U.S. Congressional Panel Probing Capitol Riot Sets bannon Contempt Vote

Just another of the democrats attempts to deflect away from all of Brandon's failures over the last 10 months. :eusa_whistle:
While you sit there and wonder why things arent going your way we'll continue to lock up more trumpanzees. And there is nothing you can do about it.
Bannon had been gone for years before any of this happened. Why do these committee morons want to talk to him anyway? Has Schitt found that “ironclad proof of Russian Collusion” yet? How about those nudes of Trump? The pee tape? Bannon gave Schitt the bird today. And there will be no penalty.
Talking about the protest that got out of hand on Jan. 6?
You're a good little minion to carry the water of your masters.
Thanks for admitting that the protest got out of hand turning into a full fledged riot because Trump's goons turned into a bunch of animals.
Bannon had been gone for years before any of this happened. Why do these committee morons want to talk to him anyway? Has Schitt found that “ironclad proof of Russian Collusion” yet? How about those nudes of Trump? The pee tape? Bannon gave Schitt the bird today. And there will be no penalty.
As if you are in charge. Bannon continued to have contact with Trump and his circle of shit long after Bannon left the WH.
While you sit there and wonder why things arent going your way we'll continue to lock up more trumpanzees. And there is nothing you can do about it.
Not sure what your point is, John? I don't have to sit and wonder why Americans were left in Afganistan. I don't have to sit and wonder
why inflation is rising. I don't have sit and wonder why shelves at the grocery stores are bare. I don't have to sit and wonder why the
government is giving out all the "free" shit. Now, why don't you run on back to that sand box you were playing in, sonny.
Thanks for admitting that the protest got out of hand turning into a full fledged riot because Trump's goons turned into a bunch of animals.
It took the help of your tent to achieve what happened on that day, Clipper....ask Nan'
As if you are in charge. Bannon continued to have contact with Trump and his circle of shit long after Bannon left the WH.
Oh, you again. Sorry numbfuck, Bannon has ZERO to do with any of this. Schitty can’t do a damn thing about Bannon telling him to pound sand. Ooh, they’ll take a vote to call Bannon a bad boy. How terrible! Hahahah!
Bannon had been gone for years before any of this happened. Why do these committee morons want to talk to him anyway? Has Schitt found that “ironclad proof of Russian Collusion” yet? How about those nudes of Trump? The pee tape? Bannon gave Schitt the bird today. And there will be no penalty.
Once Bannon goes to the slammer one of you no count MAGA nuts can send him a cake with a file baked into it.

Don't forget to include instruction how to use it.
Once Bannon goes to the slammer one of you no count MAGA nuts can send him a cake with a file baked into it.

Don't forget to include instruction how to use it.
Is this another one of those, "We got 'em now"? moments?
Oh, you again. Sorry numbfuck, Bannon has ZERO to do with any of this. Schitty can’t do a damn thing about Bannon telling him to pound sand. Ooh, they’ll take a vote to call Bannon a bad boy. How terrible! Hahahah!
Once Bannon goes to the slammer he'll have to shower & shave for the first time in years.

They say he cleans up nice.
Not sure what your point is, John? I don't have to sit and wonder why Americans were left in Afganistan. I don't have to sit and wonder
why inflation is rising. I don't have sit and wonder why shelves at the grocery stores are bare. I don't have to sit and wonder why the
government is giving out all the "free" shit. Now, why don't you run on back to that sand box you were playing in, sonny.
Nobody is gonna remember the exit from Afganistan by the 2022 elections. Inflation is projected to decrease back to around 3% by 2022 when supply chains get back to normal. Yeah using tax dollars to make its citizens lives better is SUCH a waste. We should be spending even more on the military instead of giving taxpayers an actual return on their tax dollar. LOL!
Once Bannon goes to the slammer one of you no count MAGA nuts can send him a cake with a file baked into it.

Don't forget to include instruction how to use it.
You do realize after a vote, referral to DOJ, them getting around to action not involving parents and school boards, and generally just doing any actual work, it’ll be years before anything ever happens. Then come appeals, and a Republican wave taking the House and the dropping of this crap. Then more laughing at pencil neck Schiff.
We got 600 trumpanzees arrested so far. Lots of work to be done. But Bannon behind bars would be a nice trophy.
600 out of how many? Arrested is not a conviction, sonny. Any arrested for treason? :eusa_whistle:
600 out of how many? Arrested is not a conviction, sonny. Any arrested for treason? :eusa_whistle:
The bitches are rolling over on each other and also pleading guilty. Some short sentences handed out so far. Hundreds more arrests to come. Justice being served. Check out all the pics on the fbi site they are looking for. Lots of knuckle dragging low end whites. Maybe you know some of them.
The bitches are rolling over on each other and also pleading guilty. Some short sentences handed out so far. Hundreds more arrests to come. Justice being served. Check out all the pics on the fbi site they are looking for. Lots of knuckle dragging low end whites. Maybe you know some of them.
Got something against whites, racist? Any that have been charged with treason, sonny?
Got something against whites, racist? Any that have been charged with treason, sonny?
I am white. I consider trump and the trumpanzees low level whites. You know, the whites that whites like me point and laugh at. No treason charges but conspiracy charges which can carry a 20 year minimum. Cant wait for that trial!

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