uber-lib View-hostess confirms, libs need Hispanics to clean their toilets


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
we all saw her say
"If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?"

this is what the Left truly thinnks about the people they pander for votes to.
Well I am not cleaning toilets for a living that is for sure. I clean my own, should never be part of a job anyway. Let the CEOs clean the toilets as they have nothing to do but golf anyway.
The political left has always held a very poor view of minorities. This is not news to me.
People like Kelly seem to be blissfully ignorant of how similar their rich, pampered lives are to people like Trump. Or maybe they are aware of it and feel full of White guilt?

or maybe they're just sanctimonious hypocrites
Republican views of minorities is well documented. The simple fact that the Congress was willing to defund federal police agencies completely than accept a softening of policies directed at minorities. They have voted to deport DREAMERS, rolled out voter suppression bills, pissed because of a delusional view of Hillary Clinton and her Spanish language documentaries, they boycotted the debates from Spanish language television, they've ignored alternative healthcare solutions for five years, the Tea Party talks racist trash and no one reins them in. It goes on and on, and only the willfully ignorant refuse to see it.
Republican views of minorities is well documented. The simple fact that the Congress was willing to defund federal police agencies completely than accept a softening of policies directed at minorities. They have voted to deport DREAMERS, rolled out voter suppression bills, pissed because of a delusional view of Hillary Clinton and her Spanish language documentaries, they boycotted the debates from Spanish language television, they've ignored alternative healthcare solutions for five years, the Tea Party talks racist trash and no one reins them in. It goes on and on, and only the willfully ignorant refuse to see it.


well as usual you said a whole bunch of nothing dummy

...but you did admit the Left wants to "soften policies toward minorities"
what happened to equal protection under the law idiot?
the guy who murdered someone's daughter qualified as a "Dreamer"

this is acceptable to the Left
Republican views of minorities is well documented. The simple fact that the Congress was willing to defund federal police agencies completely than accept a softening of policies directed at minorities. They have voted to deport DREAMERS, rolled out voter suppression bills, pissed because of a delusional view of Hillary Clinton and her Spanish language documentaries, they boycotted the debates from Spanish language television, they've ignored alternative healthcare solutions for five years, the Tea Party talks racist trash and no one reins them in. It goes on and on, and only the willfully ignorant refuse to see it.


well as usual you said a whole bunch of nothing dummy

...but you did admit the Left wants to "soften policies toward minorities"
what happened to equal protection under the law idiot?

Republicans are doing there very best to get minorities deported. That says it all right there, you need to pack up the Statue of Liberty and send it back to France, it doesn't stand for shit anymore thanks to you and your roving pack of maniacs.
there are Black and Hispanic Tea Party members leftard

you losers whould be more concerned about yourown racist talk being ignored
Republican views of minorities is well documented. The simple fact that the Congress was willing to defund federal police agencies completely than accept a softening of policies directed at minorities. They have voted to deport DREAMERS, rolled out voter suppression bills, pissed because of a delusional view of Hillary Clinton and her Spanish language documentaries, they boycotted the debates from Spanish language television, they've ignored alternative healthcare solutions for five years, the Tea Party talks racist trash and no one reins them in. It goes on and on, and only the willfully ignorant refuse to see it.


well as usual you said a whole bunch of nothing dummy

...but you did admit the Left wants to "soften policies toward minorities"
what happened to equal protection under the law idiot?

Republicans are doing there very best to get minorities deported. That says it all right there, you need to pack up the Statue of Liberty and send it back to France, it doesn't stand for shit anymore thanks to you and your roving pack of maniacs.

trying to get ILLEGALS deported dummy

but you DID just admit your amnesty plans are about racial pandering for votes

thanks! ;)
your amnesty plans arent about empathy to minorities dummy

stop making a damn fool of yourself with phony sanctimony
Literally MILLIONS from ALL RACES and ethnicities are waiting pateintly in line in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM.

Democrats only have a plan to pander to the mostly Hispanic ones who SNUCK IN, and that is purely for votes of course

stop lying to yourselves
stop lying to others
Republican views of minorities is well documented. The simple fact that the Congress was willing to defund federal police agencies completely than accept a softening of policies directed at minorities. They have voted to deport DREAMERS, rolled out voter suppression bills, pissed because of a delusional view of Hillary Clinton and her Spanish language documentaries, they boycotted the debates from Spanish language television, they've ignored alternative healthcare solutions for five years, the Tea Party talks racist trash and no one reins them in. It goes on and on, and only the willfully ignorant refuse to see it.


well as usual you said a whole bunch of nothing dummy

...but you did admit the Left wants to "soften policies toward minorities"
what happened to equal protection under the law idiot?

Republicans are doing there very best to get minorities deported. That says it all right there, you need to pack up the Statue of Liberty and send it back to France, it doesn't stand for shit anymore thanks to you and your roving pack of maniacs.

trying to get ILLEGALS deported dummy

but you DID just admit your amnesty plans are about racial pandering for votes

thanks! ;)
You don't even know what my plans are you stupid frump, you just make stuff up as you go along.
Native-born American Black people, with an unemployment rate already much higher than Hispanics, will be the first to suffer under Democrat amnesty for illegals.
Next to suffer will be recently-arrived LEGAL HISPANIC IMMIGRANTS struggling to make it

and since Dems wont close the border still more illegals will arrive to do those jobs "nobody wants to do", because the newly-legal ones sure wont
tsk tsk tsk

see how angry the truth makes them???????? ^^^^^^^^
Republican views of minorities is well documented. The simple fact that the Congress was willing to defund federal police agencies completely than accept a softening of policies directed at minorities. They have voted to deport DREAMERS, rolled out voter suppression bills, pissed because of a delusional view of Hillary Clinton and her Spanish language documentaries, they boycotted the debates from Spanish language television, they've ignored alternative healthcare solutions for five years, the Tea Party talks racist trash and no one reins them in. It goes on and on, and only the willfully ignorant refuse to see it.

"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******." -- LBJ, not a Republican discussing when he appointed Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS

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