uber-lib View-hostess confirms, libs need Hispanics to clean their toilets

the guy who murdered someone's daughter qualified as a "Dreamer"

this is acceptable to the Left
Oh, look. You weaved your confirmation bias into a straw man. Cool!

i have other reasons why people shouldnt be rewarded for sneaking in with legal status; i just chose to mention THAT one at THIS time

you're the one using a straw man retard, because you're implying that the possibility of a "Dreamer" being a murderer is the only reason i oppose the program

keep trying though...............
the guy who murdered someone's daughter qualified as a "Dreamer"

this is acceptable to the Left
Oh, look. You weaved your confirmation bias into a straw man. Cool!

i have other reasons why people shouldnt be rewarded for sneaking in with legal status; i just chose to mention THAT one at THIS time

I have no doubt you stockpile anecdotes to feed your confirmation bias. Really. I believe you. Totally.

you're the one using a straw man retard, because you're implying that the possibility of a "Dreamer" being a murderer is the only reason i oppose the program

Nope. I did not imply that at all. YOU said the Left is okay with Dreamers killing people.

Straw man.
the guy who murdered someone's daughter qualified as a "Dreamer"

this is acceptable to the Left
Oh, look. You weaved your confirmation bias into a straw man. Cool!

i have other reasons why people shouldnt be rewarded for sneaking in with legal status; i just chose to mention THAT one at THIS time

I have no doubt you stockpile anecdotes to feed your confirmation bias. Really. I believe you. Totally.

you're the one using a straw man retard, because you're implying that the possibility of a "Dreamer" being a murderer is the only reason i oppose the program


exactly; you got nothing

the guy who murdered someone's daughter qualified as a "Dreamer"

this is acceptable to the Left
Oh, look. You weaved your confirmation bias into a straw man. Cool!

i have other reasons why people shouldnt be rewarded for sneaking in with legal status; i just chose to mention THAT one at THIS time

I have no doubt you stockpile anecdotes to feed your confirmation bias. Really. I believe you. Totally.

you're the one using a straw man retard, because you're implying that the possibility of a "Dreamer" being a murderer is the only reason i oppose the program

Nope. I did not imply that at all. YOU said the Left is okay with Dreamers killing people.

Straw man.

it isnt anecdotal you idiot; a real life person was murdered. you live in a world of delusion with rose-colored glasses. even one is too much, by people who arent supposed to be here in the first place

i didnt use that "anecdotal" evidence to "confirm" anything. i've never said they were all murderers or potential murderes

your'e a projecting loser guilty of the same thing you're trying to accuse me of

where is my statistical error if i'm guilty of confirmation bias dummy???
Republican views of minorities is well documented. The simple fact that the Congress was willing to defund federal police agencies completely than accept a softening of policies directed at minorities. They have voted to deport DREAMERS, rolled out voter suppression bills, pissed because of a delusional view of Hillary Clinton and her Spanish language documentaries, they boycotted the debates from Spanish language television, they've ignored alternative healthcare solutions for five years, the Tea Party talks racist trash and no one reins them in. It goes on and on, and only the willfully ignorant refuse to see it.


well as usual you said a whole bunch of nothing dummy

...but you did admit the Left wants to "soften policies toward minorities"
what happened to equal protection under the law idiot?

Republicans are doing there very best to get minorities deported. That says it all right there, you need to pack up the Statue of Liberty and send it back to France, it doesn't stand for shit anymore thanks to you and your roving pack of maniacs.
Republicans? C'est toi, Barak?

U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013

Perhaps Our Dear Leader felt pangs of guilt:
Obama administration scales back deportations in policy shift

Who knows what lies in the soul of a man burdened with the weight of the world? :dunno:

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