U.S. Navy reroutes ship's commissioning outta Mississippi

Mississippi is number one in receiving Federal dollars. They cost taxpayers much more than a ship moving from one location to another.
Weird post all the way around. The point of a ship is to sail after all. And how the fuck do you compare the sailing of ships to an entire state?
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

Not as much as the state of Mississippi costs us. They're #1 for Federal dollars.

You failed math, please consult a 5th grader.

Mississippi is number one in receiving Federal dollars. They cost taxpayers much more than a ship moving from one location to another.

Delude yourself as you please.

er.... except it's true.

Mississippi is the most federally dependent state

Delaware the least.

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

but you can pretend if you'd like.
A subsidy depends on the ability of the state to produce what other states produce. Calling Mississippi Federally Dependent is a misnomer. Major crops, NASA, Shipyard, Refineries, Shipping Port, Car Manufacturer, Etc. And, one of the lowest wage paid states in the country.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

Isn't the USS Portland part of the pacific fleet?

The op wants to keep LGBT on his computer screen for beat-off value.
We the People need to demand of our government that it makes government welfare to Mississippi to business, government, and peoples dependent on them all acting like they have brains and are working for the good of the country.
Sorry, but this is nothing but a gigantic waste of money.

wasting money is what the government does best. why do you think we are 19T in debt?

wasting money is what the government does best. why do you think we are 19T in debt?

Moving a pacific fleet ship to the pacific is a waste of monies?

We're 19T in debt because of irresponsible Republicans and a Republican caused wage/price gap for the middle class.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

It's starting to appear that everything is a LGBT issue in some way shape or form.

its amazing, 3% of the population is driving the dialog for 97%. Is this country screwed up or what?

its amazing, 3% of the population is driving the dialog for 97%.

The political right is driving the dialog.

Is this country screwed up or what?

Anything to keep minds off real problems like middle class wage/cost gap.

Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

Isn't the USS Portland part of the pacific fleet?

The op wants to keep LGBT on his computer screen for beat-off value.

It may be, but I don't think Portland is its home port.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

It's starting to appear that everything is a LGBT issue in some way shape or form.

its amazing, 3% of the population is driving the dialog for 97%. Is this country screwed up or what?

its amazing, 3% of the population is driving the dialog for 97%.

The political right is driving the dialog.

Is this country screwed up or what?

Anything to keep minds off real problems like middle class wage/cost gap.

you are wrong on all points, the left dominates the media and entertainment "industry". The left rhetoric is rammed up our collective asses 24/7/365.

the gap between rich and poor has grown under Obama, the number in poverty has grown, the number on food stamps has grown, the number unemployed or underemployed has grown under Obama.

Obama has achieved his goals of dividing us and bringing our economy to its knees. He is "getting even" with the evil USA.

and you silly fucks are too dumb to see what he is doing to YOU.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

Isn't the USS Portland part of the pacific fleet?

The op wants to keep LGBT on his computer screen for beat-off value.

It may be, but I don't think Portland is its home port.

Portland used to be one of the best cities in the country then California scum invaded and turned it into a cesspool of depravity, drug abusers, an illegal sanctuary, and a Meth capital.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

Isn't the USS Portland part of the pacific fleet?

The op wants to keep LGBT on his computer screen for beat-off value.

It may be, but I don't think Portland is its home port.

Portland used to be one of the best cities in the country then California scum invaded and turned it into a cesspool of depravity, drug abusers, an illegal sanctuary, and a Meth capital.

its what socialism brings, look at any large European city, its the same thing.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

Isn't the USS Portland part of the pacific fleet?

The op wants to keep LGBT on his computer screen for beat-off value.

It may be, but I don't think Portland is its home port.

Portland used to be one of the best cities in the country then California scum invaded and turned it into a cesspool of depravity, drug abusers, an illegal sanctuary, and a Meth capital.

its what socialism brings, look at any large European city, its the same thing.

If you want to see liberal's heads explode just point out the current state of their Democrat controlled inner cities, the toxic waste they spew into the environment, the number of young minority males they imprison, the number of young minority women they bus to the abortion clinics.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

Isn't the USS Portland part of the pacific fleet?

The op wants to keep LGBT on his computer screen for beat-off value.

It may be, but I don't think Portland is its home port.

Portland used to be one of the best cities in the country then California scum invaded and turned it into a cesspool of depravity, drug abusers, an illegal sanctuary, and a Meth capital.
Seattle is headed that way. I don't go there anymore.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

Isn't the USS Portland part of the pacific fleet?

The op wants to keep LGBT on his computer screen for beat-off value.

It may be, but I don't think Portland is its home port.

Portland used to be one of the best cities in the country then California scum invaded and turned it into a cesspool of depravity, drug abusers, an illegal sanctuary, and a Meth capital.
Seattle is headed that way. I don't go there anymore.

It sure is, liberals are like a flesh eating bacteria.
Google is fascist...here is there definition of the word..

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy;More
    Nazism, rightism;
    nationalism, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism;
    jingoism, isolationism;
    neofascism, neo-Nazism
    "a film depicting the rise of fascism in the 1930s"
    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practic
Fascism of course knows no political bounds. Google, like all liberals, only recognize a problem if they disagree with it.
And that - is of course...fascim itself.

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