U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

The border patrol agent certainly made a horrible judgement call. No doubt about it. But judging by his comments I don't think this has anything to do with "hate" as some on the Left will no doubt argue. A little bit of ignorance, sure. I wonder what sort of compensation these women would be seeking for 35 minutes of their time? I think they deserve something, but lets not get out of control here.

EDIT - But then this was posted right before my post by "iamwhatiseem".

Note on May 9th...Canadian authorities were given specific warning to look out for MS 13 members moving through Canada.

Of course there had to be more to the story. If this is true and the border agent was alerted in some way just like their Canadian counterparts were, then it makes sense. It still sucks for those women, but it makes sense.
Doesn't matter what reason I was held for. The police have the right to detain people. That's part of the authority given to police, in the duty to enforce the law.

Does not matter. Grow up. GROW UP. Too many snotty teenager mentality brats running around, thinking they should never be stopped for anything. GROW UP.
Yes, apparently it doesn't matter......speaking Spanish is criminal enough in the new America to be detained even tho you show you are a citizen. #MAGA!

Yes, they have the right to stop someone, and check if they are illegal. I was stopped even without specking Spanish! They held me there for 2 hours!

How come I as a white American citizens, who isn't speaking Spanish, can understand that the police have the right to stop me, and you people don't?

What gives them that right? What was their probable cause for doing so?

Or do you believe the police need no reason at all.

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I have no idea. Whether they need a reason, is for someone else to figure out.

I am not under the belief that even if they had a reason, that they needed to tell me what that reason was.

I'm not so arrogant that if an officer stops me, he has to give me every thought running through his head. Stuff happens. Get over it.
Then you don’t know your rights, or you’re perfectly ok with giving them away to the authorities. Good for you, bootlicker. But if a LEO detains me, they better have a good reason. And simply talking to someone in a language other than English is not reasonable suspicion by any stretch of the imagination.

Or what? What the fuck you going to do? beat their ass, shoot them, a gutless internet fuck is the face is what you are. You don't have the balls to go confront a border patrol agent at the border.
What were you held for? Was it for speaking the wrong language?

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Doesn't matter what reason I was held for. The police have the right to detain people. That's part of the authority given to police, in the duty to enforce the law.

Does not matter. Grow up. GROW UP. Too many snotty teenager mentality brats running around, thinking they should never be stopped for anything. GROW UP.
Yes, apparently it doesn't matter......speaking Spanish is criminal enough in the new America to be detained even tho you show you are a citizen. #MAGA!

Yes, they have the right to stop someone, and check if they are illegal. I was stopped even without specking Spanish! They held me there for 2 hours!

How come I as a white American citizens, who isn't speaking Spanish, can understand that the police have the right to stop me, and you people don't?
#1...it was ICE, not the local cops
#2...it was for speaking a totally legal language to speak................or is it?

Just out of curiosity, if you don't view it as a legitimate cause of suspicion for ICE to check someone's citizen status based on the language they are speaking, what circumstance would be acceptable for you to grant ICE the right to check someone's ID?

That seems reasonable suspicion to me. . . . . if not that, what would be to you?
Checking ID is somewhat acceptable....but you are ok with the detention afterwards?
A dr
Quick poll, how many of you carry ID that can prove your citizenship at all times?

A drivers license used to prove citizenship until the freaking idiots in the democrat party decided to issue licenses to criminals who are in the U.S. illegally.
U.S. Citizens Say They Were Detained By Border Patrol Agent For ‘Speaking Spanish’

Two U.S. citizens said they were detained last week by a Border Patrol agent in Montana after he overheard them speaking Spanish to each other in a convenience store.

Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said they’d popped into the store in Havre, a small town near the border with Canada, early Wednesday morning when they were approached by a uniformed Border Patrol agent, KRTV reported.

The two women, who are Mexican American, had been chatting in Spanish while waiting in line to pay for eggs and milk when ― to their incredulity ― the agent asked them for their IDs.

Suda told MTN News that even after seeing their IDs, the agent did not let them leave the parking lot for about 35 minutes.
The border patrol has the right and the duty to detain anyone they find suspicious in any way...now go cry to people that give a rip...America is no longer open to illegal aliens...those days are over so you and Pelosi will have to get new voters the old fashion way...earn them...
These were US citizens detained AFTER showing their identification.

Anything else, bootlicker?
You are correct, this should not have happened. They can still ask for ID but maybe not detain, the story has to have more to it.

I don't think he actually, "Detained" them. I agree, there is more to the story.

When I am looking at the video, I'm thinking the guy is neither a racist or a power hunger authoritarian.

What I am thinking he is, is a PERVERT. He is using his position of power to harass/flirt with females, nothing more.
Question for Trumpanzees: youre presumably white, and you’re walking through a predominantly Spanish neighborhood in an American city. You’re just minding your own business, not acting suspiciously. An officer stops you and says, “We don’t see many white people in this area, and when we do, they’re usually buying drugs. I’m going to detain you.”

Do you lick his right boot and ask for the left, or do you question why you’re being detained?
The border patrol agent certainly made a horrible judgement call. No doubt about it. But judging by his comments I don't think this has anything to do with "hate" as some on the Left will no doubt argue. A little bit of ignorance, sure. I wonder what sort of compensation these women would be seeking for 35 minutes of their time? I think they deserve something, but lets not get out of control here.

Once again it is legal from them to stop, detain, search within 100 miles of the USA border without cause. see the link in post 41
Doesn't matter what reason I was held for. The police have the right to detain people. That's part of the authority given to police, in the duty to enforce the law.

Does not matter. Grow up. GROW UP. Too many snotty teenager mentality brats running around, thinking they should never be stopped for anything. GROW UP.
Yes, apparently it doesn't matter......speaking Spanish is criminal enough in the new America to be detained even tho you show you are a citizen. #MAGA!

Yes, they have the right to stop someone, and check if they are illegal. I was stopped even without specking Spanish! They held me there for 2 hours!

How come I as a white American citizens, who isn't speaking Spanish, can understand that the police have the right to stop me, and you people don't?
#1...it was ICE, not the local cops
#2...it was for speaking a totally legal language to speak................or is it?

Just out of curiosity, if you don't view it as a legitimate cause of suspicion for ICE to check someone's citizen status based on the language they are speaking, what circumstance would be acceptable for you to grant ICE the right to check someone's ID?

That seems reasonable suspicion to me. . . . . if not that, what would be to you?
Checking ID is somewhat acceptable....but you are ok with the detention afterwards?

He reminds me of a lot of the guys in the FZ. Starved for female attention. He was just abusing his power b/c he is a pervert. It had nothing to do with state power.
I'm pretty sure if I didn't speak Spanish, the Mexican authorities, just based on my skin color, would check my citizen status if I were wandering around Mexico. . . .

I'm not really sure why folks are acting all insane over this. . .
Because, in #MAGA land, you give up your rights to move about freely with both hands.
The border patrol agent certainly made a horrible judgement call. No doubt about it. But judging by his comments I don't think this has anything to do with "hate" as some on the Left will no doubt argue. A little bit of ignorance, sure. I wonder what sort of compensation these women would be seeking for 35 minutes of their time? I think they deserve something, but lets not get out of control here.

Once again it is legal from them to stop, detain, search within 100 miles of the USA border without cause. see the link in post 41

I already posted an edit. You're right.
Doesn't matter what reason I was held for. The police have the right to detain people. That's part of the authority given to police, in the duty to enforce the law.

Does not matter. Grow up. GROW UP. Too many snotty teenager mentality brats running around, thinking they should never be stopped for anything. GROW UP.
Yes, apparently it doesn't matter......speaking Spanish is criminal enough in the new America to be detained even tho you show you are a citizen. #MAGA!

Yes, they have the right to stop someone, and check if they are illegal. I was stopped even without specking Spanish! They held me there for 2 hours!

How come I as a white American citizens, who isn't speaking Spanish, can understand that the police have the right to stop me, and you people don't?
#1...it was ICE, not the local cops
#2...it was for speaking a totally legal language to speak................or is it?

Just out of curiosity, if you don't view it as a legitimate cause of suspicion for ICE to check someone's citizen status based on the language they are speaking, what circumstance would be acceptable for you to grant ICE the right to check someone's ID?

That seems reasonable suspicion to me. . . . . if not that, what would be to you?
Checking ID is somewhat acceptable....but you are ok with the detention afterwards?
No you are right, we need to get to the heart of what is wrong here.
Yes, apparently it doesn't matter......speaking Spanish is criminal enough in the new America to be detained even tho you show you are a citizen. #MAGA!

Yes, they have the right to stop someone, and check if they are illegal. I was stopped even without specking Spanish! They held me there for 2 hours!

How come I as a white American citizens, who isn't speaking Spanish, can understand that the police have the right to stop me, and you people don't?

What gives them that right? What was their probable cause for doing so?

Or do you believe the police need no reason at all.

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I have no idea. Whether they need a reason, is for someone else to figure out.

I am not under the belief that even if they had a reason, that they needed to tell me what that reason was.

I'm not so arrogant that if an officer stops me, he has to give me every thought running through his head. Stuff happens. Get over it.
Then you don’t know your rights, or you’re perfectly ok with giving them away to the authorities. Good for you, bootlicker. But if a LEO detains me, they better have a good reason. And simply talking to someone in a language other than English is not reasonable suspicion by any stretch of the imagination.

Or what? What the fuck you going to do? beat their ass, shoot them, a gutless internet fuck is the face is what you are. You don't have the balls to go confront a border patrol agent at the border.
What am I going to do if detained unlawfully? I’m going to sue the shit out of them. You may lick their boots if you want, but law enforcement doesn’t have the right to do whatever the fuck they want without regard to MY rights.
Yes, apparently it doesn't matter......speaking Spanish is criminal enough in the new America to be detained even tho you show you are a citizen. #MAGA!

Yes, they have the right to stop someone, and check if they are illegal. I was stopped even without specking Spanish! They held me there for 2 hours!

How come I as a white American citizens, who isn't speaking Spanish, can understand that the police have the right to stop me, and you people don't?

What gives them that right? What was their probable cause for doing so?

Or do you believe the police need no reason at all.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I have no idea. Whether they need a reason, is for someone else to figure out.

I am not under the belief that even if they had a reason, that they needed to tell me what that reason was.

I'm not so arrogant that if an officer stops me, he has to give me every thought running through his head. Stuff happens. Get over it.

And you and those like you are the reason we are losing rights and freedoms.

For the record, they do have to give you the reason and it is your right to ask the reason.

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Is that a joke? It isn't the right wing, that has actively tried to destroy the careers of other people, because they made a comment we didn't like. It isn't the right-wing that is trying to stop people from practicing their faith. It isn't the right-wing that is protesting speakers on college campuses, because they hold a different view than us.

Trust me... if there is any loss of freedom, it is almost entirely due to the left.

Nope, not a joke at all. It is the sheep like you on the right and the left that just let those in power take out rights and freedoms as long as they keep you safe from the boggieman.

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I'm pretty sure if I didn't speak Spanish, the Mexican authorities, just based on my skin color, would check my citizen status if I were wandering around Mexico. . . .

I'm not really sure why folks are acting all insane over this. . .
Because, in #MAGA land, you give up your rights to move about freely with both hands.

I'm Hispanic (50%) and I have no issues here. None what so ever. Now I do get delayed at our borders more than most. The last time the border agent actually apologized and just said due to my name they have to do some checks. I had no issue with it because I understand the importance of border security, and I understand why my name and appearance would drawl attention. But you're free to leave the country anytime you want.

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