UC Berkeley Hosts Exclusive “Black Only Graduation Ceremony” in Defiance of Civil Rights Laws That Forbid Racial Segregation

Africa has a whole bunch of different cultures. JUST LIKE EUROPE you dope.
No shit. 😄 I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you don't understand the term African diaspora.
"UC Berkeley’s Department of African American Studies is preparing to host the annual Black Graduation ceremony on May 20, 2023, at Zellerbach Hall. Black Grad, as it is affectionately called, honors and celebrates Black-, African-, and African American-identifying students upon completion of their undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D., J.D., and professional degree programs from departments all over campus."
Sure. I concede the ceremony is designed to celebrate Black students and their cultures. What I don't concede is that people from other cultures are excluded from attending or participating. I don't see that written anywhere. As I said if it's similar to events at Harvard or Columbia then white people aren't excluded.
There I even bolded it for your stupid ass.
It doesn't say what you claim it says.
^^^The left LOVES segregation. They always have. Especially white leftists like you.
We love celebrating different cultures. No one but simple minded Simps thinks that's the same thing as segregating yourself from people you've decided to treat as inferior. We're not afraid to embrace diversity you little bitch of a Snowflake. 😄
We love celebrating different cultures. No one but simple minded Simps thinks that's the same thing as segregating yourself from people you've decided to treat as inferior. We're not afraid to embrace diversity you little bitch of a Snowflake. 😄

You've already claimed many times here that you're superior to other races. Which is hilarious, because you're a little white incel cosplaying as a black man.

That makes you exactly the white supremacist I know you are.

There is only so much anybody can do when the law is against you unless you want to become a criminal yourself.
In other words a cuck. And you're species cucked yourselves. That's the funny part. Your own people wrote the laws that neutered you and made you the servile Simps to your own legal demographic replacement that you are. Seems you didn't learn anything from your slaver Founders or you've had too many generations of bitch breed into you but whatever it is you've lost something because those men were rebels. When the law didn't serve them they unshackled themselves from it. You can't manifest their success if you share none of their attributes.
American blacks are the only race in the world constantly striving to move away from their own kinds. That's how pathetic you are.
Apparently you don't understand the concept of a vanguard..... 😄

Shit strategists from shit people.
You've already claimed many times here that you're superior to other races.
Where? I'm certainly superior to you cuck whites here but you Simps are the backwater inbreds of white people. I know plenty of brilliant white people.
Which is hilarious, because you're a little white incel cosplaying as a black man.
So you keep fantasizing... 😄
That makes you exactly the white supremacist I know you are.

Cosplay begets more cosplay.
Come on Tipsyhag, is that suppose to be an example of you mocking black folks. You sound exactly like what you are, a dumbass, racist fool.
Ohhh. De WAYYYYCCCISSSMMM cum on up wit de WAYYYYCCCISSSMMM. Waycisss Waycisss Waycisss. Luv de Waycisss.

Segregation today.
Segregation tomorrow
Segregation FOREVER by default.
Next up "This water fountain reserved for the exclusive use of black POCmarks".
Gateway Pundit again....................:heehee:

There are videos of it which you could have found with a ten second search, but I get it. I wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite attempting to defend this either and your deflection has been noted...... :71:
How do they do the class rankings with that? Or is that not done anymore?
I have no idea. I find it hilarious that blacks insist on separate everything yet scream segregation when whites have all white events by default. The reality is, blacks want a black only graduation. They don't want whites to have a graduation ceremony at all.
It's open to all graduates of any color who want to attend, it's just the the ceremony itself is influenced by Black American culture rather than white American culture.
seems like a very classy culture

No shit. 😄 I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you don't understand the term African diaspora.

And those countries all have different cultures. And being descended from those areas doesn't tie you to that culture in any way. Unless you grew up there or spent significant time there then the culture of your descendants isn't really your culture. And certainly your culture isnt determined by your skin color. A white guy born and raised in Kenya is culturally Kenyan. A person of Kenyan descent born and raised in the US isn't. They might play act at it but they arent culturally Kenyan and if you ask an actual Kenyan they will tell you the same.
Sure. I concede the ceremony is designed to celebrate Black students and their cultures. What I don't concede is that people from other cultures are excluded from attending or participating. I don't see that written anywhere. As I said if it's similar to events at Harvard or Columbia then white people aren't excluded.
Non black people aren't barred from attending but I'll bet you they aren't allowed to walk in the ceremony.
It doesn't say what you claim it says.

So you'd be fine with a ceremony that said this?

"UC Berkeley’s Department of Euro American Studies is preparing to host the annual Whitte Graduation ceremony on May 20, 2023, at Zellerbach Hall. White Grad, as it is affectionately called, honors and celebrates White-, Eurpean-, and Euro American-identifying students upon completion of their undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D., J.D., and professional degree programs from departments all over campus."

Please dont make me call BS on you by saying you would be.
Where? I'm certainly superior to you cuck whites here but you Simps are the backwater inbreds of white people. I know plenty of brilliant white people.

So you keep fantasizing... 😄

Cosplay begets more cosplay.

Like I said, you're a white supremacist.
And those countries all have different cultures. And being descended from those areas doesn't tie you to that culture in any way. Unless you grew up there or spent significant time there then the culture of your descendants isn't really your culture.
Are you whitesplaining this to me? 😄 Ethnically I'm African, Indian and Chinese but culturally I'm just Jamaican. The first time I went to an Indian wedding I was in America and I was in my 20s and I was working as a wedding photographer rather than showing up as a relative or guest and the music, food and ceremonies were largely foreign to me. And while there are many Chinese Jamaicans or Indian Jamaicans Jamaican culture is largely an Afro-Caribbean culture.
And certainly your culture isnt determined by your skin color. A white guy born and raised in Kenya is culturally Kenyan.
Depends whether or not your culture is steeped in racism like the white Afrikaners.
A person of Kenyan descent born and raised in the US isn't.
Depends on how much of that culture their parents surround them with. I grew up in America mostly but I was still pretty foreign to my Black American friends.
They might play act at it but they arent culturally Kenyan and if you ask an actual Kenyan they will tell you the same.
No you're just generalizing.
Non black people aren't barred from attending but I'll bet you they aren't allowed to walk in the ceremony.
I don't care about what you bet but what you can prove.
So you'd be fine with a ceremony that said this?

"UC Berkeley’s Department of Euro American Studies is preparing to host the annual Whitte Graduation ceremony on May 20, 2023, at Zellerbach Hall. White Grad, as it is affectionately called, honors and celebrates White-, Eurpean-, and Euro American-identifying students upon completion of their undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D., J.D., and professional degree programs from departments all over campus."
Yep. In the same way I wasn't broken when my friends had bar mitzvahs.
Please dont make me call BS on you by saying you would be.

I'm not affected emotionally by your disbelief unless you're counting amusement.

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