U.S. Senator John Kerry Being Considered For U.S. Secretary Of Defense

:cuckoo::cuckoo:by War News Updates Editor @ War News Updates: U.S. Senator John Kerry Being Considered For U.S. Secretary Of Defense

Photo: U.S. Senator John Kerry

Obama Considering John Kerry For Job Of Defense Secretary -- Washington Post

President Obama is considering asking Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) to serve as his next defense secretary, part of an extensive rearrangement of his national security team that will include a permanent replacement for former CIA director David H. Petraeus.

Although Kerry is thought to covet the job of secretary of state, senior administration officials familiar with the transition planning said that nomination will almost certainly go to Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Read more .... Obama considers John Kerry for job of defense secretary - The Washington Post


Old news. It is Kerry's for the asking if that idiot Rice is pushed aside as she should be.
Rice is Obama's Condi
I heard whispers last week about Kerry being on the list and was kind of dumbfounded and yet not surprised at the same time.

He may be on the list, but I seriously doubt he will be the one chosen.

Sen. Kerry who has voted repeatedly to gut the military and the CIA in charge of Defense?
The man is totally anti- military.
Everything President Obama has done is to weaken America and half of this country re-elected him.
I can't believe even Obama is that big an idiot.

Hey I'm not a John Kerry or Obama fan at all but why is this a dumb move for obama?

I just think its a good move for him, get the clintons out of his admin and bring in a guy who is well respected amongst the democrat party.

Hillary had an 80% approval rating & the foreigners loved Bill Clinton. I don't see how John Kerry is going to be good at all. He has no respect here or abroad.
I can see the negotiations with Iran now. You pay 10 times the price for a shipment of my Ketchup & I will let you build a Nuke.
:cuckoo::cuckoo:by War News Updates Editor @ War News Updates: U.S. Senator John Kerry Being Considered For U.S. Secretary Of Defense

Photo: U.S. Senator John Kerry

Obama Considering John Kerry For Job Of Defense Secretary -- Washington Post

President Obama is considering asking Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) to serve as his next defense secretary, part of an extensive rearrangement of his national security team that will include a permanent replacement for former CIA director David H. Petraeus.

Although Kerry is thought to covet the job of secretary of state, senior administration officials familiar with the transition planning said that nomination will almost certainly go to Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Read more .... Obama considers John Kerry for job of defense secretary - The Washington Post


Does it really matter at this point. The second Obama admin will be just as bad ,if not worse than the first.
:cuckoo::cuckoo:by War News Updates Editor @ War News Updates: U.S. Senator John Kerry Being Considered For U.S. Secretary Of Defense

Photo: U.S. Senator John Kerry

Obama Considering John Kerry For Job Of Defense Secretary -- Washington Post

President Obama is considering asking Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) to serve as his next defense secretary, part of an extensive rearrangement of his national security team that will include a permanent replacement for former CIA director David H. Petraeus.

Although Kerry is thought to covet the job of secretary of state, senior administration officials familiar with the transition planning said that nomination will almost certainly go to Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Read more .... Obama considers John Kerry for job of defense secretary - The Washington Post


Old news. It is Kerry's for the asking if that idiot Rice is pushed aside as she should be.
Rice is Obama's Condi

She can't be Obama's "Condi".

She doesn't play the piano, and.....


You folks nearly put a guy up as Commander in Chief who protested for the Vietnam war, then went to France and had an auto accident with a Catholic Priest, killing his passenger.

Fer sure..

Excellent commentary in favor of Kerry.
I can't believe even Obama is that big an idiot.
What.....you'd prefer the Swiftboater, that Kerry CRUSHED,....in 1971??!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j4AP2GW7Ac]Dick Cavett Show pt.1of 6 - YouTube[/ame]


I don't know or care who you are talking about but you seem to forget that kerry was (very briefly) himself a swiftboater. Not to mention a self-confessed war criminal. Luckily he was as piss-poor at being a war criminal as he was at being a sailor.
Hey I'm not a John Kerry or Obama fan at all but why is this a dumb move for obama?

I just think its a good move for him, get the clintons out of his admin and bring in a guy who is well respected amongst the democrat party.

I don't have the pollng, but wouldn't you think John Kerry carries a LOT of negative approval with military types?

There has got to be a dozen other guys better suited.

Unless, of course, Obama is intentionally trying to be divisive once again.

Vets and current military would be completely against the likes of Kerry...

There are better choices Obama can make.. and I am not just talking people who are on 'the REP side' or whatever... there are plenty on the DEM supporting side who would be much better and accepted with greater regard

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....that's quite the list you got, there!!!


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