U.S. Solar plants hide data of Solar's output for 2014


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
The Solar industry refuses to report the amount of electricity generated fir the year 2014, the figures are nowhere ti be found. All we get is the false reports of what is in theory, possible. The rated capacity of said solar panels under perfect laboratory conditions.

Zero data on electricity produced at the source and the difference if what is delivered.
The Solar industry refuses to report the amount of electricity generated fir the year 2014, the figures are nowhere ti be found. All we get is the false reports of what is in theory, possible. The rated capacity of said solar panels under perfect laboratory conditions.

Zero data on electricity produced at the source and the difference if what is delivered.
Golly gee whiz, our old gal Elektra just got caught in another outright lie. Who'd a thunk it.
Here ya go...you can relax now.
EIA - Electricity Data
Hey, you got old crock to thank and agree with you, and everyone knows that the government does not lie, like when they declared Ivanpah the worlds largest solar plant to be operational back in February, the energy secretary declared ivanpah fully operational, obama stated ivanpah was a shining example, yet months later we find out ivanpah never operated as designed, it was burning natural gas, brightsource and google, the owners, requested to burn natural gas, and that was granted. That natural gas burned at the solar plant ivanpah is included in the survey you linked to.

Yes, that is right, the renewable is a survey sent to the manufacturers of solar and wind, it was a survey sent to the installers and the operators.

Did you read your link from thise who lied about Solar being operational. Dud you read the fine print and follow the renewable links, the government fully states that the renewable "data" is from a survey sent to manufacturers, deliveries, installers, and operators.

Self reporting through a survey by those who receive free money in the form of loans, grants, subsidies, tax breaks, and mandated higher electric rates paid in by the government monopolies.

Yes, great link, the government does not lie, the solar and wind industry does not lie, all you folks are honest, just like when you stated Ivanpah was fully functional.

$46 trillion is to be spent on renewables, greed, power, riches brings out tbe honesty in everyone.

I bet idb will not follow up and quote from the links in the link from idp's post.

This is how they lie and hide, a nice chart stating what we are to believe while hiding the fact that the information is from self reporting survey forms.
The Solar industry refuses to report the amount of electricity generated fir the year 2014, the figures are nowhere ti be found. All we get is the false reports of what is in theory, possible. The rated capacity of said solar panels under perfect laboratory conditions.

Zero data on electricity produced at the source and the difference if what is delivered.
Golly gee whiz, our old gal Elektra just got caught in another outright lie. Who'd a thunk it.
Prove it old crick, post the output, not the results from a self reporting survey.
Here ya go...you can relax now.
EIA - Electricity Data
Hey, you got old crock to thank and agree with you, and everyone knows that the government does not lie, like when they declared Ivanpah the worlds largest solar plant to be operational back in February, the energy secretary declared ivanpah fully operational, obama stated ivanpah was a shining example, yet months later we find out ivanpah never operated as designed, it was burning natural gas, brightsource and google, the owners, requested to burn natural gas, and that was granted. That natural gas burned at the solar plant ivanpah is included in the survey you linked to.

Yes, that is right, the renewable is a survey sent to the manufacturers of solar and wind, it was a survey sent to the installers and the operators.

Did you read your link from thise who lied about Solar being operational. Dud you read the fine print and follow the renewable links, the government fully states that the renewable "data" is from a survey sent to manufacturers, deliveries, installers, and operators.

Self reporting through a survey by those who receive free money in the form of loans, grants, subsidies, tax breaks, and mandated higher electric rates paid in by the government monopolies.

Yes, great link, the government does not lie, the solar and wind industry does not lie, all you folks are honest, just like when you stated Ivanpah was fully functional.

$46 trillion is to be spent on renewables, greed, power, riches brings out tbe honesty in everyone.

I bet idb will not follow up and quote from the links in the link from idp's post.

This is how they lie and hide, a nice chart stating what we are to believe while hiding the fact that the information is from self reporting survey forms.
In your OP you said
The Solar industry refuses to report the amount of electricity generated
I found a site that reports the figures that you ask for.
You confirm that the figures would have been supplied by the industry but then claim that they would be lying anyway.
Then you say that the government figures that come from the industry figures and posted on the website would be lies.
So, why are you even complaining if you are never going to believe anything that doesn't agree with your preconceptions?

There is nothing that would satisfy you so you're a waste of time even discussing it with.
Here ya go...you can relax now.
EIA - Electricity Data
Hey, you got old crock to thank and agree with you, and everyone knows that the government does not lie, like when they declared Ivanpah the worlds largest solar plant to be operational back in February, the energy secretary declared ivanpah fully operational, obama stated ivanpah was a shining example, yet months later we find out ivanpah never operated as designed, it was burning natural gas, brightsource and google, the owners, requested to burn natural gas, and that was granted. That natural gas burned at the solar plant ivanpah is included in the survey you linked to.

Yes, that is right, the renewable is a survey sent to the manufacturers of solar and wind, it was a survey sent to the installers and the operators.

Did you read your link from thise who lied about Solar being operational. Dud you read the fine print and follow the renewable links, the government fully states that the renewable "data" is from a survey sent to manufacturers, deliveries, installers, and operators.

Self reporting through a survey by those who receive free money in the form of loans, grants, subsidies, tax breaks, and mandated higher electric rates paid in by the government monopolies.

Yes, great link, the government does not lie, the solar and wind industry does not lie, all you folks are honest, just like when you stated Ivanpah was fully functional.

$46 trillion is to be spent on renewables, greed, power, riches brings out tbe honesty in everyone.

I bet idb will not follow up and quote from the links in the link from idp's post.

This is how they lie and hide, a nice chart stating what we are to believe while hiding the fact that the information is from self reporting survey forms.
In your OP you said
The Solar industry refuses to report the amount of electricity generated
I found a site that reports the figures that you ask for.
You confirm that the figures would have been supplied by the industry but then claim that they would be lying anyway.
Then you say that the government figures that come from the industry figures and posted on the website would be lies.
So, why are you even complaining if you are never going to believe anything that doesn't agree with your preconceptions?

There is nothing that would satisfy you so you're a waste of time even discussing it with.
The site is information from a survey, from manufactures, where is the proof its true? We know what is reported from Ivanpah is a lie and includes natural gas.

Sorry, but the renewables specifically states that the information includes what was manufactured, not simply installed, manufactured panels count as output?

Will you follow your link, and the link in the link, that links to who the survey is sent to?

I actuallt thought you got me until i followed your link, to the link, to the link, and saw the figure is simply manufactured as well as installed solar, that included the worlds largest solar failure, ivanpah.

Ivanpah never worked yet its wished for imagined output that never materialized was included.

The link is pure deceit. A lie it is not because if you follow enough links the truth is there.

Installed but not working counts?
Here ya go...you can relax now.
EIA - Electricity Data
Hey, you got old crock to thank and agree with you, and everyone knows that the government does not lie, like when they declared Ivanpah the worlds largest solar plant to be operational back in February, the energy secretary declared ivanpah fully operational, obama stated ivanpah was a shining example, yet months later we find out ivanpah never operated as designed, it was burning natural gas, brightsource and google, the owners, requested to burn natural gas, and that was granted. That natural gas burned at the solar plant ivanpah is included in the survey you linked to.

Yes, that is right, the renewable is a survey sent to the manufacturers of solar and wind, it was a survey sent to the installers and the operators.

Did you read your link from thise who lied about Solar being operational. Dud you read the fine print and follow the renewable links, the government fully states that the renewable "data" is from a survey sent to manufacturers, deliveries, installers, and operators.

Self reporting through a survey by those who receive free money in the form of loans, grants, subsidies, tax breaks, and mandated higher electric rates paid in by the government monopolies.

Yes, great link, the government does not lie, the solar and wind industry does not lie, all you folks are honest, just like when you stated Ivanpah was fully functional.

$46 trillion is to be spent on renewables, greed, power, riches brings out tbe honesty in everyone.

I bet idb will not follow up and quote from the links in the link from idp's post.

This is how they lie and hide, a nice chart stating what we are to believe while hiding the fact that the information is from self reporting survey forms.
In your OP you said
The Solar industry refuses to report the amount of electricity generated
I found a site that reports the figures that you ask for.
You confirm that the figures would have been supplied by the industry but then claim that they would be lying anyway.
Then you say that the government figures that come from the industry figures and posted on the website would be lies.
So, why are you even complaining if you are never going to believe anything that doesn't agree with your preconceptions?

There is nothing that would satisfy you so you're a waste of time even discussing it with.
The site is information from a survey, from manufactures, where is the proof its true? We know what is reported from Ivanpah is a lie and includes natural gas.

Sorry, but the renewables specifically states that the information includes what was manufactured, not simply installed, manufactured panels count as output?

Will you follow your link, and the link in the link, that links to who the survey is sent to?

I actuallt thought you got me until i followed your link, to the link, to the link, and saw the figure is simply manufactured as well as installed solar, that included the worlds largest solar failure, ivanpah.

Ivanpah never worked yet its wished for imagined output that never materialized was included.

The link is pure deceit. A lie it is not because if you follow enough links the truth is there.

Installed but not working counts?
To save me looking all over the place, how about sending me straight to the smoking gun as you see it?
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EIA - Electricity Data

Total solar output in 2013, thousands of megawatt hours 9036, in 2014, 18,321. A doubling of output of electricity in one year.

Total coal output for 2013, 1,581,115 thousands of megawatt hours, for 2015, 1,585,697, not even a 1% increase.

Total output for wind, 167,840 thousands of megawatt hours for 2014, 181,791 for 2014, and increase of about 8%

You have data that contradicts this, Old Gal? Post it.
To save me looking all over the place, how about sending me straight to the smoking gun as you see it?

You will not read the link you provide? You simply just link and that is it? Proof?

EIA - Electricity Data
Sources & Uses
I provided a link and yes, I read it.
It said that there had been an increase in solar generation.
You're disputing what it says.
There are any number of links and paths that can be followed.
I provided a link and yes, I read it.
It said that there had been an increase in solar generation.
You're disputing what it says.
There are any number of links and paths that can be followed.
That's right, the truth is buried and not found on the page you linked to, your link includes the world's largest solar failure, Ivanpah, most likely solyndra as well, its buried in the links.

I am astonished the government counts failed and bankrupt solar companies as operational.
EIA - Electricity Data

Total solar output in 2013, thousands of megawatt hours 9036, in 2014, 18,321. A doubling of output of electricity in one year.

Total coal output for 2013, 1,581,115 thousands of megawatt hours, for 2015, 1,585,697, not even a 1% increase.

Total output for wind, 167,840 thousands of megawatt hours for 2014, 181,791 for 2014, and increase of about 8%

You have data that contradicts this, Old Gal? Post it.
I already addressed this link, it includes Ivanpah which is not operating, it is a self reporting survey, of solar and wind, installed, not operational, as stated within your link that has kinks to links.

I do not need to link to anything, you fools did so for me,

Old Crock, you must admit your links bite you in the ass more often than you will admit, old crock, you should delete your post, i am giving you a chance to save yourself from ridicule.

Solar Power s Stunning Growth U.S. Generation up 100 Percent This Year Breaking Energy - Energy industry news analysis and commentary

The amount of electricity generated by U.S. utility-scale solar photovoltaic power plants is up more than 100 percent in 2014 over the same period in 2013, thanks to big projects, many of them highly productive, that have been coming online.

Four major factors have made the solar surge possible: The eight-year extension of the Investment Tax Credit for renewable energy that was part of the 2008 Bush economic bailout package; state renewable portfolio standards; the Obama administration’s pro-solar policies, including friendly environmental reviews, cash grants in lieu of tax credits and guaranteed loans; and the steep decline in the price of PV.

Through September, utility-scale solar had sent 12,303 gigawatt-hours of electricity to the U.S. grid (actually a collection of grids), compared to 6,048 GWh in the same period in 2013, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. That was enough to meet the electricity needs of 1,513,703 average U.S. homes, and represented about 0.4 percent of the nation’s electricity. With continued growth and adding in commercial and residential PV as well as concentrating solar power, solar electricity could easily account for 1 percent of U.S. generation by the end of this year.

That might sound like a relatively small amount, but as recently as 2008 solar was at virtually zero – and the steep ramp-up makes solar advocates optimistic that big gains could be realized in the coming years.

A 100% per annum growth rate would replace coal in my lifetime, with a couple of decades to spare.
United States Renewables Growth and Expansion The Energy Collective

New federal statistics out this week have shed more light on solar and wind energy’s emerging role in keeping the country’s lights on. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2014 saw non-hydro renewable energy generation increase by 11 percent over the previous year -- and solar power led the charge in growth, if not in overall share of U.S. electricity supply.

According to EIA’s new Electric Power Monthly report (PDF), solar photovoltaic systems generated 15,874 gigawatt-hours of power last year, up from 8,121 gigawatt-hours in 2013. Solar thermal generation grew even faster, if from a smaller base, from 915 gigawatt-hours in 2013 to 2,447 gigawatt-hours in 2014.

But the EIA doesn’t track new generating systems smaller than 1 megawatt in size, meaning that the country’s share of solar PV last year is likely much higher if new distributed and rooftop solar were to be taken into account. GTM Research data shows that residential and commercial PV systems have accounted for the majority of new solar being installed through the previous year.

Solar PV’s share of electricity supply still lags far behind wind power, which generated 181,179 gigawatt-hours in 2014, up from 167,840 gigawatt-hours in 2013. But solar is growing much faster than wind power. Meanwhile, solar and wind power are leading all forms of renewable energy besides hydropower, including biomass, wood-derived fuels and landfill gas, to outpace hydropower as the country’s primary source of renewable energy, according to EIA projections.

Numbers for solar actually much better, because of not counting small installations, which have also been increasing at a dramatic rate.
Solar Is Growing Faster Than Non-Renewable Energy in the US WIRED

This story was originally published by Mother Jonesand is reproduced here as a part of the Climate Deskcollaboration.

We’ve noted here before the many ways in which solar power is blowing up in the United States: Adding tons of jobs, driving progressive policies, and attractingmillions of dollars in investment from major corporations. It’s not slowing down anytime soon: New data from market analysis firm GTM Research finds that 2014 was solar’s biggest year ever, with 30 percent more photovoltaic installations installed than in 2013. Check it out:

Elektra, old gal, get a horse!
Solar Is Growing Faster Than Non-Renewable Energy in the US WIRED

This story was originally published by Mother Jonesand is reproduced here as a part of the Climate Deskcollaboration.

We’ve noted here before the many ways in which solar power is blowing up in the United States: Adding tons of jobs, driving progressive policies, and attractingmillions of dollars in investment from major corporations. It’s not slowing down anytime soon: New data from market analysis firm GTM Research finds that 2014 was solar’s biggest year ever, with 30 percent more photovoltaic installations installed than in 2013. Check it out:

Elektra, old gal, get a horse!
Still cant show the actual output old crock, just tired old links from the lobbyists.

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