UCLA Student "Anti-Asian" Rant & The Ravi/Swagger Cage Match


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
She made a vid, suffered the backlash, and says she's now leaving UCLA, even though the school is not making her, because of her right to Free Speech.

Earlier Friday, university officials said they would not discipline Wallace because her video was an exercise of free speech, not hate speech, and it didn't violate the student code of conduct.

UCLA's vice chancellor for student affairs, Janina Montero, said in a statement that campus officials were "appalled and offended by the sentiments expressed in the video," but it did not seek to harm or threaten a specific person or group.

In the video, Wallace said her complaints aren't directed at any individual and people shouldn't take offense, but "the problem is these hordes of Asian people that UCLA accepts into our school every single year."

She says the numbers would be fine if Asian students would "use American manners" and goes on to complain about Asians frequently talking on their mobile phones while she tries to study. At one point she mocks them with gibberish.

Wallace suggests in the video that people calling to check on the fate of Japan's tsunami victims go outside so they won't freak people out if they get bad news.

Student in anti-Asian rant says she'll leave UCLA - Yahoo! News
The Ninjas busted into her place the other night and told her to weave...
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If she would have complained about white people she could have been valedictorian.
She made a vid, suffered the backlash, and says she's now leaving UCLA, even though the school is not making her, because of her right to Free Speech.

Earlier Friday, university officials said they would not discipline Wallace because her video was an exercise of free speech, not hate speech, and it didn't violate the student code of conduct.

UCLA's vice chancellor for student affairs, Janina Montero, said in a statement that campus officials were "appalled and offended by the sentiments expressed in the video," but it did not seek to harm or threaten a specific person or group.

In the video, Wallace said her complaints aren't directed at any individual and people shouldn't take offense, but "the problem is these hordes of Asian people that UCLA accepts into our school every single year."

She says the numbers would be fine if Asian students would "use American manners" and goes on to complain about Asians frequently talking on their mobile phones while she tries to study. At one point she mocks them with gibberish.

Wallace suggests in the video that people calling to check on the fate of Japan's tsunami victims go outside so they won't freak people out if they get bad news.

Student in anti-Asian rant says she'll leave UCLA - Yahoo! News

The most painful part of that video was watching a student, who had a high opinion of her academic prowess, completely butcher the English language.

That whole thing seemed staged by a ditzy blonde with an ulterior motive.
She better marry quickly, as her chances in the job market right now are less than nil.

If she had just made a rant about students abusing the cell phone, she would have a point. And Asians do seem to be especially lacking in this regard. But she made the mistake of going after the wrong target.

People who do cell phones in libraries do need to be spanked though.

@ 1:45 --

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This is a perfect example why I never post videos on YouTube and I do not ever post my real name. Shit bites back and it hurts.
This is a perfect example why I never post videos on YouTube and I do not ever post my real name. Shit bites back and it hurts.

It's painful to watch.

She has her boobs hanging out during her racist rant, so of course it will be a hit on youtube.

She made a vid, suffered the backlash, and says she's now leaving UCLA, even though the school is not making her, because of her right to Free Speech.

Earlier Friday, university officials said they would not discipline Wallace because her video was an exercise of free speech, not hate speech, and it didn't violate the student code of conduct.

UCLA's vice chancellor for student affairs, Janina Montero, said in a statement that campus officials were "appalled and offended by the sentiments expressed in the video," but it did not seek to harm or threaten a specific person or group.

In the video, Wallace said her complaints aren't directed at any individual and people shouldn't take offense, but "the problem is these hordes of Asian people that UCLA accepts into our school every single year."

She says the numbers would be fine if Asian students would "use American manners" and goes on to complain about Asians frequently talking on their mobile phones while she tries to study. At one point she mocks them with gibberish.

Wallace suggests in the video that people calling to check on the fate of Japan's tsunami victims go outside so they won't freak people out if they get bad news.
Student in anti-Asian rant says she'll leave UCLA - Yahoo! News

I thought it was because of all the death threats she is getting from the intolerant left wing liberals on campus.
Free Speech does not mean there are no consequences for what you say
She made a vid, suffered the backlash, and says she's now leaving UCLA, even though the school is not making her, because of her right to Free Speech.

Earlier Friday, university officials said they would not discipline Wallace because her video was an exercise of free speech, not hate speech, and it didn't violate the student code of conduct.

UCLA's vice chancellor for student affairs, Janina Montero, said in a statement that campus officials were "appalled and offended by the sentiments expressed in the video," but it did not seek to harm or threaten a specific person or group.

In the video, Wallace said her complaints aren't directed at any individual and people shouldn't take offense, but "the problem is these hordes of Asian people that UCLA accepts into our school every single year."

She says the numbers would be fine if Asian students would "use American manners" and goes on to complain about Asians frequently talking on their mobile phones while she tries to study. At one point she mocks them with gibberish.

Wallace suggests in the video that people calling to check on the fate of Japan's tsunami victims go outside so they won't freak people out if they get bad news.
Student in anti-Asian rant says she'll leave UCLA - Yahoo! News
It's funny when you realize that if she had been talking about Mexicans no one would have cared...and many would have agreed with her.
She made a vid, suffered the backlash, and says she's now leaving UCLA, even though the school is not making her, because of her right to Free Speech.

Earlier Friday, university officials said they would not discipline Wallace because her video was an exercise of free speech, not hate speech, and it didn't violate the student code of conduct.

UCLA's vice chancellor for student affairs, Janina Montero, said in a statement that campus officials were "appalled and offended by the sentiments expressed in the video," but it did not seek to harm or threaten a specific person or group.

In the video, Wallace said her complaints aren't directed at any individual and people shouldn't take offense, but "the problem is these hordes of Asian people that UCLA accepts into our school every single year."

She says the numbers would be fine if Asian students would "use American manners" and goes on to complain about Asians frequently talking on their mobile phones while she tries to study. At one point she mocks them with gibberish.

Wallace suggests in the video that people calling to check on the fate of Japan's tsunami victims go outside so they won't freak people out if they get bad news.
Student in anti-Asian rant says she'll leave UCLA - Yahoo! News
It's funny when you realize that if she had been talking about Mexicans no one would have cared...and many would have agreed with her.

You would have cared....now, you just stop calling yourself a 'no body,' hear?

Just remember Hazel Partee when you start feeling like that:
"Her motto for us was "I know I'm somebody, cause God didn't make any junk!"
Hazel Partee Guest Book: sign their guest book, share your condolences, or read their obituary at Dallas Morning News
Hey Blonde Bimbo! It's not LIBARY. It's LIBRARY.
Sooooooooooo.....like, just sayin'.
It's funny when you realize that if she had been talking about Mexicans no one would have cared...and many would have agreed with her.

I would like to have seen that, just for the sole reason to see what her impression of a Mexican accent would be. That "oooooooh ching chong ling long" make me crack up it was so absurd. :lol:

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