Uber Rolling Out Driverless Cars

If you have viable solution to putting people to work in good paying jobs in the face of automation and low wage foreign competition,

then you should post it.

It's up to each one of us to pave our own path in life. If you're going to wait around for someone else to do it for you then you're probably going to fail.

So you would blame the mass poverty in a place like Africa on all those poor kids not showing some initiative?

The problem in Africa is mass corruption and oppressive government. Is it your position that the United States is overrun with tyrants and tribal warlords?
No I mean that low income people get the same number of votes as you do.

If you have viable solution to putting people to work in good paying jobs in the face of automation and low wage foreign competition,

then you should post it.
Yeah, that's a problem that will fix itself one way or another. ;)

My solution is long term: better birth control and sex education and a push for low income women to voluntarily have abortions and sterilization. Push low income men to have vasectomies. This could be done by offering enticements such as education and the promise of a better job.
So you would blame the mass poverty in a place like Africa on all those poor kids not showing some initiative?
Wow! Look how strong you are! You make moving those goalposts around look easy!

I strongly doubt those "poor kids" in Africa will be losing jobs to Uber or automation anytime soon.
If you have viable solution to putting people to work in good paying jobs in the face of automation and low wage foreign competition,

then you should post it.

It's up to each one of us to pave our own path in life. If you're going to wait around for someone else to do it for you then you're probably going to fail.

So you would blame the mass poverty in a place like Africa on all those poor kids not showing some initiative?

The problem in Africa is mass corruption and oppressive government. Is it your position that the United States is overrun with tyrants and tribal warlords?

It's my position that when 1000 Americans line up to try for 100 jobs at a Walmart, it's not the fault of the people that there aren't enough jobs to go around.
No I mean that low income people get the same number of votes as you do.

If you have viable solution to putting people to work in good paying jobs in the face of automation and low wage foreign competition,

then you should post it.
Yeah, that's a problem that will fix itself one way or another. ;)

My solution is long term: better birth control and sex education and a push for low income women to voluntarily have abortions and sterilization. Push low income men to have vasectomies. This could be done by offering enticements such as education and the promise of a better job.

Why push 'low income' men to have vasectomies? The children of higher income people are going to take jobs as well.
It's my position that when 1000 Americans line up to try for 100 jobs at a Walmart, it's not the fault of the people that there aren't enough jobs to go around.
Correct. They are partly to blame. Their parents are also partly to blame for both birthing them and inadequately raising their children.
Why push 'low income' men to have vasectomies? The children of higher income people are going to take jobs as well.
The higher income people are already exercising self-control. Otherwise they wouldn't be higher income, would they?
Interesting no one sees the slippery slope of robots eliminating jobs.

I realize technology has always made many jobs obsolete in time, but a wave of robotics eliminating blue and white collar jobs might be the straw that breaks the camels back

Most people seem determined to ignore the fact that the very technology they love so dearly is already built on the belief that human existence as a whole is obsolete. They propagate the very belief every time they so much as google search a question that should be asked to a person, settle for an auto-fill function that doesn't quite give them what they actually want, etc.
Interesting no one sees the slippery slope of robots eliminating jobs.

I realize technology has always made many jobs obsolete in time, but a wave of robotics eliminating blue and white collar jobs might be the straw that breaks the camels back

Most people seem determined to ignore the fact that the very technology they love so dearly is already built on the belief that human existence as a whole is obsolete. They propagate the very belief every time they so much as google search a question that should be asked to a person, settle for an auto-fill function that doesn't quite give them what they actually want, etc.

Nice post, very succinctly stated.
And by the time driver-less cars have been perfected, we'll have flying cars, so it will be pointless anyway.
Funny but, 1) untrue, driverless cars are a lot closer than flying cars and 2) the flying cars will probably be pilotless.
If you have viable solution to putting people to work in good paying jobs in the face of automation and low wage foreign competition,

then you should post it.

It's up to each one of us to pave our own path in life. If you're going to wait around for someone else to do it for you then you're probably going to fail.

So you would blame the mass poverty in a place like Africa on all those poor kids not showing some initiative?

The problem in Africa is mass corruption and oppressive government. Is it your position that the United States is overrun with tyrants and tribal warlords?

It's my position that when 1000 Americans line up to try for 100 jobs at a Walmart, it's not the fault of the people that there aren't enough jobs to go around.

Perhaps they should strive to be something more
Don't you crush my dreams of piloting a flying car! :mad-61:
I'm certain it will be like "piloting" a drone; most of the work is done by the drone's computer. You'll just push a joystick in the direction you want to go. It does the rest. It'll have a full auto and a "manual" mode, but I doubt it'll be truly manual like flying a helicopter.
If and when the first driverless car kills someone i fully support the lawsuit that sticks it to uber. Sue them big time i fully support you.
If and when the first driverless car kills someone i fully support the lawsuit that sticks it to uber. Sue them big time i fully support you.
It'll be even more entertaining when the first "love robot" kills it's rapist "master". It'll bring up all sorts of interesting questions.

Actually the lawsuit would end up going against the manufacturers.
Agreed. Who, in turn, would pass it to the insurance companies who, in turn, would pass it off to consumers with higher rates. And the world goes round and round and round!
Self-driving cars will make traffic worse.

Consider these situations.

You have a job in town, one that does not provide parking. You have to pay for parking. So, what's the cheapest thing to do? "Drive" to work, then tell your empty car to drive back home and park, then tell it to come back at quitting time and get you.

Or, even worse, think of that happening with special event parking. No need to pay to park at the big game. There's just the problem of 20,000 empty cars suddenly converging at the stadium at the end of the game.

Or, you have an errand to run. You'll only be inside for 30 minutes. So, you tell your empty car to keep circling the block until you're done.

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