UC Berkeley Hosts Exclusive “Black Only Graduation Ceremony” in Defiance of Civil Rights Laws That Forbid Racial Segregation

If it's anything like Harvard's Black graduation ceremony then it's not segregated. It's open to all graduates of any color who want to attend, it's just the the ceremony itself is influenced by Black American culture rather than white American culture. Instead of classical music playing while walking up you might get an African drum beat.
That there is culture associated with your skin color is the problem.
That there is culture associated with your skin color is the problem.
1. It isn't. I'm Black but not Black American. My Caribbean culture is different than Black American culture and even my Jamaican culture is different than the Trinidadian or Dominican or St. Vincent cultures some of my other family members are from.

2. What's the problem? People separated by time or geography or even politics will form and develop different cultures. Why is that a problem exactly?
1. It isn't. I'm Black but not Black American. My Caribbean culture is different than Black American culture and even my Jamaican culture is different than the Trinidadian or Dominican or St. Vincent cultures some of my other family members are from.

2. What's the problem? People separated by time or geography or even politics will form and develop different cultures. Why is that a problem exactly?

That's not what's being talked about here though, is it? It's not an insert country here graduation. It's an insert color of your skin here graduation. You saying that there is culture associated with your skin tone is a problem. Different regions having different cultures makes sense. Having a different culture because your body produces more melanin doesn't.
That's not what's being talked about here though, is it?
Isn't it?
It's not an insert country here graduation. It's an insert color of your skin here graduation.
I took Black in this instance to generally mean inclusivity of all the cultures that were born out of the African diaspora.
You saying that there is culture associated with your skin tone is a problem.
That's what you said. You're the one focused on skin tone rather than the commonality of African heritage.
Different regions having different cultures makes sense. Having a different culture because your body produces more melanin doesn't.
Tell that to the ignorant white morons who created societies divided by the production of melanin.
Isn't it?
No it isnt.
I took Black in this instance to generally mean inclusivity of all the cultures that were born out of the African diaspora.

But it's a graduation for people of a certain skin color, and you are assuming that those people have a certain culture based on that skin color.

That's what you said. You're the one focused on skin tone rather than the commonality of African heritage.

No I didnt. How am I the one "focused on skin tone" for commenting about a graduation for people of one skin tone only? Africa is a continent. You should visit it's many countries they do not share a commonality of culture or heritage. Its crazy they are just like everyone else. Different countries have different cultures. Its not different in Africa than anywhere else in the world.

Tell that to the ignorant white morons who created societies divided by the production of melanin.

You know that people of all colors divided themselves based on how they looked for millennia. The idea that the "races" would live together is a recent revelation in all cultures. It wasnt the invention of white people.
It's apparent that the negro wants segregation. I say give it to them. Separation of the races needs to happen.

Gateway Pundit again....................:heehee:
What's wrong MAGA Mucho Man? You don't want your kids graduating with black kids anyway, you just started this thread to get your racist buddies out the wood work. Don't worry they will be along shortly.
This forum is turning more and more into Stormfront Lite...........................maybe not so Lite anymore.
It's apparent that the negro wants segregation. I say give it to them. Separation of the races needs to happen.

When are you leaving the country?
Gateway Pundit again....................:heehee:

Is a link to the UC Berkeley site an acceptable source?

For those saying it was just a black culture influenced graduation that anyone could be a participant in. Curried Goats

"UC Berkeley’s Department of African American Studies is preparing to host the annual Black Graduation ceremony on May 20, 2023, at Zellerbach Hall. Black Grad, as it is affectionately called, honors and celebrates Black-, African-, and African American-identifying students upon completion of their undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D., J.D., and professional degree programs from departments all over campus."
No it isnt.

But it's a graduation for people of a certain skin color, and you are assuming that those people have a certain culture based on that skin color.
1. It's open for all.

2. I'm not assuming anything. I know black cultures (cultures from African diasporas) are different than white cultures (cultures from European diasporas).
No I didnt. How am I the one "focused on skin tone" for commenting about a graduation for people of one skin tone only? Africa is a continent. You should visit it's many countries they do not share a commonality of culture or heritage.
I've been to Africa guy. My wife volunteers as a nurse there a month out of every year. Do you not know what diaspora means?
Its crazy they are just like everyone else. Different countries have different cultures. Its not different in Africa than anywhere else in the world.
No shit. So what are you confused about? 😄
You know that people of all colors divided themselves based on how they looked for millennia. The idea that the "races" would live together is a recent revelation in all cultures.
No, it's the notion of "races" that is relatively new you historically ignorant moron. 😄 People were generally separated by geography not race.
Is a link to the UC Berkeley site an acceptable source?

For those saying it was just a black culture influenced graduation that anyone could be a participant in. Curried Goats

"UC Berkeley’s Department of African American Studies is preparing to host the annual Black Graduation ceremony on May 20, 2023, at Zellerbach Hall. Black Grad, as it is affectionately called, honors and celebrates Black-, African-, and African American-identifying students upon completion of their undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D., J.D., and professional degree programs from departments all over campus."
Where in there do you see them saying they're excluding anyone?
People who demand something and then turn around and demand the opposite when they get it are obviously just trying to manipulatively assume control.
It's apparent that the negro wants segregation. I say give it to them. Separation of the races needs to happen.

It will ALWAYS be 1860 in the DemoKKKrat party. This is what they want.
1. It's open for all.

2. I'm not assuming anything. I know black cultures (cultures from African diasporas) are different than white cultures (cultures from European diasporas).
Africa has a whole bunch of different cultures. JUST LIKE EUROPE you dope.
Nothing in what you quoted said anything about excluding other students.

"UC Berkeley’s Department of African American Studies is preparing to host the annual Black Graduation ceremony on May 20, 2023, at Zellerbach Hall. Black Grad, as it is affectionately called, honors and celebrates Black-, African-, and African American-identifying students upon completion of their undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D., J.D., and professional degree programs from departments all over campus."

There I even bolded it for your stupid ass.

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