U.S. Take Over


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
I know my title seems over the top but just listen: We have a billionaire donor sending tranches of money to far left, anti-American groups through his seemingly "altruistic" foundations. We have paid for prosecutors in NY prosecuting the regime's political enemies (Trump) by creating charges with little or no evidence, using a Judge with outspoken biases against Trump and the Judge's Daughter is an outspoken never Trumper. We have radical Muslims in our Congress (the Squad) spewing hatred of Jews and now a shell of a POTUS animated by behind the scenes 'advisors.' Most of the legacy media is now far left biased and caught in several lies after this debate.

I am sorry, but I see forces trying to overturn our Nation and Representative Democracy. Smells like Marxists too, because they always try to undermine the foundations off a society they wish to 'buld back' to Marxism. They are good at changing the meanings of words and now they are accomplished at actually changing the natal sex of a human being. Marxists have never been so bold.
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You left out the best part, Biden's open borders let 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, thousands of criminals and terrorists, including ISIS.

So who gets blamed when the attacks start? Girls are already getting killed by criminals. What happens when Russia and China get their 5th Columns in gear?
Thanks, could it get any more obvious? These low information dorks are gonna ruin America.

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