U.S. working with Poland on possibility of providing fighter jets to Ukraine

Sweet Jesus how fucking old are you? Look at this fucking sub-moron, he still refers to Americans as Nazis, which is utterly devoid of self-awareness, the fucking fascists you dumb fuck are you, and your woke comrades! You don't even know what Nazi is an acronym of, let alone what fascism even is, even as you nakedly embrace and perpetuate it upon innocent people! Dear God, I swear, some of these fucks are more than worthy of a retroactive abortion, literally finish off the intellectual abortion fascist democrats already performed upon them....
Talk about being clueless about history and the context it provides for today’s reality.

America First was around way back in the 1930s, when there was strong support for Adolf Hitler and Nazism and strong resistance against entering WWII when the time came - until Pearl Harbor, of course.

The same strain of American fascism that existed then had persisted until today, no doubt in large part because the single biggest ethnic group in the USA is and has been for many decades German Americans, including a very significant number of Nazis who sought shelter here after WWII and worked in our various scientific programs as well as in every kind of job in every walk of life. These Nazis and Nazi sympathizers combined have raised a whole shitload of American children who have fascist leanings and harbor disgusting racist beliefs and persistent antisemitism and conspiracy theorist mindsets. They are a huge chunk of the Trumpism base following. We have always had Nazis in America, since Nazis were a thing.

I’m not a proponent of the minority far left PC cancel culture mindset, but it’s a far sight better than the murderous cancel culture Nazis subscribe to. The majority of Democrats have the type of sensibility that would have seen them fighting in the Spanish civil war and sees them in antifa counter protests in the streets today. No question that they are truer to American constitutional ideals than America First Nazis are.
How much will that cost our debt holders…I mean American taxpayers….and what’s in it for us?
What your really saying is you support putin and Trump and with freedom and democracy wiped out so Biden will look bad.

Youre ignorant blurt can be said about Vietnam but no one said it then. Youre hypocrisy is breathtaking.
Poland's MiG-29's were purchased from the Luftwaffe in 2003 for one euro. They were refitted to NATO spec with new avionics and targeting computers and radar upgrades. They are not interoperable with Ukrainian MiG's, and would have to be refitted back to Warpac spec before they could be exported to a non-NATO country.

They are well past their service life, and only get extended because Poland can't afford to replace them.

In short, it ain't gonna happen. Whatever military aid is provided, it has to be stand-alone systems like Javelin or Stingers, and other kit like radios and small arms and body armor, or it has to be compatible with the systems that Ukraine already operates. They can integrate more S-300 launchers, but they can't use PAC-3 because there is no way to integrate it with the Russian systems. And no spares, and no trained people, etc.

Ukraine's air defenses have inflicted some damage, those old S-300's are still potent. Ukraine has shot down at least 20 Russian aircraft, 10 fixed wing and 10 helos in the first 11 days. In the same time, Russia has destroyed 10 Ukrainian fixed wing aircraft on the ground.

Russia does not have air superiority, and this hampers their ability to provide close air support, so they are losing a lot of armor to javelins and equivalent ATGM's. It's getting costly for Putin, and he is getting bogged down and has lost the momentum.

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Talk about being clueless about history and the context it provides for today’s reality.

America First was around way back in the 1930s, when there was strong support for Adolf Hitler and Nazism and strong resistance against entering WWII when the time came - until Pearl Harbor, of course.

The same strain of American fascism that existed then had persisted until today, no doubt in large part because the single biggest ethnic group in the USA is and has been for many decades German Americans, including a very significant number of Nazis who sought shelter here after WWII and worked in our various scientific programs as well as in every kind of job in every walk of life. These Nazis and Nazi sympathizers combined have raised a whole shitload of American children who have fascist leanings and harbor disgusting racist beliefs and persistent antisemitism and conspiracy theorist mindsets. They are a huge chunk of the Trumpism base following. We have always had Nazis in America, since Nazis were a thing.

I’m not a proponent of the minority far left PC cancel culture mindset, but it’s a far sight better than the murderous cancel culture Nazis subscribe to. The majority of Democrats have the type of sensibility that would have seen them fighting in the Spanish civil war and sees them in antifa counter protests in the streets today. No question that they are truer to American constitutional ideals than America First Nazis are.
o_O Dear God, what the fuck, you cannot be serious, these are crazed, lunatics with keyboards, what the fuck.....:omg:
Poland, like no one else, is interested in overthrowing the Ukrainian government

Polish patriots are patrolling the border with the slogan: if you find a Banderist, kill him.

who was in Ukraine and did not piss on the monument to Bandera - he wasted time in vain.
That's a LIE. President Biden has been warning Ukraine about the Russian buildup on its borders for weeks/months - but Ukraine didn't believe him. Also, we are a NATO member for a reason. I can just hear you NaziCons bashing Biden if he had attacked Russian in any way without NATO and EU/UK as partners.
Is President Zelensky Lying Too?

Zelensky pleads for US military aid, says if Biden acted sooner ‘there would not have been war’​

The time to "do something" was BEFORE Russia invaded.

Now it's too late... Russia is committed.

Biden was standing around with his thumb up his ass while Russia built up an invasion force on Ukraine's border.

That was the time to loan Ukraine aircraft, ship in ammunition and weapons.

Before there was active war.

What Missourian has said is 100% correct, even those with rudimentary political smarts should understand it. You do NOT enter a war after it has started unless it is for an ally that the aggressor knows you will, and has already taken that into consideration.

With a friendly country which is a non ally, you supply them before any war starts, because you have interests there. You try to dissuade the soon to be aggressor by making it to costly to invade.

Of course, if we had supplied long before the invasion as we should have and Pooty did not attack because it was then to costly, some of us would never have known the outcome of not doing it. Let that be a lesson in geopolitics to everyone going forward. As we speak, armaments should be being rushed to the Baltics and Poland, to stop any more ideas of expansionism by Pooty. Make it to costly for him to consider, while his economy withers on the vine!
Democrats? Don't you mean Putin?
No.....Democrats made this happen. Hillary and Biden and Obama made it happen. Just like they started wars in Libya and Syria. And tried to start a war in Egypt, which failed. Now they're prepping Columbia for a war as we speak. These people claim they want Green Energy....but they live off of causing wars, suffering, and starvation. This is what Communists live for.
With a friendly country which is a non ally, you supply them before any war starts, because you have interests there. You try to dissuade the soon to be aggressor by making it to costly to invade.
There is a history there, we saw it in Georgia too. The US starts to pay attention to these countries, their leaders think we have their back. They get more assertive towards Russia to look "tough" at home, Putin gets pissed and slaps them down, and we act like it's all unprovoked aggression by Putin.

NATO's expansion into former Warpac countries cannot be treated so casually. The stakes are too high. It should have been handled slowly and carefully, and with some sort of participation of Russia. Russia was not treated like a stakeholder, she was treated like a military adversary only.

Putin sees a window of opportunity to push back on NATO, and he's taking it. He was never serious about negotiating. The impossible demands to NATO in December, followed the next day by a salvo of Tsirkon missiles made that clear.

He doesn't need to occupy Ukraine. As long as he holds a couple provinces in Ukraine and Georgia, he knows admitting those countries into NATO is effectively an act of war against Russia.

I think Putin's plan is to degrade the Ukrainian forces, then let Xi step in and broker a peace. China has good relations with both Moscow and Kiev. Putin withdraws, keeping Donetsk and Luhansk for Russia.

The EU goes along to keep the peace and because they need the Russian gas, Putin gets his NATO buffer. China looks like the "Indispensable Nation", and Xi moves against Taiwan.

Ukraine is putting up a good fight, and Putin knows he loses a war of attrition, so he needs to act soon if he's going to.

The US and NATO need to stand firm and show Putin that they are not intimidated, but do nothing to escalate the conflict beyond Ukraine's borders.
I believe that the Polish Air Force flies MiG fighter jets which the Ukrainians should be able to fly. I would love for them to use the A-10 warthog as it is a tank killer and shreds armor.
And can only be used with air superiority because of their vulnerability to faster attack fighters
There is a history there, we saw it in Georgia too. The US starts to pay attention to these countries, their leaders think we have their back. They get more assertive towards Russia to look "tough" at home, Putin gets pissed and slaps them down, and we act like it's all unprovoked aggression by Putin.

NATO's expansion into former Warpac countries cannot be treated so casually. The stakes are too high. It should have been handled slowly and carefully, and with some sort of participation of Russia. Russia was not treated like a stakeholder, she was treated like a military adversary only.

Putin sees a window of opportunity to push back on NATO, and he's taking it. He was never serious about negotiating. The impossible demands to NATO in December, followed the next day by a salvo of Tsirkon missiles made that clear.

He doesn't need to occupy Ukraine. As long as he holds a couple provinces in Ukraine and Georgia, he knows admitting those countries into NATO is effectively an act of war against Russia.

I think Putin's plan is to degrade the Ukrainian forces, then let Xi step in and broker a peace. China has good relations with both Moscow and Kiev. Putin withdraws, keeping Donetsk and Luhansk for Russia.

The EU goes along to keep the peace and because they need the Russian gas, Putin gets his NATO buffer. China looks like the "Indispensable Nation", and Xi moves against Taiwan.

Ukraine is putting up a good fight, and Putin knows he loses a war of attrition, so he needs to act soon if he's going to.

The US and NATO need to stand firm and show Putin that they are not intimidated, but do nothing to escalate the conflict beyond Ukraine's borders.

Good synopsis, and probably very close to being accurate.
And can only be used with air superiority because of their vulnerability to faster attack fighters
We have been sold on modern weapons of our main adversaries Russia and China. If the Ukrainians are that good against Russia then we could cut our military budget 80%. Just like the tens of trillions of dollars we spent on our spy and security deep state agencies and somehow 9/11 happened. The citizens reward was the Patriot Act, the TSA and Homeland Security. And it has gotten worse since then. So either Russia is a fraud with military capabilities, or we are being lied to by our own leadership as per their capabilities.
Are you aware that in 1994 we convinced Ukraine to give up the largest portion of the former USSR’s nuclear arsenal by promising them independence and security assurances? The UK promised them this, too. As did Russia, but given their history with Russia (the Holodomor, etc.) they agreed because of US and UK.

What’s in it for us is merely our reputation on the world stage. Our ability to declare we have a national conscience.
We are, a Democrat President got Ukraine to give up it's nukes on the promise the USA will defend her.

Two Democrat Presidents didn't keep that promise

What a bullshit deal

BREAKING NEWS on CNN. No link yet.

This may have already been rejected Poland.

The real solution....

1) Continue to supply Ukraine with weapons and supplies, prepare to help their guerilla war against the Russian occupiers...bleed the Russians.

2) Put American energy back on line, oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear....reduce the price of oil which hurts Russia

3) Help and encourage Europe to get rid of stupid green energy boondoggles and to go back to sane, rational energy policies...this hurts Russia

4) Arm friendly and allied countries that are on the border with Russia.....send them javelin missles, stinger missles, artillery, tanks......and teach their citizens how to use rifles and pistols and give them millions of them....make the price of further invasions too high for Russia.......

4). Prepare to put a no fly zone over these same countries so that putin can't declare this an act of war, which he will do if we do it in Ukraine...do it now for these other countries...

There.......that's how you do it.....
Don't see this happening. Russia is saying any use of NATO airfields to aid in attacks on Russian forces will be considered direct participation. How do they plan to get these aircraft to Ukraine?

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