U.S. Pro-Life Groups Bite Their Tongues as Israel Expands Abortion Coverage

Another OP that doesn't know what it's talking about. Israeli abortion law is still more restrictive than American abortion law. If the OP author had bothered to read the article they linked, they would have discovered that: "According to the recommendations, women seeking an abortion will still need to receive the approval of a government panel."

In Israel you can't just walk into an abortion clinic and get an abortion. You have to apply for permission to get an abortion and the application has to be approved by a 3-member panel that includes two medical professionals and one social worker. By the way, the linked article also mentions this fact.

Here's a link that sheds more light on the topic:

Abortions in Israel
Secular Jews have made a lot of good inroads recently into Israeli politics, including forcing the ultra orthodox Jews to fight the wars they demand other Jews fight for them. The ultra Orthodox think they run the show, but as the abortion issue makes clear they don't.

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