiled? Lol

Kind of like I'm being profiled by your post? Stunning you Liberals don't even realize what you do. Being Hispanic, I see you guys do it all the time.
Next time speak English. See if that resolves the problem...
Well, there you have it. Time to start detaining people in this great country for speaking something other than English in public.

Throw a couple of allahu akbars in the conversation since you aren't in a hurry...
Maybe they should detain people for looking Irish

They detained the Irish to the extent that they started calling the vehicle they rounded them up in the "Paddy Wagon". If the shoe fits...
If it is the Irish creating this illegal alien problem, then detain all the Irish sneaking into our country illegally.
There ya go. :eusa_dance:
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.
The border patrol has the right and the duty to detain anyone they find suspicious in any way...now go cry to people that give a rip...America is no longer open to illegal aliens...those days are over so you and Pelosi will have to get new voters the old fashion way...earn them...

They do not have the right to violate the Constitutional rights of anyone in this country. There was no probable cause to detain them. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. You apparently only believe in the Constitution when you like it. This was Gestapo tactics and the officer in question should be fired and charged.
What gives them that right? What was their probable cause for doing so?

Or do you believe the police need no reason at all.

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I have no idea. Whether they need a reason, is for someone else to figure out.

I am not under the belief that even if they had a reason, that they needed to tell me what that reason was.

I'm not so arrogant that if an officer stops me, he has to give me every thought running through his head. Stuff happens. Get over it.

And you and those like you are the reason we are losing rights and freedoms.

For the record, they do have to give you the reason and it is your right to ask the reason.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Is that a joke? It isn't the right wing, that has actively tried to destroy the careers of other people, because they made a comment we didn't like. It isn't the right-wing that is trying to stop people from practicing their faith. It isn't the right-wing that is protesting speakers on college campuses, because they hold a different view than us.

Trust me... if there is any loss of freedom, it is almost entirely due to the left.

Nope, not a joke at all. It is the sheep like you on the right and the left that just let those in power take out rights and freedoms as long as they keep you safe from the boggieman.

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Oh please spare us the drama. No one has lost any rights. Reasonable people understand a country needs security. Sometimes it's citizens are stopped and asked questions. There's no way for these agents to know who's who. My advice, just cooperate and be pleasant. No harm will come to you. You're always free to leave.

Are you fucking high? No rights have been lost? Have you heard of this thing called the Patriot Act? Have you heard about the NSA spying on American citizens? Did you know the Executive branch now has the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely without trial?

There is an old quote about those willing to give up freedoms and liberty for security and how they deserve neither.

But hey, you go right on never questioning your government...

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Yes, apparently it doesn't matter......speaking Spanish is criminal enough in the new America to be detained even tho you show you are a citizen. #MAGA!

Yes, they have the right to stop someone, and check if they are illegal. I was stopped even without specking Spanish! They held me there for 2 hours!

How come I as a white American citizens, who isn't speaking Spanish, can understand that the police have the right to stop me, and you people don't?

What gives them that right? What was their probable cause for doing so?

Or do you believe the police need no reason at all.

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I have no idea. Whether they need a reason, is for someone else to figure out.

I am not under the belief that even if they had a reason, that they needed to tell me what that reason was.

I'm not so arrogant that if an officer stops me, he has to give me every thought running through his head. Stuff happens. Get over it.
Then you don’t know your rights, or you’re perfectly ok with giving them away to the authorities. Good for you, bootlicker. But if a LEO detains me, they better have a good reason. And simply talking to someone in a language other than English is not reasonable suspicion by any stretch of the imagination.

I know my rights. And I also know that officers do not randomly stop people. Even if they did stop me by accident, say for example... my car just happen to match the description of a suspect car..... get over it? It happens. I am not so self-important, that I'm going to whine and cry, over just being stopped.

I was released. I was not charged with a crime. I was not harmed. Let it go. That's what an adult does. They don't sit there and have a little whine session.

Well there you go. They had cause other than the language you spoke, while in a public place, purchasing groceries.
Next time speak English. See if that resolves the problem...
Well, there you have it. Time to start detaining people in this great country for speaking something other than English in public.

Throw a couple of allahu akbars in the conversation since you aren't in a hurry...
Why would I want to do that? Isn't that YOUR line?

^ stupid retort. Is your vagina hat restricting the blood flow to your little brain?
Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
That’s not the point, dipshit. Two US citizens were racially profiled and detained for speaking Spanish after providing proof of citizenship. And this happened in the United States at a store in Montana.

Do you rinse after licking boots, or do you enjoy the taste?

Get over it. How did Americans become so pathetic and whiny? My nephew in kindergarten, whines less.

I was held by police for 2 hours. I smiled, answered their questions, and when released, waved as I went.

You people are so wussy. How did we get such wussy people in this country? Did none of you have parents that taught you to deal with mild inconvenience in your life?

What were you held for? Was it for speaking the wrong language?

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Doesn't matter what reason I was held for. The police have the right to detain people. That's part of the authority given to police, in the duty to enforce the law.

Does not matter. Grow up. GROW UP. Too many snotty teenager mentality brats running around, thinking they should never be stopped for anything. GROW UP.

They have to have probable cause. They cannot stop anyone because they feel like it. In enforcing the law, they have to meet certain requirements.
Wow, a whole 35 minutes. Good thing they didn't go through an airport, that would have been 45 minutes standing in line.
That’s not the point, dipshit. Two US citizens were racially profiled and detained for speaking Spanish after providing proof af citizenship. And this happened in the United States at a store in Montana.

Do you rinse after licking boots, or do you enjoy the taste?

Yet you decide to highlight the whole 35 minutes spent in the parking lot...dumbass.

^Small government conservative thinks the government should be targeting specific US citizens and detaining them for doing nothing illegal.
They do not have the right to violate the Constitutional rights of anyone in this country. There was no probable cause to detain them. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. You apparently only believe in the Constitution when you like it. This was Gestapo tactics and the officer in question should be fired and charged.
They are for the first time maybe in your lifetime doing their job...you just don't recognize it...this is what guarding the border looks like when we have an America first president...
Next time speak English. See if that resolves the problem...

That is exactly what a Nazi would say. We have something called freedom in this country. That means you can speak any language you want.

Americans have freedom in this country. Illegals do not. Legals can speak whatever language they want. Illegals need to go home and speak whatever language they want.
See how that works?
These were US citizens detained AFTER showing their identification.

Anything else, bootlicker?
I don't care something caught the attention of the agent...I trust the agent to do his or her job...okay ball licker? The days of people walking into America without being scrutinized are over...and I'm happy for it! Build the wall!!!!!
Waaaaa Waaaa the border agent detained me for three mins....whaaaaaaaaaaa! we have a bunch of babies in America today....I'd kick the little Spanish speaking babies out for complaining....
You guys are all a bunch of clueless fucks, I have crossed the Canadian /US border at least 100 times in my life and more than a few times I was stopped and questioned further, speaking English by both Canadian of US border officials. Actually if you are within 100 miles of the border you can be questioned without cause.

Just a bunch of whiney bitches,

I'm being profiled :boo_hoo14::boo_hoo14:

Does a Constitution-free zone really exist in America? - National Constitution Center

From your link

"Searches within the 100-mile extended border zone, and outside of the immediate border-stop location, must meet three criteria: a person must have recently crossed a border; an agent should know that the object of a search hasn’t changed; and that “reasonable suspicion” of a criminal activity must exist, says the CRS.

And About that 100 mile border area......"happens to be two-thirds of the American population. At the time, the ACLU labeled the area as the “Constitution-free zone.”

Look before you leap.
Next time speak English. See if that resolves the problem...

That is exactly what a Nazi would say. We have something called freedom in this country. That means you can speak any language you want.

You think we are free in this nation?


Someone already pointed out the Partiot Act, and/or the NDAA.

There is no freedom left. It died on 9/11.

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