U.S eyeballing more foreign worker visa to combat inflation.


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2022

Well it would help with the worker shortage which would drop inflation.
So this gives companies the flexibility to hire more foreign workers to fill their labor shortages.
Which I know of two trucking companies that are going this route to fill their trucking needs.
It's basic supply and demand. And guess what these people will over stay their visas and become illegals.

Wanta bet?

Well it would help with the worker shortage which would drop inflation.
Well we all know that it's not a shortage of workers don't we!
It's quite obviously been acknowledged that it's a shortage of workers willing to accept the pay and working conditions being offered.

Why 'is' that?
Why are employers not offering higher pay and better working conditions?

Could one of the reasons be that America isn't viable with higher wages and high quality working conditions?
We all know alot of inflation had to do with supply chain problems and worker shortages around the nation.

So in order to fill these jobs we have to expand the foreign work visas to fill these jobs.
Increasing the labor supply only lowers the available wages....it doesn't do anything to the CPI. It will only exacerbate the problems for the poorer members of society.

Increasing the supply of energy does have an across the board effect on the cost of CPI. Groceries, fertilizers, pesticides, and shipping costs drop drastically.

IOW it will make more people need to work for minimum wage jobs. Even skilled labor.

This is a disastrous new policy.

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