U.S. high court rejects church challenges to state pandemic rules


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic.

The health and safety guidelines are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional.
Good news. If they were really christians they would know they dont have to go to church in order to worship god.
Much better for collecting tithes and offerings, though, even if it kills them.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic.

The health and safety guidelines are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional.
Maybe someone should send that memo to the rioters and thugs currently trying to burn down every city in the U.S.?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic.

The health and safety guidelines are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional.
Maybe someone should send that memo to the rioters and thugs currently trying to burn down every city in the U.S.?
What does that have to do with a church? The people protesting arent in church you dumb fuck.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic.

The health and safety guidelines are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional.
Maybe someone should send that memo to the rioters and thugs currently trying to burn down every city in the U.S.?
What does that have to do with a church? The people protesting arent in church you dumb fuck.
The people are protesting and not observing social distancing in any way shape or form. Yet if people protest the right to earn a living in order to survive, or worship their God while observing social distancing, they're somehow being selfish or asking too much.
Good news. If they were really christians they would know they dont have to go to church in order to worship god.
It's not that easy for Jews and Catholics though.
Why not? Catholics are christians too right? Just with a stick up their asses.
The lock downs present challenges to things like Communion, confession, Sunday obligation, etc.
Maybe they can move church services to the closest Costco or Walmart, according to the Democratic nut jobs running these lockdown states, it's much safer there.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic.

The health and safety guidelines are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional.

Why don't you dance a jig for us then, little buddy. That's right, kick those piggy toes high . . . as thousands of rioters surely stop to social distance as they burn, loot, pillage and otherwise renact Planet of the Apes, 2020 America style. You're just so giddy, aren't you?
Good news. If they were really christians they would know they dont have to go to church in order to worship god.
It's not that easy for Jews and Catholics though.
Why not? Catholics are christians too right? Just with a stick up their asses.
The lock downs present challenges to things like Communion, confession, Sunday obligation, etc.
No it doesnt. You can have private services. There is no sunday obligation. Thats just some made up shit to get the donation plates full. Show me where it says you have to go to church on Sunday? You do realize Saturday is actually the Sabbath right?
‘“Although California’s guidelines place restrictions on places of worship, those restrictions appear consistent with the free exercise clause of the First Amendment,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote in an opinion concurring in the unsigned ruling.

“Similar or more severe restrictions apply to comparable secular gatherings, including lectures, concerts, movie showings, spectator sports and theatrical performances, where large groups of people gather in close proximity for extended periods of time,” the chief justice wrote. “And the order exempts or treats more leniently only dissimilar activities, such as operating grocery stores, banks and laundromats, in which people neither congregate in large groups nor remain in close proximity for extended periods.”’

The ‘argument’ that churches and grocery stores are ‘the same’ is ridiculous sophistry.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic.

The health and safety guidelines are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional.
But you can go to Walmart and Home Depot?
Good news. If they were really christians they would know they dont have to go to church in order to worship god.
It's not that easy for Jews and Catholics though.
Why not? Catholics are christians too right? Just with a stick up their asses.
The lock downs present challenges to things like Communion, confession, Sunday obligation, etc.
No it doesnt. You can have private services. There is no sunday obligation. Thats just some made up shit to get the donation plates full. Show me where it says you have to go to church on Sunday? You do realize Saturday is actually the Sabbath right?
There is no such thing as a "private" Mass. Sunday obligation has existed for centuries which is why bishops across the country have been giving dispensations while churches are shut down. Saturday is the Hebrew Sabbath while Sunday is the Lord's Day. This information isn't hard to find and I would expect any atheist (yes I am one) that is able to defend their position to know these things, otherwise you're just talking shit for the sake of running religious people down without knowing what the hell you're talking you're about. Way to reinforce the stereotypes people have about atheists. Bravo.:clap:
Good news. If they were really christians they would know they dont have to go to church in order to worship god.
It's not that easy for Jews and Catholics though.
Why not? Catholics are christians too right? Just with a stick up their asses.
The lock downs present challenges to things like Communion, confession, Sunday obligation, etc.
No it doesnt. You can have private services. There is no sunday obligation. Thats just some made up shit to get the donation plates full. Show me where it says you have to go to church on Sunday? You do realize Saturday is actually the Sabbath right?
There is no such thing as a "private" Mass. Sunday obligation has existed for centuries which is why bishops across the country have been giving dispensations while churches are shut down. Saturday is the Hebrew Sabbath while Sunday is the Lord's Day. This information isn't hard to find and I would expect any atheist (yes I am one) that is able to defend their position to know these things, otherwise you're just talking shit for the sake of running religious people down without knowing what the hell you're talking you're about. Way to reinforce the stereotypes people have about atheists. Bravo.:clap:

You better do some more research then.

I'm not an atheist. I just dont believe in man made religions.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic.

The health and safety guidelines are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional.
Maybe someone should send that memo to the rioters and thugs currently trying to burn down every city in the U.S.?
What does that have to do with a church? The people protesting arent in church you dumb fuck.
The people are protesting and not observing social distancing in any way shape or form. Yet if people protest the right to earn a living in order to survive, or worship their God while observing social distancing, they're somehow being selfish or asking too much.
So you dont understand the difference between worshiping and protesting just by looking? What kind of fucking retard are you?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic.

The health and safety guidelines are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional.
But you can go to Walmart and Home Depot?
Why not? Do you hold mass in Walmart or Home Depot? No. You go in, get your shit, and leave.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic.

The health and safety guidelines are perfectly necessary, proper, and Constitutional.
Maybe someone should send that memo to the rioters and thugs currently trying to burn down every city in the U.S.?
What does that have to do with a church? The people protesting arent in church you dumb fuck.
The people are protesting and not observing social distancing in any way shape or form. Yet if people protest the right to earn a living in order to survive, or worship their God while observing social distancing, they're somehow being selfish or asking too much.
So you dont understand the difference between worshiping and protesting just by looking? What kind of fucking retard are you?
I very clearly understand the hypocricy of idiots like you that from one side of the mouth whined about protesters not observing social distancing by people who just wanted the right to get back to work in order to feed their families and have a roof on their tables, yet you have nothing to say about protestors completely violating social distancing while burning down and looting other people's belongings. Why is it that a Leftie protest always leads to looting and burning down innocent people's belongings? These animals are looting and burning down the same supermarkets that are supposed to stay open during this pandemic.

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