U.S. Navy reroutes ship's commissioning outta Mississippi

The military has had container ships, destroyer escorts, submarines and escort carriers built on the Mississippi. The latter terrified Illinois, which thought Iowa was going to invade it.
FFS, you've got escort carriers in Iowa attacking Illinois. Escort carriers were indeed built in the state of Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico, not on the river.

That is seriously stupid shit.

Probably built in Pascagoula.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.
The military has had container ships, destroyer escorts, submarines and escort carriers built on the Mississippi. The latter terrified Illinois, which thought Iowa was going to invade it.
FFS, you've got escort carriers in Iowa attacking Illinois. Escort carriers were indeed built in the state of Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico, not on the river.

That is seriously stupid shit.

Probably built in Pascagoula.

yes, it was
Sorry, but this is nothing but a gigantic waste of money.
Then why all the shipping built at Evansville, etc., Soggy, and elswhere on the Mississippi and the Ohio?

They had a way to get around the bridge if it was up in those days.
We are talking about an LPD class naval vessel, not a barge or a tugboat, your ignorance just keeps popping up.
Says one of the most ignorant members of the Board. You keep saying stupid things. LST's were built and destroyer escorts were built. These are sizable ships, you moron. I am writing about WWII. Will you focus instead of knee jerking?

the ship being discussed is an LPD, its top mast is too high to get under most of the bridges on the Mississippi. The thread is about a current ship, not one built 60 years ago.

Yes, small boats have always been built up stream on the Miss river, no one ever said otherwise----------you continue to make a fool of yourself, do you enjoy doing that?
The point was somebody said naval ships were not made on the interior waterways. I corrected it. I corrected you. Trot along.

Really? Who said that?
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

Yet another example of government waste and stupidity.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

It's starting to appear that everything is a LGBT issue in some way shape or form.
Cool...you going to go on record being opposed to laws that require someone to use the restroom of the gender on their birth certificate?
You can't read. Plus you don't have an honest bone in your putrid body.

I can read fine. You said that you haven't passed anything. So do you support these kind of laws that require people to use the restroom on their birth certificate or not?

Since I'm so dishonest, perhaps you can link to a lie I've told?
Right there, thanks! I said you were dishonest in the way your try to twist my words around to suit your agenda and you asked me to link to a lie.

You also claimed you were in the Coast Guard and were forced to use the men's room. Liar.
I wasn't twisting your words, I asked you a question based on your statements.

I'm retired from the Coast Guard. I get a pension. And I shared a head with men on both my ships.
You shit inches away from men and bumped elbows in the shower with them? I call bullshit! That didn't happen. You lie and twist everything. I said people with dicks use the men's room and you tried to twist it into be supporting the pro-transgender laws. Like I said, not an honest bone in your body.
Many ships, small ships didn't have enough facilities for a mens and a womens head....and its not as big a deal as you may think....everyone's got a job to do and most of the people have no time for sexual drama. You go to the head, you come out. No big deal.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

It's starting to appear that everything is a LGBT issue in some way shape or form.

The gays are pissed that nobody is paying attention to them anymore since the SCOTUS let them get married.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

It's starting to appear that everything is a LGBT issue in some way shape or form.

its amazing, 3% of the population is driving the dialog for 97%. Is this country screwed up or what?
Then why all the shipping built at Evansville, etc., Soggy, and elswhere on the Mississippi and the Ohio?

They had a way to get around the bridge if it was up in those days.
We are talking about an LPD class naval vessel, not a barge or a tugboat, your ignorance just keeps popping up.
Says one of the most ignorant members of the Board. You keep saying stupid things. LST's were built and destroyer escorts were built. These are sizable ships, you moron. I am writing about WWII. Will you focus instead of knee jerking?

the ship being discussed is an LPD, its top mast is too high to get under most of the bridges on the Mississippi. The thread is about a current ship, not one built 60 years ago.

Yes, small boats have always been built up stream on the Miss river, no one ever said otherwise----------you continue to make a fool of yourself, do you enjoy doing that?
The point was somebody said naval ships were not made on the interior waterways. I corrected it. I corrected you. Trot along.

Really? Who said that?
You don't get "just once more" when you play that game. Go back and look.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

probably a lot. moving a ship from the gulf to the northwest through the panama canal costs quite a bit of money, then flying all the dignitaries from DC to Portland, etc. But its done all the time, this is not unusual, the only thing unusual is how the OP tried to spin it as a LGBT issue.

It's starting to appear that everything is a LGBT issue in some way shape or form.

its amazing, 3% of the population is driving the dialog for 97%. Is this country screwed up or what?

Truly.... I don't undertsand this bunch.
Portland is infested with gays and lowlifes from California so no shocker there. How much more is this costing taxpayers?

Not as much as the state of Mississippi costs us. They're #1 for Federal dollars.

You failed math, please consult a 5th grader.

Mississippi is number one in receiving Federal dollars. They cost taxpayers much more than a ship moving from one location to another.

Delude yourself as you please.
The monetary loss to Mississippi for the United States Navy holding the formal commissioning ceremony for the USS Portland is small potatoes compared to many-many other losses these stupid bigot laws will end up costing the bigot states but-----but even the Navy... ouch, Mississippi flaming?

U.S. Navy reroutes to Oregon for ship's commissioning
By Jen Hayden
Apr 12, 2016

The USS Portland is a "San Antonio-class amphibious transport vessel currently being built at the Huntington Ingalls Shipyard in Pascagoula, Mississippi." Some Portland groups had previously been pushing for the ship to make it’s way to Portland, Oregon for the commissioning ceremony, but the new Mississippi law legalizing discrimination against its LGBT residents and visitors was the straw that broke the camel’s back:

After Portland Mayor Charlie Hales announced he refuses to travel to Mississippi next month to commission the USS Portland over the state's anti-gay laws, the Navy has announced the commissioning will take place in Portland


cool. I can't wait til they start losing federal funding.

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