U.S. Debt appears to be slowing

You Little Trumpsters, conveniently forget that the economy that Obama inherited was the biggest economic downturn, since the Great Depression.
And, you Little Trumpsters also conveniently forget, that Trump inherited a growing economy.
There is absolutely no comparison. Trump got a gift and Obama got a bag full of rocks,
When you Little Trumpsters go into your usual denial mode, it only cements how easily you are manipulated by bullshit.
Look, I have said this a multitude times, Obama didn't exactly hit the ground running when addressing the mess of an economy. I wasn't impressed at all. Which is why he didn't get my vote in 2012. That is called recognizing reality. Little Trumpsters have been fooled (what a surprise), into thinking Trumpster inherited a stagnant economy. He didn't.

conveniently forget that the economy that Obama inherited.....

I didn't forget that the recession ended in June 2009.
Before any of Obama's magic could fix the economy.
I didn't forget that despite adding $9.3 trillion to the debt,
he had the weakest recovery since WWII.

thinking Trumpster inherited a stagnant economy.

What was GDP growth in 2016?

Two charts tell the story.
Chart 1 compares industrial nations' recovery from the Great Recession.
Chart 2 Shows how deep the Great Recession of 2007 was compared with all recessions since 1948. Also note the recent recession have much more gradual recoveries.
The fact that these charts show, the US recovered better than other countries, Canada had the best recovery.
Second, you Little Trumps fail to realize how deep the Great Recession really was.
You can't compare what Obama inherited and what kind of economy Trump inherited. Factually. Obama inherited a deep recession and factually, Trump inherited a growing economy, that had been in the growth stage for 5 years.,
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The fact that these charts show, the US recovered better than other countries,

Imagine how much better we'd have done if Obama wasn't such a moron.

Factually. Obama inherited a deep recession

Factually, the recession ended by June 2009.

My, aren't you the Little Trumpster goose-stepper.
True, the Great Recession ended June, 2009. But can you show me one recession, where the recession's effects ended on the date the recession was declared over. Also, as expected, you totally disregard the depth of the recession.

My, aren't you the Little Trumpster goose-stepper.

Whiney twat says what?

But can you show me one recession, where the recession's effects ended on the date the recession was declared over

Can you show me one recession since WWII where the recovery was weaker despite
$9.3 trillion in deficit spending?

The Great Recession was the largest recession since WWll, everyone who has knowledge of history is aware of that.
You just can't help yourself to stop inducing self made ignorance, this is due to letting your ideology take over your thought process.
Read this article, from 2012. Maybe, just maybe a sliver of light will invade the serious darkness between your ears.
Judging recovery time from the Great Recession

Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars

Thanks, I knew your claim was a lie.

How does this make Obama any less of a moron?
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaaaaammmmmmaaaaaaa! :lol:

You are one of the rubes I was talking about in post 37.

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You poor thing. You can't stand for Trump to be criticized for anything. Not even for exploding our deficits.

Sadly, all you can do in Trump's defense is blubber the same thing over and over, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"


But you and I will meet again when you fulfill post 37.

Even though I have predicted it, you will still not be able to stop yourself.

Criticize Trump all you want. Nobody cares.

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