UCLA Professor: Too Many White Male Firefighters Out There


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
In an article printed in the Harvard Business Review, a UCLA professor argued that there are too many white male firefighters in America. Corinne Bendersky, Professor of Management and Organizations at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, who does research on “gender bias,” posited “black firefighters still face challenges with social exclusion and explicit racism,” and “firefighters tend to default to a reductive set of traits (physical strength evaluated through strict fitness tests, for example) that serve to maintain white men’s dominance in the fire service.”

Bendersky noted that 96% of career firefighters are men, and 82% are white. She claims, “Many fire departments recognize that their lack of diversity as a problem and say they’re committed to increasing racial and gender diversity.” She cites research she has done that prompted her to write, “when the topic of female firefighters came up, the importance of physical strength was consistently and spontaneously invoked to justify the relative absence of women in the fire service, but the importance of compassion (a female-stereotyped trait) was rarely, if ever, brought up to argue for bringing more women into the profession.”

UCLA Professor: Too Many White Male Firefighters Out There

The left keep saying it is conservatives that divides the country.
Christ, liberalism/progressivism has gone full fucking retard.

I hope someday if this asshat ever needs a firefighter that they are all white in a white truck. Let's see how much it matters when your shit is on fire.
"I hope someday if this asshat ever needs a firefighter that they are all white in a white truck. Let's see how much it matters when your shit is on fire."

That was hilarious. :laughing0301:
"I hope someday if this asshat ever needs a firefighter that they are all white in a white truck. Let's see how much it matters when your shit is on fire."

That was hilarious. :laughing0301:

You know what else is hilarious? Your face!!!!
Did she say white males are stronger than black males?
Why would she say something false like that? She was just pointing out that racism and sexism is in full effect when it comes to selecting people for the fire department. I know some firefighters both Black and white. The vast majority would agree.
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There are many blue collar jobs mostly male.....because most women dont want them...….not an indication of discrimination
hmmm I was always told that black folks were more athletic than whites. Damn someone file a suit against the NFL stat cause there's not enough white boi's in der.
Will the feminists ever notice that 99% of garbage pickup workers are men? Will they notice that 90% of workplace fatalities are males?

As for the firefighter tests, they are too difficult for the average black man. It’s not discriminatory based on skin color, it just filters out the morons. It’s not white people’s fault negroes can’t pass.
I have to wonder, is this "equality" shit going to get to the point where like women are /forced/ to be engineers or blacks are /forced/ to be firemen? Is that where we are ultimately headed?
I have to wonder, is this "equality" shit going to get to the point where like women are /forced/ to be engineers or blacks are /forced/ to be firemen? Is that where we are ultimately headed?
Hopefully its headed to the point you dont get to be a firefighter just because you are a white boy and part of the good ole white boys club.
I don’t know about everywhere but I have first hand accounts of departments wanting to hire more people of color, trying to attract them, and they can’t pass the written tests. That’s a fact whether it is politically correct or not. In fact I believe there have been published news reports of departments trying to lower standards in order to let more blacks in.
I don’t know about everywhere but I have first hand accounts of departments wanting to hire more people of color, trying to attract them, and they can’t pass the written tests. That’s a fact whether it is politically correct or not. In fact I believe there have been published news reports of departments trying to lower standards in order to let more blacks in.
Indeed. They have tried the same stuff here in KC with minimal positive results.
The left keep saying it is conservatives that divides the country.
Wow, whoever thinks that there are too many white firefighters, have they ever once stopped to think that maybe not as many people of color compared to those who are white are interested in such a job?

God bless you and those who wear the uniform always!!!


P.S. Maybe it is certain people's lack of brain activity that is responsible for any divide that is in our country.

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