U.S. intel helped Ukraine protect air defenses, shoot down Moscow plane carrying hundreds of troops. which is one reason Moscow has not been able

I'll take that bet.
Russia's economy is suffering.
The Ruble is shit.
The Russian army is losing men and equipment at an incredible rate.
The 40m Ukrainians will never surrender.
What's that little country in the Middle East surrounded by hostile millions that has survived over several wars and many decades?
An illegal invasion, i.e. taking land by force, needs to be stopped and proven a moronic thing to do or we'll get more of it.
There are several dictators around the world, Xi for example looking at Taiwan.
If Putin took Ukraine and NATO did nothing, how long until China moves on Taiwan?
Maybe NK would attack SK?

Keeping the world stable for as long as possible is a worthwhile objective.
Keeping the world "static" would seem to be more in line with your thinking. But we all know the world has never been static. Countries have always. Come, and gone. Borders are ever shifting throughout human history. None of what is happening over there is compelling enough to convince me that I should invest the blood, and treasure of my nation in Europe. There is nothing new to suggest that Russia has, or ever has had plans to invade, or conquer the US. This is a European problem. Not an American problem. I say let them go first.
Keeping the world "static" would seem to be more in line with your thinking. But we all know the world has never been static. Countries have always. Come, and gone. Borders are ever shifting throughout human history. None of what is happening over there is compelling enough to convince me that I should invest the blood, and treasure of my nation in Europe. There is nothing new to suggest that Russia has, or ever has had plans to invade, or conquer the US. This is a European problem. Not an American problem. I say let them go first.
You didn't answer the question.
Should the US and NATO keep providing arms and intel to Ukraine, as well as keep punishing sanctions on Russia until they withdraw from Ukraine?

Saying borders change and you don't want US kids fighting there wasn't the question.
You didn't answer the question.
Should the US and NATO keep providing arms and intel to Ukraine, as well as keep punishing sanctions on Russia until they withdraw from Ukraine?

Saying borders change and you don't want US kids fighting there wasn't the question.
No. We, the US shouldn't. If individual European nations want to; that's on them. But if their lone actions result in a retaliation, dont start crying article 5, when you went looking for a fight. Ukraine is not a Nato member.
What's that little country in the Middle East surrounded by hostile millions that has survived over several wars and many decades?
Millions of people have left it. Putin would be in his right to bomb any nation help is coming from for Ukraine.
An illegal invasion, i.e. taking land by force, needs to be stopped and proven a moronic thing to do or we'll get more of it.
There are several dictators around the world, Xi for example looking at Taiwan.
If Putin took Ukraine and NATO did nothing, how long until China moves on Taiwan?
Maybe NK would attack SK?

Keeping the world stable for as long as possible is a worthwhile objective.
The world would be stable. the issue is the globalists desires to spread their agendas. Russia is an entity that does not want to be in the globalism. They have suffered with their interference.
Nothing I wrote was at all inaccurate.
The fact the Ukraine does not have nukes is irrelevant.
The fact is Zelensky constantly asks to join NATO even though that is an illegal violation of the 1992 treaties that granted the Ukraine independence.
The fact is Zelensky is openly working with countries hostile to Russian and accepting weapons from them, in order to use against Russia, totally in violation of every treaty the Ukraine ever signed.

Your links is foolish because NATO did not sign treaties with Gorbachev in 1992, the Ukraine did.

And I see you conveniently ignored the fact the Ukraine owes Russia over $20 billion for stolen oil, and that the racist Azov Battalion murdered over 14k ethnic Russian civilians.
On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".[13]
That link I gave is spot on as it is Russia's president that claims no such agreement concerning NATO. Tour whole line of fabrication bullshit is nothing more than propaganda in an attempt tojustify Russian's invasion because of its own damn greed. And your lies concerning Ukraine having nukes is very relevant in showing you are nothing more than another lying, murderous, thieving Ivan.
No. We, the US shouldn't. If individual European nations want to; that's on them. But if their lone actions result in a retaliation, dont start crying article 5, when you went looking for a fight. Ukraine is not a Nato member.
You haven't addressed the Budapest Memorandum.
"The memorandum prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons."

We the US gave our assurance to Ukeraine. Russia should know that.
You haven't addressed the Budapest Memorandum.
"The memorandum prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons."

We the US gave our assurance to Ukeraine. Russia should know that.
A memorandum? Lol. Regardless there are plenty of other signatories to that worthless scrap of paper. Let them get their fingers bitten trying to interfere with this dog fight. That memorandum clearly didn’t take into account bad/provocative behavior on the part of the Ukrainians. Like killing ethnic Russians in Ukraine, or the Ukes stealing 40 billion plus dollars worth of Russian petroleum products.
Not. Our. Fight.
I'm still intrigued about these two troop transports being shot down.
As I said earlier, I had not seen reportage about it.
But then I did some googling.

I saw there that there was a brief mention of it back on March 17th in the UK tabloid, The Sun.

"They (the paratroopers) are sent ahead of the main troops to secure a location so that the main forces can be brought up," he told The Sun Online.
"In this war, they were flown into Hostomel airport near Kyiv to do this but were all killed.
"Two transport aircraft of paratroopers flying from Belarus to do the same tactic at another airport near Kyiv were shot out of the sky. 300 paratroopers were killed in the 2-transport aircraft."

The swift takedown of Putin's paratroopers bungled the initial part of Putin's invasion, said Kuzio."


I had seen brief reportage ---can't recall source ----that remarked that Russia's elite paratroopers had been decimated. But I thought that may have been a reference to the airport fight that plenty of reportage indicated did not go well for the Russians.

It seems possible this 'troop transport' loss is real.

What I think I sense about Ukrainian geography and troop movements it seems these transports would have gone down in ground controlled by Ukraine. Hence, Ukraine would have on-site observers and casualty workers. It seems.
Like killing ethnic Russians in Ukraine, or the Ukes stealing 40 billion plus dollars worth of Russian petroleum products.
It would be interesting to see some credible vetting of those two claims.
That is --vetting other than brief remarks originating from anonymous chatterati on an internet gossipboard.

Is there any there there to these two claims?

And what is an "ethnic Russian" in two bordering countries populated by Slavs and speaking the same language?
It would be interesting to see some credible vetting of those two claims.
That is --vetting other than brief remarks originating from anonymous chatterati on an internet gossipboard.

Is there any there there to these two claims?

And what is an "ethnic Russian" in two bordering countries populated by Slavs and speaking the same language?
They even kill their own without so much as flinching an eye. Like for instance they tried to do in Kherson today shooting it with several Tochka-U missiles. Luckily they have been intercepted. The town the Russians took a while back and that's living a peaceful life because of that. Did they cease to be Ukrainians having lived only a month under "occupation"?

You'll have to have Telegram it seems to be able to see the link. I don't know.
The Ukraine can NOT win this war.
The ethnic Russians are about half the population, and they will never give up, so neither will Russia.
The Ukraine went to far, murdered too many people, and are too racist.
The ethnic Russians will never trust them again.
So they will destroy the government in Kyiv.
It is just a matter of time.
Looney Toon russian propagandist and you really think that anyone believes your nonsense?
We have not had a draft in a long time because no one attacked us.
We did not need many soldiers to conduct arial support for the Northen Alliance, to take Afghanistan.
With Iraq, Saddam surrendered almost without a fight.
So are you so foolish as to think Russia is not significantly different?

And you are wrong to claim the Russians are losing.
They are killing more Ukrainians than they are losing, by 4 to 1.
Russia has lost from 7k to 15k men, but Russia has an army of about 1 million and another 2 million reservists.
Russia does not have to attack NATO, just blow up arms shipments.
If NATO tries to attack Russia, then Russia would have no alternative than to set off air burst EMPs that would end the US as a nation. Without any working computers, cellphones, cars, trucks, trains, planes, etc., the US would be back to the stone age, and never recover

Russia is now admitting over 20,000 lost Russians-------------stop with your propaganda. Russia may defeat Ukraine, but they have already lost big in that everyone now knows that their Troops and military equipment are a JOKE. If we go back to the stone age so too will Russia--------
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Must anyone believe your nonsense instead?
They don't have to go by what I post which is why I didn't post-- the propaganda you russian trolls post is so off the wall that it is along Bagdad Bob's level just not as funny as his.
Ukrainian military also said both Russian transports were laden with airborne troops. The claim follows numerous accounts of Russian paratroopers landing in the vicinity of Kyiv, as the city sees its fourth day of heavy fighting.

Hey, dipshit, here's a read for you. I doubt you can read though but may dictionary and neighbouring russia-haters help you. On the other hand you don't have to be able to read to just see pictures.
They don't have to go by what I post which is why I didn't post-- the propaganda you russian trolls post is so off the wall that it is along Bagdad Bob's level just not as funny as his.
Why do non trolls like you always add laughing emojis to these propaganda posts?
What laughing emoji? Drinking to much vodka again?
These 🤣🤣. Call them smylies if you will. It's not me who invented the term.
Russians don't drink vodka as much as you think they do. Your English brethren on the other hand do ten times more. Why do you ridicule me for what your ilk do much better?
ivan, you are a Chechen slave , you ´ll get from me a ticket to the Hague , you are a war - criminal like entire your MONGOL race


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