U.S. prepares plan to send several hundred more troops to Iraq: officials


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Requirements creep

Looks like the message will soon be sent. We're coming to slaughter ISIS



General Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, arrives to deliver a statement after a welcoming ceremony in Tel Aviv June 9, 2015.
Reuters/Baz Ratner

The Obama administration is preparing a plan to set up a new military base in Iraq's Anbar province and send several hundred additional trainers and advisers to help bolster Iraqi forces that have struggled in the fight against Islamic State militants there, U.S. officials said on Tuesday.

President Barack Obama could give final approval as early as Wednesday to expand the U.S. military contingent in Iraq, a source close to the discussions said, marking the first significant adjustment in his strategy since the insurgents seized Anbar’s capital Ramadi last month.

U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, expressed hope that a even a modestly beefed-up U.S. presence could help Iraq forces plan and carry out a counterattack to retake Ramadi.

But many critics have said previously that the current 3,100-strong American contingent of trainers and advisers is far from enough to turn the tide of battle.

Obama is expected to stick to his stance against sending American troops into combat or even close to the front lines, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity. But increased U.S. numbers in Iraq’s volatile Sunni heartland raises could mean running greater risks.

The proposed build-up comes as Obama’s anti-Islamic State policy faces mounting criticism at home and abroad. U.S.-backed Iraqi forces have made only halting progress against Islamic State militants who seized about a third of Iraq over the past year in a brutal campaign marked by mass killings and beheadings.

Obama said on Monday the United States did not yet have a "complete strategy" for training Iraqi security forces to reconquer land lost to Islamic State fighters.

Since the fall of Ramadi, which drew harsh U.S. criticism of the Iraqi military performance, Washington has begun to speed up supplies of weapons to the government forces and examine ways to improve the training program.

With Obama closing in on a decision, one U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity said the increased U.S. deployment would likely entail several hundred more troops. A second official said the figure would be less than 500.

U.S. prepares plan to send several hundred more troops to Iraq officials Reuters
Obama is such a turd. He had to promise no boots on the ground to satisfy his liberal base. But of course making that promise pretty much guaranteed it would be broken in the future.
We are either going back into Iraq to defeat ISIS with everything we've got or we're going to be OK with a radical Islamic state that dominates the middle east. There really is no other choice.
Obama is such a turd. He had to promise no boots on the ground to satisfy his liberal base. But of course making that promise pretty much guaranteed it would be broken in the future.
We are either going back into Iraq to defeat ISIS with everything we've got or we're going to be OK with a radical Islamic state that dominates the middle east. There really is no other choice.

And after going in, we stay there... then stay there some more- to protect our people here from most certain future attacks

Obama is such a turd. He had to promise no boots on the ground to satisfy his liberal base. But of course making that promise pretty much guaranteed it would be broken in the future.
We are either going back into Iraq to defeat ISIS with everything we've got or we're going to be OK with a radical Islamic state that dominates the middle east. There really is no other choice.

And after going in, we stay there... then stay there some more- to protect our people here from most certain future attacks

We had troops stationed in Germany for 70 years. We do what the mission demands.
Obama is such a turd. He had to promise no boots on the ground to satisfy his liberal base. But of course making that promise pretty much guaranteed it would be broken in the future.
We are either going back into Iraq to defeat ISIS with everything we've got or we're going to be OK with a radical Islamic state that dominates the middle east. There really is no other choice.

And after going in, we stay there... then stay there some more- to protect our people here from most certain future attacks

We had troops stationed in Germany for 70 years. We do what the mission demands.

Indeed- And the advantageous proximity of Iraq in the region is ideal for quick strike action against Iran when they ask for it

Obama is such a turd. He had to promise no boots on the ground to satisfy his liberal base. But of course making that promise pretty much guaranteed it would be broken in the future.
We are either going back into Iraq to defeat ISIS with everything we've got or we're going to be OK with a radical Islamic state that dominates the middle east. There really is no other choice.

And after going in, we stay there... then stay there some more- to protect our people here from most certain future attacks

We had troops stationed in Germany for 70 years. We do what the mission demands.

Indeed- And the advantageous proximity of Iraq in the region is ideal for quick strike action against Iran when they ask for it

Thats the thing. You wouldnt have to. Teh mere threat alone would be enough to make the Iranians think twice before doing anything.
Obama is such a turd. He had to promise no boots on the ground to satisfy his liberal base. But of course making that promise pretty much guaranteed it would be broken in the future.
We are either going back into Iraq to defeat ISIS with everything we've got or we're going to be OK with a radical Islamic state that dominates the middle east. There really is no other choice.

And after going in, we stay there... then stay there some more- to protect our people here from most certain future attacks

We had troops stationed in Germany for 70 years. We do what the mission demands.

Two wrongs don't make it right! There is no reason on earth that we should still have troops in Germany after 70 years.
I have zero confidence in Barack Obama as Commander-in-Chief and as chief strategist in this context.

Sadly, I perceive that this opinion is widely shared by the Armed Forces themselves.

Personally, I had been hoping that any serious re-engagement of ground troops could be delayed until after January 20, 2017, when we have a better CiC sitting in the Oval Office.

Doesn't look like we're going to be that lucky, now.

Regardless of how we got into this mess, it now looks as though we're probably going to be stuck re-engaging in that region, after all.

Pity that we may be obliged to begin that undertaking before our next changing-of-the-guard.
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Obama is such a turd. He had to promise no boots on the ground to satisfy his liberal base. But of course making that promise pretty much guaranteed it would be broken in the future.
We are either going back into Iraq to defeat ISIS with everything we've got or we're going to be OK with a radical Islamic state that dominates the middle east. There really is no other choice.

And after going in, we stay there... then stay there some more- to protect our people here from most certain future attacks

We had troops stationed in Germany for 70 years. We do what the mission demands.

Indeed- And the advantageous proximity of Iraq in the region is ideal for quick strike action against Iran when they ask for it


That is the belief of every NeoCon that wants the US to take out Iran. That excuse has been around since we invaded Iraq.
We got rid of Saddam for them, we armed them , Now if they want to keep their freedom let them and them along fight for it. We already spent way too much in blood and money on that country.
The post withdrawal mission creep has started in Iraq..........this has failure written all over it. ...... :cool:
Perhaps. But we don't have to nation-build afterwards this time. Just slaughter ISIS, flatten the place, then walk away, and let the survivors grope about in the smoking ruins.
Obama is such a turd. He had to promise no boots on the ground to satisfy his liberal base. But of course making that promise pretty much guaranteed it would be broken in the future.
We are either going back into Iraq to defeat ISIS with everything we've got or we're going to be OK with a radical Islamic state that dominates the middle east. There really is no other choice.

And after going in, we stay there... then stay there some more- to protect our people here from most certain future attacks

We had troops stationed in Germany for 70 years. We do what the mission demands.

Two wrongs don't make it right! There is no reason on earth that we should still have troops in Germany after 70 years.

I agree. And no way should we send troops back into the ME. We've lost enough young men and women in that shithole.

We left Iraq at their insistence. We left them with duly elected Govt, a trained army and the ability to take their country in any direction they wanted. They lost it all in three years. Hell. That trained Army ran like hell.

Let the Muslim's fight ISIS. If they don't then fuck em all. Let ISIS have that shithole. If they attack us then turn the ME into a glass parking lot.
Obama is such a turd. He had to promise no boots on the ground to satisfy his liberal base. But of course making that promise pretty much guaranteed it would be broken in the future.
We are either going back into Iraq to defeat ISIS with everything we've got or we're going to be OK with a radical Islamic state that dominates the middle east. There really is no other choice.

And after going in, we stay there... then stay there some more- to protect our people here from most certain future attacks

We had troops stationed in Germany for 70 years. We do what the mission demands.

Two wrongs don't make it right! There is no reason on earth that we should still have troops in Germany after 70 years.
The primary reason we're still there is to keep the Russians from invading. I guess you never heard of the Fulda Gap.

Military History Online - The Fulda Gap
The only reason we are still sending US troops on a fools mission to Iraq is because of the 2016 elections.

Obama wants to look like an effective war leader in the eyes of the public. So by doing something, regardless of how futile and inept. The democrats can claim their party to be steadfast against ISIS and other terrorists. And that's why America needs the next president to have a (D) in front of his or her name. ....... :cool:
Our troops going over there to train Iraqis and effect social change has as much chance of success as the Great Society had in fixing the problems within our inner cities. The use of the military for nation building is as much of a fairy tale as anything the liberals dream up to fix America. Our military kicks ass but these politicians better realize that war have consequences, such as ISIS sprouting up from the last ass kicking once the dust cleared.

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