U.S. troops fight on despite end to combat in Iraq

Talk to Gates, bigrebbyrd, you are wasting your time here with your wailing.
There has been much talk about the difference between combat brigades and advise-and-assist brigades (AABs). Let me be clear. The brigade that I so proudly command today in Iraq has the same combat and combat-support soldiers who have served multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq in the past nine years. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. recently said the AABs in Iraq are "as combat-ready as any in our military." What makes us an AAB is what we do as defined by changes in our training, mission, mindset and capabilities.

Instead of being focused on combat operations, our primary mission now is to conduct stability operations and, specifically, civil security. Truth be told, we have been moving in this direction for years. This mission involves providing for the safety of Iraq and its population, including protection from internal and external threats. How? We support, advise, assist, train and equip the Iraqi Security Forces, who have full responsibility for security in Iraq. Additionally, as the U.S. military takes the back seat to diplomatic efforts, we also support the U.S. Department of State Provincial Reconstruction Teams as they advise and work with local and regional Iraqi governments in the areas of civil capacity, economics and governance.

Iraq can still be a dangerous place at certain places for very short periods. Unfortunately, every once in a while, a devious enemy who avoids confrontation and prefers to "hit and run" gets lucky, and this has happened a few times to the brigade I command, including the first U.S. soldier deaths since Sept. 1. No doubt, there will be more casualties in the future - it is simply the nature of this environment right now. Every instance of a U.S. soldier wounded and killed is tragic, difficult to understand and impossible to put into perspective, particularly if you are a loved one, but this is the nature of our service to the nation. This is why our task here continues to be so important. We must continue to support the Iraqis as they close the aperture on the insurgent's hopes and capabilities.

The weight of responsibility upon our shoulders is great, and we must follow through to the very finish. As the military mission closes in on its last 15 months, the final six U.S. Army AABs are part of the last 50,000 deployed and are cementing the legacy of our predecessors - more than 1 million who have served, including more than 4,400 dead and 35,000 wounded. We must close the U.S. military mission in Iraq with honor and dignity for ourselves and all of our predecessors, and we must do all we can to ensure that a strategic partnership between the United States and Iraq endures for decades to come.

FROST: From combat to new dawn in Iraq - Washington Times

The tangled web of words that obama spoke could have been STOPPED BY SAYING The combat mission is over but we will leave 50,000 troops to assist the Iraqis. Now the web of deceit was when he said all combat troops have been removed from Iraq.

Which is what Fake Jake can't stand, his hero lied....
Your question has nothing to do with the subject here, nothing at all.

Go talk to Gates.
Your question has nothing to do with the subject here, nothing at all.

Go talk to Gates.

Why is it now it doesn't matter what Bush said, but when he said it every liberal was screaming he lied? Why do you give obama a pass for doing the same thing?

One more time when Bush said mission accomplished did you agree?
And Secretary of Defense Gates says our units are not combat units in Iraq.

bigrebbyrd, take it up with Gates, not those of us who know better than you here.

No he did not say that. We have 50 THOUSAND troops in Iraq. They are not all support types, several combat Brigades were left to help the Iraqis as they need it. AND US troops are STILL in combat there. Even the MSM has reported this.

So the question remains, where are all those leftwing hack jobs that blasted Bush for the carrier sign, why aren't they attacking Obama? Bush did not say combat was over NOR did he say Combat operations were over, the sign was for THAT Carrier that HAD finished its tour.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4odmtUBtfeU&feature=related]YouTube - Fahrenheit 9/11 Bush "Boat Party" scene[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVvnWZtAJss]YouTube - Tell Us The Mission (Accomplished)[/ame]
Tell me what you think that has to do here with Gates statement.

If Gates actually said there were no combat troops in Iraq he outright LIED. I doubt he said it. Provide me a link to him saying it.

No one will care in November 2012:

Gates said the United States would consider keeping some military forces in place past next year, if the Iraqi government requests it. All U.S. forces are set to leave by the end of 2011 under an agreement with the Iraqi government.

Robert Gates: History Will Judge If Iraq War Was Worth It
:lol: Silly boy. Ask CaliforniaGirl if she is still using British socialized medicine as she continues to attack the Obama administration. That question is rock solid sober, which she has not answered.

Actually she has answered. If you did not have her on Ignore you would know that.

She said she does not use it, She pays for her own coverage, Yet still has to pay taxes to fund the NHS.

Quoting her wont make him see it guys. If he has her on ignore the Quotes of her are blocked as well. I believe.

Fine, I am glad she responded. Having caught her in other deceptions, forgive me if I say I don't believe her. Enough of that then.

How desperate is little Jokey looking now? I respond to his latest 'gotcha' which turns out to be yet another deluded whine, so now he makes up shit about 'other deceptions'. I think we now know what kind of 'man' Jokey is. He's a coward who, when an answer does not suit him, lies to cover his stupidity. Don't know about the rest of you, but I find that information useful.
Tell me what you think that has to do here with Gates statement.

If Gates actually said there were no combat troops in Iraq he outright LIED. I doubt he said it. Provide me a link to him saying it.

You and bigrebbyrd are either having comprehension problems or you are engaged in deceit, so let's get you both back in reality.

Secretary of Defense Gates says our units are not combat units in Iraq.

bigrebbyrd, take it up with Gates, not those of us who know better than you here.

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