U.S. Debt appears to be slowing

You do know that Obama had spent 9.5 trillion dollars over 8 years? That amounts to 1.15 trillion dollars average per year. What again is President Trumps numbers and oh yeah, his unemployment rate again? Now that it is President Trumps economy, that you bitches were wailing about, just earlier this week? Yeah, President Trump must have a pretty big magic wand to get such numbers, shame the last 1/2 white community agitators wand was a needle dick.

Paychecks rise to 9-year-high; Unemployment steady at 3.7% | 2018-11-02 | HousingWire Unfortunately for you welfare queens, your pay didnt go up, because lazy ass fuckers shouldn't get a raise, so continue to bitch and moan how unfair your lives are, and be victims of liberalism.
Obama’s deficits actually went down, as the government began spending less when the economy began improving. Trump’s 1st budget was larger than all but 1 of Obama’s. His next budget is looking to be even bigger.

Congress not the POTUS creates the budget. POTUS approves it.

and who signs the goddamn thing? Mr. Rogers? :9:

He had to sign it as he said because he needed the military budget but he was not happy with it.

But you just (previously) blamed Congress.

You want your cake & eat it too? Not gonna

The fault lies with the GOP. They needed to address entitlements. I am hopeful this is just step one.
"Address entitlements" means cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Thank you no.
Now why would anyone think having a GDP growth over 3% was impossible? Growth of 3% is nothing new, it's not exactly a milestone or anything..
View attachment 226937

Now why would anyone think having a GDP growth over 3% was impossible? Growth of 3% is nothing new, it's not exactly a milestone or anything..

You've already forgotten Obama's "New Normal"?

Lets look at the historic picture, shall we?
t is commonly said that a President deserves some credit or blame for the economy’s performance only after he’s been in office about six months. On those terms, let’s measure Trump’s words against the record for real GDP growth over the last three quarters (July 2017 through March 2018). Over those quarters, GDP has grown at an annual rate of 2.6 percent. Comparing that pace to his last nine predecessors over comparable periods in their first terms, Trump here bests the four presidents who faced recessions in their first year in office (Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon). Trump’s other five predecessors came to office, as he did, during economic expansions. Among them, he’s tied for last place: Real GDP growth under Trump over the three quarters has lagged Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy, and tied George H.W. Bush, as the data in the following table shows.
View attachment 226955
Trump lags behind his predecessors on economic growth

Wait, your partial stats don't show the true weakness of Obama's weakest recovery since WWII.

You Little Trumpsters, conveniently forget that the economy that Obama inherited was the biggest economic downturn, since the Great Depression.
And, you Little Trumpsters also conveniently forget, that Trump inherited a growing economy.
There is absolutely no comparison. Trump got a gift and Obama got a bag full of rocks,
When you Little Trumpsters go into your usual denial mode, it only cements how easily you are manipulated by bullshit.
Look, I have said this a multitude times, Obama didn't exactly hit the ground running when addressing the mess of an economy. I wasn't impressed at all. Which is why he didn't get my vote in 2012. That is called recognizing reality. Little Trumpsters have been fooled (what a surprise), into thinking Trumpster inherited a stagnant economy. He didn't.

conveniently forget that the economy that Obama inherited.....

I didn't forget that the recession ended in June 2009.
Before any of Obama's magic could fix the economy.
I didn't forget that despite adding $9.3 trillion to the debt,
he had the weakest recovery since WWII.

thinking Trumpster inherited a stagnant economy.

What was GDP growth in 2016?

Two charts tell the story.
Chart 1 compares industrial nations' recovery from the Great Recession.
Chart 2 Shows how deep the Great Recession of 2007 was compared with all recessions since 1948. Also note the recent recession have much more gradual recoveries.
The fact that these charts show, the US recovered better than other countries, Canada had the best recovery.
Second, you Little Trumps fail to realize how deep the Great Recession really was.
You can't compare what Obama inherited and what kind of economy Trump inherited. Factually. Obama inherited a deep recession and factually, Trump inherited a growing economy, that had been in the growth stage for 5 years.,


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It was approx. 10T when Obama was elected, and increased to approx. 20T when he left. Today it stands 21.689T.

Based on the increase since Trump took office, 6.9T will have been added after Trump serves 8 years. It's still going into the wrong direction, but at least there are signs of improvement.

Trump added 1.27 trillion in the past FY, how the fuck is that slowing down?

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Obama's failed Stimulus bill that contained over 7k pieces of DNC-Only pork cost $1 Trillion by itself.....
It was approx. 10T when Obama was elected, and increased to approx. 20T when he left. Today it stands 21.689T.

Based on the increase since Trump took office, 6.9T will have been added after Trump serves 8 years. It's still going into the wrong direction, but at least there are signs of improvement.

Trump added 1.27 trillion in the past FY, how the fuck is that slowing down?

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Obama's failed Stimulus bill that contained over 7k pieces of DNC-Only pork cost $1 Trillion by itself.....

So, in your little fucked up partisan sheep mind that makes it ok for Trump to add 1.27 trillion to the debt in the midst of a booming economy?

Or are you saying that Trump is no different than Obama?
So, in your little fucked up partisan sheep mind that makes it ok for Trump to add 1.27 trillion to the debt in the midst of a booming economy?

As usual, YOU are the one to make these retarded declarations, not me.
So, in your little fucked up partisan sheep mind that makes it ok for Trump to add 1.27 trillion to the debt in the midst of a booming economy?

As usual, YOU are the one to make these retarded declarations, not me.

You are the one that went into whataboutism mode, not me.

Every time you or one of the other sheep go "whatabout" all you do is prove that Trump is no different than Obama.
So, in your little fucked up partisan sheep mind that makes it ok for Trump to add 1.27 trillion to the debt in the midst of a booming economy?

As usual, YOU are the one to make these retarded declarations, not me.

You are the one that went into whataboutism mode, not me.

Every time you or one of the other sheep go "whatabout" all you do is prove that Trump is no different than Obama.

Comparisons are not allowed.
Talking about anything relevant that reflects negatively on Democrats, Obama, Hillary, etc is out....
You get busted making ridiculous statements, and suddenly you start squealing.....b..b...b..but…


Sorry, when snowflakes attempt to attempt to demand everyone 'play' by their rules I just laugh at them, like I do when they make ridiculous comments like you just did.
So, in your little fucked up partisan sheep mind that makes it ok for Trump to add 1.27 trillion to the debt in the midst of a booming economy?

As usual, YOU are the one to make these retarded declarations, not me.

You are the one that went into whataboutism mode, not me.

Every time you or one of the other sheep go "whatabout" all you do is prove that Trump is no different than Obama.

Comparisons are not allowed.
Talking about anything relevant that reflects negatively on Democrats, Obama, Hillary, etc is out....
You get busted making ridiculous statements, and suddenly you start squealing.....b..b...b..but…


Sorry, when snowflakes attempt to attempt to demand everyone 'play' by their rules I just laugh at them, like I do when they make ridiculous comments like you just did.

Wrong once again, I want you to keep playing whataboutism, the more you do it the more you prove how alike Trump is to Obama.

I love it when you mindless partisan sheep do this kind of thing.

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Wrong once again....
So are you saying you did NOT post this a few minutes ago?

So, in your little fucked up partisan sheep mind that makes it ok for Trump to add 1.27 trillion to the debt in the midst of a booming economy?
It was approx. 10T when Obama was elected, and increased to approx. 20T when he left. Today it stands 21.689T.

Based on the increase since Trump took office, 6.9T will have been added after Trump serves 8 years. It's still going into the wrong direction, but at least there are signs of improvement.

The thing is, a good economy will lower debt because more taxes are being paid. The problem is that pretending there's no problem because of a slowing of debt will make it worse when the next recession comes along.

But Trump probably won't be in power and won't care.
Wrong once again....
So are you saying you did NOT post this a few minutes ago?

So, in your little fucked up partisan sheep mind that makes it ok for Trump to add 1.27 trillion to the debt in the midst of a booming economy?

I did post it and that is what your post meant. Whenever you go to "whatabout" mode it is done to excuse the action of your savior in the White House. That is the whole point of whataboutism. What you lack the intelligence to understand is that instead of excusing his actions, all it does is prove how much like Obama your savior really is.
I did post it and that is what your post meant.
You started out ok by admitting you posted that....then you turned into YOU again by making another false accusation.....then again, with your reading comprehension problem and anti-Trump hate-colored shades on, perhaps it is what YOU understood it to mean.

Stick to speaking for yourself, snowflake, because you suck at trying to speak for me. :p
I did post it and that is what your post meant.
You started out ok by admitting you posted that....then you turned into YOU again by making another false accusation.....then again, with your reading comprehension problem and anti-Trump hate-colored shades on, perhaps it is what YOU understood it to mean.

Whataboutism is always done for the same reason, it is not a hard thing to understand.

You cannot bring yourself to say a bad word about your savior in the White House, so you have to go into whatabout mode whenever possible.

But as I said, by all means keep doing it, please. All you are doing is proving how right I am when I say there is little difference between Trump and Obama.
Republicans have been borrowing from Social Security & Medicare to finance their massive spending spree!!! Now they want to slash Social Security & Medicare so the old people who paid into those surpluses can die in the streets.
You cannot bring yourself to say a bad word about your savior in the White House, so you have to go into whatabout mode whenever possible.

When you get cornered, something is brought up against your precious criminal left, you always make these false accusations … which is to say YOU LIE - like you just did. I have criticized the President before, I have just never attacked him out of sheer hate like you snowflakes.

President Trump is rude, brash, harsh, says things many people - including me - thinks he should not say at times, but he is who he is. If he kowtowed to others and acted like everyone demands he act he would not be who he is. He is not a 'polished turd' like the average career politician in Washington - he's a 'run-of-the-mill, average-joe turd', which is why the average citizen feels more like he is one of them than the elitists like Obama, Hillary, McConnell, etc... He has a lot of faults....

..but he never rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated both Election and Campaign finance laws, failed to win his primary but was given it anyway, did not collude with and pay foreign spies and Russians, did not abandon Americans to needlessly die, did not illegally mishandle classified, did not violate the FOIA and Federal Records Act thousands of times, did not compromise national security, and did not take over $125 million from Russia.

As I showed above, and have done in the past, I can be honest about Trump and can criticize for the things he has done - I don't have to lie, deny, justify, or make excuses for him the way liberals and snowflakes have done and do for Hillary, Obama, and others. I know Trump is no where near 'sinless' / perfect....but what he was in 2016 was the lesser of 2 evils...and - as has been proven - the most qualified / experienced candidate in regards to business / the economy.

Your turn, hypocrite....

You cannot bring yourself to say a bad word about your savior in the White House, so you have to go into whatabout mode whenever possible.

When you get cornered, something is brought up against your precious criminal left, you always make these false accusations … which is to say YOU LIE - like you just did. I have criticized the President before, I have just never attacked him out of sheer hate like you snowflakes.

President Trump is rude, brash, harsh, says things many people - including me - thinks he should not say at times, but he is who he is. If he kowtowed to others and acted like everyone demands he act he would not be who he is. He is not a 'polished turd' like the average career politician in Washington - he's a 'run-of-the-mill, average-joe turd', which is why the average citizen feels more like he is one of them than the elitists like Obama, Hillary, McConnell, etc... He has a lot of faults....

..but he never rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated both Election and Campaign finance laws, failed to win his primary but was given it anyway, did not collude with and pay foreign spies and Russians, did not abandon Americans to needlessly die, did not illegally mishandle classified, did not violate the FOIA and Federal Records Act thousands of times, did not compromise national security, and did not take over $125 million from Russia.

As I showed above, and have done in the past, I can be honest about Trump and can criticize for the things he has done - I don't have to lie, deny, justify, or make excuses for him the way liberals and snowflakes have done and do for Hillary, Obama, and others. I know Trump is no where near 'sinless' / perfect....but what he was in 2016 was the lesser of 2 evils...and - as has been proven - the most qualified / experienced candidate in regards to business / the economy.

Your turn, hypocrite....


This is all you sheep can ever say bad about the man, that he is rude. You never complain about adding to debt at levels only matched by Obama, you do not every complain about anything that matters.

I have never once defended nor supported the Dems/Libs. I have voted for Obama and Hillary exactly the same number of times I have voted for Trump.

When I say that Trump is no different than Obama, that is not a compliment to Obama, it is because I see little significant difference between them and I think that Obama was the 2nd worst president ever. I am not a liberal, I have voted for one Dem in my lifetime and that was because someone told me to read their lips and then lied to me.

But every time one of you folks bring up Obama or Hillary when something is said about Trump that you cannot defend, all you are doing is supporting my view of Trump.
Now why would anyone think having a GDP growth over 3% was impossible? Growth of 3% is nothing new, it's not exactly a milestone or anything..

You've already forgotten Obama's "New Normal"?

Lets look at the historic picture, shall we?
t is commonly said that a President deserves some credit or blame for the economy’s performance only after he’s been in office about six months. On those terms, let’s measure Trump’s words against the record for real GDP growth over the last three quarters (July 2017 through March 2018). Over those quarters, GDP has grown at an annual rate of 2.6 percent. Comparing that pace to his last nine predecessors over comparable periods in their first terms, Trump here bests the four presidents who faced recessions in their first year in office (Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon). Trump’s other five predecessors came to office, as he did, during economic expansions. Among them, he’s tied for last place: Real GDP growth under Trump over the three quarters has lagged Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy, and tied George H.W. Bush, as the data in the following table shows.
View attachment 226955
Trump lags behind his predecessors on economic growth

Wait, your partial stats don't show the true weakness of Obama's weakest recovery since WWII.

You Little Trumpsters, conveniently forget that the economy that Obama inherited was the biggest economic downturn, since the Great Depression.
And, you Little Trumpsters also conveniently forget, that Trump inherited a growing economy.
There is absolutely no comparison. Trump got a gift and Obama got a bag full of rocks,
When you Little Trumpsters go into your usual denial mode, it only cements how easily you are manipulated by bullshit.
Look, I have said this a multitude times, Obama didn't exactly hit the ground running when addressing the mess of an economy. I wasn't impressed at all. Which is why he didn't get my vote in 2012. That is called recognizing reality. Little Trumpsters have been fooled (what a surprise), into thinking Trumpster inherited a stagnant economy. He didn't.

conveniently forget that the economy that Obama inherited.....

I didn't forget that the recession ended in June 2009.
Before any of Obama's magic could fix the economy.
I didn't forget that despite adding $9.3 trillion to the debt,
he had the weakest recovery since WWII.

thinking Trumpster inherited a stagnant economy.

What was GDP growth in 2016?

Two charts tell the story.
Chart 1 compares industrial nations' recovery from the Great Recession.
Chart 2 Shows how deep the Great Recession of 2007 was compared with all recessions since 1948. Also note the recent recession have much more gradual recoveries.
The fact that these charts show, the US recovered better than other countries, Canada had the best recovery.
Second, you Little Trumps fail to realize how deep the Great Recession really was.
You can't compare what Obama inherited and what kind of economy Trump inherited. Factually. Obama inherited a deep recession and factually, Trump inherited a growing economy, that had been in the growth stage for 5 years.,
View attachment 227068

The fact that these charts show, the US recovered better than other countries,

Imagine how much better we'd have done if Obama wasn't such a moron.

Factually. Obama inherited a deep recession

Factually, the recession ended by June 2009.

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