U.S. Senator John Kerry Being Considered For U.S. Secretary Of Defense

Kerry would do a good job

Of course he will be attacked by the party that gave us Donald Rumsfeld

Do you think it should be a defacto requirement that the head of the DoD be someone who served? I do. I also think the Secretary of Education should have spent at least some time in a classroom as an instructor.
obama as presidebt. Susan Rice as Secretary of State. John Kerry as Secretary of Defense.

What could possibly go wrong with that?
Not it's not what Limbaugh says Shaman
It's his voting history.
1) In 1996 - Introduced Bill to slash Defense Department Funding by $6.5 Billion.

2) In 1995 - Voted to freeze Defense spending for 7 years, slashing over $34 billion from Defense.

3) Fiscal 1996 Budget Resolution - Defense Freeze. "Harkin, D-Iowa, amendment to freeze defense spending for the next seven years and transfer the $34.8 billion in savings to education and job training."

4) In 1993 - Introduced plan to cut numerous Defense programs, including:

Cut the number of Navy submarines and their crews
Reduce the number of light infantry units in the Army down to one
Reduce tactical fighter wings in the Air Force
Terminate the Navy's coastal mine-hunting ship program
Force the retirement of no less than 60,000 members of the Armed Forces in one year.

5) Has voted repeatedly to cut Defense spending, including:

In 1993, voted against increased Defense spending for Military Pay Raise. Kerry voted to kill an increase in military pay over five years.
In 1992, voted to cut $6 billion from Defense.
In 1991, voted to slash over $3 Billion from Defense. Shift money to social programs.
In 1991, voted to cut defense spending by 2%
Voted repeatedly to cut or eliminate funding for B-2 Stealth Bomber
Voted repeatedly against Missile Defense - Weapons Kerry sought to phase out were VITAL in Iraq. Kerry supported cancellation of a host of weapons systems that have become the basis of US military might-the high-tech munitions and delivery systems on display to the world as they leveled the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein in a matter of weeks.

Military hardware he felt we no longer need:

F-16 Fighting Falcons.
B-1Bs B-2As F-15 And F-16s
M1 Abrams
Patriot Missile
AH-64 Apache Helicopter
Tomahawk Cruise Missile
Aegis Air-Defense Cruiser

These weapons are now the core of our military might.

6) During 1980s Kerry And Michael Dukakis joined forces with liberal group dedicated to slashing Defense. Kerry sat on the board of "Jobs With Peace Campaign," which sought to "develop public support for cutting the defense budget.

While running for Congress in 1972, Kerry promised to cut Defense Spending. "On what he'll do if he's elected to Congress," Kerry said he would 'bring a different kind of message to the president." He said he would, "Vote against military appropriations."

The man is anti military and the President wants to make him the Head of Defence.

Of course many of the cuts he voted for were at the urging of then SECDEF Richard Cheney.

As Pentagon chief from 1989 to 1993, Cheney canceled or cut back many of the
same weapons programs -- bombers, fighter planes, tanks -- that he says Kerry
tried to deprive the armed forces of.

Cheney Proposed Cutting F-16 Aircraft. In testimony before the House Armed
Services Committee, Cheney said, "If you're going to have a smaller air force,
you don't need as many F-16s...The F-16D we basically
continue to buy and close it out because we're not going to have as big a
force structure and we won't need as many F-16s." According to the Boston
Globe, Bush's 1991 defense budget "kill[ed] 81 programs for potential
savings of $ 11.9 billion...Major weapons killed include[d]....the Air Force's
F-16 airplane." [Cheney testimony, House Armed Services Committee, 2/7/91;
Boston Globe, 2/5/91]

Cheney Proposed Cuts to B-2 Program. According to the Boston Globe, in 1990,
"Defense Secretary Richard Cheney announced a cutback... of nearly 45 percent
in the administration's B-2 Stealth bomber program, from 132 airplanes to 75..."
[Boston Globe, 4/27/90]

The one good thing is that it may get the greatest convention speech ever to be replayed:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXSQ5BX6YXg]Part 1: Zell Miller 2004 RNC speech - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVryCh7Pj-w]Part 2: Zell Miller 2004 RNC Speech - YouTube[/ame]

If you fell to earth from Outer Space and were introduced to Zell Miller and were told he worked for the government....you'd just know he was a Senator. He and John Warner looked the part.
These evil fucking lies about war heros is why you people cant win an election anymore.

facts and truth mean nothing to you
On June 22, 2008, a group of Vietnam veterans who previously served with and now work with Kerry accepted the challenge and sent a 12-page letter — with a 42-page attachment of military records to support their case — to rebut several of the accusations of the Swift boat group. Pickens has responded with a message stating "In reviewing your material, none of the information you provide speaks specifically to the issues contained in the ads,” he wrote, “and, as a result, does not qualify for the $1 million."

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jrk4s9nS58o"]T. Boone Pickens Swift Boat Bet[/ame]
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yes he does.

You just still lie in lie land.

The man is an American hero and VERY bright

And he served in Viet Nam. Poorly, but, he is a Democrat.


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Good timing considering Russia and China are actively building up their military power. We're going to be a little weasel of a nation before Obama leaves office.
obama as presidebt. Susan Rice as Secretary of State. John Kerry as Secretary of Defense.

What could possibly go wrong with that?

Chamberlin of the 21st century. China and Russia will work together to kick our ass if we go down the street people like Kerry want. This world demands a powerful military.
These evil fucking lies about war heros is why you people cant win an election anymore.

facts and truth mean nothing to you

I'd say this is irony but I think in your world, you are always right. I don't know what's scarier. That you are constantly lying or that you think you aren't.
So someone that lied about his Vietnam "heroic actions," lied about other Vietnam Vets to Congress and while in Congress accused US troops of war crimes in Iraq.....is up for SECDEF.

This is further proof liberals hate the military by choosing an enemy of the US military to oversee it.
And he served in Viet Nam. Poorly, but, he is a Democrat.



At least Bush served unlike that weasel Obama.[/QUOTE]

There was no war during Obama's youth. There was also no draft. Bush served honorably...in a safe spot in the States. Nothing wrong with that, but nothing exceptional either.

These evil fucking lies about war heros is why you people cant win an election anymore.

facts and truth mean nothing to you

I'd say this is irony but I think in your world, you are always right. I don't know what's scarier. That you are constantly lying or that you think you aren't.

stop hijacking the thread asshole

I'm sorry. Did I not post enough random colors or misleading statements for the average poster here now? I'll up my quota next time.
Oh Jesus God NO
Gee.....another KICK IN YOUR BALLS....this soon after gettin' your ass handed-to-you, with the Election, huh??????


Uhhh.. voted for Johnson, you ignorant troll.. knew my candidate was not going to win, but I could not vote for either of the 2 major party morons, especially an Obama\

No go take your united colors of Benetton posts, shove them up your ass and eat a bullet... you'll do the world a favor by offing yourself

Saddle-UP, Lil' Mary!!!!



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