U.S. soldiers as seen through the eyes of French soldiers...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is an interesting look at our soldiers in combat....how our average American citizen soldiers handle fighting a war against monsters....they really do us proud.....now if only we could do them proud....that is the trick....

A French Soldier s View of US Soldiers in Afghanistan - Warrior Lodge

(This is the main area where I'd like to comment. Anyone with a passing knowledge of Kipling knows the lines from Chant Pagan: 'If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white/remember it's ruin to run from a fight./ So take open order, lie down, sit tight/ And wait for supports like a soldier./

This, in fact, is the basic philosophy of both British and Continental soldiers. 'In the absence of orders, take a defensive position.' Indeed, virtually every army in the world.

The American soldier and Marine, however, are imbued from early in their training with the ethos: In the Absence of Orders: Attack! Where other forces, for good or ill, will wait for precise orders and plans to respond to an attack or any other 'incident', the American force will simply go, counting on firepower and SOP to carry the day.

This is one of the great strengths of the American force in combat and it is something that even our closest allies, such as the Brits and Aussies (that latter being closer by the way) find repeatedly surprising. No wonder is surprises the hell out of our enemies.)

We seldom hear any harsh word, and from 5 AM onwards the camp chores are performed in beautiful order and always with excellent spirit. A passing American helicopter stops near a stranded vehicle just to check that everything is alright; an American combat team will rush to support ours before even knowing how dangerous the mission is - from what we have been given to witness, the American soldier is a beautiful and worthy heir to those who liberated France and Europe.

To those who bestow us with the honor of sharing their combat outposts and who everyday give proof of their military excellence, to those who pay the daily tribute of America's army's deployment on Afghan soil, to those we owned this article, ourselves hoping that we will always remain worthy of them and to always continue hearing them say that we are all the same band of brothers".


If only the American people from the left would see our soldiers as they actually are......rather than the way they have created them in their minds.....that would truly be an amazing feat....
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I have read versions of the recognized initiative of the American soldier. Well trained and supplied, the American fighters will always outperform the enemy.
Of course, the American soldier will happily put down the enemies from the far right and the far left.
This is an interesting look at our soldiers in combat....how our average American citizen soldiers handle fighting a war against monsters....they really do us proud.....now if only we could do them proud....that is the trick....

A French Soldier s View of US Soldiers in Afghanistan - Warrior Lodge

(This is the main area where I'd like to comment. Anyone with a passing knowledge of Kipling knows the lines from Chant Pagan: 'If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white/remember it's ruin to run from a fight./ So take open order, lie down, sit tight/ And wait for supports like a soldier./

This, in fact, is the basic philosophy of both British and Continental soldiers. 'In the absence of orders, take a defensive position.' Indeed, virtually every army in the world.

The American soldier and Marine, however, are imbued from early in their training with the ethos: In the Absence of Orders: Attack! Where other forces, for good or ill, will wait for precise orders and plans to respond to an attack or any other 'incident', the American force will simply go, counting on firepower and SOP to carry the day.

This is one of the great strengths of the American force in combat and it is something that even our closest allies, such as the Brits and Aussies (that latter being closer by the way) find repeatedly surprising. No wonder is surprises the hell out of our enemies.)

We seldom hear any harsh word, and from 5 AM onwards the camp chores are performed in beautiful order and always with excellent spirit. A passing American helicopter stops near a stranded vehicle just to check that everything is alright; an American combat team will rush to support ours before even knowing how dangerous the mission is - from what we have been given to witness, the American soldier is a beautiful and worthy heir to those who liberated France and Europe.

To those who bestow us with the honor of sharing their combat outposts and who everyday give proof of their military excellence, to those who pay the daily tribute of America's army's deployment on Afghan soil, to those we owned this article, ourselves hoping that we will always remain worthy of them and to always continue hearing them say that we are all the same band of brothers".


If only the American people from the left would see our soldiers as they actually are......rather than the way they have created them in their minds.....that would truly be an amazing feat....

If only you didn't lie us into Iraq and so many of them died, lost limbs or came back with PTSD over that lie.

Thanks GOP for starting a Gihad Quagmire in the Middle East. Assholes.

No wonder the solders no longer vote GOP. I hear Obama even beat McCain. That's because McCain consistently votes against the troops. Because of his votes, Walter Reed hospital was a sham. And not just McCain. A military vets group analyzed the voting records of all the politicians and it turned out while Bush was playing politics and propoganda with the troops and saying the Dems weren't supporting the troops, even though it was the mission we had a problem with not the troops, it turned out that the GOP vote against the troops 75% of the time and for them 25% and Democrats vote for the troops 75% and against them only 25% of the time.
This is an interesting look at our soldiers in combat....how our average American citizen soldiers handle fighting a war against monsters....they really do us proud.....now if only we could do them proud....that is the trick....

A French Soldier s View of US Soldiers in Afghanistan - Warrior Lodge

(This is the main area where I'd like to comment. Anyone with a passing knowledge of Kipling knows the lines from Chant Pagan: 'If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white/remember it's ruin to run from a fight./ So take open order, lie down, sit tight/ And wait for supports like a soldier./

This, in fact, is the basic philosophy of both British and Continental soldiers. 'In the absence of orders, take a defensive position.' Indeed, virtually every army in the world.

The American soldier and Marine, however, are imbued from early in their training with the ethos: In the Absence of Orders: Attack! Where other forces, for good or ill, will wait for precise orders and plans to respond to an attack or any other 'incident', the American force will simply go, counting on firepower and SOP to carry the day.

This is one of the great strengths of the American force in combat and it is something that even our closest allies, such as the Brits and Aussies (that latter being closer by the way) find repeatedly surprising. No wonder is surprises the hell out of our enemies.)

We seldom hear any harsh word, and from 5 AM onwards the camp chores are performed in beautiful order and always with excellent spirit. A passing American helicopter stops near a stranded vehicle just to check that everything is alright; an American combat team will rush to support ours before even knowing how dangerous the mission is - from what we have been given to witness, the American soldier is a beautiful and worthy heir to those who liberated France and Europe.

To those who bestow us with the honor of sharing their combat outposts and who everyday give proof of their military excellence, to those who pay the daily tribute of America's army's deployment on Afghan soil, to those we owned this article, ourselves hoping that we will always remain worthy of them and to always continue hearing them say that we are all the same band of brothers".


If only the American people from the left would see our soldiers as they actually are......rather than the way they have created them in their minds.....that would truly be an amazing feat....

If only our soldiers could come home and dispose of the left.....that would truly be an amazing feat.
This is an interesting look at our soldiers in combat....how our average American citizen soldiers handle fighting a war against monsters....they really do us proud.....now if only we could do them proud....that is the trick....

A French Soldier s View of US Soldiers in Afghanistan - Warrior Lodge

(This is the main area where I'd like to comment. Anyone with a passing knowledge of Kipling knows the lines from Chant Pagan: 'If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white/remember it's ruin to run from a fight./ So take open order, lie down, sit tight/ And wait for supports like a soldier./

This, in fact, is the basic philosophy of both British and Continental soldiers. 'In the absence of orders, take a defensive position.' Indeed, virtually every army in the world.

The American soldier and Marine, however, are imbued from early in their training with the ethos: In the Absence of Orders: Attack! Where other forces, for good or ill, will wait for precise orders and plans to respond to an attack or any other 'incident', the American force will simply go, counting on firepower and SOP to carry the day.

This is one of the great strengths of the American force in combat and it is something that even our closest allies, such as the Brits and Aussies (that latter being closer by the way) find repeatedly surprising. No wonder is surprises the hell out of our enemies.)

We seldom hear any harsh word, and from 5 AM onwards the camp chores are performed in beautiful order and always with excellent spirit. A passing American helicopter stops near a stranded vehicle just to check that everything is alright; an American combat team will rush to support ours before even knowing how dangerous the mission is - from what we have been given to witness, the American soldier is a beautiful and worthy heir to those who liberated France and Europe.

To those who bestow us with the honor of sharing their combat outposts and who everyday give proof of their military excellence, to those who pay the daily tribute of America's army's deployment on Afghan soil, to those we owned this article, ourselves hoping that we will always remain worthy of them and to always continue hearing them say that we are all the same band of brothers".


If only the American people from the left would see our soldiers as they actually are......rather than the way they have created them in their minds.....that would truly be an amazing feat....

Like Kipling said "when you're wounded and dying on the Afghan plain and the women come out to cut up your remains...." the Brits had no business fighting in Afghanistan and neither do the Americans. Doesn't detract from instances of bravery on part of the soldiers for sure. Still, we have no business in the middle east to begin with.
This is an interesting look at our soldiers in combat....how our average American citizen soldiers handle fighting a war against monsters....they really do us proud.....now if only we could do them proud....that is the trick....

A French Soldier s View of US Soldiers in Afghanistan - Warrior Lodge

(This is the main area where I'd like to comment. Anyone with a passing knowledge of Kipling knows the lines from Chant Pagan: 'If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white/remember it's ruin to run from a fight./ So take open order, lie down, sit tight/ And wait for supports like a soldier./

This, in fact, is the basic philosophy of both British and Continental soldiers. 'In the absence of orders, take a defensive position.' Indeed, virtually every army in the world.

The American soldier and Marine, however, are imbued from early in their training with the ethos: In the Absence of Orders: Attack! Where other forces, for good or ill, will wait for precise orders and plans to respond to an attack or any other 'incident', the American force will simply go, counting on firepower and SOP to carry the day.

This is one of the great strengths of the American force in combat and it is something that even our closest allies, such as the Brits and Aussies (that latter being closer by the way) find repeatedly surprising. No wonder is surprises the hell out of our enemies.)


Yeah, right, We perfectly noticed that during WWII when your guys did not have superior air coverage.

Ah,I forgot. This was except Japan the last time you fought a war against real military forces.
Excellent post.

The American left hates men with guns. Period. Military. ..police....concealed carry holders...they hate them all.
Excellent post.

The American left hates men with guns. Period. Military. ..police....concealed carry holders...they hate them all.
Fuck you

="ogibillm, post: 10662024, member: 27956"]
Excellent post.

The American left hates men with guns. Period. Military. ..police....concealed carry holders...they hate them all.
Fuck you[/QUOTE]
Hmm..iinteresting take on it.

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