U.S. Wind Industry First Quarter 2014(bad news)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
U.S. Wind Industry First Quarter 2014

Released April 29, 2014
The American wind energy industry installed 214 megawatts (MW) during the
first quarter of 2014: more than the industry installed the first three quarters of
2013. The U.S. now has an installed wind capacity of 61,327 MW. There are over
13,000 MW currently under construction, an industry record.

Minnesota became the 7th state with an installed base of more than 3,000 MW.
There are now 61,327 MW of installed wind capacity in the United States and over 46,000 wind turbines.

http://awea.files.cms-plus.com/FileDownloads/pdfs/1Q2014 AWEA Public Report.pdf

Well, from 2007-2011 we avged around 8-15gw per year. Last year only had a little over a thousand and this year doesn't look much better. The last few years(2013-2014) have been the slowest since 2004.

We need to replace the power we're taking off line with coal with something. I say nuclear!
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Many industries received subsidies to get started. If we push the technology it will grow. A single major breakthrough can change the game overnight. There is probably not going to be any significant breakthrough technologies in coal or nuclear.
The Dutch abandoned wind energy in favor of hydroelectric power in the 14th century. Maybe former community activist Barry Hussein didn't read the history books.
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I say nuclear!

Sure, but you pimp all sorts of things you know nothing about.

I say we stick to the simple and basic and abundant.

THE FREAKING WORLD STILL RUNS ON FOSSIL FUEL. Political power depends on access to and production of fossil fuel. The Arab princes that the American pop-culture loves depend on fossil fuel for their wealth. Doesn't it make sense for the greatest Country in the world to exploit the commodity that the rest of the world depends on instead of building windmills and apologizing for American decadence?
Do you people have any idea of how much nuclear is subsidized by the government?

quit being a liar

Solar is allowed to lease land at a 150$ an acre, a huge subsidy by the Government, further this allows Solar to avoid taxes on the normal value of land in California which is over a 1000% higher. I get to pay 100,000 for a 1/4 acre, I then get taxed on the full value of the land.

Solar is literally given land that is purposely below market value, the largest subsidies ever given to Rich Democrat Campaign Donors starting a new heavy industry on tax dollars.
U.S. Wind Industry First Quarter 2014

Released April 29, 2014
The American wind energy industry installed 214 megawatts (MW) during the
first quarter of 2014: more than the industry installed the first three quarters of
2013. The U.S. now has an installed wind capacity of 61,327 MW. There are over
13,000 MW currently under construction, an industry record.

Minnesota became the 7th state with an installed base of more than 3,000 MW.
There are now 61,327 MW of installed wind capacity in the United States and over 46,000 wind turbines.

http://awea.files.cms-plus.com/FileDownloads/pdfs/1Q2014 AWEA Public Report.pdf

Well, from 2007-2011 we avged around 8-15gw per year. Last year only had a little over a thousand and this year doesn't look much better. The last few years(2013-2014) have been the slowest since 2004.

We need to replace the power we're taking off line with coal with something. I say nuclear!

Having been off the grid I always ask what do you expect to be powered?

Maybe that is what we should be talking about. Too tired tonight.

But for true. I have lived for many a year off what one considers a power source. Pumped my own water. You get a real deal thinking about a double flush of a toilet. Shower? Hot water on the stove after pumping...

Oh hot water? boiled how?

I know I come off as a smart ass when I jump in here but please you have to understand I have done this.

So it cracks me up when people go "we have to get off of .........." and they dont have a clue what you have to do so.
Oil is an abiotic resource found far below where any plant or animal (fossil) ever existed...therefore, the "peak oil" crap the leftists spew, which the oil barons are all too eager to agree with...wink wink...has left us with almost $4 a gallon gas when we could have $1 gas if we demanded it...I mean really DEMANDED it. All that's required are a dozen new refineries, and leases opened for exploration in ANWR, the northern Rockies, and the southern end of the Bakken. We don't need to drill offshore and we don't need the Keystone XL mud oil. We have ONE chance to ever get out from under the $20T in debt that Barry the Fairy will leave us with......OIL and NG. We have more of it than the rest of the world combined. Wind, solar, wave, microbes....they're all dancing around the solution and fine for local projects...but this country runs on OIL...period.
Risk your own money, dude.

Have you any idea of how much we subsidize nuclear? And you think that the reactors are 100% safe and sure to keep generating? You might have a look at what nearly happened in 2011 when it looked as if one of the upper dams on the Missouri was going to give way.
..but this country runs on OIL...period.

my car runs on electricity…you can run your car on oil if you'd like…but please don't make the mistake of thinking the rest of us are required to cough up our hard earned money to the corner extortion store for some smelly liquid fuels when we really don't need, or want, to.
Oil is an abiotic resource found far below where any plant or animal (fossil) ever existed...therefore, the "peak oil" crap the leftists spew, which the oil barons are all too eager to agree with...wink wink...has left us with almost $4 a gallon gas when we could have $1 gas if we demanded it...I mean really DEMANDED it. All that's required are a dozen new refineries, and leases opened for exploration in ANWR, the northern Rockies, and the southern end of the Bakken. We don't need to drill offshore and we don't need the Keystone XL mud oil. We have ONE chance to ever get out from under the $20T in debt that Barry the Fairy will leave us with......OIL and NG. We have more of it than the rest of the world combined. Wind, solar, wave, microbes....they're all dancing around the solution and fine for local projects...but this country runs on OIL...period.

No, there is no major abiotic source of oil. Peak oil? The price of oil determines how much of what is in the ground is recoverable. At some point, consumers will turn to something else to power their vehicles.

You can demand $1 gas all you want, as long as the Mexicans, Chinese, and Europeans are willing to pay $4 or more, the energy corperations will export the gas to them. And you will be left standing on the corner with your little sign and an empty gas tank.
Many industries received subsidies to get started. If we push the technology it will grow. A single major breakthrough can change the game overnight. There is probably not going to be any significant breakthrough technologies in coal or nuclear.

Which industries received subsidies to get started?
Many industries received subsidies to get started. If we push the technology it will grow. A single major breakthrough can change the game overnight. There is probably not going to be any significant breakthrough technologies in coal or nuclear.

Here's the problem with that... You basically want to sell people a dream, but make them feel bad for not buying into your dream. SO you want to force them to pay for your dream, that's greed, the worst kind because it's mixed with theft.

I like most am all for a clean renewable energy, but failing for years and BILLIONS spent to fail should signal you are headed in the wrong direction.
..but this country runs on OIL...period.

my car runs on electricity…you can run your car on oil if you'd like…but please don't make the mistake of thinking the rest of us are required to cough up our hard earned money to the corner extortion store for some smelly liquid fuels when we really don't need, or want, to.

And where does that electricity come from...


You're just as bad as everyone else... sooorry~

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