U.S. Pro-Life Groups Bite Their Tongues as Israel Expands Abortion Coverage


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
The Jewish State will spend millions more to subsidize the controversial procedure this year. Why that doesn’t anger the American right.
You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic when it comes to taxpayer funding of abortions, but when Israel announced just that last month, the news was greeted with a subdued response among pro-life and pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Israel will pay for all approved abortions for women aged 20 to 33, thanks to a recommendation accepted by its health ministry. Starting this year, Israel will spend 16 million shekels ($4.6 million) to cover abortions for approximately 6,300 women.

“There is a large group of women between 20 and 40 who for various reasons—financial or reasons of secrecy—do not terminate pregnancies,” said Dr. Jonathan Halevy, the chairman of the “health basket” committee that recommended the policy, adding that he hopes universal abortion coverage is approved next.

Until now, as the Times of Israel points out, the cheapest privately funded abortions cost the equivalent of $1,500, while their publicly funded counterparts cost $714. Only women under 18 and over 40 were allowed to receive these cheaper abortions, while everyone else was forced to pay much more.

Ari Morgenstern, spokesman for Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which boasts more than 1 million members nationwide, the abortion policy won’t change the organization’s support for the Jewish State.

“CUFI is a single-issue organization that supports the democratically elected government of Israel regardless of whether or not we agree with the decisions taken by that government,” he said.

Tom McClusky a spokesman for the March for Life said, “It seems that especially while a lot of Europe and also Russia and the former Soviet Union is having trouble keeping up with birthrates, that it’d be a pretty poor policy for a country to take right now.” When asked if he thought the new provision might alienate pro-Israel American conservatives, McClusky added, “A lot of people that I’ve partnered with here and at my former job [the Family Research Council] who were pro-Israel were also pro-life. It seems they’d just be another country where we’d be looking to overturn a law.”

You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, the CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL), decided to use Jewish law as a defense, saying “In a meaningful passage, the Talmud teaches that ‘Whosoever preserves a single soul…, [it is] as though he had preserved a complete world.’ Unborn lives are rich with possibilities and worth saving and government should never be used to harm life and harm women.”

“People who support Israel—even if they’re conservative on social values—they’re lives are not going to be changed by [this issue,]” said Steve Rosen, a former leading official at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). “One of the things you have to remember is that Israel’s abortion policy was liberal last year too, very liberal—one of the most liberal in the world—and they went even further in that direction.”

And, of course, it goes both ways, “The people who are the furthest left on the abortion issue,” says Rosen, “are not going to be so happy about this news that it’s going to change their unhappiness with Israel’s settlement policy.”

For the American right, Israel as an idea and Israel as a state with its own domestic policy, seems to remain separate.

U.S. Pro-Life Groups Bite Their Tongues as Israel Expands Abortion Coverage - The Daily Beast

Tax Payer funded abortions?

The rights response: Yaaaaaaawwnnnnn
The Jews are hoping only Palestinians will apply...decreasing that surplus population...and reducing the need for future force reduction measures. Those Jews...always planning ahead.
The Jews are hoping only Palestinians will apply...decreasing that surplus population...and reducing the need for future force reduction measures. Those Jews...always planning ahead.

You stupid pork stenched goy stick a cross where the sun don't shine
The Jewish State will spend millions more to subsidize the controversial procedure this year. Why that doesn’t anger the American right.
You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic when it comes to taxpayer funding of abortions, but when Israel announced just that last month, the news was greeted with a subdued response among pro-life and pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Israel will pay for all approved abortions for women aged 20 to 33, thanks to a recommendation accepted by its health ministry. Starting this year, Israel will spend 16 million shekels ($4.6 million) to cover abortions for approximately 6,300 women.

“There is a large group of women between 20 and 40 who for various reasons—financial or reasons of secrecy—do not terminate pregnancies,” said Dr. Jonathan Halevy, the chairman of the “health basket” committee that recommended the policy, adding that he hopes universal abortion coverage is approved next.

Until now, as the Times of Israel points out, the cheapest privately funded abortions cost the equivalent of $1,500, while their publicly funded counterparts cost $714. Only women under 18 and over 40 were allowed to receive these cheaper abortions, while everyone else was forced to pay much more.

Ari Morgenstern, spokesman for Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which boasts more than 1 million members nationwide, the abortion policy won’t change the organization’s support for the Jewish State.

“CUFI is a single-issue organization that supports the democratically elected government of Israel regardless of whether or not we agree with the decisions taken by that government,” he said.

Tom McClusky a spokesman for the March for Life said, “It seems that especially while a lot of Europe and also Russia and the former Soviet Union is having trouble keeping up with birthrates, that it’d be a pretty poor policy for a country to take right now.” When asked if he thought the new provision might alienate pro-Israel American conservatives, McClusky added, “A lot of people that I’ve partnered with here and at my former job [the Family Research Council] who were pro-Israel were also pro-life. It seems they’d just be another country where we’d be looking to overturn a law.”

You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, the CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL), decided to use Jewish law as a defense, saying “In a meaningful passage, the Talmud teaches that ‘Whosoever preserves a single soul…, [it is] as though he had preserved a complete world.’ Unborn lives are rich with possibilities and worth saving and government should never be used to harm life and harm women.”

“People who support Israel—even if they’re conservative on social values—they’re lives are not going to be changed by [this issue,]” said Steve Rosen, a former leading official at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). “One of the things you have to remember is that Israel’s abortion policy was liberal last year too, very liberal—one of the most liberal in the world—and they went even further in that direction.”

And, of course, it goes both ways, “The people who are the furthest left on the abortion issue,” says Rosen, “are not going to be so happy about this news that it’s going to change their unhappiness with Israel’s settlement policy.”

For the American right, Israel as an idea and Israel as a state with its own domestic policy, seems to remain separate.

U.S. Pro-Life Groups Bite Their Tongues as Israel Expands Abortion Coverage - The Daily Beast

Tax Payer funded abortions?

The rights response: Yaaaaaaawwnnnnn

Oh, my!!!???/ Israel is increasing access to abortion???? Well that's a game changer right there. I guess we'll need to break our alliance then. Is that what you expected from the right? Do you see how ridiculous that argument is?
Why on earth would US pro-life groups take on Israel baby killers? We have our own, thanks.
The Jewish State will spend millions more to subsidize the controversial procedure this year. Why that doesn’t anger the American right.
You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic when it comes to taxpayer funding of abortions, but when Israel announced just that last month, the news was greeted with a subdued response among pro-life and pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Israel will pay for all approved abortions for women aged 20 to 33, thanks to a recommendation accepted by its health ministry. Starting this year, Israel will spend 16 million shekels ($4.6 million) to cover abortions for approximately 6,300 women.

“There is a large group of women between 20 and 40 who for various reasons—financial or reasons of secrecy—do not terminate pregnancies,” said Dr. Jonathan Halevy, the chairman of the “health basket” committee that recommended the policy, adding that he hopes universal abortion coverage is approved next.

Until now, as the Times of Israel points out, the cheapest privately funded abortions cost the equivalent of $1,500, while their publicly funded counterparts cost $714. Only women under 18 and over 40 were allowed to receive these cheaper abortions, while everyone else was forced to pay much more.

Ari Morgenstern, spokesman for Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which boasts more than 1 million members nationwide, the abortion policy won’t change the organization’s support for the Jewish State.

“CUFI is a single-issue organization that supports the democratically elected government of Israel regardless of whether or not we agree with the decisions taken by that government,” he said.

Tom McClusky a spokesman for the March for Life said, “It seems that especially while a lot of Europe and also Russia and the former Soviet Union is having trouble keeping up with birthrates, that it’d be a pretty poor policy for a country to take right now.” When asked if he thought the new provision might alienate pro-Israel American conservatives, McClusky added, “A lot of people that I’ve partnered with here and at my former job [the Family Research Council] who were pro-Israel were also pro-life. It seems they’d just be another country where we’d be looking to overturn a law.”

You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, the CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL), decided to use Jewish law as a defense, saying “In a meaningful passage, the Talmud teaches that ‘Whosoever preserves a single soul…, [it is] as though he had preserved a complete world.’ Unborn lives are rich with possibilities and worth saving and government should never be used to harm life and harm women.”

“People who support Israel—even if they’re conservative on social values—they’re lives are not going to be changed by [this issue,]” said Steve Rosen, a former leading official at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). “One of the things you have to remember is that Israel’s abortion policy was liberal last year too, very liberal—one of the most liberal in the world—and they went even further in that direction.”

And, of course, it goes both ways, “The people who are the furthest left on the abortion issue,” says Rosen, “are not going to be so happy about this news that it’s going to change their unhappiness with Israel’s settlement policy.”

For the American right, Israel as an idea and Israel as a state with its own domestic policy, seems to remain separate.

U.S. Pro-Life Groups Bite Their Tongues as Israel Expands Abortion Coverage - The Daily Beast

Tax Payer funded abortions?

The rights response: Yaaaaaaawwnnnnn

Oh, my!!!???/ Israel is increasing access to abortion???? Well that's a game changer right there. I guess we'll need to break our alliance then. Is that what you expected from the right? Do you see how ridiculous that argument is?

I do see how ridiculous it is especially when no one but you is talking about breaking an alliance when the article says you're withholding judging the abortions you deem so despicable only for Israel.

You're a troll so no more attention for you. Peace!
I've been pretty fucking disgusted with the Religious Right-controlled "pro-life" movement lately. People think they can call themselves that and then turn around and try to send refugee families back to the drug wars, deny people medical treatment, defend the police openly murdering black kids in the street, and try to destroy welfare? What the fuck is up with that? How can someone intellectually justify this blatant hypocrisy? If you really give a shit about preserving and cultivating life then you're not going to do any of that. You're going to support actual pro-life policies. You're going to be pushing for higher taxes to feed and clothe the people who won't be dying. You're going to be trying to keep us out of unnecessary wars. It goes waaay beyond feticide abolition. That's part of it, yeah, but the anti-human rights side is actually right for once when they say too many people only pretend to give a damn about you until you're born. Then what? You're on your own, to fend for yourself or die? What was the point in even protecting this child, our little brother or sister, from being butchered in the womb if we're just going to let starvation be a slower death? Why would people like that even give a shit about it happening in other countries?
If people would only be responsible there wouldn't be any need for abortions. Unless you've been raped an abortion is evidence of unparalleled incompetence. Wear a condom. Take the pill. It's not very hard.
The Jewish State will spend millions more to subsidize the controversial procedure this year. Why that doesn’t anger the American right.
You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic when it comes to taxpayer funding of abortions, but when Israel announced just that last month, the news was greeted with a subdued response among pro-life and pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Israel will pay for all approved abortions for women aged 20 to 33, thanks to a recommendation accepted by its health ministry. Starting this year, Israel will spend 16 million shekels ($4.6 million) to cover abortions for approximately 6,300 women.

“There is a large group of women between 20 and 40 who for various reasons—financial or reasons of secrecy—do not terminate pregnancies,” said Dr. Jonathan Halevy, the chairman of the “health basket” committee that recommended the policy, adding that he hopes universal abortion coverage is approved next.

Until now, as the Times of Israel points out, the cheapest privately funded abortions cost the equivalent of $1,500, while their publicly funded counterparts cost $714. Only women under 18 and over 40 were allowed to receive these cheaper abortions, while everyone else was forced to pay much more.

Ari Morgenstern, spokesman for Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which boasts more than 1 million members nationwide, the abortion policy won’t change the organization’s support for the Jewish State.

“CUFI is a single-issue organization that supports the democratically elected government of Israel regardless of whether or not we agree with the decisions taken by that government,” he said.

Tom McClusky a spokesman for the March for Life said, “It seems that especially while a lot of Europe and also Russia and the former Soviet Union is having trouble keeping up with birthrates, that it’d be a pretty poor policy for a country to take right now.” When asked if he thought the new provision might alienate pro-Israel American conservatives, McClusky added, “A lot of people that I’ve partnered with here and at my former job [the Family Research Council] who were pro-Israel were also pro-life. It seems they’d just be another country where we’d be looking to overturn a law.”

You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, the CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL), decided to use Jewish law as a defense, saying “In a meaningful passage, the Talmud teaches that ‘Whosoever preserves a single soul…, [it is] as though he had preserved a complete world.’ Unborn lives are rich with possibilities and worth saving and government should never be used to harm life and harm women.”

“People who support Israel—even if they’re conservative on social values—they’re lives are not going to be changed by [this issue,]” said Steve Rosen, a former leading official at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). “One of the things you have to remember is that Israel’s abortion policy was liberal last year too, very liberal—one of the most liberal in the world—and they went even further in that direction.”

And, of course, it goes both ways, “The people who are the furthest left on the abortion issue,” says Rosen, “are not going to be so happy about this news that it’s going to change their unhappiness with Israel’s settlement policy.”

For the American right, Israel as an idea and Israel as a state with its own domestic policy, seems to remain separate.

U.S. Pro-Life Groups Bite Their Tongues as Israel Expands Abortion Coverage - The Daily Beast

Tax Payer funded abortions?

The rights response: Yaaaaaaawwnnnnn

Oh, my!!!???/ Israel is increasing access to abortion???? Well that's a game changer right there. I guess we'll need to break our alliance then. Is that what you expected from the right? Do you see how ridiculous that argument is?

I do see how ridiculous it is especially when no one but you is talking about breaking an alliance when the article says you're withholding judging the abortions you deem so despicable only for Israel.

You're a troll so no more attention for you. Peace!

Sooooo what did you expect the right to do with respect to Israel? Protest?
The right is going to do nothing about Israel because the Israelis are their butt buddies and abortion is just a gimmick to keep the pro-life voting for their anti-life corporate feudalism agenda. A true pro-life party here would just further fracture their base and leech away ebbing support.
Looks like another fundamentalist evangelical christian army will need to re-invade Israel...
The Jewish State will spend millions more to subsidize the controversial procedure this year. Why that doesn’t anger the American right.
You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic when it comes to taxpayer funding of abortions, but when Israel announced just that last month, the news was greeted with a subdued response among pro-life and pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Israel will pay for all approved abortions for women aged 20 to 33, thanks to a recommendation accepted by its health ministry. Starting this year, Israel will spend 16 million shekels ($4.6 million) to cover abortions for approximately 6,300 women.

“There is a large group of women between 20 and 40 who for various reasons—financial or reasons of secrecy—do not terminate pregnancies,” said Dr. Jonathan Halevy, the chairman of the “health basket” committee that recommended the policy, adding that he hopes universal abortion coverage is approved next.

Until now, as the Times of Israel points out, the cheapest privately funded abortions cost the equivalent of $1,500, while their publicly funded counterparts cost $714. Only women under 18 and over 40 were allowed to receive these cheaper abortions, while everyone else was forced to pay much more.

Ari Morgenstern, spokesman for Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which boasts more than 1 million members nationwide, the abortion policy won’t change the organization’s support for the Jewish State.

“CUFI is a single-issue organization that supports the democratically elected government of Israel regardless of whether or not we agree with the decisions taken by that government,” he said.

Tom McClusky a spokesman for the March for Life said, “It seems that especially while a lot of Europe and also Russia and the former Soviet Union is having trouble keeping up with birthrates, that it’d be a pretty poor policy for a country to take right now.” When asked if he thought the new provision might alienate pro-Israel American conservatives, McClusky added, “A lot of people that I’ve partnered with here and at my former job [the Family Research Council] who were pro-Israel were also pro-life. It seems they’d just be another country where we’d be looking to overturn a law.”

You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, the CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL), decided to use Jewish law as a defense, saying “In a meaningful passage, the Talmud teaches that ‘Whosoever preserves a single soul…, [it is] as though he had preserved a complete world.’ Unborn lives are rich with possibilities and worth saving and government should never be used to harm life and harm women.”

“People who support Israel—even if they’re conservative on social values—they’re lives are not going to be changed by [this issue,]” said Steve Rosen, a former leading official at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). “One of the things you have to remember is that Israel’s abortion policy was liberal last year too, very liberal—one of the most liberal in the world—and they went even further in that direction.”

And, of course, it goes both ways, “The people who are the furthest left on the abortion issue,” says Rosen, “are not going to be so happy about this news that it’s going to change their unhappiness with Israel’s settlement policy.”

For the American right, Israel as an idea and Israel as a state with its own domestic policy, seems to remain separate.

U.S. Pro-Life Groups Bite Their Tongues as Israel Expands Abortion Coverage - The Daily Beast

Tax Payer funded abortions?

The rights response: Yaaaaaaawwnnnnn

Oh, my!!!???/ Israel is increasing access to abortion???? Well that's a game changer right there. I guess we'll need to break our alliance then. Is that what you expected from the right? Do you see how ridiculous that argument is?

You need to think before you post.

We send money to Israel. Israel funds abortions. We fund Israeli abortions.
The Jewish State will spend millions more to subsidize the controversial procedure this year. Why that doesn’t anger the American right.
You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic when it comes to taxpayer funding of abortions, but when Israel announced just that last month, the news was greeted with a subdued response among pro-life and pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Israel will pay for all approved abortions for women aged 20 to 33, thanks to a recommendation accepted by its health ministry. Starting this year, Israel will spend 16 million shekels ($4.6 million) to cover abortions for approximately 6,300 women.

“There is a large group of women between 20 and 40 who for various reasons—financial or reasons of secrecy—do not terminate pregnancies,” said Dr. Jonathan Halevy, the chairman of the “health basket” committee that recommended the policy, adding that he hopes universal abortion coverage is approved next.

Until now, as the Times of Israel points out, the cheapest privately funded abortions cost the equivalent of $1,500, while their publicly funded counterparts cost $714. Only women under 18 and over 40 were allowed to receive these cheaper abortions, while everyone else was forced to pay much more.

Ari Morgenstern, spokesman for Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which boasts more than 1 million members nationwide, the abortion policy won’t change the organization’s support for the Jewish State.

“CUFI is a single-issue organization that supports the democratically elected government of Israel regardless of whether or not we agree with the decisions taken by that government,” he said.

Tom McClusky a spokesman for the March for Life said, “It seems that especially while a lot of Europe and also Russia and the former Soviet Union is having trouble keeping up with birthrates, that it’d be a pretty poor policy for a country to take right now.” When asked if he thought the new provision might alienate pro-Israel American conservatives, McClusky added, “A lot of people that I’ve partnered with here and at my former job [the Family Research Council] who were pro-Israel were also pro-life. It seems they’d just be another country where we’d be looking to overturn a law.”

You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, the CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL), decided to use Jewish law as a defense, saying “In a meaningful passage, the Talmud teaches that ‘Whosoever preserves a single soul…, [it is] as though he had preserved a complete world.’ Unborn lives are rich with possibilities and worth saving and government should never be used to harm life and harm women.”

“People who support Israel—even if they’re conservative on social values—they’re lives are not going to be changed by [this issue,]” said Steve Rosen, a former leading official at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). “One of the things you have to remember is that Israel’s abortion policy was liberal last year too, very liberal—one of the most liberal in the world—and they went even further in that direction.”

And, of course, it goes both ways, “The people who are the furthest left on the abortion issue,” says Rosen, “are not going to be so happy about this news that it’s going to change their unhappiness with Israel’s settlement policy.”

For the American right, Israel as an idea and Israel as a state with its own domestic policy, seems to remain separate.

U.S. Pro-Life Groups Bite Their Tongues as Israel Expands Abortion Coverage - The Daily Beast

Tax Payer funded abortions?

The rights response: Yaaaaaaawwnnnnn

Oh, my!!!???/ Israel is increasing access to abortion???? Well that's a game changer right there. I guess we'll need to break our alliance then. Is that what you expected from the right? Do you see how ridiculous that argument is?

You need to think before you post.

We send money to Israel. Israel funds abortions. We fund Israeli abortions.
The Jewish State will spend millions more to subsidize the controversial procedure this year. Why that doesn’t anger the American right.
You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic when it comes to taxpayer funding of abortions, but when Israel announced just that last month, the news was greeted with a subdued response among pro-life and pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Israel will pay for all approved abortions for women aged 20 to 33, thanks to a recommendation accepted by its health ministry. Starting this year, Israel will spend 16 million shekels ($4.6 million) to cover abortions for approximately 6,300 women.

“There is a large group of women between 20 and 40 who for various reasons—financial or reasons of secrecy—do not terminate pregnancies,” said Dr. Jonathan Halevy, the chairman of the “health basket” committee that recommended the policy, adding that he hopes universal abortion coverage is approved next.

Until now, as the Times of Israel points out, the cheapest privately funded abortions cost the equivalent of $1,500, while their publicly funded counterparts cost $714. Only women under 18 and over 40 were allowed to receive these cheaper abortions, while everyone else was forced to pay much more.

Ari Morgenstern, spokesman for Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which boasts more than 1 million members nationwide, the abortion policy won’t change the organization’s support for the Jewish State.

“CUFI is a single-issue organization that supports the democratically elected government of Israel regardless of whether or not we agree with the decisions taken by that government,” he said.

Tom McClusky a spokesman for the March for Life said, “It seems that especially while a lot of Europe and also Russia and the former Soviet Union is having trouble keeping up with birthrates, that it’d be a pretty poor policy for a country to take right now.” When asked if he thought the new provision might alienate pro-Israel American conservatives, McClusky added, “A lot of people that I’ve partnered with here and at my former job [the Family Research Council] who were pro-Israel were also pro-life. It seems they’d just be another country where we’d be looking to overturn a law.”

You would expect conservative groups to go ballistic.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, the CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL), decided to use Jewish law as a defense, saying “In a meaningful passage, the Talmud teaches that ‘Whosoever preserves a single soul…, [it is] as though he had preserved a complete world.’ Unborn lives are rich with possibilities and worth saving and government should never be used to harm life and harm women.”

“People who support Israel—even if they’re conservative on social values—they’re lives are not going to be changed by [this issue,]” said Steve Rosen, a former leading official at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). “One of the things you have to remember is that Israel’s abortion policy was liberal last year too, very liberal—one of the most liberal in the world—and they went even further in that direction.”

And, of course, it goes both ways, “The people who are the furthest left on the abortion issue,” says Rosen, “are not going to be so happy about this news that it’s going to change their unhappiness with Israel’s settlement policy.”

For the American right, Israel as an idea and Israel as a state with its own domestic policy, seems to remain separate.

U.S. Pro-Life Groups Bite Their Tongues as Israel Expands Abortion Coverage - The Daily Beast

Tax Payer funded abortions?

The rights response: Yaaaaaaawwnnnnn

What would be the point? That would be up to Israeli people to object or not. Abortion is legal and cannot be considered a violation of human rights.

Speaking of that;

You are a hypocrite for bringing this up considering you don't speak for women's or gay's rights in Muslim countries. You bitch because many don't want to fund abortion, yet have no problem with the oppression and slaughter of innocent people by muslims. Or do you consider beheading gays a really, really late term abortion? And women never are considered a person in some muslim countries, so no rights for them, either.

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