U.S. Counterterrorism Operator Vanishes after Claiming to Identify Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
U.S. Counterterrorism Operator Vanishes after Claiming to Identify Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber
'Somebody doesn’t want that person to be found, and the most likely reason is that person is or was a federal source for some agency at some point...'
9 Oct 2023 ~~ By Ken Silva

On June 8, 2022, a Twitter account linked to U.S. counterterrorism operator Jade Parker claimed to have identified the suspect who placed pipe bombs outside the RNC and DNC headquarters ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill protest-turned-riot.
“I have a very good idea who the unidentified Jan 6 bomber & affiliated network [are],” stated the account linked to Parker—a credentialed terrorism analyst, who’s worked with numerous government agencies, including U.S. Joint Special Operations Command.
“I haven’t given the name to anyone. I want Upchurch & her red cell to run it down & get full credit in an official professional capacity if I’m right,” Parker’s account tweeted, presumably referencing her fellow terrorism researcher, H.E. Upchurch, who specializes in investigating neofascist networks.
Then, Parker seemingly vanished.
Almost all traces of her have disappeared from the publicly available internet, other than some of her deleted tweets, which were archived on the Way Back Machine.
She did leave a Google Drive document online before going dark.

Parker’s Research

Much of Parker’s Google Drive document centers around her allegations that dishonest academics stole her pioneering research on “accelerationism”—a concept embraced by a variety of ideologies that all seek to collapse Western society.
Parker’s work included a deep analysis of one accelerationist network in particular: the Satanic cult Order of the Nine Angles, or O9A.
O9A is reportedly led by a neo-Nazi militant from Operation Gladio, a Cold War-era CIA program that sponsored neo-Nazi stay-behind militias in Europe—ostensibly to prepare for a possible Soviet Union invasion, though the militias wound up terrorizing local citizens instead.

Despite the numerous apparent anomalies of the FBI’s pipe bomb investigation, officials have refused to respond to congressional inquiries over the matter.
FBI Director Chris Wray refused to answer pipe bomb questions posed by Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., during a July Judiciary Committee hearing. Massie accused Wray of stonewalling the public.
“It was 900 days ago when this happened, and you said you had total confidence that you’d apprehend the subject,” Massie said in July. “It’s 900 days. You need to tell us what you found.”

No doubt the FBI knows who this guy is, there were no actual bombs until right before they "found these devices" right next to the building, each of them duds. This was simply another set up to draw an already short police presence at the Capital to this area as an excuse the "insurrectionists" were able to break thru and enter the capital. Its all smoke and mirrors, bs and lies. The truth is Pelosi and Wray set this up to entrap and then to blame innocent citizens for the attack when in reality it was the feds who were the insurrectionists blaming Trump for the attack.

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