U.S. Jobless Claims Rise

Our jobs have been going to foreign labor markets since the early 60's. In addition, we off-shore out-source jobs, import labor, and have millions of illegal immigrants living and working in this country. Since the early 60's we've lost all or part of the textile, steel, electronics, appliance, tool, toy, farm equipment, furniture, and automotive parts industries. We've closed our plants and factories in favor of strengthening foreign labor markets. We've sacrifices our economic well-being in favor of supporting foreign economies. We no longer have an adequate number of living wage jobs that cover all education and skill levels. Instead, our work force is living off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks.

Due to unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, we've created a poor and dependent society. America no longer produces what America uses and consumes. We've become import dependent. In addition, labor unions have priced American made goods almost out of reach of the majority of American consumers. We can not compete with $5.00 a day wages, and child labor working 18 hours a day in sweat shops. Our standard of living does not allow us to fairly compete in the global market place. We had rather close our plants and factories and place our work force in long unemployment lines, than to demand fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade with our many trading partners. We have a rapidly growing population, and not near enough living wage jobs to meet the demand. The jobs that once provided living wage opportunities that covered all education and skill levels, are now on foreign soil.

Also, we have college grads flipp'in burgers and living with their parents. We have workers underemployed, working part-time jobs, and many have given up looking for work. We have workers of retirement age forced to remain working. Our job market can not support the demand for jobs.

Yes, we're still in a recession/depression, we never got out of it. It's government debt that keeps our economy afloat, and makes it appear to be improving and doing well. Companies are producing more with less employees, and innovation, technology, and automation have replaced some workers, in addition to companies offering less company paid benefits. The net results are fewer jobs, less pay, and more "real" unemployment. Americans have become consumers and not producers. Most of what we use and consume is imported. Store shelves have far more imported goods on them than American made goods. And, with the gap between real wages and the cost of living, most Americans can not afford American made goods. Americans have to make their dollars stretch as far as possible in order to survive.

Jobs are created through the demand for goods and services, and through R&D. Employers do not hire just to be hiring. Employers are not going to hire people to just sit in their break rooms all day. Employers hire in order to satisfy the needs of their customers. With less spendable income in the pockets of consumers, there's less demand for goods and services. And, as far as I know, there's absolutely nothing in the works to turn things around in the near future. But, there is one possibility that would put millions back to work. That is to repair and upgrade our infrastructure. I fail to see why this hasn't been done already. In summary, the jobs market doesn't look rosy and bright from where I'm standing.

Where does the federal government get the money to repair and upgrade the infrastructure?
Thanks. Great question, glad you asked. Well, we can look first at the astronomical sums wasted and spent of non-beneficial items and programs. If you don't mind, I'll list a few for you. (1) Building mosques on foreign soil. (2) Unnecessary military bases on foreign soil. (3) Supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists. (4) Senseless deadly costly wars. (5) Subsidies to rich farmers and big oil. (6) Wasteful projects such as the fence along our southern border. (7) Bribes paid to North Korea and Iran. (8) Foreign aid. (9) Exploring the far reaches of the universe. (10) Planes and ships the military doesn't need nor want. (11) Unnecessary government travel. (12) Ridiculous perks and benefits paid to members of Congress. (13) Tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations. (14) The care and support of illegal immigrants. (15) Medicare and Medicaid fraud. (16) No-bid government contracts. (17) Subsidies for Brazilian corn crops. (18) Lavish White House vacations and parties.

In addition, there's defense spending that is top secret and we have no idea where that money goes, or to whom it goes. We also GIVE law enforcement agencies around the country military equipment that is on a par with what our soldiers use in combat. This is to control the civilian population, go figure. And, I forgot to mention the hundreds of $Millions in grants for such studies as the sex habits of fire ants. All of the above can easily be researched. Do we have our spending priorities in order?

Excellent list. Now, how a about a list of items that a Republican Congress would pass that would not get vetoed by Obama or filibustered in the Senate.

Why not just state which ones you agree with. You afraid that you'll expose yourself as a wasteful republican?
FYI - I have no political party. I am not a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Conservative, Liberal, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America. I don't play the political party game. Division plays right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. The enemy of professional politicians is a united citizenry. As long as we are divided along party lines, they win, we lose.

Yeah...........I get it. I'm not a joiner myself. Registered independent. However...I am able to listen and I am able to tell when I'm being lied to. I use those skills to vote for the best available candidate. You should as well.
Where does the federal government get the money to repair and upgrade the infrastructure?
Thanks. Great question, glad you asked. Well, we can look first at the astronomical sums wasted and spent of non-beneficial items and programs. If you don't mind, I'll list a few for you. (1) Building mosques on foreign soil. (2) Unnecessary military bases on foreign soil. (3) Supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists. (4) Senseless deadly costly wars. (5) Subsidies to rich farmers and big oil. (6) Wasteful projects such as the fence along our southern border. (7) Bribes paid to North Korea and Iran. (8) Foreign aid. (9) Exploring the far reaches of the universe. (10) Planes and ships the military doesn't need nor want. (11) Unnecessary government travel. (12) Ridiculous perks and benefits paid to members of Congress. (13) Tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations. (14) The care and support of illegal immigrants. (15) Medicare and Medicaid fraud. (16) No-bid government contracts. (17) Subsidies for Brazilian corn crops. (18) Lavish White House vacations and parties.

In addition, there's defense spending that is top secret and we have no idea where that money goes, or to whom it goes. We also GIVE law enforcement agencies around the country military equipment that is on a par with what our soldiers use in combat. This is to control the civilian population, go figure. And, I forgot to mention the hundreds of $Millions in grants for such studies as the sex habits of fire ants. All of the above can easily be researched. Do we have our spending priorities in order?

Excellent list. Now, how a about a list of items that a Republican Congress would pass that would not get vetoed by Obama or filibustered in the Senate.
FYI - All politicians do what politicians do, and that is play politics. Professional politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. We have a Lobbyists controlled U.S.Congress, bought and paid for. We also have an oval office bought and paid for. This has been the norm and standing practice for many decades now, and it probably wont change in our lifetime. Votes on the floors of Congress are bought and paid for.

The Washington Brotherhood is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. It makes no difference whether individually they are labeled Republicans or Democrats, the game is the same, and for all practical purposes, the end result as far as the general public is concerned, is also the same. Politics is a game played against the best interest of this once great nation and her citizens. The proof to that statement is in daily headlines and on every street corner in America.

Nope. Not every one of them. Sorry. There are some who represent their constituents with honor and integrity.
Would you care to name those that are not under the influence of Lobbyists? Would you care to name those that do not owe favors for where they're at? Would you like to name those that lead protests and rallies against government corruption? Would you like to name those that expose government corruption? Just curious. Remember, honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

I could name a few. But....it would be more interesting if yiu did. Can you think of even one federal level politician who is carrying out their duties with honor and integrity?
Where does the federal government get the money to repair and upgrade the infrastructure?
Thanks. Great question, glad you asked. Well, we can look first at the astronomical sums wasted and spent of non-beneficial items and programs. If you don't mind, I'll list a few for you. (1) Building mosques on foreign soil. (2) Unnecessary military bases on foreign soil. (3) Supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists. (4) Senseless deadly costly wars. (5) Subsidies to rich farmers and big oil. (6) Wasteful projects such as the fence along our southern border. (7) Bribes paid to North Korea and Iran. (8) Foreign aid. (9) Exploring the far reaches of the universe. (10) Planes and ships the military doesn't need nor want. (11) Unnecessary government travel. (12) Ridiculous perks and benefits paid to members of Congress. (13) Tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations. (14) The care and support of illegal immigrants. (15) Medicare and Medicaid fraud. (16) No-bid government contracts. (17) Subsidies for Brazilian corn crops. (18) Lavish White House vacations and parties.

In addition, there's defense spending that is top secret and we have no idea where that money goes, or to whom it goes. We also GIVE law enforcement agencies around the country military equipment that is on a par with what our soldiers use in combat. This is to control the civilian population, go figure. And, I forgot to mention the hundreds of $Millions in grants for such studies as the sex habits of fire ants. All of the above can easily be researched. Do we have our spending priorities in order?

Excellent list. Now, how a about a list of items that a Republican Congress would pass that would not get vetoed by Obama or filibustered in the Senate.

Why not just state which ones you agree with. You afraid that you'll expose yourself as a wasteful republican?
FYI - I have no political party. I am not a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Conservative, Liberal, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America. I don't play the political party game. Division plays right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. The enemy of professional politicians is a united citizenry. As long as we are divided along party lines, they win, we lose.

Yeah...........I get it. I'm not a joiner myself. Registered independent. However...I am able to listen and I am able to tell when I'm being lied to. I use those skills to vote for the best available candidate. You should as well.
I never ever vote for someone that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots. I write-in a candidate. I never play their game. Professional politicians are all alike. They owe favors before they're ever sworn into office. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Playing their game does nothing except further hurt this once great nation.
Thanks. Great question, glad you asked. Well, we can look first at the astronomical sums wasted and spent of non-beneficial items and programs. If you don't mind, I'll list a few for you. (1) Building mosques on foreign soil. (2) Unnecessary military bases on foreign soil. (3) Supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists. (4) Senseless deadly costly wars. (5) Subsidies to rich farmers and big oil. (6) Wasteful projects such as the fence along our southern border. (7) Bribes paid to North Korea and Iran. (8) Foreign aid. (9) Exploring the far reaches of the universe. (10) Planes and ships the military doesn't need nor want. (11) Unnecessary government travel. (12) Ridiculous perks and benefits paid to members of Congress. (13) Tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations. (14) The care and support of illegal immigrants. (15) Medicare and Medicaid fraud. (16) No-bid government contracts. (17) Subsidies for Brazilian corn crops. (18) Lavish White House vacations and parties.

In addition, there's defense spending that is top secret and we have no idea where that money goes, or to whom it goes. We also GIVE law enforcement agencies around the country military equipment that is on a par with what our soldiers use in combat. This is to control the civilian population, go figure. And, I forgot to mention the hundreds of $Millions in grants for such studies as the sex habits of fire ants. All of the above can easily be researched. Do we have our spending priorities in order?

Excellent list. Now, how a about a list of items that a Republican Congress would pass that would not get vetoed by Obama or filibustered in the Senate.
FYI - All politicians do what politicians do, and that is play politics. Professional politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. We have a Lobbyists controlled U.S.Congress, bought and paid for. We also have an oval office bought and paid for. This has been the norm and standing practice for many decades now, and it probably wont change in our lifetime. Votes on the floors of Congress are bought and paid for.

The Washington Brotherhood is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. It makes no difference whether individually they are labeled Republicans or Democrats, the game is the same, and for all practical purposes, the end result as far as the general public is concerned, is also the same. Politics is a game played against the best interest of this once great nation and her citizens. The proof to that statement is in daily headlines and on every street corner in America.

Nope. Not every one of them. Sorry. There are some who represent their constituents with honor and integrity.
Would you care to name those that are not under the influence of Lobbyists? Would you care to name those that do not owe favors for where they're at? Would you like to name those that lead protests and rallies against government corruption? Would you like to name those that expose government corruption? Just curious. Remember, honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

I could name a few. But....it would be more interesting if yiu did. Can you think of even one federal level politician who is carrying out their duties with honor and integrity?
There aren't any. They're all professional politicians playing politics at our expense. How many do you see leading protests and marches, calling Americans together to stand on the steps of the capitol and call Congress out into the street for what they've done to this once great nation? Now, you name the ones that you believe are honest, not on the take, expose corruption that's within Congress, and ask the American people to protest with them on the steps of the capitol. Which ones owe no favors, never accept anything from Lobbyists, and always shames their fellow members for anti-America legislation and policies? OK, your turn.
The U.S. economy has done nothing but sputter like a car with half the spark plugs missing. We've been slowly sinking into a pool of quicksand ever since our slimeball of a president bogarted his way into the WH.
So you got none or just a little?
When will you all realize that although the job market is picking up, Americans are getting laid off so companies can hire cheaper foreign labor - whether it's in construction, IT, Hospitality, Retail, Manufacturing or Medical professionals. And it's wrong. Seriously.
The U.S. economy has done nothing but sputter like a car with half the spark plugs missing. We've been slowly sinking into a pool of quicksand ever since our slimeball of a president bogarted his way into the WH.

Oh, bull. Don't even bother trying to explain, the same figures under a republic president is going to make you swoon.
If this were a Republican administration you would be calling him incompetent and you know it.
The U.S. economy has done nothing but sputter like a car with half the spark plugs missing. We've been slowly sinking into a pool of quicksand ever since our slimeball of a president bogarted his way into the WH.

Oh, bull. Don't even bother trying to explain, the same figures under a republic president is going to make you swoon.
If this were a Republican administration you would be calling him incompetent and you know it.

I'm not a partisan nit-wit, but thanks anyway.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits rose more than expected last week, but the trend remained consistent with sustained strength in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment aid increased by 17,000 to a seasonally adjusted 298,000 for the week ended Dec. 27, the Labor Department said on Wednesday, after four straight weeks of declines.

U.S. jobless claims rise but labor market still firming - Yahoo News

We are still in a recession.
The Feds won't admit that.
We're at pre-recession levels of UI claims now, compared to the recession levels, which went up to over 600,000/week at the end of the recession. 298,000 initial claims is nothing.
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits rose more than expected last week, but the trend remained consistent with sustained strength in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment aid increased by 17,000 to a seasonally adjusted 298,000 for the week ended Dec. 27, the Labor Department said on Wednesday, after four straight weeks of declines.

U.S. jobless claims rise but labor market still firming - Yahoo News

We are still in a recession.
The Feds won't admit that.
We're at pre-recession levels of UI claims now, compared to the recession levels, which went up to over 600,000/week at the end of the recession. 298,000 initial claims is nothing.

It is something to the 298,000 people that are now without a job.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits rose more than expected last week, but the trend remained consistent with sustained strength in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment aid increased by 17,000 to a seasonally adjusted 298,000 for the week ended Dec. 27, the Labor Department said on Wednesday, after four straight weeks of declines.

U.S. jobless claims rise but labor market still firming - Yahoo News

We are still in a recession.
The Feds won't admit that.
We're at pre-recession levels of UI claims now, compared to the recession levels, which went up to over 600,000/week at the end of the recession. 298,000 initial claims is nothing.

It is something to the 298,000 people that are now without a job.
By that logic, even one person on UI is the same as a million.

Of course any bad situations are bad the individuals, but when looking at the overall picture, a smaller number is bbc ad to fewer people

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