U.S. Govt Film Depicts WWII Japanese Internment Differently Than You Were Taught

"Is there any credence to the idea presented by the film that relocation of the Japanese Americans was to keep them safe if a japanese invasion took place on the West Coast?"

The Japanese had been taken off the list of nationals that were allowed to immigrate to the USA somwhere around 1924. The whole thing as pure racial bigotry. I used to work with a guy who had been interned as a child. His family had been given around 10 days to sell their corner grocery store, before they were bussed to the camp. Their house was forclosed while they were in the camp. They lost everything. For the life of me, I don't know what the hell FDR was thinking, and I say that with complete bewilderment because I am conviced that most of his actions reflected a high level of humanitarian principles.
"Is there any credence to the idea presented by the film that relocation of the Japanese Americans was to keep them safe if a japanese invasion took place on the West Coast?"

The Japanese had been taken off the list of nationals that were allowed to immigrate to the USA somwhere around 1924. The whole thing as pure racial bigotry. I used to work with a guy who had been interned as a child. His family had been given around 10 days to sell their corner grocery store, before they were bussed to the camp. Their house was forclosed while they were in the camp. They lost everything. For the life of me, I don't know what the hell FDR was thinking, and I say that with complete bewilderment because I am conviced that most of his actions reflected a high level of humanitarian principles.

Uh, I think I know what he was thinking.

The well being of the many outweighed the discomfort caused by the dislocation of the few.

Is this such a foreign concept to you?
Say what? The new justification for FDR's internment policy was actually good for Japanese Americans because it prevented them from being bullied by "white boys with deadly weapons"? That is such a shocking dangerous disrespectful opinion that it defies understanding on a dozen levels.

The shocking, dangerous attitude is the one which can't see the current fashion of outrage over a perfectly rational understandable move inspired by a sense of self preservation and wannawinthewar-itis. is a serious case of Lisa Douglass syndrome.

This statement more typified the way people thought or, at least, it represented the ideals they valued back then.

[ame=http://youtu.be/rEWaqUVac3M?t=1m34s]Here's Looking At You, Kid - Casablanca (5/6) Movie CLIP (1942) HD - YouTube[/ame]

I'm no good at being noble,
But it doesn't take much to see
That the problems of 3 little people
Don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.
Someday you'll understand that.
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"Is there any credence to the idea presented by the film that relocation of the Japanese Americans was to keep them safe if a japanese invasion took place on the West Coast?"

The Japanese had been taken off the list of nationals that were allowed to immigrate to the USA somwhere around 1924. The whole thing as pure racial bigotry. I used to work with a guy who had been interned as a child. His family had been given around 10 days to sell their corner grocery store, before they were bussed to the camp. Their house was forclosed while they were in the camp. They lost everything. For the life of me, I don't know what the hell FDR was thinking, and I say that with complete bewilderment because I am conviced that most of his actions reflected a high level of humanitarian principles.

Uh, I think I know what he was thinking.

The well being of the many outweighed the discomfort caused by the dislocation of the few.

Is this such a foreign concept to you?

It wasn't a foreign concept to Stalin.
"Is there any credence to the idea presented by the film that relocation of the Japanese Americans was to keep them safe if a japanese invasion took place on the West Coast?"

The Japanese had been taken off the list of nationals that were allowed to immigrate to the USA somwhere around 1924. The whole thing as pure racial bigotry. I used to work with a guy who had been interned as a child. His family had been given around 10 days to sell their corner grocery store, before they were bussed to the camp. Their house was forclosed while they were in the camp. They lost everything. For the life of me, I don't know what the hell FDR was thinking, and I say that with complete bewilderment because I am conviced that most of his actions reflected a high level of humanitarian principles.

Uh, I think I know what he was thinking.

The well being of the many outweighed the discomfort caused by the dislocation of the few.

Is this such a foreign concept to you?

It wasn't a foreign concept to Stalin.

Triage (/ˈtriːɑːʒ/ or /triːˈɑːʒ/) is the process of determining the priority of patients' treatments based on the severity of their condition. This rations patient treatment efficiently when resources are insufficient for all to be treated immediately. The term comes from the French verb trier, meaning to separate, sift or select.[1] Triage may result in determining the order and priority of emergency treatment, the order and priority of emergency transport, or the transport destination for the patient.

Triage may also be used for patients arriving at the emergency department, or telephoning medical advice systems,[2] among others. This article deals with the concept of triage as it occurs in medical emergencies, including the prehospital setting, disasters, and emergency room treatment.

The term triage may have originated during the Napoleonic Wars from the work of Dominique Jean Larrey. The term was used further during World War I by French doctors treating the battlefield wounded at the aid stations behind the front. Those responsible for the removal of the wounded from a battlefield or their care afterwards would divide the victims into three categories:[3][4]

Those who are likely to live, regardless of what care they receive;
Those who are likely to die, regardless of what care they receive;
Those for whom immediate care might make a positive difference in outcome.

For many emergency medical services (EMS) systems, a similar model may sometimes still be applied. In the earliest stages of an incident, such as when one or two paramedics exist to twenty or more patients, practicality demands that the above, more "primitive" model will be used. However once a full response has occurred and many hands are available, paramedics will usually use the model included in their service policy and standing orders.

Triage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uh, I think I know what he was thinking.

The well being of the many outweighed the discomfort caused by the dislocation of the few.

Is this such a foreign concept to you?

It wasn't a foreign concept to Stalin.

Triage (/ˈtriːɑːʒ/ or /triːˈɑːʒ/) is the process of determining the priority of patients' treatments based on the severity of their condition.

I see you are as stupid as your Nazi boyfriend on the other threads who keeps insisting on his misunderstanding of the Constitution as having the force of law. You demonstrate the same inability to process information and lack of any understanding of or respect for America, moron.
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Is there any credence to the idea presented by the film that relocation of the Japanese Americans was to keep them safe if a japanese invasion took place on the West Coast?

There is NO excuse of that scumbag FDR's concentration camps. Why weren't all Americans of German or Italian ancestry removed from the East Coast "to keep them safe"? Never in American history has a worse villain occupied the office of President of the United States.


correct that FDR was an evil villain and there was no excuse for his actions.Incorrect on one thing though.Every president since Hoover with the exception of JFK our last great president we had,has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one serving the aganeda of wall street and the establishment instead of us which FDR did as well.Fdr was more evil and worse than Hoover and the most corrupt administration ever at the time,but since then everyone of them has been worse with again,the exception of JFK.
U.S. Govt Film Depicts WWII Japanese Internment Differently Than You Were Taught


Published on Sep 2, 2012
United States Office Of War information film defending the World War II internment of Japanese American citizens.

The following information courtesy Japanese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...
Japanese-American internment was the relocation and internment by the United States government in 1942 of about 110,000 Japanese Americans and Japanese who lived along the Pacific coast of the United States to camps called "War Relocation Camps," in the wake of Imperial Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. The internment of Japanese Americans was applied unequally throughout the United States. All who lived on the West Coast of the United States were interned, while in Hawaii, where the 150,000-plus Japanese Americans composed over one-third of the population, an estimated 1,200 to 1,800 were interned. Of those interned, 62% were American citizens.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the internment with Executive Order 9066, issued February 19, 1942, which allowed local military commanders to designate "military areas" as "exclusion zones," from which "any or all persons may be excluded." This power was used to declare that all people of Japanese ancestry were excluded from the entire Pacific coast, including all of California and much of Oregon, Washington and Arizona, except for those in internment camps. In 1944, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the exclusion orders, while noting that the provisions that singled out people of Japanese ancestry were a separate issue outside the scope of the proceedings. The United States Census Bureau assisted the internment efforts by providing confidential neighborhood information on Japanese Americans. The Bureau's role was denied for decades, but was finally proven in 2007.

In 1988, Congress passed and President Ronald Reagan signed legislation which apologized for the internment on behalf of the U.S. government. The legislation said that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership". The U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion in reparations to Japanese Americans who had been interned and their heirs.

When I've pondered the issue of whether there was sufficient justification i have never given any thought to the rationale given early on in this film, that if there'sd been an invasion the Govt. wanted to keep the Japanese safe and away from any fighting where well intentioned American men with rifle and shotguns and pistols and knives might mistakenly target the Americans of japanese heritage thinking they were invaders and double agents and such.

Might have saved a great many of them from overzealous American White boys with deadly weapons who didn't really care if Mr. Nisei (Pronounced "nee" "say") had an American birth certificate or not. Boys who subscribed to the belief that the only good Jap is a dead Jap!

Ni·sei (n-s, ns)
n. pl. Nisei or Ni·seis
A person born to parents who emigrated from Japan.

So, once again we see that it's important that, whenever possible, we always consider at least one other point of view when coming to a conclusion about a thing.

Is there any credence to the idea presented by the film that relocation of the Japanese Americans was to keep them safe if a japanese invasion took place on the West Coast?

I don't believe for a second that it was to keep the Japanese safe at all. We still allowed them to enlist and fight for us.

yeah thats b.s that it was to keep us safe.

Exactly and what were the consequences of most of America's wars? In nearly all our wars the political class pushed us to war for their gain. The consequences were death, destruction, and incredible suffering. But also, wealth and power gained by a small elite.

A leader....a real leader avoids war at all costs rather than deceitfully set up events to push the nation into war, as was done by many of our presidents.

War must be avoided because in the end, war only benefits the powerful at the expense of the people. The people lose their lives and their liberty.

In summary, war is a failure of leadership.
so very true.another standing ovation in order.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
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The President had to make a tough decision. But, he put the welfare of the nation ahead of the welfare of the smaller numbers of American .....

That's not how it works. FDR wiped his ass with the US Constitution and should be remembered for the scumbag that he was. No wonder obama admires him so.


amen to that.

I'm an American and he shit upon the Constitution. If you don't have a problem with throwing innocent Americans into concentration camps, then you're not a real American.

amen to that as well.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: thats the understatement of the year.
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War is the health of the state. And no POTUS knew that better than the feeble minded Soviet controlled FDR.

He like all our presidents in war time, dictated unconstitutional acts like the internment of American Japanese. Apparently some Americans today are perfectly fine with this. Is it any wonder we now suffer under the dictates of a small elite when so many Americans will gladly be ruled by them?


No not at all.

Oh, so it's ok then? You can still feel good about humping your FDR blow up doll? You have no principles and you are not an American.
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Is there any credence to the idea presented by the film that relocation of the Japanese Americans was to keep them safe if a japanese invasion took place on the West Coast?

There is NO excuse of that scumbag FDR's concentration camps. Why weren't all Americans of German or Italian ancestry removed from the East Coast "to keep them safe"? Never in American history has a worse villain occupied the office of President of the United States.

I think anyone in a Nazi concentration camp or a Japanese concentration camp would laugh at your calling the detention housing areas and shelters and provisions made for Japanese, German or Italian detainees in the US during WWII, CONCENTRATION CAMPS!

So, lose about 60% of your trumped up sense of faux outrage, hm'kay?

Read and watch all of the helpful linked videos and articles and etc.

That's a sure way of appearing to be smarter than you really are.

If you read and view all the info on the subject you will have us Conservatives stumped.

We won't be able to tell if you are really smart of if you just invested a few minutes to come to this respected position of having us scratching our heads.
Is there any credence to the idea presented by the film that relocation of the Japanese Americans was to keep them safe if a japanese invasion took place on the West Coast?

There is NO excuse of that scumbag FDR's concentration camps. Why weren't all Americans of German or Italian ancestry removed from the East Coast "to keep them safe"? Never in American history has a worse villain occupied the office of President of the United States.

I think anyone in a Nazi concentration camp or a Japanese concentration camp would laugh at your calling the detention housing areas and shelters and provisions made for Japanese, German or Italian detainees in the US during WWII, CONCENTRATION CAMPS!.

That's what they were. If you don't like the word, stop defending the action, idiot. The English language is not obligated to assist you in defending the scumbag FDR.
If you read and view all the info on the subject you will have us Conservatives stumped.

"Us conservatives"? You're not a "conservative," you're just an ignorant fool. Your mental deficiency is not a political position, douchebag.
We won't be able to tell if you are really smart ....

That's pretty hilarious coming from an idiot like you. And who exactly do you imagine to be "we"? Just you and your Nazi boyfriend as far as I can tell.
There is NO excuse of that scumbag FDR's concentration camps. Why weren't all Americans of German or Italian ancestry removed from the East Coast "to keep them safe"? Never in American history has a worse villain occupied the office of President of the United States.

I think anyone in a Nazi concentration camp or a Japanese concentration camp would laugh at your calling the detention housing areas and shelters and provisions made for Japanese, German or Italian detainees in the US during WWII, CONCENTRATION CAMPS!.

That's what they were. If you don't like the word, stop defending the action, idiot. The English language is not obligated to assist you in defending the scumbag FDR.

So what's the best response conservatives have come up with to the fact that FDR has never been rated below third greatest American president and in their last poll, this time by of 238 of America's noted historians, rated FDR not third greatest, but greatest.
And what's the best conservative response to the fact that the American people elected FDR four times by large majorities?
And what the best response by conservatives that conservative historians rated FDR third greatest American president?
I think anyone in a Nazi concentration camp or a Japanese concentration camp would laugh at your calling the detention housing areas and shelters and provisions made for Japanese, German or Italian detainees in the US during WWII, CONCENTRATION CAMPS!.

That's what they were. If you don't like the word, stop defending the action, idiot. The English language is not obligated to assist you in defending the scumbag FDR.

So what's the best response conservatives have come up with to the fact that FDR has never been rated below third greatest American president and in their last poll, this time by of 238 of America's noted historians, rated FDR not third greatest, but greatest.
And what's the best conservative response to the fact that the American people elected FDR four times by large majorities?
And what the best response by conservatives that conservative historians rated FDR third greatest American president?

Funny how low information liberals resort to polling data when confronted with an argument about the most severe violation of the Constitution in modern times.
I think anyone in a Nazi concentration camp or a Japanese concentration camp would laugh at your calling the detention housing areas and shelters and provisions made for Japanese, German or Italian detainees in the US during WWII, CONCENTRATION CAMPS!.

That's what they were. If you don't like the word, stop defending the action, idiot. The English language is not obligated to assist you in defending the scumbag FDR.

So what's the best response conservatives have come up with to the fact that FDR has never been rated below third greatest American president and in their last poll, this time by of 238 of America's noted historians, rated FDR not third greatest, but greatest.
And what's the best conservative response to the fact that the American people elected FDR four times by large majorities?
And what the best response by conservatives that conservative historians rated FDR third greatest American president?

How long is it going to take you to understand that repeating a logical fallacy will NOT erase the FACT of FDR's concentration camps? Are you really so divorced from reality?

Your devotion to hero worship has stripped you of all character, principle, and reason.

And by trying to make it a 'liberal' and 'conservative' thing, are you suggesting that democrats are pro-concentration camp? That would certainly accord with the history of the democrat party, but does not reflect well or it - or you.
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That's what they were. If you don't like the word, stop defending the action, idiot. The English language is not obligated to assist you in defending the scumbag FDR.

So what's the best response conservatives have come up with to the fact that FDR has never been rated below third greatest American president and in their last poll, this time by of 238 of America's noted historians, rated FDR not third greatest, but greatest.
And what's the best conservative response to the fact that the American people elected FDR four times by large majorities?
And what the best response by conservatives that conservative historians rated FDR third greatest American president?

Funny how low information liberals resort to polling data when confronted with an argument about the most severe violation of the Constitution in modern times.

So what's the violation? Always interested in the Constitution.
That's what they were. If you don't like the word, stop defending the action, idiot. The English language is not obligated to assist you in defending the scumbag FDR.

So what's the best response conservatives have come up with to the fact that FDR has never been rated below third greatest American president and in their last poll, this time by of 238 of America's noted historians, rated FDR not third greatest, but greatest.
And what's the best conservative response to the fact that the American people elected FDR four times by large majorities?
And what the best response by conservatives that conservative historians rated FDR third greatest American president?

How long is it going to take you to understand that repeating a logical fallacy will NOT erase the FACT of FDR's concentration camps? Are you really so divorced from reality?

Your devotion to hero worship has stripped you of all character, principle, and reason.

And by trying to make it a 'liberal' and 'conservative' thing, are you suggesting that democrats are pro-concentration camp? That would certainly accord with the history of the democrat party, but does not reflect well or it - or you.

So what is the logical fallacy? Ah yes, the argument by authority. But argument by authority is only a fallacy if the authorities are not in fact authorities. The 238 noted historians that last rated the presidents are indeed authorities and when one realizes that these presidential ratings by historians have been going on since 1948, that's a lot of authorities.
But don't take my word for that check out a book on logic and verify.

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