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U.S. Senator to President al-Assad:

Our policy of trying to take out Assad has made this situation go on far too long..............As has our gun running..........ending up in the hands of ISIS, and others................Time to stop playing the BS games and end this mess
Sounds to me like that man should be removed from office. Pleased with Russia? Russia was not there to defeat terrorists, they went to support their puppet against the moderate uprising. Assad is an animal. Propping him up to defeat ISIS is unnecessary. And insulting America in his letter seals the deal. Dude sounds like a fruit loop
A moderate uprising never existed and by repeating the media lies it is you who insult the intelligence of Americans.
Blah blah blah

Could you pretend to know more than you do some more?
We already have a president & secretary of state and neither of them are named Richard Black.

I can't stand Obama's policies anymore than the next guy but boundaries must exist & this man crossed it. When we converse with world leaders we speak with ONE VOICE. That is how it's always been & how it should be. Partisanship should stop at the oceans edge.
You mean like when the republicans sent a letter to Iran in an effort to interfere with the nuke agreement?
A nuke agreement that Congress and the Senate would never ratify..........as the deal wasn't passed as a Treaty and is therefore not valid if the next President wants to shred it.

You mean that treaty that gave everything to the Iranians and nothing to us.............

More failure of foreign policy failure by Obama.
There was a point to my post, I think you missed it.
No I didn't................I ignored it...................A state Senator versus the Senate and Congress.......not the same animal.................and to point out the Iran deal was a mistake.
Sounds to me like that man should be removed from office. Pleased with Russia? Russia was not there to defeat terrorists, they went to support their puppet against the moderate uprising. Assad is an animal. Propping him up to defeat ISIS is unnecessary. And insulting America in his letter seals the deal. Dude sounds like a fruit loop
A moderate uprising never existed and by repeating the media lies it is you who insult the intelligence of Americans.
Blah blah blah

Could you pretend to know more than you do some more?
For you I will try. This is a US Dept. of Defense information report.
In it, it states:
AQI supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning.
AQI conducted a number of operations in several Syrian cities under the name Jaish Al Nusra

It's a fun read, enjoy.

BTW, for you low information types, AQI is Al Qaeda in Iraq. This report was written before ISIS had their coming out party.
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Sounds to me like that man should be removed from office. Pleased with Russia? Russia was not there to defeat terrorists, they went to support their puppet against the moderate uprising. Assad is an animal. Propping him up to defeat ISIS is unnecessary. And insulting America in his letter seals the deal. Dude sounds like a fruit loop
A moderate uprising never existed and by repeating the media lies it is you who insult the intelligence of Americans.
Blah blah blah

Could you pretend to know more than you do some more?
For you I will try. This a is a US Dept. of Defense information report.
In it it states:
AQI supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning.
AQI conducted a number of operations in several Syrian cities under the name Jaish Al Nusra

It's a fun read, enjoy.
It is the sad truth..............that our leaders would do this............
Daily Mail: Putin hits ISIS where it hurts, Russia hits more than 200 targets in 24 hours.

Several great satellite videos & pictures. Nov,18

Russia hits ISIS where it hurts: Raids target oil trucks in Syria

Our policy of trying to take out Assad has made this situation go on far too long..............As has our gun running..........ending up in the hands of ISIS, and others................Time to stop playing the BS games and end this mess
People are starting to wake up. US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has introduced legislation to force Obama's hand. While it probably won't get any traction in Congress , the congresswoman is at least pulling the blanket back and starting the conversation in the public arena.
US Congresswoman Introduces Bill To Stop "Illegal" War On Assad; Says CIA Ops Must Stop | Zero Hedge
Why would a President on the other side of the planet care about the opinion a State Senator from Virginia?
Very good observation oldschool, Assad is no doubt way to busy beating back Obama's terrorist army to be concerned with a Virginia State Senator. But you are missing the point entirely. The significance of the letter is that the American public and politicians are finally starting to awaken to Obama's illegal and immoral war of aggression. How long will you keep your eyes closed and follow your messiah blindly?
We already have a president & secretary of state and neither of them are named Richard Black.

I can't stand Obama's policies anymore than the next guy but boundaries must exist & this man crossed it. When we converse with world leaders we speak with ONE VOICE. That is how it's always been & how it should be. Partisanship should stop at the oceans edge.
You mean like when the republicans sent a letter to Iran in an effort to interfere with the nuke agreement?
Yes, just like that. We don't need to be setting new standards that show our government in disarray when talking to other nations. That is why we elect presidents who then create cabinets to represent our nation.
If Republicans want to open this can of worms it will be their fault when liberals reciprocate under a republican president.
Except in this case with Syria, we are not talking. We are illegally and immorally supporting terrorism in an effort to overthrow a foreign government. Do you see the difference?
This was posted on another thread............and is Putin's stance on this issue........interview with him.
Interview to American TV channel CBS and PBS

What did the West knew about Putin before he started blowing the sh*t out of ISIS? Western leaders along with all Western propaganda wanted us to believe that:

- Russia and ISIS are the main threats to the world;

- Russian planes are trying to intimidate NATO;

- Putin invaded Ukraine;

- Putin suppresses gays,

.. and so on and on. Aggressor, invader, monster… As a result of such propaganda mainly all Western taxpayers hated Putin. Only few were still enjoying Putin’s pictures on the Internet, pictures of a real man…

The trick Western propaganda has been using is telling half of the truth mixed up with enough lies to achieve the goals. Rarely it’s been bothering Western auditoria with publishing Putin’s opinion and the reasons behind it (!). However the people who were watching Russian news and were familiar with what Putin really does and why, they were able to see a deeper picture of events happening in the world. For years Putin was trying to explain to the West: its geopolitical irresponsible games were dangerous. And recent events are just proving how much he was right.

Here is just one example of publishing Putin’s interview with Charlie Rose on Sep 29. Just a day before Russia started bombing ISIS. You can see by yourself: almost half of the interview was left out.

Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out -- Sott.net

The interview contains Putin’s answers about ME, Syrian conflict, ISIS, USA role in all three above, relationship between USA and Russia, situation in Ukraine, Russian gays rights.

At the end of the interview Charlie Rose said:

CHARLIE ROSE: I enjoyed your speech.
VLADIMIR PUTIN: In fact, I am telling you the truth.
CHARLIE ROSE: Americans are going to see you the way they have never seen you. You are more conversational and expressive. It is good, indeed.
Anyone still doubt that Obama switched sides and was arming ISIS through the Benghazi Consulate?

“...there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it as many times as it takes for the naive, largely aloof American public to catch on: the quote excerpted above is the smoking gun when it comes to Washington’s ISIS “strategy.”

Note that no tin foil hats or conspiracy theories are needed. The passage shown above is from a 2012 declassified Pentagon report on the situation in Syria (you can read it in full here). What it says is that US intelligence was well aware of the possibility that Sunni extremists working to destabilize the Assad government might move to establish a proto-state in eastern Syria based around orthodox, ultra-conservative, Sunni Islam. It also says “the supporting powers to the opposition” (i.e. the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey) would be delighted with such an outcome as it would “isolate” Assad on the way to dealing a strategic death blow to Iran’s Shiite crescent (i.e. Tehran’s regional ambitions). That’s the only possible interpretation of the quote shown above and it’s completely consistent with the information contained in a leaked diplomatic cable sent in 2006 by acting Deputy Chief of Mission in Syria William Roebuck which contained the following “advice” on how to go about destabilizing the Assad government:

PLAY ON SUNNI FEARS OF IRANIAN INFLUENCE: There are fears in Syria that the Iranians are active in both Shia proselytizing and conversion of, mostly poor, Sunnis. Though often exaggerated, such fears reflect an element of the Sunni community in Syria that is increasingly upset by and focused on the spread of Iranian influence in their country through activities ranging from mosque construction to business. Both the local Egyptian and Saudi missions here, (as well as prominent Syrian Sunni religious leaders), are giving increasing attention to the matter and we should coordinate more closely with their governments on ways to better publicize and focus regional attention on the issue.

Importantly, you don’t have to believe alien corpses are stored at Roswell to grasp what’s going on here. That is, the declassified documents and leaked diplomatic cables clearly indicate that the US planned to play on the Sunni/Shiite divide in Syria and subsequently acquiesced to the establishment of a hardline, Salafist dominion because the CIA and The Pentagon knew that such an outcome was the worst nightmare for the government in Damascus and also for Shiite Iran, whose link to Hezbollah would be cut and whose influence in Iraq would be in jeopardy if a Saudi-backed, Sunni militant group could somehow manage to take and hold large swaths of territory. "

ISIS Coverup: US Centcom Accused Of Lying To President, Congress, Public About Airstrikes, Ground Fight | Zero Hedge

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