UCLA Student "Anti-Asian" Rant & The Ravi/Swagger Cage Match

But props to you, Swagger, it only took you 12+ hours to come up with all that nonsense!

It's not "nonsense", Ravi, it's sound, constructive criticism. With regards to the "12+ hours". Unlike you, I have a bed and a job to go to. Care to explain your near constant presence on this message board? Other than to willfully misconstrue and deflect, that is.
I thought you knew...I'm a welfare queen.

And yes, it was nonsense that only served to highlight your near total butthurt.

No. Up until now, I was entirely unaware that you're dependent on charity. Are you not ashamed by your situation, or do you take pleasure and revel in the outside pity that comes with receiving handouts?

Ravi, the only one on this thread that is exhibiting anal abrasion is you. Criticism should always be noted, and adults are expected to welcome it, but that doesn't mean you're allowed to manipulate said criticism to aid a distractionary agenda, like you're doing in our correspondence regarding the OP of this thread.
My apologies, Swagger. I didn't realize that you were being serious.
What makes you think it is people/liberals that are the sole group offended by this girl's comments? Or that they even are?


Most Asians I know are conservative Republicans.

Just sayin....
Don't sweat it, Swaggy. The next time an English subject hurts my feelings will be the first time.


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